TAY: thread about yambs...

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:evil: :evil: :evil:

You trolling with that spoiler bruh, seen it over in the Booty Appreciation thread...
Never ****** with this thread before.
How would you braj's approach this/these situation(s)...
- I'm the only guy in my grad school major
- 99% of the girls in my class are white girls...some under, some regular and a slight percentage above average white girls.
- I'm 27 while most of these girls are just turning 22 or 23
I got about a year left with seeing these girls, most notably with the 2-3 above average white girls I'm feeling. Being the only guy, the rest of the girls like to tease me, have some white girl fun with me....and I feel like i'm a class act and I work off that because these are the people i'm gonna end up breaking bread with eventually down the road again.
My question is....should I even attempt to **** where I sleep? I feel that should I pick up one of these girls, gossip would spread like wild fire and if **** went sour I could possibly do myself in in some cliques inside my class.
You know what, I just answered my question. I think i'm gonna keep my distance for now....maybe have a random drunk night with one of these girls eventually and keep it at that.
There is one girl that's like 22ish and she's gonna be a 1st year next year that i'm trying to establish some rapport with her...I hope that goes well cuz she's spanish and she got a nice body.
****, I hope being in the 4% of males in my major works out well for me....I mean theirs options galore but do I have the sufficient skills to pull some thing off and not **** myself over?
Thanks, this has been therapeutic.

You pretty much answered your own question. Stay away from the girls within your same major, especially you are the only dude. Chit does spread like wildfire and you don't want to jeopardize any long term networking with any of them in the future. Those white girls just want to have fun, just keep being that popular guy in class, too much can go wrong when the yambs get scorned or catch some feelings that aren't there. IMHO, mess around with other girls not in your major, less impact on your future career and connections.
Never ****** with this thread before.
How would you braj's approach this/these situation(s)...
- I'm the only guy in my grad school major
- 99% of the girls in my class are white girls...some under, some regular and a slight percentage above average white girls.
- I'm 27 while most of these girls are just turning 22 or 23
I got about a year left with seeing these girls, most notably with the 2-3 above average white girls I'm feeling. Being the only guy, the rest of the girls like to tease me, have some white girl fun with me....and I feel like i'm a class act and I work off that because these are the people i'm gonna end up breaking bread with eventually down the road again.
My question is....should I even attempt to **** where I sleep? I feel that should I pick up one of these girls, gossip would spread like wild fire and if **** went sour I could possibly do myself in in some cliques inside my class.
You know what, I just answered my question. I think i'm gonna keep my distance for now....maybe have a random drunk night with one of these girls eventually and keep it at that.
There is one girl that's like 22ish and she's gonna be a 1st year next year that i'm trying to establish some rapport with her...I hope that goes well cuz she's spanish and she got a nice body.
****, I hope being in the 4% of males in my major works out well for me....I mean theirs options galore but do I have the sufficient skills to pull some thing off and not **** myself over?
Thanks, this has been therapeutic.
I ran across a similar situation when I studied abroad.. 27 students 23 girls and 4 guys incl me.. I was 25 most of the chicks were 18-22.. My roommates were absolutely gay, not taking it in the pooper gay, but them dudes were beyond awkward and couldn't socialize to save their lives. I had a field day.. Although from the looks of it, people assumed I was sleeping with at least 5-6 chicks from the group, but in all actuality all I had was a gf and a f-buddy throughout the whole 4 months which was enough headache for me, but I knew if one of them acted up I could be in another girl bed the next night with no problem.

Grim, flirt a bunch, date a few of them (coffee, tea, museums) never dinner and then during winter breaks and vacations put the moves on the one you like the most.. It's kinda hard finding that balance between pleasing the savage beast we have inside and keeping a good ambiance in the work atmosphere, but unless you have a gf or JOs outside of your busy school schedule then you have to pursue one of them.

