TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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dropten dropten those gifs :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

But the twist at the end...
Side piece decided she couldn't have sex without the emotion/title.

After more than a year.

Ok TAY, story time. Come come, gather round...

So I know I said I wouldn't be posting to often due to previous events (that has now become a very hot topic on NT the past couple days) but the craziness that are females never cease to amaze me. Left ol girl that I had the situation with alone. So I've been chillin. Phone's been a little dry but it's cool, tryna change my ways. One of my exes who I mentioned in previous TAY threads reached out to me. We text/talk a little but I'm more so wanting the past to be the past but I'm imagining how nasty I used to get with her. On top of that, the way we broke up was disheartening and I feel like it was my fault because I was too hard on her to get her **** together during our BIG argument that led to the break up. So as we're rekindling, she tells me she's got this new apartment on a nice side of town and how everything has come together for her and I'm genuinely happy for her. She then starts telling me she still loves me and still misses me and can't stop thinking about me blahhh. At this point I'm ready to get in the guts again but I know she won't be so ready to get into relationship mode because we're both working on ourselves. Win/win right? So a week ago I call her because later on that day we're suppose to meet up for drinks and im gonna be tearing the box into pieces. I call her and the call is answered albeit accidentally. All I here is arguing in the background between her and another guy. I hear her crying and then I hear the dude say "YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE HITTING UP OTHER ****** WHILE WE'RE LIVING TOGETHER! YOU EITHER WANT US OR YOU DONT, CHOOSE!" Verbatim. I was :stoneface: while I was on the phone listening to the argument for another 20 seconds before the call hung up I text her immediately and told her that I couldn't believe her and that why would she kick it like this? Your shacked up with another dude and still hitting my phone on some I love you type ish?? She text me back a book of words talking about how she's sorry and that she didn't want me to find out and that it's me she still wants blahhhhhhhhhh. I stop hitting her up but then yesterday she calls me and we talk for about 10 mins just to check on her. She then tells me that on Tuesday (my off day) that she's not going into work and she wants to come and spend the whole day with me. I'm shocked that she's kicking it like this and it makes me wonder if she could've been on this type if ish while me and her were in a relationship. I can't put it past her but at the same time I wasn't shacking up with her. Maybe she wants some space from ol dude and some familiar schlong? So my question TAY is that would I be wrong to spend the day with her and wear her out and send her back to her new guy :smile:{ just typing that) or should I leave her B and invite the good karma my way? The thing is I know the answer but mannnnnn I miss beating down them walls. And it's like with her doing this and me being put through the wringer relationship wise with females last year, I've grown numb to feelings with these broads. I still care about her deeply but I miss the head... Thoughts?

Ex hit me up after almost a year.
Lies about living situation and is living with her new guy.
Still wants the pipe.
Should I feed her the pipe?
Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:
Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:

Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:

Ok TAY, story time. Come come, gather round...

So I know I said I wouldn't be posting to often due to previous events (that has now become a very hot topic on NT the past couple days) but the craziness that are females never cease to amaze me. Left ol girl that I had the situation with alone. So I've been chillin. Phone's been a little dry but it's cool, tryna change my ways. One of my exes who I mentioned in previous TAY threads reached out to me. We text/talk a little but I'm more so wanting the past to be the past but I'm imagining how nasty I used to get with her. On top of that, the way we broke up was disheartening and I feel like it was my fault because I was too hard on her to get her **** together during our BIG argument that led to the break up. So as we're rekindling, she tells me she's got this new apartment on a nice side of town and how everything has come together for her and I'm genuinely happy for her. She then starts telling me she still loves me and still misses me and can't stop thinking about me blahhh. At this point I'm ready to get in the guts again but I know she won't be so ready to get into relationship mode because we're both working on ourselves. Win/win right? So a week ago I call her because later on that day we're suppose to meet up for drinks and im gonna be tearing the box into pieces. I call her and the call is answered albeit accidentally. All I here is arguing in the background between her and another guy. I hear her crying and then I hear the dude say "YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE HITTING UP OTHER ****** WHILE WE'RE LIVING TOGETHER! YOU EITHER WANT US OR YOU DONT, CHOOSE!" Verbatim. I was :stoneface: while I was on the phone listening to the argument for another 20 seconds before the call hung up I text her immediately and told her that I couldn't believe her and that why would she kick it like this? Your shacked up with another dude and still hitting my phone on some I love you type ish?? She text me back a book of words talking about how she's sorry and that she didn't want me to find out and that it's me she still wants blahhhhhhhhhh. I stop hitting her up but then yesterday she calls me and we talk for about 10 mins just to check on her. She then tells me that on Tuesday (my off day) that she's not going into work and she wants to come and spend the whole day with me. I'm shocked that she's kicking it like this and it makes me wonder if she could've been on this type if ish while me and her were in a relationship. I can't put it past her but at the same time I wasn't shacking up with her. Maybe she wants some space from ol dude and some familiar schlong? So my question TAY is that would I be wrong to spend the day with her and wear her out and send her back to her new guy :smile:{ just typing that) or should I leave her B and invite the good karma my way? The thing is I know the answer but mannnnnn I miss beating down them walls. And it's like with her doing this and me being put through the wringer relationship wise with females last year, I've grown numb to feelings with these broads. I still care about her deeply but I miss the head... Thoughts?

