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Really doe? I think it's putting it on a pedestal to smash broads that are beneath you. I'm about interacting  Which is what most of these casual encounters just happen to be. But dudes are so motivated to be nymphos that they will lower themselves for random P. Do you, I guess.

Naw its just enjoying smashing.

I don't put any real effort into girls I'm solely trying to smash regardless if they're a 7 or a 9.

If I'm attracted to a 7 and she wants the D I'm not going to say "Oh I'm better looking and more educated so I can't smash". I'll just smash and keep it moving.

Smashing a 7 feels good. Don't think that's putting it on a pedestal.

Now if I was wining and dining and putting a bunch of effort into just smashing average chicks that would be different
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The negativity in this thread.............. come on guys. everyone from this moment on


Ok OG's, newbies, lurkers.

Your boy needs help.

so #1 is a shining star,
I've pretty much dropped all other bench warmers (which,( I know I know ) you should never do unless getting married)

We're not official yet, but we see each other just about every weekend, talk everyday, the feelings are there.

I'm 28 (as some may know) been through my fair share of BS hang ups. good times, bad times, terrible times.

but this chick is pretty much everything that I haven't had tha I always wanted in a relationship.
I almost slipped and told her I missed her (which would of made me to the first to say it) :smh:
getting sappy im sorry.

Anyway, we had the conversation last month about not being official. since we're both overseas and not sure what's going to happen when our contracts up..
but since we talked about tha las tnight. we've spent 2 FULL weekends together last weekend, almost saw each other. and have a big date night planned this weekend.

I dont know if i should bring back up the offical thing or not. ???
Trust me I like the fact we're not official technially....
but at the same time, im not really steppin out on her, and have no plans too. (and her me) .
I know the "well you dont know what shes doing at all times" speeches will arise.
You're right I don't, but without trust you have nothing when it comes to making a relationship work. That and she basicaly text me every 5 mins if she is to move from wherever she was last.

So go for it or no?

last time the official convo came up, she brought it up.
and it was mainly because she was really starting to feel me, and was making sure she didnt get hurt.
since she had just came from a relationship like a little less than a year ago where she gotta completely S****** on
and for us who have felt that a year is still a short time when you get hurt like that.

Thanks NT fam,
tdogg2k tdogg2k When are the contracts up for you guys? And how much could/do you see that potentially changing things? That def. could play a big part in the whole equation, as I'm sure you already know...however...

If I were in your shoes, I'd go for it man. Based on your story, it seems as if that's where things are headed; && IMO that big date you mentioned would be nearly perfect timing, in terms of doing so. I'm of the mindset that, with you stating that she's basically everything you haven't had in a relationship, yet always wanted...then she's someone worth taking that next step with. To me, it's just one of those situations where you don't wanna not take that chance, && then, down the line, maybe look back like 'Dag, what if...?' ya know?

I'm a guy who's moreso on the lookout for THAT kinda chick you described tho, even at the (risky?) expense of having a roster, which may or may not play a part in me having this opinion :lol:...nonetheless, my man, hope it all plays out for the best, regardless of the choice of action you choose to take. :nthat:
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tdogg2k tdogg2k
Big bro you already have your answer inside you.
Risk are meant to be taken and not squandered. Don't worry about the distant future but live for today. You know my story, so don't let her go passing you by and then be living with regrets in the future. Explain to here how you feel and the validity of the situation you are both in. You two are both grown so by now(especially at your respective ages) that everything is not guaranteed and you both should live for the NOW. Enjoy your time RIGHT now and when you come to that crossroads make a decision. Nothing wrong with being bae up but take this as possibly being the woman who is teaching you how to love so you can be a better man for the next..
Pulled this yamb at the bar last night, she came in looking for a application for the bartending position, while she was waiting for the manager to come I made my move and chopped it up with her. Came to find out she just moved from Atlanta a
Is this thread supposed to be about relationships, or just a general discussion about the art of man-whoring? Or both?
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Is this thread supposed to be about relationships, or just a general discussion about the art of man-whoring? Or both?
a General disccusion about the opposite sex. (we have ladies in here also.

tdogg2k tdogg2k
Big bro you already have your answer inside you.
Risk are meant to be taken and not squandered. Don't worry about the distant future but live for today.
tdogg2k tdogg2k When are the contracts up for you guys? And how much could/do you see that potentially changing things? That def. could play a big part in the whole equation, as I'm sure you already know...however...
If I were in your shoes, I'd go for it man. Based on your story, it seems as if that's where things are headed; && IMO that big date you mentioned would be nearly perfect timing, in terms of doing
so. I'm of the mindset that, with you stating that she's basically everything you haven't had in a relationship, yet always wanted...then she's someone worth taking that next step with. To me, it's just one of those situations where you don't wanna not take that chance, && then, down the line, maybe look back like 'Dag, what if...?' ya knowt

yall right I'm grown no excuses.

better to just put it out there.

her contract ends mid nov, mine ends mid jan. so 2 month difference and yea i do think this can last pass the contracts.
Is dude mad that he's not in on this FT line *** slapping fest?