One of the things that helped me out is that I built rapport with every, single girl in my group, even if i had no intentions on smashing. I would invite a girl out for icecream one day, and a different one for donuts and coffee the next.. I cooked dinner and invited a few over on different occasions, even did a bit of traveling with a handful of them. Chicks was begging for my attention whenever we had group gatherings.

and then it all blew up in my face.. 
Anyone ever cheated before?

I ask because I want to see what you guys think. When I was going out with this girl a few years back, I hung out with another girl, she would eventually be my next girl. She came to my house a few times and we chilled and watched tv. Even played Xbox. If she won a game on my I'd have to kiss her on the cheek. If I won I had to hug her. I got to kiss her a few times, this was all while I was going out with someone already

Then a little later on I start talking to another girl. She breaks up with her man and start talking to me a lot more. She asked me who do and so was, seen pics of this person and me, I said it was my ex. But it wasn't. I was going out with her still.

Am I a cheater based off of this?
Man my ex told my current that we had still been seeing each other. :smh:
Feels batman.
Never mess with a woman that has nothing to lose becuase she will zero dambs and keep it moving

You got caught brah, take the L and cut them both loose :smh:. Too much drama to be worth it, start fresh and on to the next batch 8).

The current is pregnant though so its not that simple. I've been telling her this isnt the right time to have a child
The current is pregnant though so its not that simple. I've been telling her this isnt the right time to have a child

How the hell do you leave info like that out when you post something like that. It would be better if you post any relevant info and CLIFFS so we know your situation if you were looking for advice fambs. Side note, did you wrap it up or just went raw and she somehow forgot to take the pill :smh:. And if you did wrap up, did you use your stash :smh:?

"I ain't the pappy"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LMAO how old are you?
You can't cheat until you get married.
You can sleep with other women while in a relationship and some people consider this cheating.
Playing xbox with another girl and giving her a couple kisses because she is better at video games then you isn't cheating unless you in 5th grade. The hell is this?

opinions differ , is it cheating... no, no bodily fluids were exchanged. But if you doing something that a) you feel guilty about or b) you wouldn't want your partner to be doing then you need to reevaluate the relationship (which it seems like you did)

Cheating is sleeping with someone you are not in a committed relationship with, not just only if you are married. Follow this man's advice and you gon' mess around and get the windows busted outta your car :lol: :lol:
opinions differ , is it cheating... no, no bodily fluids were exchanged. But if you doing something that a) you feel guilty about or b) you wouldn't want your partner to be doing then you need to reevaluate the relationship (which it seems like you did)
Cheating is sleeping with someone you are not in a committed relationship with, not just only if you are married. Follow this man's advice and you gon' mess around and get the windows busted outta your car
seems like a very loose def. of cheating tho.....like....someone can lick whipped cream off another persons body (maybe at a party)...and diddy bop back to their significant other content that he/she did not cheat?.....
seems like a very loose def. of cheating tho.....like....someone can lick whipped cream off another persons body (maybe at a party)...and diddy bop back to their significant other content that he/she did not cheat?.....

like I said... opinions differ.... at the end of the day the only person who needs to be on the same page with your definition of cheating is your girl. Period. Forget what anybody else has to say.
I ask because I wanted yalls opinion on the subject. I don't think I did but my boy tells me I did. Iknow I wouldn't want my partner doin that stuff but if she did then I wouldn't eem b mad cause it goes both ways
like I said... opinions differ.... at the end of the day the only person who needs to be on the same page with your definition of cheating is your girl. Period. Forget what anybody else has to say.

