TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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How important you think it is to have similar interests in pop culture
Example: she likes Game of Thrones, listens to country music. however you do not.

Do you think it makes it that much harder to connect with someone in this day and age
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How important you think it is to have similar interests in pop culture
Example: she likes Game of Thrones, listens to country music. however you do not.

Do you think it makes it that much harder to connect with someone in this day and age

Not necessarily because everyone has different taste and preferences. You'll usually have that one person who makes things difficult if you two don't share the same interest.
Not necessarily important, as long as the respect is there. Plus if yall really feel each other, over time your interests merge. Same time though I won't act like meeting your a-alike isn't amazing, but it's like lightning striking.
Been texting this girl for about a week. Finally set up a date for us to hang out and she basically stood me up lol. Strange because she was the one that came on to me
:nerd: *lurking & subscribing for now*.

but hopefully I'll have something to post in here soon.

finally got some yambs...again :smokin.

I've been on a 76ers type losing streak with the yambs but not no more.

just kept shooting my shot like yall said. thanks NT :nthat:.

Damn bruh. I need some lessons

About this chick, I'm prolly going to dead her. She went to Vegas and got real drunk and started drunk calling and texting me, I was asleep cause I had to work at 7 in the morning the next day. Calling me a douche bag and **** cause I was "ignoring her". Hit her back up like nah I was asleep and she said sorry but that she wanted me to text her cause she wanted to talk to me. Then bam she ain't text me back. 
Yeah she was just drunk don't take it personal. **** it if she doesn't text you back. Clearly she don't want the D enough.

I'm in quite the predicament because my main girl gets out of rehab Friday and I done built up the roster on some Cleveland Cavs 2015 offseason **** in the span of three weeks since she's been in. She's getting treated for alcohol which is trash because I like to get turnt I'm just more responsible with my drinking and I know my limits. Now I feel as if I shouldn't drink around her or get her drunk cause I could never have that weigh on my conscience. Gonna be weird when she gets out though. She's been calling me just about everyday telling me how she misses the D so imma tear that punanin up when she gets out but idk about long term now. I think I want to give her some time to spend time with family and focus on regaining their trust and not being portrayed as a **** up alcoholic first before I get serious with her. She's dope just a damn drunk. Meanwhile my college ***** on my **** now but she's a club rat so I could never wife her either. 
Heartbroken over this chick man :frown: I can't accept the fact that I messed things up and hurt her/messed her up the whole time she was in love with me. Just want to punch a hole through a wall right now. Now I love her and she only wants to talk about how we shouldn't hang out just the two of us anymore and why she won't take me back when I asked her if I could cook her dinner this week. We just got into it over text this morning. Huge walls of text. I was basically telling her she's worth fighting for and I'm not done fighting yet. She said stop texting her or block her or she was going to do it for me. Not in a way like, "you're being a psycho," but more of a, "it hurts too much to hear these things now when that's all I felt in the past and want to move on myself now." I know I gotta let her move on but the timing was so ****** here and I can't believe I caught feels when she was fed up. The texting had to stop but I sent her some flowers and chocolate with a note. I literally didn't text her at all since Friday, but I'm simping a little now, I'll admit it. But the chick is worth fighting for, although I feel I've already lost too many battles to come back and win this war.

On a positive note, @suberzat1 and I hit Magfest at the National Harbor this past weekend and flourished. Didn't smash anything but took a lot of shots at these gamer/cosplay chicks and got a couple numbers. I went off two separate times with girls I met but we were always in a group. One girl was from Cleveland so I won't see her again but the other is local. Hit her up to see if she wanted to chill again but she's telling me she, "doesn't hang with magfriends outside of magfest." I'm like alright whatever. But it was a great time and we prolly booking a room there next year to go for multiple days instead of just the one day. It was super lit. Some pretty fine chicks were there in crazy cosplay outfits :pimp: Although I never seen so many pale white, rail thin chicks in my life before. I had to start bingewatching Jessica Jones when I got home :rofl:
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Heartbroken over this chick man
I can't accept the fact that I messed things up and hurt her/messed her up the whole time she was in love with me. Just want to punch a hole through a wall right now. Now I love her and she only wants to talk about how we shouldn't hang out just the two of us anymore and why she won't take me back when I asked her if I could cook her dinner this week. We just got into it over text this morning. Huge walls of text. I was basically telling her she's worth fighting for and I'm not done fighting yet. She said stop texting her or block her or she was going to do it for me. Not in a way like, "you're being a psycho," but more of a, "it hurts too much to hear these things now when that's all I felt in the past and want to move on myself now." I know I gotta let her move on but the timing was so ****** here and I can't believe I caught feels when she was fed up. The texting had to stop but I sent her some flowers and chocolate with a note. I literally didn't text her at all since Friday, but I'm simping a little now, I'll admit it. But the chick is worth fighting for, although I feel I've already lost too many battles to come back and win this was.