This thread is about giving advice, getting advice, and sharing your yambful adventures. If none of those apply to you, there is no point of you being here.
hope you're better at balling than you are at comprehending what you read, Sam.
@Tdogg2k   ... you already know what to do bro.

It's clear by what you said. You just seem to be looking for a co-sign to what's already obvious. Don't play head games (ie: holding back) with someone you want to be with. Either she wants what you want or she doesn't. Put it out there and see what you get back.

I had a talk with this chick I been kicking it with not too long ago. It wasn't about being together, but just to clarify where our heads were at. I told her straight up how I feel about her, the things I like, etc. Said I'm fine with just seeing each other here and there, doing what we do, and being her "friend-boy" --- I'll be the place holder until she finds someone she wants to be with. She's good to me, so I don't even mind at all. We got a cool situation going.

It's all about being on the same page and not playing the guessing game. I ain't got time for that ****. Trying to read people will get you in trouble.

Really doe? I think it's putting it on a pedestal to smash broads that are beneath you. I'm about interacting  Which is what most of these casual encounters just happen to be. But dudes are so motivated to be nymphos that they will lower themselves for random P. Do you, I guess.

Naw its just enjoying smashing.

I don't put any real effort into girls I'm solely trying to smash regardless if they're a 7 or a 9.

If I'm attracted to a 7 and she wants the D I'm not going to say "Oh I'm better looking and more educated so I can't smash". I'll just smash and keep it moving.

Smashing a 7 feels good. Don't think that's putting it on a pedestal.

Now if I was wining and dining and putting a bunch of effort into just smashing average chicks that would be different

I agree with this. Are you gonna judge the nter differently if he says he smashed a girl he met at a bar and then post pics and she's only a 6 in your eyes?
Why she not checking dude though?

Right that situation is very disrespectful.

Basically some new dude met your girl got her number and started texting and your girl didn't check him? Nah homie.

I know. She's clueless and friendly like that . Which annoys the **** out of me.
What are they talking about though. A check the schedule for me txt is different from what are you doing this weekend text

I know completely different.
Either she wants to be a "nice" since he's a coworker and she sees him everyday. Or she's actually feeling him.

The first one.
Why she not checking dude though?
See my first response

How yall fellas feel bout your girl having guy friends ?

Some dude just got hired at my girls job she's a waitress. She told me about him when she first met him. But I see old dude texting her . I'm like the ****?
I ain't insecure but I'm just not feeling a dude who literally just started working with her. Get her number and hitting her up like all the time. She said he got her number from the list in the back room which has every bodies number.
She plays the I don't have any friends card because she doesn't many that many friends tbh but still. I'm not sure if I'm tripping or what ?

She's friends with lesbians and guys because she says girls bring drama so she kept her Girl circle very small. She used to stay in contact and friends with her exs till I put an end to that early .

:lol: Man i'm in your position all the time bruh.... truth is, guys will be guys, if you're girl is fine, expect guys to try to go in with top game. #shrugs

I see you with that showing up to work deal. It is a good idea, low key gets the point across. He'll most likely show up to see who you are, or she'll introduce him to you.

Give him that real firm grip hand shake, and hit him with that quick smirk like "You know what's up!" face. He'll get the picture.
How yall fellas feel bout your girl having guy friends ?

Some dude just got hired at my girls job she's a waitress. She told me about him when she first met him. But I see old dude texting her . I'm like the ****?
I ain't insecure but I'm just not feeling a dude who literally just started working with her. Get her number and hitting her up like all the time. She said he got her number from the list in the back room which has every bodies number.
She plays the I don't have any friends card because she doesn't many that many friends tbh but still. I'm not sure if I'm tripping or what ?

She's friends with lesbians and guys because she says girls bring drama so she kept her Girl circle very small. She used to stay in contact and friends with her exs till I put an end to that early .

:lol: Man i'm in your position all the time bruh.... truth is, guys will be guys, if you're girl is fine, expect guys to try to go in with top game. #shrugs

I see you with that showing up to work deal. It is a good idea, low key gets the point across. He'll most likely show up to see who you are, or she'll introduce him to you.

Give him that real firm grip hand shake, and hit him with that quick smirk like "You know what's up!" face. He'll get the picture.
Okay I'm glad I'm not alone :lol: most of my boys are like nah make her cut dude off this and that trying to put her on lock down but that's not how I am.
So should I give short straightforward answers?

if she's worth an answer, be real. ****** gotta stop treating the **** like a board game. 

if she aint someone you take serious why even go through the conversation. 

Real talk

Too old to be playing games. Just keep it real with the women you're dealing with and they'll respect you more.

I've had female friends and females I'm smashing tell me this repeatedly
Straight forward is the best way to go just in life.

Have ya'll ever just really hit it off with a girl? Girl I met and hung-out with 2x this weekend and am going to see this weekend already invited me to her law school graduation in 2 weeks.
Straight forward is the best way to go just in life.

Have ya'll ever just really hit it off with a girl? Girl I met and hung-out with 2x this weekend and am going to see this weekend already invited me to her law school graduation in 2 weeks.

"I think I love her" :lol:
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