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^ :lol:

I think many of you guys with these questions should understand that most of these girls you "pursue" will be temporary people in your life.
Every girl who texts you won't be the one to stick around for the long haul.
Was texting this chick, she said she's no longer interested, has a boyfriend and told me to move on.

What do
Clearly he's mocking the recent posts. But yeah, i look back and laugh :lol:. Never stress yourself over a lack of response.
Got dumped over FaceTime last night lol. Had sent her a $600 necklace for 1 year/her birthday while she was in Australia. Face timed for an hour didn't really know what to say. She said I could still talk to her and see her. I said I dunno then got off. Texted her later said "please mail me the necklace" with my address and she said "sure". That's it.
Got dumped over FaceTime last night lol. Had sent her a $600 necklace for 1 year/her birthday while she was in Australia. Face timed for an hour didn't really know what to say. She said I could still talk to her and see her. I said I dunno then got off. Texted her later said "please mail me the necklace" with my address and she said "sure". That's it.
Damn son. At least she's gonna send the necklace back
Got dumped over FaceTime last night lol. Had sent her a $600 necklace for 1 year/her birthday while she was in Australia. Face timed for an hour didn't really know what to say. She said I could still talk to her and see her. I said I dunno then got off. Texted her later said "please mail me the necklace" with my address and she said "sure". That's it.
Damn bro
I told her the first weekend I planned to visit her at school and that I couldn't see her in NYC before then and she hit me with the "we need to talk". I knew it was over then. She wanted to do it in person but didn't want me to go all the way up to visit her to get dumped. Said she never cheated on me whole time she was away. We both knew there wasn't a real future but had decided we weren't ready to break up yet, she changed her mind. Said it was nothing I did but she just wasn't in love with me anymore and wanted to be single and not in a long distance monogamous relationship her last year of school. Can't blame her for that. The distance put the flame of the relationship out and she wasn't trying to rekindle it. Wants someone who she'll feel strongly in love with past just the infatuation phase. Told her that's not how it works and she's too inexperienced to know that but you don't have that feeling with someone all of the time and it'd feel right again when we were together.

I kind of knew this was coming so it's not so bad but I was really looking forward to seeing her for another year or so. Oh well. She's really young and has a lot to learn and her family life and culture was just too different from mine to ever work.

She still says she'd see me and probably let me hit it as long we weren't seeing anyone else. I could probably do it and not get feelings because I fell out of love with her a while ago too. But I dunno. I kinda do wanna hit it a few more times this fall while I visit my family since she goes to school so close. Since we broke up now I'll post a few pics:

You should've told her to keep that necklace.

Cause the next time she sees you, you're going to be the flyest muhhh fuhhh in the room with two of the baddest bishes on each of your arm and all you're going to do is just give her glance as you just looked back in your past and was like what was I thinking, but at the same time bish is going to be like what was she thinking.

Henn knowing you from various threads, you're going to flourish. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but you'll flourish.
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That sucks bruh, ya'll knew it was looming though. Current chick told me she's going to start saying yes to other date requests. Kinda stung a bit, but i'm not claiming her how she wants so I can't even be mad. Probably not the best decision in the long term, but it's mine and i'll have to live with it.
Why not? I didn't give it to her in person, and since she's received it, she broke up with me. She has had it for less than a month.

I brought the necklace up and how I felt like an idiot for giving it to her now. And she said she would give it back to me if I wanted. I said I'd think about it and decided I did.
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I remember buying an ex a tablet for christmas, but we were basically done by then so I never gave it to her. It was supposed to be a surprise, she had no idea I bought it. But I still had it February, collecting dust so I shipped it off to her. I was like meh, no hard feelings. She was ecstatic, and wanted to pay me back but I was cool.
Ever been attracted to someone, but y'all just didn't click? Well, as far as talking to each other goes. I don't know if it's because I'm too dry, or this chick is too formal. Our conversations are always boring. On the phone and in person. What we do have in common is that we care a whole lot about our careers, so that's something we can always have an easy-flowing convo about. We NEVER talk about anything light-hearted. It's only been a month. :lol:

Excerpt from a text convo we had yesterday..we were talking about our vices

At this point she's just helping me pass time at work
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You're too slippery fam, that would annoy anyone. Looks like ya'll ain't clicking because you dodge so much. You're a mess though, left your girl for something where no chemistry exists or you're not making a real effort to cultivate it. You're just in your smash all phase right now.
Yeah I honestly am just lining girls up to hit. Smh

I think after our encounter at my apartment we built sexual chemistry. In person the physical attraction is there but not with our conversations.
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I see how women get the way they are though. One day she's chillin, the next she's in love with a dude who reached out under false pretenses and made her into a homewrecking ho, but he doesn't really **** with her. No judgement, we are what we are. I've done some **** too, but just saying. When it comes time for us to get outta that phase, I understand why they put up such strong fronts.
I'm gonna stop dodging though, I didn't see it like that.

I still think she's feeling me, despite that.
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Yea it seems like she's trying to know or understand you better but it seem like you dodging having a real convo with her
Just shot game at a woman I was admiring for a while and she flipped the script and hit me with the Jahovahah Witness game. :smh::smh::smh:
I was dancing with this girl last night and I dropped her.
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