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Thanks TAY Fam...
Yeah can't have my boy/girl out here getting hurt.
bunch of internet dweebs in here fabricating stories.
rest are just living vicariously through those within the thread actually pulling and lame enough to share on the internet.
...like yo who does this?
you guys need validation this badly lol??!

It's cool if you're still a virgin brah, we're here to help

And mugen81 mugen81 congratulations! Man you must be going through all types of emotions, on your birthday of all days at that!
Didnt really want to make a whole thread but I found out the greatest news this morning for my 33 birthday. After months and months of trying, I have a little one in the oven...
Filled with all types of emotions..
Never thought I would be in this position because I was heavily on some "FDB" **** after my last ex but these last two years have been a complete 360..
To all new posters, enjoy your life, become great, don't put so much pressure on chasing women but chase life and your dreams and let the yambs come to as you acquire knowledge and experience..
To the OG'S, I remember the first time I posted in here. Glad I read this thread, helped me put some of my demons out of my life. We may have had disagreements but I always felt you dudes where the most down to earth cats on NT. Y'all keep having fun and doing the damn thing so I can vicariously live through y'all, lol...
It's definately a good day in the hood...

Congrats bro. 33 is when I'd ideally like to have a kid :lol:

bunch of internet dweebs in here fabricating stories.
rest are just living vicariously through those within the thread actually pulling and lame enough to share on the internet.
...like yo who does this?
you guys need validation this badly lol??!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why you hating Bruv?

Surely many of these stories are made up, but surely many aren't.

There are some gems in this thread, and cool stories. Why you gotta be all negative whoadie?
Congrats bro. 33 is when I'd ideally like to have a kid :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Why you hating Bruv?

Surely many of these stories are made up, but surely many aren't.

There are some gems in this thread, and cool stories. Why you gotta be all negative whoadie?

Because even you can attest to the fact that this stuff is wildly fabricated man and it's obvious.
Sharing "conquests" on the Net is the wave now?
asking for advice on how to pull too? Your fathers and brothers have failed a lot of you lol
Maybe I'm out of the loop..but ya'll carry on.
It's cool if you're still a virgin brah, we're here to help

And mugen81 mugen81 congratulations! Man you must be going through all types of emotions, on your birthday of all days at that!
I have been noticing a change in her the pass couple of weeks. Noticeably how she would run to the bathroom in the morning or her cravings etc.. But sometimes I'm Ray Charles to the **** and thought nothing of it. She found out three weeks ago and wanted to surprise me because I hate my birthday(lol).
But by far the best thing to happen to me on my born day in years..
Can't express the joy I feel to finally have my own little family starting...
Because even you can attest to the fact that this stuff is wildly fabricated man and it's obvious.
Sharing "conquests" on the Net is the wave now?
asking for advice on how to pull too? Your fathers and brothers have failed a lot of you lol
Maybe I'm out of the loop..but ya'll carry on.

Sad as it may sound a lot of cats didnt have a male figure in their life to school them on the game.
I've gotten like 20 new numbers in the past 2 weeks between pof, and going out. Only got like 3 really working...and one guaranteed snuzz.

I really gotta work on my close ratio, or stop juggling. I'm also a bad texted smh.
Because even you can attest to the fact that this stuff is wildly fabricated man and it's obvious.
Sharing "conquests" on the Net is the wave now?
asking for advice on how to pull too? Your fathers and brothers have failed a lot of you lol
Maybe I'm out of the loop..but ya'll carry on.
sounds like your devoid of yambs.

Saul Goodman...

You've come to the right place.
Shouts to mugen81 mugen81

Need some opinions on a situation I have...

Went day drinking with my 2 dudes and we met up with these girls that went to their hs. I've known the one girl off and on for 10 years and we are friends but hardly see each other unless I kick it with these guys. Not friends with her on any social media etc... Every time we see each other, big hug and good convo.

Anyways I get drunk and ask her out for Wednesday. Get the number and text her immediately (they stay at the bar, I had to go to a friends bbq), "What time are we on for Wednesday? 7ish?"

She texts me this morning, "Thanks again for those drinks yesterday."

Now my issue here is if this doesn't work out it will be awkward whenever I see her, kind of for everyone involved (all the friends). Surely some people in here have had this type of situation??
Shouts to mugen81 mugen81

Need some opinions on a situation I have...

Went day drinking with my 2 dudes and we met up with these girls that went to their hs. I've known the one girl off and on for 10 years and we are friends but hardly see each other unless I kick it with these guys. Not friends with her on any social media etc... Every time we see each other, big hug and good convo.

Anyways I get drunk and ask her out for Wednesday. Get the number and text her immediately (they stay at the bar, I had to go to a friends bbq), "What time are we on for Wednesday? 7ish?"

She texts me this morning, "Thanks again for those drinks yesterday."

Now my issue here is if this doesn't work out it will be awkward whenever I see her, kind of for everyone involved (all the friends). Surely some people in here have had this type of situation??
Thanks my dude...
I found in these situations it's the "two people" involved in said situation that make it awkward unless somebody does something highly agregious that throws the dynamic of the group off. Two consenting adults, that have open conversation should never feel bad about what is going on because if you have a honest talk about "what it is" then it shouldn't be any problems in the future.
The only question that comes to my mind is if you see a sign a clingy-needed-ness from her as of right now and also you have to ask if yourself are you going to feel some type of way if you see her hugged up with another dude. Also you have to ask yourself is it worth losing these group of friends for some punani? Can you easily move along if the **** hits the fan or would you feel remorse for your actions, if you should **** up?
Guaranteed you know the answer(you been in the game too long) but if you can deal with these "hypothetical" situations then I say bust a move playboy...
Only with the wisdom of TAY could I successfully get bunz from two girls within the course of 3 days.  I know that's easy peasy for some TAYers (cough @youngdoc  @Fontaine  @Ecook0808  cough).  But for a TAY novice, this good fortune is incredible.  This time the bunz are from a girl I like, potential wifey material too.

Post pics later.
Shouts to @mugen81

Need some opinions on a situation I have...

Went day drinking with my 2 dudes and we met up with these girls that went to their hs. I've known the one girl off and on for 10 years and we are friends but hardly see each other unless I kick it with these guys. Not friends with her on any social media etc... Every time we see each other, big hug and good convo.

Anyways I get drunk and ask her out for Wednesday. Get the number and text her immediately (they stay at the bar, I had to go to a friends bbq), "What time are we on for Wednesday? 7ish?"

She texts me this morning, "Thanks again for those drinks yesterday."

Now my issue here is if this doesn't work out it will be awkward whenever I see her, kind of for everyone involved (all the friends). Surely some people in here have had this type of situation??
It won't be too awkward though. Like you said you've said you've known her on and off for 10 years.

Just take a chill pill and see where it goes. If she's down, then shes down. But if not, then you probably won't see her again for a while right?
question: why do girls when they know  they gave you the green light to start they ask you a messed up question like "What you doing?"
question: why do girls when they know  they gave you the green light to start they ask you a messed up question like "What you doing?"
Poor manners.
question: why do girls when they know  they gave you the green light to start they ask you a messed up question like "What you doing?"
To see how "bad" you want it
Think I got an answer...

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