TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Wow. Dude never chills any more then cops an XBOX1?! Let me tell you why I'm mad!

Its my brothers lol. Waiting for my pc to get built.
Almost bought a ps4 last week though.

I talked to suber. Ima try and make it out there next week. Save a shot for me
Oh. Glad to see Mods just booting people instead of closing off the thread altogether. Now back to the yambs.
Lol if i do i have booze and books and survival lamps. Plenty of food. Fire wood. Emergency yamb down the street if need be
Met up with a bumble chick tonight. She was super shy for like 20 minutes contrary to what her profile said. She ended up being pretty dope though. We're going to chill again for sure.
Got my Gin, my beer, wine. and my xbox 1 and work computer...
hitting the gym at 8 a.m. coming back home and chillen.

Still happy I decided to shut down my franchise for cuffing season and happily exploring options for the next season

I cut mine off, but still decided to spend this weekend with her. The constant p and alcohol is better than dolo for that cold.
Last night was mad fun. Made out with a chick and got another chicks' number. Woke up this morning with a scratch on my nose.

What's funny is that now that my hair is getting longer, I either get called asap rocky or Travis scott
Yall need jesus how you in church talking all that sinning **** lol
Facts. Dude is a clown.Only thing he is clapping is hands.

Keep making out with random women brehs

These diseases out here are real
True story. I chill on that. I watched some broad make out with one dude earlier in the night. They exchange numbers and dude bounced. Then I see her later in the night sucking face with someone else. Then I see her in some next dude whip giving neck. Shorty was on a mission to just be wild that night.
So I originally posted this in another thread about fappin but the directed me here. 
So aight here it goes. Me and my old lady been together 3 years as of November and TBH the sex life is inconsistent and lazy which makes it terrible. When we we're in college i always heard rumors but nothing confirmed that she was the freak and mad loose but i know you can't take what people say to a grain of salt for the most part but at the same time where there is smoke there is fire. So throughout out college she and I we're mad cool and i always had a thing for her but at the time she wasn't checking for me and i was doing my thing with other chicks and all that so I wasn't checking for anybody that wasn't checking for me. So fast forward 2 years later and we linked up on a day to day basis and things led to another and we really hit it off. She initiated a lot of our relationship including everything to wanting to be with me. Throughout the talking process she mentioned that she was celibate which hit me like WTF but I was honestly cool with because that **** with different girls was becoming taxing on me so for the time being I wasn't pressed for sex. So once we officially made it a thing between us we lasted like a month the she put it on me and man **** was glorious. So before getting with her literally before the n we had a talk about her past and i told her look keep it real with me about who you been with and you'll be all good in my book just keep it 100 with me. So fast forward and she ended up lying about some people and her reasoning was she didn't think I knew them or would find out. The relationship never fully gained the trust back because of me lying to her about going in her facebook to look at old messages to see who else she lied to me about as well. So she ended up lying and hiding a lot of **** from me including a couple homeboys and the like which at this point i felt betrayed. I can't blame her because it was before me but still. So low and behold we haven't fully recovered from that and the sex has been lackadaisical since and well quite frankly I'm over it and over the laziness or lack of attempts on her part. She claims her libido is low, personally i feel like she thotted herself out and sex is just whatever to her now We have a son now who's 6 months old and i know it's tiring but damn man. She isn't cheating on me but still we can go weeks without no sex and that aint sitting well with me. I'm over fapping for real like this **** is almost a nightly thing for 2 years now and I'd rather not cheat on her but im a hair line close to doing that **** especially with all the attention I get from the flight attendants at my job. This fapping is out of control and I dont know an alternative to a lazy chick. Appreciate the read NT I know I got issues but like Kanye said "We all self conscious, I'm just the first to admit it"
The first time my girl ain't **** me for a week I went and smashed something else *shrug* but u need to sit and have a convo with her. U don't trust her and probably never will again. Then it's not helping that the sex is non existent to [emoji]128078[/emoji] which makes u believe she could possibly be smashing someone else. Then u gotta turn down p everyday too? No man who lives in the same home as his lover should never have to fap everyday, I repeat no man. Have that convo bruh
bruh fr i learned that if she aint smashing and shes under 35 .................well we know where this is going

insert. jamal / chad 
So I originally posted this in another thread about fappin but the directed me here. 
So aight here it goes. Me and my old lady been together 3 years as of November and TBH the sex life is inconsistent and lazy which makes it terrible. When we we're in college i always heard rumors but nothing confirmed that she was the freak and mad loose but i know you can't take what people say to a grain of salt for the most part but at the same time where there is smoke there is fire. So throughout out college she and I we're mad cool and i always had a thing for her but at the time she wasn't checking for me and i was doing my thing with other chicks and all that so I wasn't checking for anybody that wasn't checking for me. So fast forward 2 years later and we linked up on a day to day basis and things led to another and we really hit it off. She initiated a lot of our relationship including everything to wanting to be with me. Throughout the talking process she mentioned that she was celibate which hit me like WTF but I was honestly cool with because that **** with different girls was becoming taxing on me so for the time being I wasn't pressed for sex. So once we officially made it a thing between us we lasted like a month the she put it on me and man **** was glorious. So before getting with her literally before the n we had a talk about her past and i told her look keep it real with me about who you been with and you'll be all good in my book just keep it 100 with me. So fast forward and she ended up lying about some people and her reasoning was she didn't think I knew them or would find out. The relationship never fully gained the trust back because of me lying to her about going in her facebook to look at old messages to see who else she lied to me about as well. So she ended up lying and hiding a lot of **** from me including a couple homeboys and the like which at this point i felt betrayed. I can't blame her because it was before me but still. So low and behold we haven't fully recovered from that and the sex has been lackadaisical since and well quite frankly I'm over it and over the laziness or lack of attempts on her part. She claims her libido is low, personally i feel like she thotted herself out and sex is just whatever to her now We have a son now who's 6 months old and i know it's tiring but damn man. She isn't cheating on me but still we can go weeks without no sex and that aint sitting well with me. I'm over fapping for real like this **** is almost a nightly thing for 2 years now and I'd rather not cheat on her but im a hair line close to doing that **** especially with all the attention I get from the flight attendants at my job. This fapping is out of control and I dont know an alternative to a lazy chick. Appreciate the read NT I know I got issues but like Kanye said "We all self conscious, I'm just the first to admit it"
yeah you can't get mad at her for telling you who she been with AFTER you wifed her. Should've done the Carfax before you copped. Can't sweat that **** now as long as you got each other, you're good. Talk to her about the sex and what not. Especially you all have a younging together make that **** work.
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