TAY: thread about yambs...

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Not yamb related, more gf related but how you got guys living with their moms and having gfs and I'm out here in college on my own having no luck. Like wouldn't they be turned off that you're in your 20's living at home?

It's more of a nuisance than anything. I have to plan out further in advance when a chick is going to come over.

The chicks I meet understand that it's only a temporary thing and it's not out of necessity but of convenience. Being in a dead-in job or unemployed and being forced to live at home is much different from choosing to live at home temporarily to stack chips for a year.
Having any kind of sexual relationship with someone who is not your partner is definitely cheating. There is also dishonest/insincere behavior outside of that. Like grinding with other girls at a club/party, licking whip cream off some girl's nipple, making out with other people, etc. :lol:. If it's something that you did with a girl that you wouldn't want your gf to know about, then you shouldn't be doing it.

My ex "forbid" me from going to strip clubs...I guess I cheated on her a few times at Magic City and Onyx

It can be frustrating to be in a relationship with someone who you disagree with what "cheating" is.

I wouldn't be upset if my girl went to the strip club, wouldn't care if she danced or flirted with some dudes at a club etc.

I've dated girls who would get upset about the above
That's exactly what I needed to hear bruh. Real talk. I hate being like this man, I feel like just falling for it. I mean, I'm piping it , but she saying she ain't there with me emotionally yet. That's what I don't get about it her. I feel like she's not making any sense, why does she care about him anymore. In one sense I don't even see how I'm getting played cause she brings me food, gifts, nd whatnot. She does my dreads too. Even leaves bud here for me even tho I don't smoke like that. On top of that she's at my crib amost daily, and sleeps over 1-2 times in the week maybe. I spent 30 on a gift for her in august, we went for breakfast to denny's once (Only time we went out ever), and I haven't really spent any cake on her from then until her X-mas gift now.
I guess the blame for us being so secretive is kind of 50/50. I kind of suggested it at first cause I'm a frat boy and I HATE people knowing my business, and I didn't expect to get caught up. I thought it'd spread like wildfire and I didn't want that. It was a pretty mutual thing though. I forgot to mention she did tell a couple of her closest friends about me, like around september. We chill with them sometimes when we can, and she introduced me to her fams (Just not her pops). I told her not to tell anyone anymore, but now I just wanna let my bro know. Am I still geting played?
I'm going back home for the break, so I needed to hear something like this to make sure I know what the motive is when I go back. I gotta pipe a few old shorties and get my mind off her. She's coming to my crib in about an hour tho... How do I go about ending this though?
Right now I feel like since I am piping, and I'm incurring no real losses, I could keep her around ( I want to), but just get back to hollerin at other chicks. Is this acceptable, or should I just dead her?

the way i see it you can do what you like. If i was in the situation id just mess with other chicks and keep her around. She really cant get mad because she simply has feelings for another fello. But as far as any aspirations of being with her 100% as a couple, id dead those thoughts with the quickness.

No matter what he does he'll come out the bad guy. She's not gonna make a decision so you're gonna have to. Either you go harder to make her see what's real and she pulls away, you're being too clingy. Or you stop giving a ****, move on and she hates you and blames you for ruining what could've been when it's all her. Only one of those leaves you with your sanity and keeps your **** wet. Well there's the rare chance she comes around.
The current is pregnant though so its not that simple. I've been telling her this isnt the right time to have a child

How the hell do you leave info like that out when you post something like that. It would be better if you post any relevant info and CLIFFS so we know your situation if you were looking for advice fambs. Side note, did you wrap it up or just went raw and she somehow forgot to take the pill :smh:. And if you did wrap up, did you use your stash :smh:?

"I ain't the pappy"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was going in raw, dr told her she couldn't have kids so it was all fun and games.
Not yamb related, more gf related but how you got guys living with their moms and having gfs and I'm out here in college on my own having no luck. Like wouldn't they be turned off that you're in your 20's living at home?

It's more of a nuisance than anything. I have to plan out further in advance when a chick is going to come over.

The chicks I meet understand that it's only a temporary thing and it's not out of necessity but of convenience. Being in a dead-in job or unemployed and being forced to live at home is much different from choosing to live at home temporarily to stack chips for a year.

