Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

does anyone else use the dedicated jump buttons rather than pushing up?

i think thats what messes me up, i use a GC controller and having x & y so close to A leads me to depend on the jump buttons rather than pushing up on thestick...and when i get in panic situations, im pushing the button and pushing up making me waste a double jump often leading to my death
^ I been usin the dedicated jump buttons since the 64 version. I mean, why not? That's what they're there for.
Y and X ftw.

Diddy so much fun. And no one else on here uses him. You can seriously make guys slip 5x in a row. This nt tourny is gonna be a magical thing...

EDIT: Who else gets very very mad when you spectate? I swear the Wii waits for me to bet on my guy, then they make sure he does the worst. I'vepicked a guy only to have him walk off the ledge from the jump and start -1... SMH. But I bet 100 on a 3man FFA and won mad coin: a win + a bonus = 840 coins
Originally Posted by 40JaysAnd40Flights

GG IRock and Pheezy and whoever is "Ova"
. Who was Pit during that 1 game when I was Wario on Delfino Plaza? We were battling for that smash ball. That was my only hope to stay in the game and I lost it.LOL

Ova is me...
Look at what the King just found...

According to IGN, Snake actually has secret taunts.� If any of you ever taunted with Snake, then you know that he hides under the box, and itdoesn't�matter which direction you press.� But, if you go to Shadow Moses, a quick press of the down direction on the D-pad will do THESE.�

I'm bout to go try this like RIGHT NOW.�

This is just how Fox had a secret taunt on Corneria in Melee, where he'd call Slippy to come shoot at opponents in an Arwing.
Originally Posted by EvansST

People need to add me...

Whats your FC? you up for a match now? I'll be up for a few more hours. In fact, if anybody on the east is up for a match, get at me on AIM. Savant210 is my screen name. just let me know whats good. I added everyone on the east but no one has added me yet. Guess no1s in the mood for a whoopin
It's my first post so make it count and add me

Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Brawl Tag is BADD

Hit me with a PM if you add me so I know

This game is
Originally Posted by daaznfella

Question OnHollowedGround:

That "black katana" wii you have, came with red LED's right?....was thinking of getting it for myself, how is the lumination on those LEDs?
Yup! glow pretty happy with it, I added the "slashes" "blood cuts" for an extra wow to doessnt have thatwhen you order it
yo ~CRI~ good games man. btw it was me and my homie switching off and playing games against u. I was the ike and the wolf. I like ur Mario tho (nh).
i added a couple more west people...the list is kinda tough to read since recent additions are mixed in with people who were on it from day 1...
imma add all the rest of the west tommorrow..spring break starts tomm, I'll be on like its a job
Brawl name = MCA
FC = 0989-1460-9244
East Coast here. Someone please add me, "Brawl with anyone" is a lag-fest.
Originally Posted by Tom Jooks

Brawl name = MCA
FC = 0989-1460-9244
East Coast here. Someone please add me, "Brawl with anyone" is a lag-fest.

really though

i'm experiencing major lag too and my connection is 10mbit up and down.

i haven't played w/ any 'friends' yet but i hope the lag isnt there because its killing me
Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Originally Posted by EvansST

People need to add me...

Whats your FC? you up for a match now? I'll be up for a few more hours. In fact, if anybody on the east is up for a match, get at me on AIM. Savant210 is my screen name. just let me know whats good. I added everyone on the east but no one has added me yet. Guess no1s in the mood for a whoopin
EvansST(OVA): 1676-3350-4826 west coast
if it hasnt been asked yet... where is 'iseki' ruins?? im trying to get wolf
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