Ex hit me up after almost a year.
Lies about living situation and is living with her new guy.
Still wants the pipe.
Should I feed her the pipe?

Don't do it. Ol boy sure seem like he may shoot for her and she not worth getting clipped for
Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:
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Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:
How are you trying to change your life, but you contemplating bussing her down and sending her back on her way. FDB

I can feel the disappointment in this post :wow: :lol: yeah fam I know the answer but this all too crazy. It's like I don't think I could ever get married. These chicks are ruthless. FDB indeed. +1

Don't do it. Ol boy sure seem like he may shoot for her and she not worth getting clipped for

Homie sounded passionate AF over the phone :lol: part of my ego is on some "that's still my *****" type steez though. I'd be lying if I said the thrill doesn't intrigue me but I don't want the karma. Plus my ex seems mentally fragile right now. Don't want to make things worse for her. +1
Ok TAY, story time. Come come, gather round...

So I know I said I wouldn't be posting to often due to previous events (that has now become a very hot topic on NT the past couple days) but the craziness that are females never cease to amaze me. Left ol girl that I had the situation with alone. So I've been chillin. Phone's been a little dry but it's cool, tryna change my ways. One of my exes who I mentioned in previous TAY threads reached out to me. We text/talk a little but I'm more so wanting the past to be the past but I'm imagining how nasty I used to get with her. On top of that, the way we broke up was disheartening and I feel like it was my fault because I was too hard on her to get her **** together during our BIG argument that led to the break up. So as we're rekindling, she tells me she's got this new apartment on a nice side of town and how everything has come together for her and I'm genuinely happy for her. She then starts telling me she still loves me and still misses me and can't stop thinking about me blahhh. At this point I'm ready to get in the guts again but I know she won't be so ready to get into relationship mode because we're both working on ourselves. Win/win right? So a week ago I call her because later on that day we're suppose to meet up for drinks and im gonna be tearing the box into pieces. I call her and the call is answered albeit accidentally. All I here is arguing in the background between her and another guy. I hear her crying and then I hear the dude say "YOU'RE NOT GONNA BE HITTING UP OTHER ****** WHILE WE'RE LIVING TOGETHER! YOU EITHER WANT US OR YOU DONT, CHOOSE!" Verbatim. I was :stoneface: while I was on the phone listening to the argument for another 20 seconds before the call hung up I text her immediately and told her that I couldn't believe her and that why would she kick it like this? Your shacked up with another dude and still hitting my phone on some I love you type ish?? She text me back a book of words talking about how she's sorry and that she didn't want me to find out and that it's me she still wants blahhhhhhhhhh. I stop hitting her up but then yesterday she calls me and we talk for about 10 mins just to check on her. She then tells me that on Tuesday (my off day) that she's not going into work and she wants to come and spend the whole day with me. I'm shocked that she's kicking it like this and it makes me wonder if she could've been on this type if ish while me and her were in a relationship. I can't put it past her but at the same time I wasn't shacking up with her. Maybe she wants some space from ol dude and some familiar schlong? So my question TAY is that would I be wrong to spend the day with her and wear her out and send her back to her new guy :smile:{ just typing that) or should I leave her B and invite the good karma my way? The thing is I know the answer but mannnnnn I miss beating down them walls. And it's like with her doing this and me being put through the wringer relationship wise with females last year, I've grown numb to feelings with these broads. I still care about her deeply but I miss the head... Thoughts?