This, bigtime.

Lmao, did you hear her doctor say that or see a form?

:lol: I hope it was in a form
I was going in raw, dr told her she couldn't have kids so it was all fun and games.

I am not saying she lied to you but you always have to plan for the worse and your well being. Remember miracles do happen, maybe the opposite in your case. Hope things work out brah, at least u know the next time.
I was going in raw, dr told her she couldn't have kids so it was all fun and games.

Working with your ex sucks butt

I got her the job a long time ago. She needed a new one so she applied at mine.

But I have a question. Is it insane to want to work things out with your girl/ex whatever, even tho she has her issues? I mean everyone does but it seems more prevalent with her. All the crap she put me thru would make your stomach turn. But would I be ******ed for talking things out with her? I doubt I am, just wanted to know if that would be crazy
I refuse to believe this... like in 2012 going on '13 I refuse to believe **** like this happens

Oh it does.

Friend of mine was just talking about he went raw on this known jump/bop/****-bucket because he aint feel like walking to the corner store. :stoneface:

Working with your ex sucks butt
I got her the job a long time ago. She needed a new one so she applied at mine.
But I have a question. Is it insane to want to work things out with your girl/ex whatever, even tho she has her issues? I mean everyone does but it seems more prevalent with her. All the crap she put me thru would make your stomach turn. But would I be ******ed for talking things out with her? I doubt I am, just wanted to know if that would be crazy

Can't answer unless you gonna say what kinda stuff she did. Explain further bro.
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Working with your ex sucks butt
I got her the job a long time ago. She needed a new one so she applied at mine.
But I have a question. Is it insane to want to work things out with your girl/ex whatever, even tho she has her issues? I mean everyone does but it seems more prevalent with her. All the crap she put me thru would make your stomach turn. But would I be ******ed for talking things out with her? I doubt I am, just wanted to know if that would be crazy
straight up... what's calling you bakc?

them yambs? or the fact that you were comfortable with her?

cuz either way, you can find a replacement...
My girlfriend might be the one bro's, I'm thinking about retiring from the game early. Word to Barry Sanders.
the way i see it you can do what you like. If i was in the situation id just mess with other chicks and keep her around. She really cant get mad because she simply has feelings for another fello. But as far as any aspirations of being with her 100% as a couple, id dead those thoughts with the quickness.

I read this, and decided to just act. I'm back home for a week nd a half. I needed to get my mind off of her, so I just made a successful attempt with one of my reliable yambs from back home.8)
I'm kinda happy I did it, but the yambs weren't the same :smh:.

This chick was a trooper for me, nd she was great before, but with her performance tonight, there was no comparison,:smh:
It was just bad, (didn't wanna ride/ couldn't position properly/kept saying it hurt), and it was already awkward enough at the fact that she had me sneak into her crib at 2am while her whole family slept upstairs. :x
Even though we were in the basement, that **** had me paranoid that her dad was just gonna come through nd catch us in the act. :rolleyes

Anyone else get any yambs lately?
Nothing too interesting. My day off was Thursday so I had this chick I've been sleeping with for the past month or so come through.

Not smashing as much as I like but the combo of living at home and working crazy hours makes things tough. Most of the time rather sleep than go out. Have only gone out once this month and the next time will be NYE
My girlfriend might be the one bro's, I'm thinking about retiring from the game early. Word to Barry Sanders.
chill moe
let that thang marinate for a second..... but if you think she's the one perhaps start feeling her out about ya'lls future to see where her head as it.

You don't know somebody until ya'll have been through a catastrophe together.
She says she likes me for me and all that comes with it. 
chill moe :lol: :pimp: let that thang marinate for a second..... but if you think she's the one perhaps start feeling her out about ya'lls future to see where her head as it.
You don't know somebody until ya'll have been through a catastrophe together.
true story and repped...

you trippin bruh... You don't even know what its like to be an adult yet..

52% of marriages end in divorce, and that's not including the ones where they hate each other and are staying together for the kids or tax purposes...

let ya balls dangle a little bit before you start talking marriage...

:x :x
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