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Man what do you guys do with the "yeah" girl? The one that is always texting "yeah" and "ok"? Especially when you know the girl has feelings for you and the convo is slightly different outside of text. Do ya'll just end up deading the chick completely? I mentioned to her before a couple times and she mentioned this thing about she has trouble opening up and yadda yadda. (Made her cry once so I stopped mentioning it all together and left everything alone).
Can confirm after having a baby your sex life goes down at least 50% 
 **** I remember smashing 7 days a week the last month of her pregnancy.. I miss those days fambs 

Sounds like your situation got a little out of hand if you've been going weeks without it tho. I can't answer why she lost the spark towards you.. maybe 7 years and you guys are young who knows.
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How much truth is there in this statement? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Not on their monthly: true.
Want d: not necessarily.

White pants just make our *** look nicer. Plus it's a nice change up from the regular dark denim one wears on a day to day basis.

I will say this: White pants are worn when we are feeling more adventurous. So if she wears them on a date with you, she wants you to get an eye full. So if she catches you looking, it's all good.

What do you look like in white pants mami? pm if you don't want the hounds to see.
Not on their monthly: true.
Want d: not necessarily.

White pants just make our *** look nicer. Plus it's a nice change up from the regular dark denim one wears on a day to day basis.

I will say this: White pants are worn when we are feeling more adventurous. So if she wears them on a date with you, she wants you to get an eye full. So if she catches you looking, it's all good.
will keep in this in mind
Man what do you guys do with the "yeah" girl? The one that is always texting "yeah" and "ok"? Especially when you know the girl has feelings for you and the convo is slightly different outside of text. Do ya'll just end up deading the chick completely? I mentioned to her before a couple times and she mentioned this thing about she has trouble opening up and yadda yadda. (Made her cry once so I stopped mentioning it all together and left everything alone).

Don't try to force the conversation. Then again, try to ask more open-ended questions but don't overdo it. You'll end up looking needy or desperate.
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Don't try to force the conversation. Then again, try to ask more open-ended questions but don't overdo it. You'll end up looking needy or desperate.
I don't force the convo. I literally MAKE the convo most of the time. She's like white people's cooking, bland lol (no offense). From a previous convo we had:

Me: You gotta open up Nelly. Don't be such a rock lol

Her: I'm not a rock -_- it's hard for me to open up to ppl that's y when I text u it's so awkward even though I can talk to u normally in person

Idk the text game with her is just whack. And about the open ended questions; did that one day and I guess I asked something a little too personal and uhhh yeah lol. She's iffy 
Maybe she's just not a texter... If she's cool in person w you and you guys talk but when it comes to txting she's just not into it, is it really a make or break?

How did you get around to talking to girls before these days of txting? Not being a ****, but whether or not she can carry a decent convo via txt message isn't the end all, be all. Ultimately, it depends on what you're after. Considering the general subject of the thread, if what you're interested in is just sex, who gives a **** what her txt game is like. However, if you are interested in pursuing something more, be open to hang out and don't put too much importance on txting.
Maybe she's just not a texter... If she's cool in person w you and you guys talk but when it comes to txting she's just not into it, is it really a make or break?

How did you get around to talking to girls before these days of txting? Not being a ****, but whether or not she can carry a decent convo via txt message isn't the end all, be all. Ultimately, it depends on what you're after. Considering the general subject of the thread, if what you're interested in is just sex, who gives a **** what her txt game is like. However, if you are interested in pursuing something more, be open to hang out and don't put too much importance on txting.
Her regular convo ain't that much exciting either, I've noticed. It's when we're alone when it starts to get bland. Maybe she's not comfortable, too shy, scared to open up like she said I dunno. Haven't hung out with her in a while cause her convo is whack and she acts boring. I tried to make something work with her before but she just doesn't know what she wants.. Just realized it's probably best if I leave it alone and keep her as a friend 
Yeeeaaaaahh I'm not buying that whole "can't open up" bull ****. If someone is legitimately interested, they'll act like it.

Seems like you know exactly what you're doing. Life is too short to be spending it on boring chicks with no conversation skills. Maybe if she was DTF (idk why my phone capitalized it but I'm letting it ride) she could make up for it, but she just sounds like a prude.
No idea man, she's hard to read. I don't even really wanna mess with her no more but that temptation is there cause I'm bored and it's summer and I wanna get out more. 
I don't force the convo. I literally MAKE the convo most of the time. She's like white people's cooking, bland lol (no offense). From a previous convo we had:

Me: You gotta open up Nelly. Don't be such a rock lol

Her: I'm not a rock -_- it's hard for me to open up to ppl that's y when I text u it's so awkward even though I can talk to u normally in person

Idk the text game with her is just whack. And about the open ended questions; did that one day and I guess I asked something a little too personal and uhhh yeah lol. She's iffy 
She doesn't speak any other languages does she? Like sayyy French? 
How much truth is there in this statement? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

It means she likes it in her butt.

How much truth is there in this statement? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Not on their monthly: true.
Want d: not necessarily.

White pants just make our *** look nicer. Plus it's a nice change up from the regular dark denim one wears on a day to day basis.

I will say this: White pants are worn when we are feeling more adventurous. So if she wears them on a date with you, she wants you to get an eye full. So if she catches you looking, it's all good.

respond to my PM damnit lol :tongue:
The one that is always texting "yeah" and "ok"? Especially when you know the girl has feelings for you and the convo is slightly different outside of text

I know this is going to sound radical to a lot of folks but.. I really think you guys should stop texting so much or cut back like 80%.

I can't stand having these long text conversations, I mean yeah we all have smartphones but typing out 4 sentences....then getting a reply...type out 2 or 3 sentences...back and forth all day etc just gets annoying :x :smh:

about 6 months ago I started mainly using text for just small talk, and logistics, really works out a lot better.

I always tell girls "yeah, i'm busy during the day (which I am), I'll call you at night ok?", call em @ 9 or 10PM talk for a lil bit, run your game with your mouthpiece... i feel like it conveys to them that you're a productive dude with more important things going on then them 8) :nthat:

plus this^ example I quoted -you end up over analyzing a conversation about probably nothing important :lol: :smh:
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I walked up on this girl at the mall today with absolutely no game plan :smh: She was like "you OK sweety?" smiling and stuff.. Then her friends came........

I just walked away |I

I need my some chop chop bad :x
Man, if any of yall do anything creative, use that **** to get you play.

I play guitar, write some creative writing stories sometimes (I've always been really good at writing), sing, etc. and when I tell a girl one of those things, they always get that much more interested.

I play guitar.
"Oh really. Are you good?"
Me- Nah, I'm alright. *sends video of me playing Blackbird by the Beatles*
"Oh my god that sounds amazing! You're really good!"

I write sometimes.
"Really? About what"
Me - "All sorts of stuff. Some clean, some dirty. I'll send you some sometime if you want."
"Okay. Send me some."
Me - "Okay. What kind do you want? Dirty or clean?"
IF SHE WANTS IT - "Hmm. Dirty."
IF SHE ISN'T SURE IF SHE WANTS IT - "Hmm, idk let's start off with clean."
IF SHE DOESN'T - "Clean."
Send her dirty, she gets a glimpse into my mind and what I like to do with a woman. If they want it, they'll love it and ask for more writing and stuff.

Stuff like that. Things that'll make you seem like a deeper person than other guys that just hit them up and go "Yo, you trynna **** or nah" THAT will get her attention and will get you dates and yambz. One of many ways of course, but this is just from my experience. :lol:
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