TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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Just spit your game how you spit it, don't treat them differently. The most devout chick I've messed with was also the biggest freak i've messed with.
Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.
There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on.............. :smh:  

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I told my girl it was Masturbation May. she looked offended lmao.
she was like you sure you need that then precedes to suck the soul out of me. she then said... "You wont need to worry about that this month at all"
:smokin :rofl:

My last girlfriend absolutely thought it was pointless thing to do while having a girl. she hated whenn i told her i just popped one off so im not ready to go again

anyone elses girl feel that way?
Fellas any advice on dealing with religious women. Met this cute shorty last week while I was working out. I'm Catholic but I really don't give a damn about religion. She's Christian and is very involved :eg...volunteers, youth group, mass every Sunday etc...
just treat her as you normally would. if she respects your beliefs and vice versa, then it's all good.
Anyone dealt with stalkerish ex-bfs before? I think dude is harmless but a few weeks ago he was drunkenly leaving my girl messages, the apologizing the next day, having his mom call my girl, then wrote this big long email how he wants her back. She told him he needs to chill and he blew it there's nothing there and she has someone new. Then today I get a LinkedIn page view from some dude I don't know with 1 mutual friend, my girl, so I ask her if she knows dude and she's like, "yeah, that's my ex
not even sure how he knows your name." It's just
She says I have nothing to worry about but it kind of bothers me dude is all up in my personal info and **** after she told him off weeks ago and they don't even talk any more.
creepy, but i wouldn't worry about it if he's harmless. he's probably just salty tbh.
Na let's not act like females...males to don't look up their ex or mate just to see how they are living.

It's 2016, shoot people been doing this for years.
I've never looked up an exes spouse If I see them together in a pic cool, but I've never went on the spouses page or even looked them up for that matter. Dude found Hennys name and searched him up in linked :smh:

Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.
There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on.............. :smh:  
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@TomDiginson  in this instance, she's the savage.  

That was the only time there was some "action" behind her guilt.  But other times she would just go through this 5 min guilt trip. smh

It got to a point where I felt bad so I would tell her "let's just chill. we don't have to do anything, you need to get your mind right".... moments later she's ripping the clothes off of me! 

I'll admit, the spontaneity was exciting but it came with a costly price 
Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.
There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on.............. :smh:  
That's wild!
Anyone dealt with stalkerish ex-bfs before? I think dude is harmless but a few weeks ago he was drunkenly leaving my girl messages, the apologizing the next day, having his mom call my girl, then wrote this big long email how he wants her back. She told him he needs to chill and he blew it there's nothing there and she has someone new. Then today I get a LinkedIn page view from some dude I don't know with 1 mutual friend, my girl, so I ask her if she knows dude and she's like, "yeah, that's my ex :stoneface: not even sure how he knows your name." It's just :x She says I have nothing to worry about but it kind of bothers me dude is all up in my personal info and **** after she told him off weeks ago and they don't even talk any more.

Meh, he'll fade out.

I told my girl it was Masturbation May. she looked offended lmao.
she was like you sure you need that then precedes to suck the soul out of me. she then said... "You wont need to worry about that this month at all"
:smokin :rofl:

My last girlfriend absolutely thought it was pointless thing to do while having a girl. she hated whenn i told her i just popped one off so im not ready to go again

anyone elses girl feel that way?

My ~ex has a high sex drives so she loves going all the time, she would get mad when I'd say nah, already rubbed a couple out. She would just go ahead and do her thing next to me though, there's been a few times I woke up to her watching porn and going in when I didn't give her any. Funny though, that oversaturation of sex is what made me masturbate, wanted something different without cheating.
Just saw this unattractive girls tinder...and I am dissapointed in you guys...it said 500 people liked you since you last checked tinder....bruh 500? She's not even that cute and she gets to pick out of 500 lol....girls got too much power nowadays.
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Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.
There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on.............. :smh:  

Repped for the lulz

Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.

There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on..............  
Ze filth....
So check this out fellas... :smokin

My girls calls me up last night on some real ****, talking straight savage dirty, trying to call me out and talking ****.

She talking about how we didn't see eachother all day and that we need to make up for lost time. (mind you, we've had sex every single day for the past month atleast 3-6x a day)

So anyway, I told her she talks a big game, let's see if can back all that talking up. I tell her to come through.

So anyway, she calls me up and says she's 2 minutes out. I'm like well I left the front door unlock, just come in. She's like naww, you better come get me.

So I head down stairs, and open the door. She pulls up in front of my house, opens the door and i'm like....

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This girl came out her car, straight butt naked with 4 inch heels on, hair pulled back and glasses on, her ***** was all waxed for me...

She approaches me and immediately goes to work, giving me head right on my door step. I take her to the stairs and proceed to pound the back.

I made it my goal last night for her to never forget this night.... I went all out, hitting her with every position.

I counted last night as personal goal... I made my chick cum/squirt 30 times.... that's right.... THIRTY times. :smokin Your boy was like...

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This girl knocked the ****** out in the same position all night. She was suppose to go back home because she works in the morning.

