TAY: thread about yambs...

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I'm sayin...Everyone in a relationship has sex at least once a day if it's not long distance...My ex and I were together everyday, going at it 2-3x a day...Even holidays lol.

On the different girl tip, I'm on a pretty nice streak right now...4 different in 2 1/2 weeks :pimp:
I'm sayin...Everyone in a relationship has sex at least once a day if it's not long distance...My ex and I were together everyday, going at it 2-3x a day...Even holidays lol.

On the different girl tip, I'm on a pretty nice streak right now...4 different in 2 1/2 weeks :pimp:

For real :lol: When you are in a relationship (especially the early stages), you will have sex at the drop of a dime, as many times as possible. I remember my dad randomly asked how many times me and my gf at the time had sex, and when I told him he was like "Daaaaamn, ya'll had sex 7 times in 2 days??? I remember when me and ya momma used to get down like that back in the day."
reminds me of my Brother in law's pops coming up to me telling random sex stories and then randomly asking "Do you put your whole **** in?" i said yeah and he started to tell me how i was doing it all wrong... at the time i wasn't even obtaining yambs yet so i was so confused
Yeah I know ya'll see it too, but let it be. Just sit back, watch and wait till it happens to the young dude.
I can guarantee you don't smash more than me. According to my lady's calendar there was only 50 days that we didn't smash in a calendar year. Matter of fact I just got finished less than 10 minutes ago :rofl: Even before I was married which was not too long ago I was a machine.
:lol: For the record it's not just class and then home, first off my school isn't where I live, then I have to stay even when I don't have class to conduct research. Judge me if you may, but I know one of my limitations is that it can be hard to say no sometimes especially when the P coming after you. [/COLOR]

you be making it seem like they walking up to you and not saying a word and just dropping their clothes tho.... literally... on some "oops, slipped, fell, and landed on the d***"

and u know what i mean by class and then go home--- when I was undergrad working with grad students they were uber focused, in a sense that they really didn't have much a social life.
Sounds like you gotta a good wife so just chill. Shouldn't even be an issue.
This girl was down... then her friend comes in cockblocks and leaves with her :smh::smh::smh:

Has anybody had success following girls, I didn't, but see other guys do that?

What do yall do with cockblocks?

Gator do you cockblock?
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you be making it seem like they walking up to you and not saying a word and just dropping their clothes tho.... literally... on some "oops, slipped, fell, and landed on the d***"
and u know what i mean by class and then go home--- when I was undergrad working with grad students they were uber focused, in a sense that they really didn't have much a social life.
Sounds like you gotta a good wife so just chill. Shouldn't even be an issue.

[COLOR=#red]Edited due to extreme sensitivity :rofl:

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Hell yea....cats humble bragging about chicks in every post = chick in a cubical on monday morning trait.
i texted yambs friday night on some random s*** and she lets me know she got her roku box fixed and i should come over and watch moves and tv shows with her. I didnt know she meant like right now. I was tired and declined smh.
just wanted to share this

1) Maintain self control and stop chasing these women. GET SOME BUSINESS about yourself.

That means you need to make women a 3rd or 4th priority in your life. The real key is learning how to shine on women properly and make them come to YOU. Cats over here jumping through flaming hoops and still don't get respect from his 'girl', but his girl goes to a Drake concert and she's ready to rush backstage and is willing to do anything you feel me? As a man you should handle your business anyways, but the more together you have your life together, the more women you will naturally attract. When you got business and you just have activities in your life that you enjoy that doesn't involve women, you will naturally be busy, so you don't have to play them lame phone games to appear you are busy. Then you fit her into YOUR schedule, not the other way around.

2) Don't be soft with a woman and don't tell her your secrets. ALWAYS maintain your respect.

Some of ya'll think you're 'building' with your woman sharing all kinds of information with her, but she'll use that against you when she breaks bad on you. Keeping your mouth shut about as much as your personal business will keep you in a much better position as well as having the side benefit of making you seem more 'mysterious.'

