TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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I can't make it Friday either. Maybe we can have the NT celebration another time.

How I just call this dude tdogg2k tdogg2k and I hear some chick in the back all up on him whispering sweet nothings. I told him I'll hang up and let him get back to it and he apologizes for the chick lmao. Prolly sitting there on the phone like

:pimp: :pimp:
I can't make it Friday either. Maybe we can have the NT celebration another time.

How I just call this dude tdogg2k tdogg2k and I hear some chick in the back all up on him whispering sweet nothings. I told him I'll hang up and let him get back to it and he apologizes for the chick lmao. Prolly sitting there on the phone like
:pimp: :pimp:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

we were at Massage Envy and about to get the couples massage she was asking me what areas i wanted massaged!!!
When I got off the phone she was like. im suprised you didn't tell him you're with your wench
:rofl:. (i got her in to game of thrones)

damn yall I got a little story some parts will be in spoiler tags. i'll edit this in the morning im too tired
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Ah alright that makes sense :lol: She sounded sexy though which chick was this? Text me a pic.

Setting a date up with a chick from tinder right now. She's just ok in terms of my standards but I gotta get back in the field.
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Everyone busy...you guys suck lol

I think its time I contribute to TAY. I know some of you may be familiar with my situation in another thread, but there's also been other things as far as my dating life is concerned.
In the pof thread I posted about my German woman. Shes half German half Thai, but looks mostly Asian. Shes a masochistic, cool as **** etc. The last time I posted about her, we were spending alot of time together. Once she realized how much time we were spending together, she freaked out a bit. The longer we knew each other the more and more she began to tell me things. She never loved a man or even real feelings for. She always left the guys she been with and they always wanted her and she never really wanted them. She told me I was temporary and eventually she'll leave me too. She said im not her type and that im better off with a woman better for me. So im like "cool". Because of my legal situation im not looking for long term anyway and im just enjoying my with with her. But at the same time, I have no issue with showing affection or even liking a person. I told her im not like those guys shes been with and I have no issue with letter her go, and I may be the one to end it. She laughed and said no way anyone would leave her.

When she realized how much time we were spending together and got spooked, she said she needed to go on dates with other guys to get me off her mind. So she went on a pof date. The next morning she said even though she was on that date she was only thinking about me and she realized im who she wanted. When she told me I kind of gave her the cold shoulder and just said "ok". So she opened up a lil bit more after that, then drew back again. One time we were im a hotel room after some drinking and hookah. We started having sex and she jumped up, put her clothes on and said "no no no. This feels different". She said she cant do it anymore. So I told her ok, get the F out and she left. About 15mins later she comes back. We talked about it for a bit and what her issue is etc. She wanted to try. Try and stay with a guy and not run like she usually does. I asked if shes just using me to teach her how to love and when shes done with me she leaves? She said its something like that and im like "cool".

She has an ex that she would visit every year in another state. That ex is one she said is the only man she had any type of feeling for but she bounced on him. Any time she dated someone she'd break up with them to go see him. And its been that way for about 8 years. She wanted to see him but didnt want to let me go so soon. I told her to go see him no questions asked. But if she ***** him raw im not having sex with her again. She was happy. She gets to keep me and see her ex. So she planned to go see him in Feb. I told her not around vday or my birthday. Those days were mine, So she tried to plan for early Feb. Time goes by and she didnt go. Around 1.5 weeks before Vday, I tell her im planning a trip to ny after vday. Vday comes, we go out and have a good time. Then she tells me she has the following weekend off, which is rare right now for her to have the weekend off because of her work schedule. She works alot. Sometimes 32 hours str8. So a few days before I leave for ny she gets upset because I didnt cancel my trip to ny to spend the weekend with her. She said she canceled her trip to see her ex for me/us and that seeing him was important to them both. I told her to go see her ex and dont let me stop her from doing what she wants. Yet, she still tried to justify her selfish feelings about me not canceling my ny trip. So I tell her its time to wrap it up. I was ready to let her go. I would miss her dearly, but im not dealing with this type of drama and stress.

