TAY: thread about yambs...

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idek what she meant by that.. After that last conversation i never heard from her again
Yeah.. my bad on the vagueness
til this day i'm still confused. I was trying to see if she was using me or something but the only thing i ever brought her was a pizza.
idk man maybe she was saying I had a small meat

She wanted you to take it.
damb... why am i the only one coming thu w/ the pics?



the yambs looking extra cozy.
:lol: :pimp:

Did she even know you was takin' pics??

aaaahhhh last night was the best ever!!!!! This one of my best cuffing seasons yet :D

Aww damn i forgot it was cuffing season. ****, time to swallow this pride and apologize for steady winter yambs.

And sidenote, i feel bad for dudes with micro yambsticks, like 3 in and under. Reading some thread on reddit about women and their worst sexual experiences, dudes is getting slayed. Like it's not your fault, there's nothing that can safely be done to help you out and you're just trapped knowing you'll never be able to satisfy a woman's vagina with your penis unless you find that one of a kind. Damn.
saw this white girl at work (retail) she was like a russian tennisplayer with great chest game and the best mass of all time. i was tryna help her out and was like what do u need i can help you.

she put her hands up and was like im okay :lol:

she was way older but at least i tried right
Thinking about it, that chick that plays the "chick you're talking to"/just friends card whenever it's convenient have to be one of the worst kinda people. They so effortlessly **** with your emotions to fill out their selfish needs at the moment they need it. Run from them joints, you don't cuddle with your "friends".
Girl spent all weekend with me, still no yambs. She's still here watching football. 
:lol:, you probably blew any chance at the box now fam, I ain't never had a girl stay the night and not brought her to that o.
When you spend a whole weekend with a girl sex just happens, did you even stay in the same bed?

Thinking about it, that chick that plays the "chick you're talking to"/just friends card whenever it's convenient have to be one of the worst kinda people. They so effortlessly **** with your emotions to fill out their selfish needs at the moment they need it. Run from them joints, you don't cuddle with your "friends".

Well honestly, you gotta blame yourself it's not their fault you caught feelings.
Truth is unless yall are in an exclusive relationship you better keep your options open instead focusing all your energy on her.
I've been with girls who play other dudes like that and it's because they overextend themselves and women love attention.
Unless she's your wife or fiance, you should never take anything that happens with a female personally.
How you cuddling without sex to begin with?
, you probably blew any chance at the box now fam, I ain't never had a girl stay the night and not brought her to that o.
When you spend a whole weekend with a girl sex just happens, did you even stay in the same bed?
Well honestly, you gotta blame yourself it's not their fault you caught feelings.
Truth is unless yall are in an exclusive relationship you better keep your options open instead focusing all your energy on her.
I've been with girls who play other dudes like that and it's because they overextend themselves and women love attention.
Unless she's your wife or fiance, you should never take anything that happens with a female personally.
How you cuddling without sex to begin with?
I just met her last week at the gym, I'm in college btw
Yes, we slept in the same bed. She's still in it; watching daddy daycare until the next football game comes on.
Girl spent all weekend with me, still no yambs. She's still here watching football. 
:lol:, you probably blew any chance at the box now fam, I ain't never had a girl stay the night and not brought her to that o.
When you spend a whole weekend with a girl sex just happens, did you even stay in the same bed?

Thinking about it, that chick that plays the "chick you're talking to"/just friends card whenever it's convenient have to be one of the worst kinda people. They so effortlessly **** with your emotions to fill out their selfish needs at the moment they need it. Run from them joints, you don't cuddle with your "friends".

Well honestly, you gotta blame yourself it's not their fault you caught feelings.
Truth is unless yall are in an exclusive relationship you better keep your options open instead focusing all your energy on her.
I've been with girls who play other dudes like that and it's because they overextend themselves and women love attention.
Unless she's your wife or fiance, you should never take anything that happens with a female personally.
How you cuddling without sex to begin with?

Cuz you assume sex is gonna happen. But when you get tired of the ****, you fall into this lull where somehow you think they're not going to be women as they've always been and you catch feelings. **** happens. You are completely correct though, i put that out there for them dudes that are already caught up in the same situation.
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