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Don't put anything past these chicks. One mans ***** is another mans Queen. Remember that fam. She may not be giving you the cheeks unless you're in a relationship, but she could be doing it for someone else. Not that I'm saying she is.
Twas talkin' to this chick in college, she hit me with the "i got a boyfriend" whiile my homie was closin' the deal through text
Question that I've always wondered...

Do married couples use birth control?
One of the pros of being married I assume is smashing raw. I'll be damned if I gotta use a rubber on my wife. But what if we don't want kids yet? Is the only other option birth control? Am I bugging out?

Someone shed light
As a married man, I haven't used a condom for about 3 years and we been married for 8 months. my wife know better than to even spend a dime on a condom, she knew that before she got wifed

for the most part i shoot the club up and hope nothin' sticks. after this new baby i might get that snip
DatZNasty was running around talking like a gun slinger, talmbout "I shoots it up with no dambs" and now he out here regretting it. :rofl: Strapup fam. Not everything that glitters is gold. She is good today and bad tomorrow.
Man they switch up. All of them are "cool girl" till **** gets real. Just depends on if your crazy is compatible with her crazy.
Its not a problem.....til its a problem

Suber and henn. Im helping my boy move thursday. I cant meet then. I'm sorry
I have a birthday brunch 20th them a xmas dinner right after at 4.

Im also good every other weekday but this thursday
Been lurking this thread for awhile and would like some insight if possible...(the story's kind of long so I'll try and condense it as much as possible).

So I met this girl roughly 2 months ago. We met at my IM football games because she was friends with some of my teammates, so she just came to watch/support. She approached me first while we were practicing before our game one night and we started talking then. Apparently she had interest in me a few weeks before we met, so I took her on a date a week after my game. Keep in mind, she broke up with her ex around the time that we first met and all her past bfs were goons and people who had no real future. Also, she had a bad past of being labeled as a "****" and drank/partied a lot. So we start to click and have study dates, car talks, dinners, and all that other good stuff for a solid month and a half and we would see each other roughly 5-6 times a week. Our interest in each other soon became a "like", and that "like" became a "really like(?)", but not to the point of love yet. This happened fast for the both of us and I believe it was because we were both straight up and transparent with each other from the beginning. We both didn't want to play games and wanted to be serious about this. One evening she asked me that she wasn't really looking to date atm because 2015 was a bad year for her and she wanted to change herself (She started to change because of me (ie. she stopped going to parties/drinking, went to church, stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd, actually focused on her studies so she could have a good future, etc.) and she said she was happy that I was there to help her). I told her that was fine and I was willing to wait for her since we were fine the way we were and I wasn't in a rush to be in a relationship anyways. She said okay and we kept doing what we had been doing. So we continue to go on dates, our feelings for each other grow, etc., and fast-forward to last Friday night. We're just texting random ish and she tells me, "I know I've already said this before, but I need time". I was like, "Did I say something wrong?". Long story short, she said that she just needed time to change herself and re-evaluate her life, didn't want to tie me down, and was afraid that we wouldn't be officially together next year (a month ago she gave me confirmation that we would be together next year). I was like "wtf?". Why would she say that all of a sudden when we were perfectly fine up to this point? She goes on and on saying how she doesn't want to hurt me and then ultimately says that we'd be better off as friends. I wanted to talk to her in person because I didn't know wtf was going on at this point but she'd give me some lame excuse saying how she was busy and all this other bs. I tried multiple times to talk to her but she just kept giving me the same excuse each time so I said "**** it" and told her that I was done trying to be friends with her since she couldn't give me 30 minutes to an hour of her time to get closure. And the fact that she kept telling me that she missed me and wanted to see me a week ago, yet didn't make an effort, was kind of sketch. 

So I guess my question is, why would she change her mind about me all of a sudden when everything was going fine between us? I don't think she played me, but maybe had a change of heart? 
That's why I'm always weary of getting into relationships with someone that just recently got out of one, hence in your case.

Not saying this is the case but perhaps you were her void to get over the initial breakup with her ex. I think she is being real with you in saying she needs her own time. I strongly believe every person should take time to themselves after each relationship, a time for personal growth & development and to ensure there is no baggage from the prior relationship.

If I were you, I would back off and giver her the space she needs. Even if she wants to see you or says she misses you, don't fall into her desires. Give it a month or 2, maybe even longer before contacting her again. 

Just my 2 cents

Also, sounds like you were a positive influence in her life. She will realize the positive effect you had in her life, when that will be, who knows.... But don't wait around for her to come around and perhaps offer that positivity to someone else that will value that more
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Chick said she down to still meet up.

We are getting breakfast in Eastern Market Thursday before work.
Been lurking this thread for awhile and would like some insight if possible...(the story's kind of long so I'll try and condense it as much as possible).

