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I think you are good dude just reading your posts she seems interested.

-Texted you to come out
-Stayed with you when her friends left
-Eye contact and touching
-Talked for decent amount of time
-If she wasn't on her cell phone that's huge because that means what she's doing right then (sitting at the bar talking to you) is her priority, and she is giving you all of her attention

Man up and make a move next time.
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A chick at a bar strictly after ending a relationship is the most vulnerable and easy girl out there (especially if it ended on the wrong note).

They'll keep their guard up to not look like a skank that jumps from one guy to another, but deep down if you make a move in private they wont resist.

You will strictly be a rebound, but Idk if you care about that.
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I actually do

She's a good chick. Works hard, good family values, respects herself. Helps that's she very attractive too.
All matters where u work guys...

If it's a career type spot, not worth it. If it's a job u dont care about, doooo it!
What kind of less obvious signals do you look for to know if a girl is feeling you?

Chick was with a couple of her friends at a bar and texted me to come out. I came and like 10 mins later her friends dipped and she stayed and kicked it with me for an hour or so (both had to be up early). She's just getting out of a relationship so i think there's a bit of a guard, but she was a tough nut to crack. Wasn't getting any clear signals besides the eye contact and light touching when talking. Maybe I was too p***y to make a move, but I don't want to move at a pace too fast for her.
Fellas there needs to be two modes of thoughts when you're in this situation.
The ability to hold the convo consciously while your sub conscious is checking for the signs that you need to know if youre running your game right.
This process is easier said then done.
But can be obtained.
Your situation all the signs were go.
If alcohol was involved she may of gained a bit more confidence in her actions. But the fact she called you to come from jump was sign number one. She told YOU of all people to come while she was out with her girls. She wanted your attention since she was out. The dah is done but the war isnt over. Just keep up with her. Little text here and there nothing to smothering. Keep the mystery there
How much truth is there in this statement? :nerd: :nerd: :nerd:

Not on their monthly: true.
Want d: not necessarily.

White pants just make our *** look nicer. Plus it's a nice change up from the regular dark denim one wears on a day to day basis.

I will say this: White pants are worn when we are feeling more adventurous. So if she wears them on a date with you, she wants you to get an eye full. So if she catches you looking, it's all good.
What kind of less obvious signals do you look for to know if a girl is feeling you?

Chick was with a couple of her friends at a bar and texted me to come out. I came and like 10 mins later her friends dipped and she stayed and kicked it with me for an hour or so (both had to be up early). She's just getting out of a relationship so i think there's a bit of a guard, but she was a tough nut to crack. Wasn't getting any clear signals besides the eye contact and light touching when talking. Maybe I was too p***y to make a move, but I don't want to move at a pace too fast for her.

I was in a similar spot as you recently. Chick invited me to her going away deal. I show up turned out I'm the only guy she invited. Sitting at the bar with her friends and her drinking. I just figure I'll get the touch factor out the way, music was loud so I leaned in and put my hand on her lower back and asked her to dance. Danced and kept drinking. Bs'd with her friends and had a good time. Only reason I didn't smash that night is because it was her time of the month. She pretty much let me dictate how far I went that night. After that we've hung out more and I'm headed to sd this weekend to seal the deal.
There is a story I want to tell back dont know how to approach it but I will say since I am about to graduate chicks know and are willing to throw the yambs my way. 
Been kicking it with this girl for about 3 weeks now, stayed at her place the first night some weeks back but nothing went down(both got too drunk+ she had work at 6am this next morning)

Went to a show this past friday, danced, flirted. Went back to her place later on and she started coming on to me pretty hard. Got in her bed and she started to back her *** into me, started touching all the right spots. She turned the TV off and some music on and bam. Smash.

She just got out of a relationship a few months back so i'm trying to keep the feels out of it for now

Chick isnt trying to get serious but is always the one to hit me up on the daily to check in. Potential wifey down the road
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You drank too much. That's it, really.
when you drink too much i have a move if executed properly will send you back in the game.

I call i the jump start.

if you cant get your noodle to stand strong, be it alcohol or current situation.
1. close/open your eyes depending on preference and aesthetics of said damsel
2. get between her legs, on top, one hand to keep you propped up (for those of you that dont lift, use your elbow, you shoulder is stronger than your bicep)
3. with the other hand, your opposite hand (im right handed so i prop myself up with it ) the left, i grab her and get that area primed up, real primed up
4. now with your thumb involved, kinda force the guy in there aligned with your thumb! start  pumping (as in jump start effect)

once your little head gets a taste of that sweet glory, plus youre in the pumping motion, should be hard as a rock in 3 pumps, works all the time! I know this, I stand by it.
Just met this girl... Making it all about her, she's MAYBE a 7.5.