On a positive note, @suberzat1 and I hit Magfest at the National Harbor this past weekend and flourished. Didn't smash anything but took a lot of shots at these gamer/cosplay chicks and got a couple numbers. I went off two separate times with girls I met but we were always in a group. One girl was from Cleveland so I won't see her again but the other is local. Hit her up to see if she wanted to chill again but she's telling me she, "doesn't hang with magfriends outside of magfest." I'm like alright whatever. But it was a great time and we prolly booking a room there next year to go for multiple days instead of just the one day. It was super lit. Some pretty fine chicks were there in crazy cosplay outfits
Although I never seen so many pale white, rail thin chicks in my life before. I had to start bingewatching Jessica Jones when I got home
Sounds lit! Man Indy needs more **** like this. On the flip side though just give your shorty time. Give her some time to herself and to comprehend all the mishaps. Check in with her later this week. Don't text her, don't call her until like Friday/Saturday. 
Bro we all have a "the one who got away"

What you do is put your last plea in and keep it moving. Either she'll think back, remember your last words, and return or she wasn't for you. A year later, you'll be fine.
Give her time. You probably fighting both her fam and her girlfriends after all of this and they in her ear tryna make sure she's not fallin' for you again. I would suggest starting over. Pretend like y'all starting from square one and not trying to pick up where you left off. Seems like you may have to regain her trust. 
Give her time. You probably fighting both her fam and her girlfriends after all of this and they in her ear tryna make sure she's not fallin' for you again. I would suggest starting over. Pretend like y'all starting from square one and not trying to pick up where you left off. Seems like you may have to regain her trust. 

Yeah, I mean, after some texting today she just started saying mean things to me and dissing me. It was so out of character for her. I told her, "I'd never speak ill of you like this I only have good things to say about you. Where is this coming from?" She said, "it's hurting me to be such a ***** to you but I don't think you'll move on if I'm not. I don't want you to think I hate you. I loved you. But it's just not there anymore ok?" And my problem is I don't believe her. I think she still loves me. But yeah I have to completely lay off now. I mean I did for a whole week after our last smash. Then she invited me to dinner, we made out in the car but she wouldn't let me come up this time (I didn't try to though). Since then I texted her a little last week one day and she was unresponsiveness. Hit her with a "can't tell if you want me texting you or not..." She says, "I'm indifferent." Then text me a meme the next day like regular. As much as she says she's not trying to lead me on to think we're getting back together or confuse me, she's doing exactly that.

Another thing I've forgotten about is she told me she started taking Prozac again (she hasn't for a while) and the effects of that won't kick in immediately. But she decided to start taking it again right when we ended, has told me she's been sad and lonely without me but needs to move on. I know she's ok on her own she never acts super crazy and I don't think she'd hurt herself but I really have to keep this in mind as my mom and sister are both bipolar and can be very unstable and fragile emotionally at times. I've put this girl through a lot, I feel really bad about it, but I never meant to hurt her. I guess that's why it's making me angry and frustrated with myself. Hurting someone you care for is never fun.

I hope the flowers and chocolate with the note will show her some sincerity from me. I still kinda get the idea she thinks I don't really love her and this is all some big ruse just so I can smash again. Which it's not, but I'm very persuasive with my words in person and over text and I can see how she could maybe get that idea.

Damn, I dunno. Just had to vent. But thanks for reading/responding.
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Heartbroken over this chick man :frown: I can't accept the fact that I messed things up and hurt her/messed her up the whole time she was in love with me. Just want to punch a hole through a wall right now. Now I love her and she only wants to talk about how we shouldn't hang out just the two of us anymore and why she won't take me back when I asked her if I could cook her dinner this week. We just got into it over text this morning. Huge walls of text. I was basically telling her she's worth fighting for and I'm not done fighting yet. She said stop texting her or block her or she was going to do it for me. Not in a way like, "you're being a psycho," but more of a, "it hurts too much to hear these things now when that's all I felt in the past and want to move on myself now." I know I gotta let her move on but the timing was so ****** here and I can't believe I caught feels when she was fed up. The texting had to stop but I sent her some flowers and chocolate with a note. I literally didn't text her at all since Friday, but I'm simping a little now, I'll admit it. But the chick is worth fighting for, although I feel I've already lost too many battles to come back and win this war.
Damn man. Well she knows how you feel. I personally would just let her alone. If she wan'ts to come back into your life she will hit you up. At this stage is can go either way. However you did bring this one on to yourself.
This is one of the occupational hazards of the game. Fall in a hole you ain't even know you dug.