A soft dude will get tore up. Don't be out here crying over these women and do not be that sucker that they show in all these romantic movies, looking into her eyes all glistening, putting your finger on her lip talking about, "Baby me and you together... forever." If she comes in your atmosphere with some nonsense, STEP UP as a man and make sure you check it. Don't try to be no ol' friendly dude just tolerating her nonsense. If she asks can she go to this party with her male coworker and she's supposed to be in a relationship with you, tell her butt if she brings up something like that again, there won't be no me and you... and that you're halfway thinking about letting her go now.

3) NEVER let a woman hold her vagina over your head.

Stop worrying about whether if you do this or that that she's going to give it to another man. A woman will or won't give it to a man almost regardless of what you do. A lot of these cats out here being the 'perfect boyfriend,' paying for her classes, being there when she needs, etc., get cheated on. That's why you got to prepare yourself mentally. If your woman decides to mess with another dude, don't blame yourself as long as you kept it respectable, moral and truthful. Just let her go and keep it pushing. If you try to do what appeals to her, you will end up more confused than her. A woman will ALWAYS blame you and have some excuse when she's ready to mess with the next dude. It might be 'you're too clingy. You're paying me too much attention." or it could be, "You weren't paying me enough attention." As you can see, women got multiple ways to blame you for her actions. You, on the other hand, should not try to reason with a woman. Kick a disloyal one to the curb and keep it pushing. Also realize, you NEVER own a woman's vagina, so don't think you know what she's doing with it when you're not around.

What you need to worry about doing is staying down to your rules and principles. If she busts bad or tells you she's going to mess with this or that cat, tell her to get lost. There is NO reason to stress over what a woman is doing with her body. You are wasting precious thought and your own ability to enjoy life.

4) As a man, relationships are to be rewarded, not sought.
As a man, you should reward a great female with a relationship once you have assessed her characteristics are worthy of long-term potential. This should be a rigorous analysis of her personal character and how she interacts with you. As a man, NEVER be the one that just seeks out relationships. You will appear thirsty and you will accept less than what you're worth...

5) Be a man of value

Do not accept less than what you're worth. Do not accept a female into your life if she isn't a net positive. If she's bringing a whole bunch of drama or nonsense into your life, tell her to step it up and get her situation right or keep it pushing. She ha to bring value to the table to mess with you.

6) Stop caring what a woman thinks

Obviously, this is one of the most important one. Stop wondering if she likes your clothes or how you talk or a host of other nonsense. Do YOU and never think about how she will react to it. Think more about how close you are staying to your principles. If she wants to mess with you, she will find a way to be in your vicinity. If she doesn't let her go. These females really ain't that important that you need to rearrange your whole personality and just focus on making yourself into a man that caters to what a woman likes.

7) Get in where you fit in

You won't ever have EVERY woman liking you, just like you can have a chef that makes the best steak in the world, but you got people out there that won't touch it because they are vegetarian. So focus on the women that like you for being you and stop trying to switch things up and get at that woman that you have to go out of character to obtain, because sooner or later she WILL see your tips and tactics and you've just wasted a whole bunch of time. Go for the women that you can be natural around and she's infatuated with your natural state.
Yo nt fam i need a pick me up so to speak. Here's my deal. Its def about the yambs but its deeper than rap. Word to rick ross. Didnt want to make a separate thread on this but i have yet to see anyone post a situation like this before. Maybe i missed it? I dunno.

16 months ago i decided to get my life in order & get sober. My life was a mess. I go to AA meetings to keep myself in check. Rededicated my life to work, family, gym & an overall healthy low key lifestyle. I can dig it. 

Now the whole dating/relationship/yambs has been bit of a problem since getting clean. I don't go to bar & clubs anymore (sobriety reasons) therefore its hard to meet girls. In rehab they drill us with "don't date anyone in the rooms (aa/na)". Believe me i get it. Learned the hard way. I've been on dates with girls & a couple brief relationships & they just dont work. Some are just absolute wack jobs with bi-polar disorders, severe depression, stange 5 clingers or just not good looking. At all.

