TAY: thread about yambs...

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you gotta just man up though, i mean for real kissing on the cheek? and you're 19? :wow:
she sounds a little clingy, but she's probably just really into you. if you want a relationship than it might be a decent option, especially if she's cute. the whole facebook pic thing sounds weird, but then again this is 2012 guys. right now we have to contemplate things like what exactly does our existence mean when it's so centered around our online social media presence? it's interesting.
you should actually be talking about these types of things with her though and not us , like what do you want from her a relationship, casual dating, friends, fwb? etc etc. she might want a long term type contract, or maybe something else, either way u should discuss this. you said she got dolled up? probably wants you to take her to a club and twerk on you :nthat:

I wasn't planning on getting yambs so the kiss was just a friendly thing.

She's cute so I may pursue.
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**** that, pursue and beat. Most chicks who dig you get to that point in their head before you do and share **** like that with their friends. She's prolly a lil crazy, but that ain't crazy enough to fall back. If she pulls some other ****, sure.
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so there's no in between?
Only jump offs and wifeys? So if you're boy smashed in 10th grade, and now y'all are 22, y'all can't kick it?
And chivalry? You opening car doors?
There's are very few wrong answers in this game cuz it changes so much... but come on brah.
And calling everyone kids? We have grown men with families giving advice... cats that are prime time single giving advice... a qualified chick giving advice... and a few young guns that want to learn... how are we all kids?

I was with you until you questioned chivalry... although it is a LOST ART, it's still HIGHLY appreciated. Again, this is for guys looking to pursue someone to date for real, not just looking to smash.

Although doing something like opening a car door will drop the draws for some chicks, I'M SURE. Just cuz they are so NOT used to it.
so there's no in between?
Only jump offs and wifeys? So if you're boy smashed in 10th grade, and now y'all are 22, y'all can't kick it?
And chivalry? You opening car doors?
There's are very few wrong answers in this game cuz it changes so much... but come on brah.
And calling everyone kids? We have grown men with families giving advice... cats that are prime time single giving advice... a qualified chick giving advice... and a few young guns that want to learn... how are we all kids?

If you took that post offensive then it must have hit close to home for obvious reasons.

There is an in between. Some girls partied early in high school and were the girls that were "with it" but are lookin for something serious. For me that is "in between" or there are some girls who never partied and are considered "good girls" and that is in between but these are the type liable to get buck wild once they experience the night life.

Chivalry isn't just opening a door you fool. There is modern chivalry too. Being respectful and having common courtesy which is not so common these days. Most cats act like fools for some coochie.

I apologize if it sounds so black/white. It's not that difficult. Having girls as friends has been the biggest key to smashing different woman. I keep it cool with all girls. I have some legit dope girl friends who I can kick it with and have a good time and not want to smash. This has helped me smash random girls. It's all about keeping it cool man.

For me keeping it cool and being that neutral guy has worked just fine. Not being that thirsty dude or the douche bag has put me in good situations. I take that mentality with everybody not just girls. Hold yourself in high regards and people will respect you.
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If you took that post offensive then it must have hit close to home for obvious reasons.
There is an in between. Some girls partied early in high school and were the girls that were "with it" but are lookin for something serious. For me that is "in between" or there are some girls who never partied and are considered "good girls" and that is in between but these are the type liable to get buck wild once they experience the night life.
Chivalry isn't just opening a door you fool. There is modern chivalry too. Being respectful and having common courtesy which is not so common these days. Most cats act like fools for some coochie.
I apologize if it sounds so black/white. It's not that difficult. Having girls as friends has been the biggest key to smashing different woman. I keep it cool with all girls. I have some legit dope girl friends who I can kick it with and have a good time and not want to smash. This has helped me smash random girls. It's all about keeping it cool man.
For me keeping it cool and being that neutral guy has worked just fine. Not being that thirsty dude or the douche bag has put me in good situations. I take that mentality with everybody not just girls. Hold yourself in high regards and people will respect you.
smh @ the personal attacks... chivalry =/= general respect, and manners.

everyone gets manners. you have to qualify for chivalrous acts. and YOU said there was wifey and JO... i didnt quite understand the part about good girls. good girls are overrated and mostly dont exist, brah...

but w/e dude... you got it...

back to the topic / actually forgot it / yambs, money, I'm the sheet. oh yeah, i'm reminded... #coleworld...

chillaxin on the pursuit for the next couple weeks... finals next week, my bottom yamb is coming into town, and i'm going to start looking for a spot...