So I met this girl roughly 2 months ago. We met at my IM football games because she was friends with some of my teammates, so she just came to watch/support. She approached me first while we were practicing before our game one night and we started talking then. Apparently she had interest in me a few weeks before we met, so I took her on a date a week after my game. Keep in mind, she broke up with her ex around the time that we first met and all her past bfs were goons and people who had no real future. Also, she had a bad past of being labeled as a "****" and drank/partied a lot. So we start to click and have study dates, car talks, dinners, and all that other good stuff for a solid month and a half and we would see each other roughly 5-6 times a week. Our interest in each other soon became a "like", and that "like" became a "really like(?)", but not to the point of love yet. This happened fast for the both of us and I believe it was because we were both straight up and transparent with each other from the beginning. We both didn't want to play games and wanted to be serious about this. One evening she asked me that she wasn't really looking to date atm because 2015 was a bad year for her and she wanted to change herself (She started to change because of me (ie. she stopped going to parties/drinking, went to church, stopped hanging out with the wrong crowd, actually focused on her studies so she could have a good future, etc.) and she said she was happy that I was there to help her). I told her that was fine and I was willing to wait for her since we were fine the way we were and I wasn't in a rush to be in a relationship anyways. She said okay and we kept doing what we had been doing. So we continue to go on dates, our feelings for each other grow, etc., and fast-forward to last Friday night. We're just texting random ish and she tells me, "I know I've already said this before, but I need time". I was like, "Did I say something wrong?". Long story short, she said that she just needed time to change herself and re-evaluate her life, didn't want to tie me down, and was afraid that we wouldn't be officially together next year (a month ago she gave me confirmation that we would be together next year). I was like "wtf?". Why would she say that all of a sudden when we were perfectly fine up to this point? She goes on and on saying how she doesn't want to hurt me and then ultimately says that we'd be better off as friends. I wanted to talk to her in person because I didn't know wtf was going on at this point but she'd give me some lame excuse saying how she was busy and all this other bs. I tried multiple times to talk to her but she just kept giving me the same excuse each time so I said "**** it" and told her that I was done trying to be friends with her since she couldn't give me 30 minutes to an hour of her time to get closure. And the fact that she kept telling me that she missed me and wanted to see me a week ago, yet didn't make an effort, was kind of sketch. 

So I guess my question is, why would she change her mind about me all of a sudden when everything was going fine between us? I don't think she played me, but maybe had a change of heart? 

That's why I'm always weary of getting into relationships with someone that just recently got out of one, hence in your case.

Not saying this is the case but perhaps you were her void to get over the initial breakup with her ex. I think she is being real with you in saying she needs her own time. I strongly believe every person should take time to themselves after each relationship, a time for personal growth & development and to ensure there is no baggage from the prior relationship.

If I were you, I would back off and giver her the space she needs. Even if she wants to see you or says she misses you, don't fall into her desires. Give it a month or 2, maybe even longer before contacting her again. 

Just my 2 cents

Also, sounds like you were a positive influence in her life. She will realize the positive effect you had in her life, when that will be, who knows.... But don't wait around for her to come around and perhaps offer that positivity to someone else that will value that more

Gotta agree with this. I'm in the same situation where I have been dating a girl (Friday from my initial cuffing season post) exclusively (for me at least; since Sunday got offended by my bubblebath invite) and I have told her multiple times I care about her and really like her but I just don't want a girlfriend right now. My friends and family have met her and don't know what to refer to her as. She buys me gifts on my birthday and holidays. My parents even offered to pay for her ticket to the 'Cuse Georgetown game this past weekend. It's weird. We hang out almost every day unless one of us is really busy with work or something else. We are pretty official, but, aren't. I told her I'm totally fine with her seeing other guys if she wants something more because I can't commit right now. I know she's at least talking to other guys but I take up most of her free time so I don't really think she is pursuing much else. I go raw with her every time since condom broke first time I smashed and she said she had the shot. We were both tested and were clean. She said she has had sex with one other guy since we met but used a condom, and would continue to use a condom if it was any one but me. Not sure how I feel about that...

I just can't bring myself to seriously date a girl, and commit to a future, when I just got out of a lot of intense relationships. So it could be nothing against you and she may need that time to herself, but still wants a buddy to hook up and have fun with. That's how I feel.

Back of my mind though, I really can't be with her because she doesn't quite measure up with the girls I've dated in the past (this doesn't sound like the case FOR YOU though so don't get too hung up). She's great. Educated, good job, pretty (could lose some weight but I don't mind a little thickness), etc... I just don't get that feeling that she's the only person I want to be with when I'm with her like I had with my exes. Like, instead of going out with her and being only focused on her and everyone else looking because she's arm candy...I find my eyes drifting looking at other girls, who are usually looking back at me since I'm with an attractive girl. I just can't do **** about it.