I casually dated this chick from aa for 3 weeks. She wanted to give me a deadline on when to make it official & if i don't make it official she's gonna hate me. Well she hates me now. Too f'n bad. 

As far as meeting girls at the gym...there aren't alot of females in general that go to my gym. My gym is fairly on the hardcore side of things. Legit bodybuilders & powerlifters etc..The complete opposite of planet fitness. Theres a couple cuties in there but there young. I just turned 28 & there teenagers. Part of my goal as being sober was to find a gf not into the party scene, not in aa/na, healthy lifestyle. Not so easy. 

There is this chick i go to meetings with. She's 34. Tall, blonde, slim & but has a banging ***. Not even my type, most likely its the opposites attract thing. 3 years sober. I think we dig eachother but the whole "dont date in the rooms" thing keeps us from maybe pulling the trigger. But im not so sure. She leads a meeting on fridays, which is a discussion meeting, we pick a topic & discuss it openly with everyone. She always picks on me to speak, regardless if i raise my hand or not. Things like that. 

I feel like im in a tough spot. I need some good advice NT. Help yur fellow brethren out.

Cliff Notes:

- 16 months clean 

- Dont go to bars/clubs anymore. 

- AA/NA chicks are wack jobs. 

- There the girls in my social circle now 

- Feels like im in a tough spot. 

- ive had friends/fam recommend a dating site before. 

- A level headed, good looking wifey would be 
rules shouldn't dictate who you can and cant date or who you find attractive.

if you like her and you think she likes you just ask her out. slip something like "i know its against the rules, but i like talking to you, we should _________ sometime." If she really does like you I doubt she'll say no.

Dating sites arent bad. Many people use it and actually enjoy it. If you do sign up to one, join a more serious one (eharmony, etc).
Im glad you guys are getting yambs...my life sucks right now so no yambs for a while..sometimes I feel like I've been delt The shiytest hand in life.. for reason I dont like my life .no matter how hard I try, I dont feel happy. At all. Just feel like being alone for the rest of my life. Guess this should've went in Tan.
yambs arent everything in life..but having that category just seems to make everything start to align right..but make sure you are being player about it and just being a sex toy to these chicks...thats my issue right now