A few days later she comes around again. At this point, she wants to continue seeing me, but she says shes reverting back to her old self. Thing is, once I get ahold of her mind and body again, she'll be right back where she left off. But I want the old her. The old her was fun and adventure. Now "feelings" are coming into play. I wouldnt mind locking her down, but since she hasnt opened herself in relationships before she doesnt know how to deal with certain aspects of a relationship a normal 34yo would. So it would be like dating a 20yo. She seems to do well for herself, has a Porsche, BMWs etc, but her relationship experience lacks. I feel ill need to let her go soon. But its going to suck cause she has daddy and abandonment issues. And for her to feel how she does about me and then I leave will suck. Maybe I should have her leave me?

gif for the beast
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Sounds crazy. Yall good times must be really good to deal with all that. Don't get her pregnant though
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Yea im starting to learn that these relationships are healthy. Where the highs are really high and the lows are extremely low. You need that even keel. Something thats more natural doesnt put you out of charachter.

I mean some people thrive under that. I personally dont but ive hust noticed in my travels and with others its toxic.
I think she def wants you to make the decision/first leap for her. But def give her the disclaimer. Youre only going to do this once. No comebacks if u getbscared and leave out no matter what
She's gonna leave you regardless . Where is Mugen to make sense of all of this .
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idk i kind of feel the opposite, I feel she wants to be wifed. i think she just hasn't found a dude as good as the EX (thus why she goes back to him every year)
she obviously has a preference or type and has found that in DropTen.
she's been playing an extreme amount of games with other dudes which im not a fan of.
but with DT, it seems like shes trying to change her ways.
she's not a young chicken anymore. 34..... 8 years ago when she started that life style it was ok. Most people eventually hit that point where they're not interested in the game anymore.
I mean look at most our OGs and our already long term relationship people in here. there just comes a time where companionship with 1 is better than F buddies with many.
She may want to be wifed but she don't seem to be ready to be wifed. She still fightin' that strong urge to just pack up and leave. She not comfortable yet, yea you can sit and wait it out with her but that's quite a load to try and bear
Already feeling better about the chick who I caught feelings for when she told me she had to move on. The gym has been a tremendous help. I have to really stick with this though and make it a lifestyle. I always stop going to the gym when I get into a relationship. Never again.

Getting drinks with the chick tomorrow who I think is "meh" but last time I got drinks with a tinder chick who I wasn't that into we ended up hooking at the end of the date lol. So we'll see. Another 21 year old though SMH. Cute short Asian (I think) chick. Definitely not like "hot" cute though. Just kind of like she's not bad looking and seems cool. Never seem to date girls around my age and these younger girls still finding themselves. I don't mind knocking them down and moving onto the next one, I'm only 26, but I really thought I was about to start a real, potentially long lasting relationship with the last chick.

I have two other exes who I'm seeing soon. One is def getting smashed. The other one has a bf and honestly not sure if good idea I see her or not.
Any tips on older women? I feel like I'm attracted more to them than women my age and younger. I was doing my taxes earlier and I was very interested in the one who was doing them. She was a brown skinned Dominican ting with curly hair, pretty face, nice curves, etc....told me was turning 32 later this year and she's not married or has kids. I wanted to ask her out for some drinks so bad, even though I don't drink and I probably would have gotten rejected. :lol:

I just hate the fact that I'm so introverted. :smh: I can barely start a conversation and I damn sure can't keep one going. And when the conversation does get flowing, I usually stutter, especially when it's with a very beautiful woman that approaches me. :rolleyes

I know what that feels like man dropten dropten , my birthday was this Sunday and everybody went missing. It's going down this weekend though, I've been on a massive drought.

She's gonna leave you regardless . Where is Mugen to make sense of all of this .
yo I PM'ed you...it's going down this Saturday :nerd:
Any tips on older women? I feel like I'm attracted more to them than women my age and younger. I was doing my taxes earlier and I was very interested in the one who was doing them. She was a brown skinned Dominican ting with curly hair, pretty face, nice curves, etc....told me was turning 32 later this year and she's not married or has kids. I wanted to ask her out for some drinks so bad, even though I don't drink and I probably would have gotten rejected. :lol:

I just hate the fact that I'm so introverted. :smh: I can barely start a conversation and I damn sure can't keep one going. And when the conversation does get flowing, I usually stutter, especially when it's with a very beautiful woman that approaches me. :rolleyes

I know what that feels like man dropten dropten , my birthday was this Sunday and everybody went missing. It's going down this weekend though, I've been on a massive drought.