If you could sticky a post within a thread somehow...this would get stickied. there is no point in arguing what cheating is with anyone OTHER than someone you could possibly cheat on.
for example: dude who said cheating is only in marriage...they have to take that up w/ their partner. i personally disagree...but me and MY girl are on the same page.
Ultimately, to TroyD: if you don't want her doing it, you don't do it. simple as that. you saying you wouldn't eem be mad is either a lie or your feelings ain't really that strong in that relationship, because if someone you cared about was doing some stuff you didn't want them doing w/ the opposite sex you'd get mad...even if you did do the same.
If you could sticky a post within a thread somehow...this would get stickied. there is no point in arguing what cheating is with anyone OTHER than someone you could possibly cheat on.
for example: dude who said cheating is only in marriage...they have to take that up w/ their partner. i personally disagree...but me and MY girl are on the same page.
Ultimately, to TroyD: if you don't want her doing it, you don't do it. simple as that. you saying you wouldn't eem be mad is either a lie or your feelings ain't really that strong in that relationship, because if someone you cared about was doing some stuff you didn't want them doing w/ the opposite sex you'd get mad...even if you did do the same.

It's the latter. I just go on emotionless. It doesn't phase me at all. I'd just shrug it off and on to the next. But the one I'm talking to now I don't want to be that way with her cause I genuinely like her and haven't felt this way in a long time

man if you like her, and you know this is a gray area you've struggled with in the past... talk to her about it. I mean be straight up and just kinda see what she thinks cheating is.

If you need some conversation openers, just watch a TV show or movie that has infidelity in it :lol: :lol: then hit her with the "so babe... what would you think cheating is?" :lol: :lol: Be kinda cool tho, don't make it seem like it's obvious that you are fishing for information/clarity.
Having any kind of sexual relationship with someone who is not your partner is definitely cheating. There is also dishonest/insincere behavior outside of that. Like grinding with other girls at a club/party, licking whip cream off some girl's nipple, making out with other people, etc. :lol:. If it's something that you did with a girl that you wouldn't want your gf to know about, then you shouldn't be doing it.
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Nahh it wasn't anything sexual. I just have a habit of always having options. Cause I feel like I always gotta have a plan b just in case. But it never got past that. Just talking to other chicks and flirting with them via text. I don't want to do that with this new girl tho
Nahh it wasn't anything sexual. I just have a habit of always having options. Cause I feel like I always gotta have a plan b just in case. But it never got past that. Just talking to other chicks and flirting with them via text. I don't want to do that with this new girl tho


man congrats, I love that feeling :D
NT fam, I need some help right about now. Usually I can handle my own situations as far as the yambs go, but I don't eem know how to go about this one.

I pretty much been in a secret relationship for 7-8months. me nd shorty been kicking it, she's at my crib a few times out the week nd whatnot. I actually like this girl, A LOT, more than any other chick I've known. I wasn't even tryna hold her down or anything at first, but I guess I just got caught up. Even after the first time I smashed nd tried to let her go, she kept pursiung me... She was mad cool though, and by far the easiest person to talk to, I wasn't even trying to get caught up in it, but couldn't even help it. :smh: .

I've smashed 4 other chicks since this whole thing began. At this point, I haven't smashed another chick for the past 3 months. This relationship is so secret I haven't even told my brother, she's over my crib so much he jokingly called her our sis last week nd said how he wouldn't be surprised if she started sleeping over and leaving toothbrushes nd clothes nd whatnot. Little does he know one of my drawers has all her sleep over stuff nd clothes in it... :rolleyes . But since I stay in the basement, he stays upstairs, he never knows that she sleeps over, I just turn up the base on my surround sound nd :smokin .

He actually thinks we are the best of friends, he said one day, ' out of all the girls you bring over, I know you smashed all of em except her'. I trust him, and I should've told him a long time ago, but she just isn't comfortable with us telling him about this yet because she hasn't fully gotten over her ex of 3 years. She broke up with him right before I smashed, nd told me I was kind of the reason they broke up, she kept comparing him to me. I knew of her man nd who he was ( My brothers close boy), but damn. I mean she still got feelings for this *****?? He still tries to hit her up every now nd then, but she completely deaded contact with him about a month ago.

My goal right now is to just be able to tell my bro so we don't gotta keep hiding anything when we're here, she doesn't even want to reach my crib after the club cause of him. But she doesn't want us to let him know, until she's over her ex.

