TAY: thread about yambs...

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She was gonna buy my plane ticket to smash, ended up deadin her.. that chick cray. She's 20.


Posted for the dude up there who said he's the only one postin pictures.
white yamb on the way to the crib right now...

man.. i'm going for the kill... i dont care about trying to treat this situation delicately...

i normally dont say this... but... YOLO...
High school was too easy, everyone knew everyone. That or the girls in my neighborhood were DTF.

Now in college, I'm on the longest cold steak in my life (2.5 years). I am an attractive dude and get constant "eye *****" or w.e u wanna call it, but at this point i just feel like its bad luck and i'm slowly turning into a damn ***** myself.

Mentally all i can think of is a one night stand, getting lucky type ish just to blow off all this damn steam/frustration.

I need to get back to that mentality of staying patient (getting number > texting > movie/coffee/food > sexting > sex) which takes 3-5 days.

how does one break out of a huge cold streak (lowering standards is not an option, i just cant do it).

How do i close/get with.......:smh: :smh: :smh: i feel like i;m going back to the basics now

ex: the banging girl in my class who randomly either sits alone or with a group of 10

ex: the banging girl that lives across the street and we constantly make eye contact (sorority house)........I feel like going after a sorority chick has FAIL written all over it though

ex: random girl you dance with at bar
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I need to get back to that mentality of staying patient (getting number > texting > movie/coffee/food > sexting > sex) which takes 3-5 days.

you answered your own question, but on the one night stand thoughts, you gotta stop looking at women as walking sex objects because that can hurt your conversationalist/humor skills a lot and interpersonal relations. I don't know if you are or not, but try and stop beating off/fapping for a over a week, cut down on porn, this helps build up testosterone and help you as a man be more confident with women :smokin
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How do i close/get with.......:smh: :smh: :smh: i feel like i;m going back to the basics now
ex1: the banging girl in my class who randomly either sits alone or with a group of 10
ex2: the banging girl that lives across the street and we constantly make eye contact (sorority house)........I feel like going after a sorority chick has FAIL written all over it though
ex3: random girl you dance with at bar

ex1: If you're in that class by yourself, randomly sit next to her one day and make small jokes to spark conversation.. like "Did you do good on that quiz / test? I'm pretty sure I damn near bombed that thing.." then she'll go "Oh, I did pretty good." then you "Damn must be nice.. :frown: haha" and she'll laugh. Lots of smiles. Gotta make her wanna sit next to you sometime. Then hit her with asking about her past classes, tell stories, etc. At the end of class, get her name and sit next to her again. Figure out how to get the number when the opportunity arises. It will.

ex2: if she constantly makes eye contact with you, she wants something. Wait for the day that you randomly come home at the same time, or find yourselves crossing paths and just say "Hey, I'm sorry, what's your name?" and she'll go "LAHFAWNDUH" and you go "Ohhhh, that is a nice name you have there." ---- "Esmaralda" or some nice name. and you go "Oh my names _____. I just wanted to introduce myself since we're neighbors and all. :D", after done talking, hit her with "Well it was nice meeting you, have a good one!" and walk off. Then just smile and wave every time you see her. She'll probably add you on FB or somethin, easy pickin from there for the digits. The rest is game.

ex3: this should be easy. After you're done dancing, ask to buy her a drink and then just sit at the bar and chat while you drink some (buy yourself one too) then say you gotta dip. Ask for the number on the way out because it was "nice talking" she seems like a cool chick. Game from there.

Unless you're talking about you already have the number and you just need to get closer to and get w/? Game. Dates. Game. Flirt. Game. Smash. YAMBSSSSS. Smash some more. MORE YAMBSSSS. Move on.
ex1: If you're in that class by yourself, randomly sit next to her one day and make small jokes to spark conversation.. like "Did you do good on that quiz / test? I'm pretty sure I damn near bombed that thing.." then she'll go "Oh, I did pretty good." then you "Damn must be nice.. :frown: haha" and she'll laugh. Lots of smiles. Gotta make her wanna sit next to you sometime. Then hit her with asking about her past classes, tell stories, etc. At the end of class, get her name and sit next to her again. Figure out how to get the number when the opportunity arises. It will.
ex2: if she constantly makes eye contact with you, she wants something. Wait for the day that you randomly come home at the same time, or find yourselves crossing paths and just say "Hey, I'm sorry, what's your name?" and she'll go "LAHFAWNDUH" and you go "Ohhhh, that is a nice name you have there." ---- "Esmaralda" or some nice name. and you go "Oh my names _____. I just wanted to introduce myself since we're neighbors and all. :D", after done talking, hit her with "Well it was nice meeting you, have a good one!" and walk off. Then just smile and wave every time you see her. She'll probably add you on FB or somethin, easy pickin from there for the digits. The rest is game.
ex3: this should be easy. After you're done dancing, ask to buy her a drink and then just sit at the bar and chat while you drink some (buy yourself one too) then say you gotta dip. Ask for the number on the way out because it was "nice talking" she seems like a cool chick. Game from there.
Unless you're talking about you already have the number and you just need to get closer to and get w/? Game. Dates. Game. Flirt. Game. Smash. YAMBSSSSS. Smash some more. MORE YAMBSSSS. Move on.