speaking of spots... what kind of living quarters do you guys have? i have an extremely minimalist style going...

complete w/ a futon in the living room and an air matress on the floor in my bedroom... #advanceinmydirectionbrethren
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I was with you until you questioned chivalry... although it is a LOST ART, it's still HIGHLY appreciated. Again, this is for guys looking to pursue someone to date for real, not just looking to smash.
Although doing something like opening a car door will drop the draws for some chicks, I'M SURE. Just cuz they are so NOT used to it.
meh... to me, that's just doing something completely out of character... i wont do that for some yambs.

and the thing is, i think there's a HUGE difference between CHIVALRY and MANNERS... me personally, i'm not going to open the door for a chick cuz

1. it takes too much time. i'm trying hop in da bucket, say fuggit, den haul *** (htown flow)
2. seems like i would be trying to hard to impress.
3. i would feel uncomfortable putting the yamb that high up on the pedal stool. door opening is for the MAIN.
Need to get this job on deck so I can hit the field again... Tired of smanging The ex.... Too many feels involved
i have an extremely minimalist style going...
complete w/ a futon in the living room and an air matress on the floor in my bedroom... #advanceinmydirectionbrethren


step your mattress game up. Granted your puttin in work without one so I gotta respect that

I only open the car door for my chicks if its convenient. Like were parked on the right side of the street and we're walking back to the car and its semi natural to open the door to open the door for her, like im not sliding on the hood to hustle over an get that thing open lol. Anything else isn't out of character per se but definitely comes off as trying to hard to impress imo, like Ricky was saying above

Girls really dig the chivilry huh? I mean I could see it but at the same time I think it comes off like your soft.

However if you could harness that chivalrousness whilst being dambless/assertive, I think that can be a very powerful combination, for a wifey type or free agent.

And to add to the argument above, there is a middle ground between a wfiey type and jo, some girls just want an open relationship to some extent. They might be busy with work/school/life so they cant be out looking for other guys, but you come in, go on a few dates, lay proper pipe and they will hit you up when they have some "free time" But in no way are they getting dug out all over campus or the city, they just stumbled upon some convenient D from someone who they actually comfortable around.

Also Ex is coming into town this weekend as well and she texted me sayin she wanted to see me smh. We broke up about 4 years ago and I haven't messed with her since the breakup. Feel like I would only want to smash with fury to take out some lightweight aggression for doin me dirty 4 yrs ago smh
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Been getting w/ a chick who has had all relationships where her man was a straight up b****.. she wants to be dominated for once.

Great, right? In a way.. but think of it this way. She always wants ME to make the first move, always wants ME to get things goin.

Girl can ride like a champ tho :smokin

Ain't eem mad.

Y'all ever deal w/ a chick like this? How do I get her to go for it instead of waiting for me? There have been multiple times where she leaves and says she was throwing herself at me. :smh:

She's the type who will kiss me and then tell me she doesn't want me to kiss her just so that I'll force her to kiss me. Like literally pull her hair and force her to.

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step your mattress game up.


You don't even know many times I've gotten chicks to lay in bed w/ me and go from there when I tell them that my bed is hella comfortable. (Tempur-Pedic)

Every single time they'll agree that it's the most comfortable bed they've ever laid on, we'll lay there and talk, move closer, and it just goes from there.

Just a tip.
You don't even know many times I've gotten chicks to lay in bed w/ me and go from there when I tell them that my bed is hella comfortable. (Tempur-Pedic)
Every single time they'll agree that it's the most comfortable bed they've ever laid on, we'll lay there and talk, move closer, and it just goes from there.
Just a tip.
haven't been denied cuz my rubber bed game yet ...

Eff her if she gonna trip... I'm saving to cop and flip a home. Multiple income swag
black & white party from this past weekend. Had a blast
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So I kept talking to the same girl as my last post and she asked me to come over so she can cook for me or some ****. I told her that she would be asleep by the time I get there and then she tells me that I have nothing over there so why come. I reply by saying that she asked me to go 0] Is there something I missed? I don't understand