Gotta remember some of these chicks ain't too far from our full on type. Most of em just need attitude adjustments and they wifey material.
I remember when me and my ex broke up and all the crap she did to make sure I suffered as much as she claim she did. I still loved her and wanted to be with her but couldn't bring myself to "date" her again so soon after the break up and I wanted to stay in contact with her. We tried to be friends and invited each other to stuff but our schedules never matched up then one day I look on twitter and she was talkin' about how it was so hard to stay friends with me and I was confused cause I thought we were cool then all of a sudden she ain't wanna fool with me, had another dude, was being real short with me, cussin' me out and disrespectin' me on social media. Later found out ol dude knocked her up and then that followin' summer she hit me up wanting to be friends again.

I was waiting for her trying not to fall for the girl I was then dating (my now wife) and hoping that one day we'd cross paths and everything would go back to where it was originally and it never happened until a few months BEFORE my ex hit me up. I straight told her I don't want to be friends with her because I, then and now to an extent, loved her and would not want to be just friends and would rather be with her. But dropped her that day and been good ever since.
Just give her space b, she thinks her mind is made up. Just let her know you're here if she ever needs you, but you will fall back. And you know the deal til then, learn and grow internally. I been where you are and I know how desperate you're coming off to get her back; it's never worked, and never will work pa.
Yeah, I mean, after some texting today she just started saying mean things to me and dissing me. It was so out of character for her. I told her, "I'd never speak ill of you like this I only have good things to say about you. Where is this coming from?" She said, "it's hurting me to be such a ***** to you but I don't think you'll move on if I'm not. I don't want you to think I hate you. I loved you. But it's just not there anymore ok?" And my problem is I don't believe her. I think she still loves me. But yeah I have to completely lay off now. I mean I did for a whole week after our last smash. Then she invited me to dinner, we made out in the car but she wouldn't let me come up this time (I didn't try to though). Since then I texted her a little last week one day and she was unresponsiveness. Hit her with a "can't tell if you want me texting you or not..." She says, "I'm indifferent." Then text me a meme the next day like regular. As much as she says she's not trying to lead me on to think we're getting back together or confuse me, she's doing exactly that.

Another thing I've forgotten about is she told me she started taking Prozac again (she hasn't for a while) and the effects of that won't kick in immediately. But she decided to start taking it again right when we ended, has told me she's been sad and lonely without me but needs to move on. I know she's ok on her own she never acts super crazy and I don't think she'd hurt herself but I really have to keep this in mind as my mom and sister are both bipolar and can be very unstable and fragile emotionally at times. I've put this girl through a lot, I feel really bad about it, but I never meant to hurt her. I guess that's why it's making me angry and frustrated with myself. Hurting someone you care for is never fun.

I hope the flowers and chocolate with the note will show her some sincerity from me. I still kinda get the idea she thinks I don't really love her and this is all some big ruse just so I can smash again. Which it's not, but I'm very persuasive with my words in person and over text and I can see how she could maybe get that idea.

Damn, I dunno. Just had to vent. But thanks for reading/responding.
Hope you get through this fam, the girl who just broke up with me tried doing similar ****, just got cold. I need to move on, because she will never give me the stability I need in a relationship, but I know if she wanted to get back together I'd probably go back 
. She has been showing bpd signs lately again, and she thinks she has to up her dosage, and she just got prescribed xanax, so i'm hoping maybe once it kicks in and she is stable again she'll be good, but like I said it isn't healthy regardless. First girl I ever loved though

Also on another note, I may have really ****** things up after, cause when she broke up with me I told her it was cool I didn't want a relationship either, but I still think we should keep *******. I don't know if she liked that lmao. She knows I love her tho.
I had to start bingewatching Jessica Jones when I got home :rofl:
But I agree with the guys, give her time fam.

My ex emailed me late at night the other night. I blocked her number, changed mine, and don't have social media anymore so I guess that's why she chose email. For two seconds I thought of replying, but I remembered how bad she treated me back then. This girl took advantage of the fact that she was my first love, always disrespected me and cheated several times. She almost messed things up for me and my current girl. I deleted the email and just kept it moving. **** her. :smokin
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