Ex hit me up after almost a year.
Lies about living situation and is living with her new guy.
Still wants the pipe.
Should I feed her the pipe?

Sex has been the downfall of many men. And I myself has fallen victim to it. Try to channel that sexual energy towards other things/women cause all I see is drama headed your way my dude
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dropten dropten
Good to see you're in good spirits. Happy belated bday. I'm mad I'm just seeing this now. Woulda tried to come out.

Shorty is nice too :pimp:
Im making the best out of everything I can

Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:

Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:
Been on a very hot streak with some nice looking women this month. Idk what it is, but I've been flourishing a lil too well with absolutely no effort. No dates. Nothing.

Chick came thru at 8am and blessed the kid something serious. Actually have a pic of her in my bed this morning lol. PM for it.

Feel like this won't last long...All this means is I'm in for a huge spring drought :smh:

I've gotten 0 tinder matches in the past few weeks. I think I've created/deleted my account enough times in the past couple of years that my phone number/device got dinged and I don't show up to girls anymore. Looks like tinder is done for me but it was definitely effective when I first started using it.

I decided to make an OKC profile Friday morning and had good results. Need some advice at the end of this:
I messaged a girl using the "can I borrow you?" line and she was down. Got her number and we texted a little. She went to school in Boston and said she liked mob movies so I asked her if she wanted to come over to have dinner and watch Black Mass. She was with it. When I texted her to confirm on Saturday she said that she was going out with some friends later and proposed dinner instead. I gave her a time and place to meet and she said ok.

We went to a hole in the wall Japanese spot in Chinatown. Neither of us had been there before. I REALLY like this girl so far. I think the date went well. We shared some sushi and I had a glass of Hennessy and a Sapporo. She didn't drink at all (probably since she was going out after). She offered to split the meal but I told her it was ok, I'd pay since I asked her out and she could get the next one. At the end of the date she asked if I knew of a CVS nearby and I only knew of Walgreens. I offered to go walk and find a drugstore with her but she said it was ok and she had to go meet her friends. She ordered an uber to her friends place and I walked her out of the restaurant to the car. Gave her a nice kiss and left feeling really great about the date. I hope she feels the same way. I texted her when I got home a little later just to let her know it was nice meeting her, we'll have to do it again, and that I'd be down for hiking the next day (she discussed potentially going hiking with a friend and I offered to take her to Great Falls) if she wasn't too hungover. She said it was nice to meet me too with a smiley face and she'd let me know how she was feeling the next day. She didn't text me yesterday but I'm not sweating it. She may have gone hiking with the friend, been too hungover, or just didn't feel like hiking or hitting me up. I'm confident the date went well enough she'd at least be down for one more.

Now here's where I need a bit of advice:
This girl has a good job and seems very career driven and busy with work. She mentioned how she was starting to date another guy who would ask her out at the beginning of the week and she'd tell him she was too busy that week. She said he would just ask again on Wednesday when she already told him she couldn't and it got to be annoying and clingy. She also mentioned that she has an important business trip this weekend, and she is going on vacation the weekend after. I know exactly what I want to do for our second date, and I know she'll enjoy it, but I'm just not sure how to ask her given the current schedule situation. I'm too busy on weekdays. She's gone next two weekends. I was thinking of hitting her up the Wednesday she returns from vacation and asking her out that weekend. I don't plan on talking to her before then unless she hits me up first. What do you guys think? How would you handle the situation? Can PM pics but don't want to post this one in the thread since she's on OKC and I'm really digging her right now. She is hands down finer than my last girl I'm still getting over. This new girl has actually made me forget all about the old one for now.
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How are you trying to change your life, but you contemplating bussing her down and sending her back on her way. FDB

I can feel the disappointment in this post :wow: :lol: yeah fam I know the answer but this all too crazy. It's like I don't think I could ever get married. These chicks are ruthless. FDB indeed. +1

Don't do it. Ol boy sure seem like he may shoot for her and she not worth getting clipped for

Homie sounded passionate AF over the phone :lol: part of my ego is on some "that's still my *****" type steez though. I'd be lying if I said the thrill doesn't intrigue me but I don't want the karma. Plus my ex seems mentally fragile right now. Don't want to make things worse for her. +1

If he's that pressed instead of dropping her on the spot when he learned she was creeping he will murder for it.
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