Her: blah blah blah my on again off again boyfriend...
Her: Yeah, I'm over him...

My dude later: Dude, never heard her talk about the dude like that, when u went to bathroom she asked ur situation lawlz.

GAME OVER. :smokin
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Not on their monthly: true.
Want d: not necessarily.

White pants just make our *** look nicer. Plus it's a nice change up from the regular dark denim one wears on a day to day basis.

I will say this: White pants are worn when we are feeling more adventurous. So if she wears them on a date with you, she wants you to get an eye full. So if she catches you looking, it's all good.

Girl I'm seeing now wore a tight red dress on our second date. Told me she just bought it.

You can tell a lot from what girls wear around you IMO. I knew it was on when she showed up like that :pimp:
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Just broke up with my fiance and mother of my child after 7 years :smh: it was something that had to be done I know she loves me but I had to accept the fact that she doesn't have that type of attraction towards me anymore she lost that fire. So after weeeka of trying to acquire the yambz (we live together been sleeping in the same bed for years) unsuccessfully I felt it was time for to face the truth and just let her go. Got to a point where acquiring yambz from outside the home was way easier than getting some from my fiance. Any advice from the TAY crew ? I feel like a caged dog just wanting to take down everything right now
@KingFoamNYC   She fell out of love.  Life happens.  No need to weep excessively about it.  Make your peace, figure out how you're going to raise the child, than move on.  Much healthier than trying to salvage something that would only make the two of you miserable.
I appreciate it bro. A situation like this is just life. I've been enabling this for a while now because I didn't want to accept the truth for what it was but now I have no choice.
I appreciate it bro. A situation like this is just life. I've been enabling this for a while now because I didn't want to accept the truth for what it was but now I have no choice.

When you say weeks? Less than a month or more than months? In a long relationship like that wouldn't you expect for the sex to be inconsistent at some point? I'm sure you two will get back together, this is just one of the down parts in the relationship.
Weeks without smashing at all. To be completely honest with you ever since my daughter was born (2 years old) our sex life has been on a steady decline. Its crazy cause my attraction towards her actually increased after she became a mom. She's a awesome mom certified milf it actually made me love her even more after we became parents but its like in her eyes I became just dad and I'm no longer that sexy dude that she couldn't get enough of in her eyes anymore. I'm 22 years old and females absolutely adore me but my heart is with her and nobody else. Its a ****** up situation for me cause I really feel its over between us
Weeks without smashing at all. To be completely honest with you ever since my daughter was born (2 years old) our sex life has been on a steady decline. Its crazy cause my attraction towards her actually increased after she became a mom. She's a awesome mom certified milf it actually made me love her even more after we became parents but its like in her eyes I became just dad and I'm no longer that sexy dude that she couldn't get enough of in her eyes anymore. I'm 22 years old and females absolutely adore me but my heart is with her and nobody else. Its a ****** up situation for me cause I really feel its over between us
In all fairness I do believe this happens across the board with most couples that have children. Sex often becomes less frequent, she might be scared about not getting another child, at such a young age. But then again you guys are 22, which is young as hell..
kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc I think you did the right thing man. I know it's hard to let go of someone you really love and care for, especially when you have a child with them (I can't even imagine how hard that must be). But you are only 22 dude. You deserve someone that will reciprocate your sexual needs and make you happy. My sex life with my ex started to diminish and then our relationship followed suit. I hung on and tried to make things work despite not getting as much sex because I loved her. But eventually, I realized how unhappy I was and it was just torture to me to be with someone I cared about so much and not the same amount of love back. Women are crazy like that man they don't always know what they want and sometimes lose sight of what's important. Where as men, I feel like we are decisive and vocal about our needs and expectations.

I guarantee once you start seeing other chicks, and they give you the attention you deserve and you feel wanted again you might not ever want to get back with your BM. And trust me, when she sees you with other girls she's gonna realize she messed up and try to get you back. I know this because it's happening with me right now. My ex is currently in a relationship with a rebound guy but in the meantime she's been emailing me saying she misses me, just wants to hear my voice but gets really angry and nervous when she thinks about calling me and she's not ready yet. I see her on LinkedIn networking with all these people for jobs in Colorado because last she knew I was thinking about moving there. And me? I'm smashing this chick who's super into me, young, fun, adventerous. She's made me realize how miserable I was before and I'm never going back to that.

So in summary, you made the right move by ending it right now, you seemed really unhappy. Date other people. But, if you really truly want to be with her still after dating for a while...I think she will still be around and maybe you'll get the spark back. Stay up man you gonna be alright.
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Yo Hennesy thanks for that post it made me feel better. The fact that I love being a parent and I love our family is the hardest part. Not gonna let our break up affect my relationship with my daughter. That's where a lot of dudes go wrong.
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