She's gonna leave you regardless . Where is Mugen to make sense of all of this .
yo I PM'ed you...it's going down this Saturday :nerd:

No tricks IMO just keep it real

Women in their thirties don't want to waste time or play games so just be upfront and honest. Just shoot your shot.
Already feeling better about the chick who I caught feelings for when she told me she had to move on. The gym has been a tremendous help. I have to really stick with this though and make it a lifestyle. I always stop going to the gym when I get into a relationship. Never again.

Getting drinks with the chick tomorrow who I think is "meh" but last time I got drinks with a tinder chick who I wasn't that into we ended up hooking at the end of the date lol. So we'll see. Another 21 year old though SMH. Cute short Asian (I think) chick. Definitely not like "hot" cute though. Just kind of like she's not bad looking and seems cool. Never seem to date girls around my age and these younger girls still finding themselves. I don't mind knocking them down and moving onto the next one, I'm only 26, but I really thought I was about to start a real, potentially long lasting relationship with the last chick.

I have two other exes who I'm seeing soon. One is def getting smashed. The other one has a bf and honestly not sure if good idea I see her or not.

Just make that one of the things you look for in a girl. If you go to the gym together you won't quit man. I've done work since I started so to hell with quitting. Plus your girl won't get too comfortable and let herself go. :lol:

Nothing wrong with finding girls to smash off tinder. Better than sitting in a slump. I met my girl off bumble. :lol: we have a bunch of mutual friends and just never met.

I was taking anything decent though in the meantime off there. Just straight up bored going on dates knowing it wasn't going to last.
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damn, that gif small as hell :lol:
Here's a larger version or her
and a little extra :wink:

In all honesty. Shes a blast to hang out with. Her personality and her accent :wow: her accent is like nothing ive heard before because she speaks 4 languages. She's a great woman with a good heart but she has these issues with feelings for men. I figured it out that its becuse her father didnt want her and treated her like ****. So sex is easy with men but intimacy and feelings arent. I hate that im the guy that brought it out of her cause im no good for her right now. She thought id be like the rest, but I warned her. Even her friends think ill be falling in love with her like the other guys. I've been through too much BS with women and I know what I want, and I dont want someone with those types of issues. So me catching feelings like that wont happen. That ex she visits every year, she said one day they stopped at a store and he went in to get something. When he went inside she bounced and blocked him from all communication. Eventually they started talking again somewhere down the line but every time she brought him up, she had this look of hurt in her eyes. And its the same look she gives me from time to time. I ask her what the look if for and she says its because she knows eventually she has to give me up. One night she said she was questions her self on who she would be more happy with. Me or him. I didnt ask her what the answer is cause I think I know. Between her canceling her trip to see him and the way shes acting towards me.

Its going to be really hard ending it with her cause I see that shes really trying to make things work. More than she's ever tried before.
The major issue is right now im seeing someone else :stoneface: ...........
Already feeling better about the chick who I caught feelings for when she told me she had to move on. The gym has been a tremendous help. I have to really stick with this though and make it a lifestyle. I always stop going to the gym when I get into a relationship. Never again.

Getting drinks with the chick tomorrow who I think is "meh" but last time I got drinks with a tinder chick who I wasn't that into we ended up hooking at the end of the date lol. So we'll see. Another 21 year old though SMH. Cute short Asian (I think) chick. Definitely not like "hot" cute though. Just kind of like she's not bad looking and seems cool. Never seem to date girls around my age and these younger girls still finding themselves. I don't mind knocking them down and moving onto the next one, I'm only 26, but I really thought I was about to start a real, potentially long lasting relationship with the last chick.

I have two other exes who I'm seeing soon. One is def getting smashed. The other one has a bf and honestly not sure if good idea I see her or not.

Just make that one of the things you look for in a girl. If you go to the gym together you won't quit man. I've done work since I started so to hell with quitting. Plus your girl won't get too comfortable and let herself go. :lol:

Nothing wrong with finding girls to smash off tinder. Better than sitting in a slump. I met my girl off bumble. :lol: we have a bunch of mutual friends and just never met.

I was taking anything decent though in the meantime off there. Just straight up bored going on dates knowing it wasn't going to last.

I had the best of both worlds with Tinder. Smashed some nice ones and then met my fiancée
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