sonnn primetime where did you find that!!...
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just wanted to share this
1) Maintain self control and stop chasing these women. GET SOME BUSINESS about yourself.
That means you need to make women a 3rd or 4th priority in your life. The real key is learning how to shine on women properly and make them come to YOU. Cats over here jumping through flaming hoops and still don't get respect from his 'girl', but his girl goes to a Drake concert and she's ready to rush backstage and is willing to do anything you feel me? As a man you should handle your business anyways, but the more together you have your life together, the more women you will naturally attract. When you got business and you just have activities in your life that you enjoy that doesn't involve women, you will naturally be busy, so you don't have to play them lame phone games to appear you are busy. Then you fit her into YOUR schedule, not the other way around.
2) Don't be soft with a woman and don't tell her your secrets. ALWAYS maintain your respect.
Some of ya'll think you're 'building' with your woman sharing all kinds of information with her, but she'll use that against you when she breaks bad on you. Keeping your mouth shut about as much as your personal business will keep you in a much better position as well as having the side benefit of making you seem more 'mysterious.'
A soft dude will get tore up. Don't be out here crying over these women and do not be that sucker that they show in all these romantic movies, looking into her eyes all glistening, putting your finger on her lip talking about, "Baby me and you together... forever." If she comes in your atmosphere with some nonsense, STEP UP as a man and make sure you check it. Don't try to be no ol' friendly dude just tolerating her nonsense. If she asks can she go to this party with her male coworker and she's supposed to be in a relationship with you, tell her butt if she brings up something like that again, there won't be no me and you... and that you're halfway thinking about letting her go now.
3) NEVER let a woman hold her vagina over your head.
Stop worrying about whether if you do this or that that she's going to give it to another man. A woman will or won't give it to a man almost regardless of what you do. A lot of these cats out here being the 'perfect boyfriend,' paying for her classes, being there when she needs, etc., get cheated on. That's why you got to prepare yourself mentally. If your woman decides to mess with another dude, don't blame yourself as long as you kept it respectable, moral and truthful. Just let her go and keep it pushing. If you try to do what appeals to her, you will end up more confused than her. A woman will ALWAYS blame you and have some excuse when she's ready to mess with the next dude. It might be 'you're too clingy. You're paying me too much attention." or it could be, "You weren't paying me enough attention." As you can see, women got multiple ways to blame you for her actions. You, on the other hand, should not try to reason with a woman. Kick a disloyal one to the curb and keep it pushing. Also realize, you NEVER own a woman's vagina, so don't think you know what she's doing with it when you're not around.
What you need to worry about doing is staying down to your rules and principles. If she busts bad or tells you she's going to mess with this or that cat, tell her to get lost. There is NO reason to stress over what a woman is doing with her body. You are wasting precious thought and your own ability to enjoy life.
4) As a man, relationships are to be rewarded, not sought.
As a man, you should reward a great female with a relationship once you have assessed her characteristics are worthy of long-term potential. This should be a rigorous analysis of her personal character and how she interacts with you. As a man, NEVER be the one that just seeks out relationships. You will appear thirsty and you will accept less than what you're worth...
5) Be a man of value
Do not accept less than what you're worth. Do not accept a female into your life if she isn't a net positive. If she's bringing a whole bunch of drama or nonsense into your life, tell her to step it up and get her situation right or keep it pushing. She ha to bring value to the table to mess with you.
6) Stop caring what a woman thinks
Obviously, this is one of the most important one. Stop wondering if she likes your clothes or how you talk or a host of other nonsense. Do YOU and never think about how she will react to it. Think more about how close you are staying to your principles. If she wants to mess with you, she will find a way to be in your vicinity. If she doesn't let her go. These females really ain't that important that you need to rearrange your whole personality and just focus on making yourself into a man that caters to what a woman likes.
7) Get in where you fit in
You won't ever have EVERY woman liking you, just like you can have a chef that makes the best steak in the world, but you got people out there that won't touch it because they are vegetarian. So focus on the women that like you for being you and stop trying to switch things up and get at that woman that you have to go out of character to obtain, because sooner or later she WILL see your tips and tactics and you've just wasted a whole bunch of time. Go for the women that you can be natural around and she's infatuated with your natural state.

This girl was down... then her friend comes in cockblocks and leaves with her :smh::smh::smh:
Has anybody had success following girls, I didn't, but see other guys do that?
What do yall do with cockblocks?
Gator do you cockblock?

I'm usually off doing my own thing , making my own **** so what my homegirls are doing is not on my radar.

I gave been cockblocked tho... Usually when I'm out with one of my guy homies smh
So I started texting with this chick that I've known from the city I previously lived in and everything seemed good until I asked her to show me her Yankee tattoo ( cause I genuinely thought that it was cool), she never answered back and today I hit her up and it was weird and i was actually considering something more serious with her, (haven't dated in 3 years) until she posted herself sleeping on a couch talking about how some dude got her good smh :smh:

Should i just cease contact before its too late? :nerd:
So I started texting with this chick that I've known from the city I previously lived in and everything seemed good until I asked her to show me her Yankee tattoo ( cause I genuinely thought that it was cool), she never answered back and today I hit her up and it was weird and i was actually considering something more serious with her, (haven't dated in 3 years) until she posted herself sleeping on a couch talking about how some dude got her good smh :smh:

Should i just cease contact before its too late? :nerd:

Let her go bro.

If she received your text and she didn't even answer, let her be.
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