TAY '16: The Saga Continues

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funny me and this random OG was talking about this today when I met up with him for work.

them young thundercats been hiding behind the screen for so long they are scared/worried of the approach and rejection. its ok to chalk it not getting a message on the FB or the IG... but when a girl says no to you in your face they're not ready for it. they dont have the experience the people who have been goign out and getting it face to face have (this conversation also applied to people in gneral and how everyone is keyboard warriors and no common courtesey as well)

no reason to be scared. words are wind my friends

Actually read a study that this young generation of adults are having the least amount of sex of any prior era. These dudes would rather text and hide behind a comput of screen, and stalk chicks IG accounts then actually put in the work/spit game and smash.
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So let me get this straight..shorty was letting yo

Actually read a study that this young generation of adults are having the least amount of sex of any prior era. These dudes would rather text and hide behind a comput of screen, and stalk chicks IG accounts then actually put in the work/spit game and smash.

That's funny because the value of the yambs is at a all time low with all the different ways to get it. Guess the saying is true..."20% of dudes are smashing 90% of the women"
Been smashing girl I met over at Bar Deco (set up through a friend though), really enjoying it, she even squats twice a week :wow:

But trying to avoid oneitis. Been a while since single, would feel weird to go back so quick.

Hopeless romantic trying to get his numbers up ... go figure :lol:

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Smh I hate this ***** yet I can't Leave her alone this **** is not like me at all
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Like everything else, practice and experience makes you better.

If you really want to get your game up, you need to position yourself to approach 10 chicks per week for a month.

Easier said than done, but you have to know the worse is a no.

I guarantee your game will drastically improve, and your confidence will rise.

In the words of action Bronson

Gotta get it, gotta gotta get it quick.
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So let me get this straight..shorty was letting yo

Actually read a study that this young generation of adults are having the least amount of sex of any prior era. These dudes would rather text and hide behind a comput of screen, and stalk chicks IG accounts then actually put in the work/spit game and smash.

That's funny because the value of the yambs is at a all time low with all the different ways to get it. Guess the saying is true..."20% of dudes are smashing 90% of the women"

Social media does different things for different people

The online game only added to my off-line game, it didn't replace it. It made my offline game that much more confident just off knowing how much easier it got with Tinder and the like
Well the no kiss close probably is working in his favor..Shorty is probably confused and wants him even more now since he didn't "give it up" so easily.. :nerd: just close the next date homie and you're good.

Ime it doesn't work like that. It's one thing if you go for the glory and she wants to wait, you can still tag up in that scenario. But if she wanted it right then and you choked up she'll probably hate you forever. It's almost like leading her on and chicks hate being led on. Keep us updated tho :nerd:

Like everything else, practice and experience makes you better.

If you really want to get your game up, you need to position yourself to approach 10 chicks per week for a month.

Easier said than done, but you have to know the worse is a no.

I guarantee your game will drastically improve, and your confidence will rise.

In the words of action Bronson

Gotta get it, gotta gotta get it quick.

THIS. Just gotta condition yourself to follow your instincts and have a quick trigger finger right when she catches your eye. Eventually you'll get to be like Batman, as soon as that light comes on you're ready to leap into action. Start off simple with a wave or hello and go from there. In time you'll build up a cache and know what to do in different situations and you'll have a presence about you that'll allow her to **** with you.
But if she wanted it right then and you choked up she'll probably hate you forever. It's almost like leading her on and chicks hate being led on. Keep us updated tho nerd.gif

Yeah it's almost impossible to catch that window again when they left it wide open for you. It can be done though.
10 per week might be doable but I don't get out often. 10 per day is outrageous, mans don't got time for that. :lol:

Fellas any advice on dealing with religious women. Met this cute shorty last week while I was working out. I'm Catholic but I really don't give a damn about religion. She's Christian and is very involved :eg...volunteers, youth group, mass every Sunday etc...

It's both for me, I've talked about in all editions of this thread and the confessions thread

I've seen you say the same things ad nauseam. It's time for you to stop making excuses and get out there. You're gonna regret all those opportunities you never took.
oh word? So u stalking my posts g?

Well let's see the quotes

But you're right, I haven't manned up. :smh:
Just spit your game how you spit it, don't treat them differently. The most devout chick I've messed with was also the biggest freak i've messed with.
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oh word? So u stalking my posts g?

Well let's see the quotes

But you're right, I haven't manned up.
Dique stalking 

Manito I wanna see everyone flourish and not waste their potential 
Anyone dealt with stalkerish ex-bfs before? I think dude is harmless but a few weeks ago he was drunkenly leaving my girl messages, the apologizing the next day, having his mom call my girl, then wrote this big long email how he wants her back. She told him he needs to chill and he blew it there's nothing there and she has someone new. Then today I get a LinkedIn page view from some dude I don't know with 1 mutual friend, my girl, so I ask her if she knows dude and she's like, "yeah, that's my ex :stoneface: not even sure how he knows your name." It's just :x She says I have nothing to worry about but it kind of bothers me dude is all up in my personal info and **** after she told him off weeks ago and they don't even talk any more.
Don't underestimate dudes as being harmless with MMA trend popping. Also dudes will do crazy things in the name of so called "love"
That is weird and pathetic. Homie actually looked up your page ? Its one thing to look at the girls page to see if she found someone new, but to actually look up homie ? He may actually be interested in you hennessy hennessy
Na let's not act like females...males to don't look up their ex or mate just to see how they are living.

It's 2016, shoot people been doing this for years.
Just spit your game how you spit it, don't treat them differently. The most devout chick I've messed with was also the biggest freak i've messed with.

Had a preacher's daughter on the team for awhile until it got wild uncomfortable.

There was this one time she felt guilty and made us get on our knees and repent in front of the couch I just slayed her on.............. 
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