Any help?
If you took that post offensive then it must have hit close to home for obvious reasons.
There is an in between. Some girls partied early in high school and were the girls that were "with it" but are lookin for something serious. For me that is "in between" or there are some girls who never partied and are considered "good girls" and that is in between but these are the type liable to get buck wild once they experience the night life.
Chivalry isn't just opening a door you fool. There is modern chivalry too. Being respectful and having common courtesy which is not so common these days. Most cats act like fools for some coochie.
I apologize if it sounds so black/white. It's not that difficult. Having girls as friends has been the biggest key to smashing different woman. I keep it cool with all girls. I have some legit dope girl friends who I can kick it with and have a good time and not want to smash. This has helped me smash random girls. It's all about keeping it cool man.
For me keeping it cool and being that neutral guy has worked just fine. Not being that thirsty dude or the douche bag has put me in good situations. I take that mentality with everybody not just girls. Hold yourself in high regards and people will respect you.
smh @ the personal attacks... chivalry =/= general respect, and manners.

everyone gets manners. you have to qualify for chivalrous acts. and YOU said there was wifey and JO... i didnt quite understand the part about good girls. good girls are overrated and mostly dont exist, brah...

but w/e dude... you got it...

back to the topic / actually forgot it / yambs, money, I'm the sheet. oh yeah, i'm reminded... #coleworld...

chillaxin on the pursuit for the next couple weeks... finals next week, my bottom yamb is coming into town, and i'm going to start looking for a spot...

speaking of spots... what kind of living quarters do you guys have? i have an extremely minimalist style going...

complete w/ a futon in the living room and an air matress on the floor in my bedroom... #advanceinmydirectionbrethren




Also I've been trying to find a way to use this "photographer" thing to my advantage... Dudes have told me they've gotten girls over the crib just by mentioning they shoot on occasion. Essentially the DSLR is bait for all these aspiring/instagram models..

Unexpected yambs slipped from my grasp last night. Chick I been tryna get at for a lil while we've done the kissing/touching nothing serious, went out for drinks with her gf's. Worst part about it is that she initiated it. I'm in bed chillin watchin the game and get a text saying "you want to come over tonight?". I proceed to hop up shower and pregame for what's about to go down. Just know that when I get out imma see that text. Long story short that text never arrived. :smh:

Shorty calls me at 2am and mind you I have to get up at 630a for work the next day. She ask's the infamous "what you doing?" question. I tell her going to sleep goodnight :smh:

How do I carry this? Give her the cold shoulder? I don't want to be the one to bring it up cause she know's what she pulled last night. At least the Skins won :pimp:
If she said yes to dinner Fri then she remembers you.

True, I agree with you. We set it up so I should be good to go.

It sounds like u think u are not up to her standards. Honestly, who cares if she truly remembers EVERYTHING about that night. She has to be interested or she would be asking for pics or blown you off..


She didn't want to feel like a sloot so that's why she said that about not going home with you.
She wants the D. Take her to dinner then profit

My man. I know others may disagree with this train of thought, but I like Friday/Saturday dates because since it's the weekend you're likely to consume more drinks and because neither of you typically have work the next day, I think it increases the chances of smanging. Odds are in my favor, gentlemen :smokin
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Unexpected yambs slipped from my grasp last night. Chick I been tryna get at for a lil while we've done the kissing/touching nothing serious, went out for drinks with her gf's. Worst part about it is that she initiated it. I'm in bed chillin watchin the game and get a text saying "you want to come over tonight?". I proceed to hop up shower and pregame for what's about to go down. Just know that when I get out imma see that text. Long story short that text never arrived. :smh:
Shorty calls me at 2am and mind you I have to get up at 630a for work the next day. She ask's the infamous "what you doing?" question. I tell her going to sleep goodnight :smh:
How do I carry this? Give her the cold shoulder? I don't want to be the one to bring it up cause she know's what she pulled last night. At least the Skins won :pimp:


In situations like these some type of REAL initiative needs to be taken.

You should have hit her with a direct messages saying, "Yeah, I could squeeze you in. Be over around (whatever time works for you). I like steak (medium well), shrimp, and mashed potatoes."


Don't just assume. That will have you hurry fapping in the shower before work.
Also Ex is coming into town this weekend as well and she texted me sayin she wanted to see me smh. We broke up about 4 years ago and I haven't messed with her since the breakup. Feel like I would only want to smash with fury to take out some lightweight aggression for doin me dirty 4 yrs ago smh

The Hot Spitta gives you two options...

1.) "Call up my ex ***** who did that foul ****, **** her brains out to settle the grudge. Backshots, revenge style, ain't no love."
-Success Is My Cologne


2.)"Spitta be so highed up, his ex girlfriends can't get over him. Call me all the time like, "We should go somewhere and chill." Baby you should get somewhere, way the **** away from here."
-Twistin' Stank
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