TAR - Thread About Relationships vol. Calling TAY Graduates

I'm also in an interracial relationship (I'm black, she's Puerto Rican). I've never had any issues with her fam. Hell, they love me. Especially her grandma :lol: BUT, before I met them, of course I had my eyes and ears open :nerd:
My boy had this theory back in HS.

I want your take on it

"If the dude in the relationship cares/loves MORE (than the girl), the relationship is doomed."

True/False? Why
My boy had this theory back in HS.

I want your take on it

"If the dude in the relationship cares/loves MORE (than the girl), the relationship is doomed."

True/False? Why
True. Can't say why exactly, but it seems like women are biologically attracted to dudes who can live happily without them.
That's why you always hear women complain about not having a nice guy who spoils them, but the reason they're not with those men are because they cannot at the gut level be attracted to men who care so much they cater to all her needs and wants. For men, it's a different story altogether. Men want women who have their back, and that usually means a woman who cares more than the man does.
My boy had this theory back in HS.

I want your take on it

"If the dude in the relationship cares/loves MORE (than the girl), the relationship is doomed."

True/False? Why
That’s too much digging and a recipe for disaster. When you compare and analyze what their doing, you assume negligence on their part and most of the time their trying their best. Both parties should feel like their giving 60% of the whole.
That’s too much digging and a recipe for disaster. When you compare and analyze what their doing, you assume negligence on their part and most of the time their trying their best. Both parties should feel like their giving 60% of the whole.
I'd love to think this way, but there's a part of me that will always protect myself first.
That’s too much digging and a recipe for disaster. When you compare and analyze what their doing, you assume negligence on their part and most of the time their trying their best. Both parties should feel like their giving 60% of the whole.
I personally feel it is practically impossible NOT to look at the exchanging of favors/money/support/love in ANY human/human relationship.

It sounds noble to say, "We shouldn't compare what our mate does vs. what I do" but we DO.

I don't think their is no way NOT to.

We do it, consciously or subconsciously.
I'm also in an interracial relationship (I'm black, she's Puerto Rican). I've never had any issues with her fam. Hell, they love me. Especially her grandma :lol: BUT, before I met them, of course I had my eyes and ears open :nerd:
You from NYC? Most Hispanic girls in NY down with black dudes and they’re fam cool with it too.
I'd love to think this way, but there's a part of me that will always protect myself first.
Used to have that same mind frame. And still do but not too extreme. It’s a waste of time. Assumptions can drive u crazy.
It sounds noble to say, "We shouldn't compare what our mate does vs. what I do" but we DO.

I don't think their is no way NOT to.

We do it, consciously or subconsciously.
You’re right.... but you gotta let things go over your head to keep the peace and pick your battles correctly. We have that choice and can compromise to where you don’t hurt her feelings.
I always revert to us (men) as being the level headed ones due to us being more logical rather emo.
You from NYC? Most Hispanic girls in NY down with black dudes and they’re fam cool with it too.
Depends. Some of them say they cool, but behind your back they got that Abuela or Abuelo talmbout if they couldn't get with a "nice Puertorican or Dominican guy" instead. Experienced it before. Broke up with the jawn cause of it too.
Used to have that same mind frame. And still do but not too extreme. It’s a waste of time. Assumptions can drive u crazy.

You’re right.... but you gotta let things go over your head to keep the peace and pick your battles correctly. We have that choice and can compromise to where you don’t hurt her feelings.
I always revert to us (men) as being the level headed ones due to us being more logical rather emo.
Oh no doubt, we all have to take "Ls" to get the long term W. Agree 100%.
Depends. Some of them say they cool, but behind your back they got that Abuela or Abuelo talmbout if they couldn't get with a "nice Puertorican or Dominican guy" instead. Experienced it before. Broke up with the jawn cause of it too.
I’ve come to the realization that almost all abuelos and abuelas ain’t feeling us like that. Luckily my girl’s abuela ****s with me, but it’s definitely a rare occasion.
You never really know in regards to the 1.
That love on first sight is BS. Takes time.
In regards 2 keeping the relationship going, worry about your own self and show affection. Tons of it. I wrap my self around wifey while cuddling/spooning and call it maximum security. Usually leads to smashing.

Don’t assume. Give each other the benefit of doubt and it’s never U versus ME... it’s us against the problem.

Sexy ya self up too. Don’t be a slob and have a good music playlist on deck where you both can vibe out

did u get dat maximum security off reddit lol
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