OH and she doesn't trust the fact that my bro won't tell her ex. I told her he wouldn't cause my bro even tried swooping in for her one day when she was at my crib. I had to run to school so I left her nd my bro alone nd he tried putting moves on her, she rejected him nd came to my room in the basement, she told me about how thirsty my bro was. We laughed about it. I told her he wouldn't say nuttn to him, but she don't believe that.

So basically, is there any way to get this chick over her ex. I like this chick too much to let her go right at this moment tho.
Help me out fam, I never had an emotional attraction to any female before the physical attraction until her. I wasn't even tryin to smash at first event though she's attractive. I just saw her as a cool, real, down to earth chick.
Can't believe this chick got me out here like this man... :smh:

-Me nd shorty been super secretly dating for 7-8 months.
-My brother doesn't even know
-I wanna tell my bro, but she's still caught up on her ex. of 3 1/2 years, whom I scooped her from. She doesn't feel comfortable telling my bro, until she's over her ex.
NT fam, I need some help right about now. Usually I can handle my own situations as far as the yambs go, but I don't eem know how to go about this one.
I pretty much been in a secret relationship for 7-8months. me nd shorty been kicking it, she's at my crib a few times out the week nd whatnot. I actually like this girl, A LOT, more than any other chick I've known. I wasn't even tryna hold her down or anything at first, but I guess I just got caught up. Even after the first time I smashed nd tried to let her go, she kept pursiung me... She was mad cool though, and by far the easiest person to talk to, I wasn't even trying to get caught up in it, but couldn't even help it. :smh: .
I've smashed 4 other chicks since this whole thing began. At this point, I haven't smashed another chick for the past 3 months. This relationship is so secret I haven't even told my brother, she's over my crib so much he jokingly called her our sis last week nd said how he wouldn't be surprised if she started sleeping over and leaving toothbrushes nd clothes nd whatnot. Little does he know one of my drawers has all her sleep over stuff nd clothes in it... :rolleyes . But since I stay in the basement, he stays upstairs, he never knows that she sleeps over, I just turn up the base on my surround sound nd :smokin .
He actually thinks we are the best of friends, he said one day, ' out of all the girls you bring over, I know you smashed all of em except her'. I trust him, and I should've told him a long time ago, but she just isn't comfortable with us telling him about this yet because she hasn't fully gotten over her ex of 3 years. She broke up with him right before I smashed, nd told me I was kind of the reason they broke up, she kept comparing him to me. I knew of her man nd who he was ( My brothers close boy), but damn. I mean she still got feelings for this *****?? He still tries to hit her up every now nd then, but she completely deaded contact with him about a month ago.
My goal right now is to just be able to tell my bro so we don't gotta keep hiding anything when we're here, she doesn't even want to reach my crib after the club cause of him. But she doesn't want us to let him know, until she's over her ex.
OH and she doesn't trust the fact that my bro won't tell her ex. I told her he wouldn't cause my bro even tried swooping in for her one day when she was at my crib. I had to run to school so I left her nd my bro alone nd he tried putting moves on her, she rejected him nd came to my room in the basement, she told me about how thirsty my bro was. We laughed about it. I told her he wouldn't say nuttn to him, but she don't believe that.
So basically, is there any way to get this chick over her ex. I like this chick too much to let her go right at this moment tho.
Help me out fam, I never had an emotional attraction to any female before the physical attraction until her. I wasn't even tryin to smash at first event though she's attractive. I just saw her as a cool, real, down to earth chick.
Can't believe this chick got me out here like this man... :smh:
-Me nd shorty been super secretly dating for 7-8 months.
-My brother doesn't even know
-I wanna tell my bro, but she's still caught up on her ex. of 3 1/2 years, whom I scooped her from. She doesn't feel comfortable telling my bro, until she's over her ex.