I've gotten back in the gym though and she recently got on a eating/drinking healthier tip and wants to start working out also so we'll see how things shape up. All girls I've dated have either started going to the gym, or become increasingly insecure with themselves after we've been dating a couple months. I live a life of disgusting habits and binge eating and I'm still in terrific shape somehow. I honestly think girls hang out with me long enough and their metabolisms can't keep up and realize they gotta go to the gym :rofl:

I'm still getting numbers on tinder but have been to busy/lazy to make an effort.
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Sometimes it's really not you, it's just a matter of "I just got my heart back, let that ***** breathe for a bit".
Ok, about a month or maybe longer, I made a post about me having a date with a 10, and how my phone died and wasnt charging the day of the date, I ended up fixing the phone issue and was able to make it. Everything went well, we went out to bust boys and poet and then I took her to one of my friend hotel party to get a few drinks before we spend the whole night in my car. To me she was so beautiful, so down to earth so chick, I was just amazed by everything about her, so I told myself I was going to commit to her. We stared hanging out almost every day for about 2-3 weeks, It wasn't until she started telling me that she wanted to be mine and that we should be serious that I started distancing myself from her; she would call me and ask me when am I going to make this a real thing and she literally wanted to see me whenever I wasn't working or didn't have class, of course that's a major turn off so I initially told her that I need time to processed everything. Weeks went by and and I started distancing myself, and then last week we didn't speak I all. She called me Monday to speak to me and I told her I'll call her later, I never called back so she texted me all this yesterday.
That's why I'm always weary of getting into relationships with someone that just recently got out of one, hence in your case.

Not saying this is the case but perhaps you were her void to get over the initial breakup with her ex. I think she is being real with you in saying she needs her own time. I strongly believe every person should take time to themselves after each relationship, a time for personal growth & development and to ensure there is no baggage from the prior relationship.

If I were you, I would back off and giver her the space she needs. Even if she wants to see you or says she misses you, don't fall into her desires. Give it a month or 2, maybe even longer before contacting her again. 

Just my 2 cents

Also, sounds like you were a positive influence in her life. She will realize the positive effect you had in her life, when that will be, who knows.... But don't wait around for her to come around and perhaps offer that positivity to someone else that will value that more
Yea...I hate to think that I was "used", but if I helped her be on the right path and she continues to stay on it on her own, I guess good for her.

If she realizes how much of an impact I had and talks to me in the future, we'll see where it goes from there. But if not, no feelings hurt on my end since I'm done with her as of now. 

I asked her that if I meant anything to her, she'd make time for me this past Sunday (to get coffee and talk) and she'd let me know. She told me "yeah...okay", but didn't respond back so....there's that.

But like you've said, I'm not talking to her any more and I'm moving on. The cards are in her hands so she's going to have to make the move if she wants to talk to me.

Thanks for the advice though, I appreciate it.
Gotta agree with this. I'm in the same situation where I have been dating a girl (Friday from my initial cuffing season post) exclusively (for me at least; since Sunday got offended by my bubblebath invite) and I have told her multiple times I care about her and really like her but I just don't want a girlfriend right now. My friends and family have met her and don't know what to refer to her as. She buys me gifts on my birthday and holidays. My parents even offered to pay for her ticket to the 'Cuse Georgetown game this past weekend. It's weird. We hang out almost every day unless one of us is really busy with work or something else. We are pretty official, but, aren't. I told her I'm totally fine with her seeing other guys if she wants something more because I can't commit right now. I know she's at least talking to other guys but I take up most of her free time so I don't really think she is pursuing much else. I go raw with her every time since condom broke first time I smashed and she said she had the shot. We were both tested and were clean. She said she has had sex with one other guy since we met but used a condom, and would continue to use a condom if it was any one but me. Not sure how I feel about that...

I just can't bring myself to seriously date a girl, and commit to a future, when I just got out of a lot of intense relationships. So it could be nothing against you and she may need that time to herself, but still wants a buddy to hook up and have fun with. That's how I feel.

Back of my mind though, I really can't be with her because she doesn't quite measure up with the girls I've dated in the past (this doesn't sound like the case FOR YOU though so don't get too hung up). She's great. Educated, good job, pretty (could lose some weight but I don't mind a little thickness), etc... I just don't get that feeling that she's the only person I want to be with when I'm with her like I had with my exes. Like, instead of going out with her and being only focused on her and everyone else looking because she's arm candy...I find my eyes drifting looking at other girls, who are usually looking back at me since I'm with an attractive girl. I just can't do **** about it.

I've gotten back in the gym though and she recently got on a eating/drinking healthier tip and wants to start working out also so we'll see how things shape up. All girls I've dated have either started going to the gym, or become increasingly insecure with themselves after we've been dating a couple months. I live a life of disgusting habits and binge eating and I'm still in terrific shape somehow. I honestly think girls hang out with me long enough and their metabolisms can't keep up and realize they gotta go to the gym

I'm still getting numbers on tinder but have been to busy/lazy to make an effort.
I feel you, but yea, we're coming from different backgrounds here 
. I've only been with one other girl in the past and that ended up as a disaster and I said "**** girls" for years until 2 months ago. The girl I was seeing wasn't even my type...but the fact that she wanted to change and hearing about her interests and what her goals in life/future were made me want to pursue her. I was willing to do everything for her because I figured if I was to help her change, she'd be the type of girl I would've pursued from the beginning. But oh wells, didn't work out but maybe in the future. We'll just have to see. 

But I completely relate to you about metabolism. It's a gift and a curse 
Bruh you need to get out there and work them boys on the court in your URec so them females can know you srs
Last night as I was sleeping I felt someone stepping inside my room. I totally thought it was her at first so I hid under the blankets lol...it was my sister. she was like "what are you doing"
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