Fairly good advice minus that buying chicks drinks ****. Don't do that. There is no correlation between buying chicks drinks and succeeding.

If you stay on or close to campus, once you get the math invite her over to chill. Should be slight work from there.
Son ballin we have that same thirsty ***** mindframe ...its straight one night stands with me...I have no patience with women and because of that I have burned infinity bridges with women and in result have no gf.....change that thirsty ****...
Thinking about it, that chick that plays the "chick you're talking to"/just friends card whenever it's convenient have to be one of the worst kinda people. They so effortlessly **** with your emotions to fill out their selfish needs at the moment they need it. Run from them joints, you don't cuddle with your "friends".

They get dropped like a bad habit. No warning whatsoever.

Yes, we slept in the same bed. She's still in it; watching daddy daycare until the next football game comes on.

You lost on that bruh. I learned that lesson the hard way myself.

sup bros

Hows a white male such as myself experience the black yambs i see in the booty thread? :nerd:

do I have a fair chance at this?
Most black women don't believe in race mixing; hence multitiple baby mothers. A black women would rather lay with a married black man, than a single white man. There are exceptions tho. But if you want a dime black woman your chances are slim, unless she's a gold digger.

What are you talking about. You sound stupid as hell.


maaaaaan i'm going back home in 2 weeks for my girl's homecoming, i'm a freshman in college she's a senior in hs.
i try not to think about smashing because i get a little angry, but with the day quickly approaching she's always like "ohhhh i can't wait to do it." blah blah blah and now i'm beyond ready...my libido levels will be constantly rising for this two week period and will explode when i get on this ringwald. she ain't safe. :evil:

i don't believe in cheating. judge me. idc. eat a ****.

You violated the cardinal rule my man. You go to college while she is still in HS = automatic breakup. No if, ands, or buts about it. I scooped one in college myself. Save both of you the trouble.

how? black college chicks I know still go with the white boy jokes when they're messing with white boys.
First, Educated black women are very rare, and the ones that are educated you want to give them to a white man.

Now you really sound dumb. Likely trolling tho :smh:. You in college? You should ask for a refund famb.
Reading this thread makes me feel like an old man. Either that or people younger than me have serious problems with relationships. It seems more of the latter since everyone just wants to smash and not trust anyone. IMO, it goes hand in hand. Where I am in life right now, if I can't trust you, I'm not gonna **** you. Period. Too much headache behind sex. A lot of people are blinded by sex and ignore tons of red flags that pop up later and cause major problems (which leads back in to the trust issue. It can be a bad cycle :smh: ) I also have to have a connection with the women, mindless sex doesn't do it for me. Been there, done that. Not for me. I'm not even expecting a lot of y'all to even understand this post, because most of you are young and just trying to get as much yambs as possible. I'll just leave this here; when you realize sex is not just about the orgasm, your priorities will change and all of these stupid notions of simping, confusion, and being worried about what the outside thinks of who is on your arm will go away. That being said, this phase can suck tho lol
The influx/increase of technology has caused an increase in accessibility thus causing a drastic rise in female problems as people are not socially equipped to handle interaction and interpersonal communications with the opposite sex.

Glad I'm not in high school, etc. during these times.
They get dropped like a bad habit. No warning whatsoever.
You lost on that bruh. I learned that lesson the hard way myself.
What are you talking about. You sound stupid as hell.
You violated the cardinal rule my man. You go to college while she is still in HS = automatic breakup. No if, ands, or buts about it. I scooped one in college myself. Save both of you the trouble.
Now you really sound dumb. Likely trolling tho :smh:. You in college? You should ask for a refund famb.

yeeeeah you don't know me, her, my life, my situation, or our situation so i really don't care about your little cardinal rule or anything you have to say about my ****. thanks though.
yeeeeah you don't know me, her, my life, my situation, or our situation so i really don't care about your little cardinal rule or anything you have to say about my ****. thanks though.

Relax my man, I don't think he meant it as a personal diss or anything......he was simply implying that those things usually don't work out for the best. People tend to speak from experience and no two people have the same experiences, but some things you just have to experience to understand.

Best of luck to you no matter how the cards fall.
Relax my man, I don't think he meant it as a personal diss or anything......he was simply implying that those things usually don't work out for the best. People tend to speak from experience and no two people have the same experiences, but some things you just have to experience to understand.
Best of luck to you no matter how the cards fall.
i'm perfectly relaxed bro. just because i say es ayche eye tee doesn't mean i'm mad. and he didn't come at me like you just did anyway. he talkin bout i broke some cardinal rule talking about some "automatic breakup" w/out, like i said, knowing anything about me. (how often i see her, if we're going to the same college after this year, how long we've been together, what the relationship has survived) but thanks for the good wishes though. no sarcasm.
After having a Fn amazing '11 May- '12 May... I've been on a SUPER dryspell.. It's quite sickening, I can't even pinpoint the problem.. Almost chalking it up to the yambs that i did get, I was just lucky.

I have to get out of this rut, or else I'm going to start hulk smashing everything in my path.. But I'm back in the gym, so that should keep me focused on bettering my self for the time being.
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