no diss, but are you the man or woman in the ship? Seems to me like shes giving you the run around and doesnt want anyone to know about you. You've been doing this for 7-8 months? Thats far too long. If you want to be with her then you gotta put your foot down and let her know that yaw should not care what others think. If she dead her EX then why she give af about him knowing? Sounds like your gettin played B.
no diss, but are you the man or woman in the ship? Seems to me like shes giving you the run around and doesnt want anyone to know about you. You've been doing this for 7-8 months? Thats far too long. If you want to be with her then you gotta put your foot down and let her know that yaw should not care what others think. If she dead her EX then why she give af about him knowing? Sounds like your gettin played B.

That's exactly what I needed to hear bruh. Real talk. I hate being like this man, I feel like just falling for it. I mean, I'm piping it , but she saying she ain't there with me emotionally yet. That's what I don't get about it her. I feel like she's not making any sense, why does she care about him anymore. In one sense I don't even see how I'm getting played cause she brings me food, gifts, nd whatnot. She does my dreads too. Even leaves bud here for me even tho I don't smoke like that. On top of that she's at my crib amost daily, and sleeps over 1-2 times in the week maybe. I spent 30 on a gift for her in august, we went for breakfast to denny's once (Only time we went out ever), and I haven't really spent any cake on her from then until her X-mas gift now.

I guess the blame for us being so secretive is kind of 50/50. I kind of suggested it at first cause I'm a frat boy and I HATE people knowing my business, and I didn't expect to get caught up. I thought it'd spread like wildfire and I didn't want that. It was a pretty mutual thing though. I forgot to mention she did tell a couple of her closest friends about me, like around september. We chill with them sometimes when we can, and she introduced me to her fams (Just not her pops). I told her not to tell anyone anymore, but now I just wanna let my bro know. Am I still geting played?

I'm going back home for the break, so I needed to hear something like this to make sure I know what the motive is when I go back. I gotta pipe a few old shorties and get my mind off her. She's coming to my crib in about an hour tho... How do I go about ending this though?

Right now I feel like since I am piping, and I'm incurring no real losses, I could keep her around ( I want to), but just get back to hollerin at other chicks. Is this acceptable, or should I just dead her?
That's exactly what I needed to hear bruh. Real talk. I hate being like this man, I feel like just falling for it. I mean, I'm piping it , but she saying she ain't there with me emotionally yet. That's what I don't get about it her. I feel like she's not making any sense, why does she care about him anymore. In one sense I don't even see how I'm getting played cause she brings me food, gifts, nd whatnot. She does my dreads too. Even leaves bud here for me even tho I don't smoke like that. On top of that she's at my crib amost daily, and sleeps over 1-2 times in the week maybe. I spent 30 on a gift for her in august, we went for breakfast to denny's once (Only time we went out ever), and I haven't really spent any cake on her from then until her X-mas gift now.
I guess the blame for us being so secretive is kind of 50/50. I kind of suggested it at first cause I'm a frat boy and I HATE people knowing my business, and I didn't expect to get caught up. I thought it'd spread like wildfire and I didn't want that. It was a pretty mutual thing though. I forgot to mention she did tell a couple of her closest friends about me, like around september. We chill with them sometimes when we can, and she introduced me to her fams (Just not her pops). I told her not to tell anyone anymore, but now I just wanna let my bro know. Am I still geting played?
I'm going back home for the break, so I needed to hear something like this to make sure I know what the motive is when I go back. I gotta pipe a few old shorties and get my mind off her. She's coming to my crib in about an hour tho... How do I go about ending this though?
Right now I feel like since I am piping, and I'm incurring no real losses, I could keep her around ( I want to), but just get back to hollerin at other chicks. Is this acceptable, or should I just dead her?

the way i see it you can do what you like. If i was in the situation id just mess with other chicks and keep her around. She really cant get mad because she simply has feelings for another fello. But as far as any aspirations of being with her 100% as a couple, id dead those thoughts with the quickness.
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