She ended up just calling in sick because she was still tapped out. :lol: So yeah, stroke game was so good that I made my chick call in sick. :rofl:
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Lol so she pissed all over you 30 times? How much y'all drink that night? My girl called in sick today too :rofl: Lets exchange chick pics via PM (no nudes).
@HAWAII 5O  I don't know how you could deal with all of that p juice.  did she drink 2 gallons of water before the marathon?

I once had a shorty, who was really open about her past sex excursions, tell me how she was turned out by her ex. (he liked being pee'd on) 

Automatically I thought I had a lot of ground to make up, as far as pleasing her.  But in reality it wasn't that bad.  Just mad long sessions and all kinds of toys on deck.

But then like a month in, I guess she felt comfortable enough to ask at this point, she hit me with the R. Kelz inquiry.... IN MY BED!! 

so many questions ran through my head instantly "where is all this going to go?" "don't she know these are R. Lauren linens?" "do I need a jacket??"

but I naturally regurgitated a "**** NO" 

I think all the questions came to mind because of all of the texting we had earlier lol
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 I don't know how you could deal with all of that p juice.  did she drink 2 gallons of water before the marathon?

I once had a shorty, who was really open about her past sex excursions, tell me how she was turned out by her ex. (he liked being pee'd on) :x  
Automatically I thought I had a lot of ground to make up, as far as pleasing her.  But in reality it wasn't that bad.  Just mad long sessions and all kinds of toys on deck.

But then like a month in, I guess she felt comfortable enough to ask at this point, she hit me with the R. Kelz inquiry.... IN MY BED!! :x :x :x
so many questions ran through my head instantly "where is all this going to go?" "don't she know these are R. Lauren linens?" "do I need a jacket??"
but I naturally regurgitated a "**** NO" :lol:
I think all the questions came to mind because of all of the texting we had earlier lol

Lol at "does she know these are Ralph linens?" :rofl:

If she really squirted 30 times that's disgusting b. You sure she didn't just cum a lot? When my girl squirts I get pissed man. Last time it soaked all the way through my bed cover. Had to take everything off and put new sheets on and my mattress was still wet! Was sleeping on top of a new sheets and a double folded blanket. I took a pic cuz it was so redic. She's not allowed to be smashed in that position any more. If I didn't have clean sheets I would've had to pull a big daddy and lay newspapers out on the bed :rofl:

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Yall wildin about that stalker thing. I guess its because I know my current girl's exes have been law enforcement or military. I aint even about that thuggin on em life because I know how the dudes roll.
I told her from jump I dont even want to hear about that stuff, you dead it and without me knowing.

Ironically the last dude she went on a few dates with she now works in his office (he's a cop). but she introduced him to me last year when her and i were just friends and dude was mad suspect of me (from what she told me) 6 months later she's my girl....

see dude in the gym, give him a nod he gives me that straight cop stare....
but she did make it a point to tell me they're on comopletely different shift and she wont see him. I told her I was never worried (which im not because im emotionally void anyway so I could give a **( less)

lol but yea if a dude comes up to me or calls me talking about i want my girl back... and i'll do anything to get her back. That ninja may be a psycho...

How have you not been repped for this story already.. go ahead and take this token of my appreciation for bringing a good story in here! I believe you!

My ex wasn't a squirter but she was Leaker. (probably did squirt but i always kept my junk inside of her cuz i loved that feelign of it running down the shaft and on to my stomach))

she ruined my bed a few times made her sleep on the wet side with just a towel under her
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So check this out fellas...

My girls calls me up last night on some real ****, talking straight savage dirty, trying to call me out and talking ****.

She talking about how we didn't see eachother all day and that we need to make up for lost time. (mind you, we've had sex every single day for the past month atleast 3-6x a day)

So anyway, I told her she talks a big game, let's see if can back all that talking up. I tell her to come through.

So anyway, she calls me up and says she's 2 minutes out. I'm like well I left the front door unlock, just come in. She's like naww, you better come get me.

So I head down stairs, and open the door. She pulls up in front of my house, opens the door and i'm like....

This girl came out her car, straight butt naked with 4 inch heels on, hair pulled back and glasses on, her ***** was all waxed for me...

She approaches me and immediately goes to work, giving me head right on my door step. I take her to the stairs and proceed to pound the back.

I made it my goal last night for her to never forget this night.... I went all out, hitting her with every position.

I counted last night as personal goal... I made my chick cum/squirt 30 times.... that's right.... THIRTY times.
Your boy was like...

This girl knocked the ****** out in the same position all night. She was suppose to go back home because she works in the morning.

She ended up just calling in sick because she was still tapped out.
So yeah, stroke game was so good that I made my chick call in sick.
all that squirting she prolly was dehydrated 
This the last time I'm going to post about this girl... But it looks like we're done for good...i called it quits I've never met someone who knew how to get under my skin as much as her/vice versa I know I probably sound hella lame but at the rate we were going either it was going to get real ugly..she wasn't a bad girl we were just both complete di**heads more so me than her
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This the last time I'm going to post about this girl... But it looks like we're done for good...i called it quits I've never met someone who knew how to get under my skin as much as her/vice versa I know I probably sound hella lame but at the rate we were going either it was going to get real ugly..she wasn't a bad girl we were just both complete di**heads more so me than her
Rose Bar in a 2 weeks then :nerd:
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