Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread - Does Anyone Still Play This...?

damn, i just came from spending the whole day playing with my boys...we definitely getting used to this joint quickly...i spent more time playing on myboy's Wii on Smash than I have on my own...

i'm dead right now and need to catch Z's but i'll edit the list with everyone who posted up within the last two pages...
list is updated...but why is it that some of y'all don't give me your Brawl screen names? it's only a max of 5 letters/words...c'mon guys
GG's to CzdaDegrees, and King Lincey!

I was gaaarbage, but it was a lotta fun! I was dealing with way too many landmasters, and killing myself too often.

I'm most proud of winning a three stock ffa with only two KO's.

And Lincey, nice home run contests
sorry I kept breaking the glass andgetting us 0-footers

And also, you saw what I was doing with diddy when you were snake on snake's stage? That's how I wanna use him.
Hopefully I can get a game going this time tonight. If anyone wants to get a few games going around 11ish tonight let me know.
Question OnHollowedGround:

That "black katana" wii you have, came with red LED's right?....was thinking of getting it for myself, how is the lumination on those LEDs?
I was on last night, but nobody was playing...let me know if you are down for later
that black wii is baddd.

try not to discuss selling details about it in this thread, it might get locked
I guess I'll ask again.. Is anybody having issues connecting their Game Cube controller? My cousins was trying to use his on my console and it keptshutting off for some odd reason. It wouldn't turn on until it was disconnected. Could it be that it wasnt an actualy Nintendo controller but after market?
^ Cwrite, I only use Nintendo GC controllers (2 wavebirds, baby) so with your boy's being a 3rd party, that could be a problem.

GG's to Blaze, DFly, and a third who isn't on my f-list.

DFly, Blaze, you guys are def coming up in this game. DFly's a problem right now.
Originally Posted by Poofyo101

i cant get mine to connect to games online
i hit the pick character screen and it jus says finding opponents and never finds anyone
wasup with it?

are u trying to play w/ random peeps or NT? try going to the setting up screen, eraseing a old internet settings and replace it with a freshly new one, tryto find connect, if ur internet is wireless it should pick it up. and test it out. iono, thats what i did and it got it to work.
yo! gg, today to iROCK,OVA, and esp NELLZ for owning all of us, had one show down w/ u w/ King DeDe, excellent match, going to build up my 2 mains Ness and Olimar, so prepare. can iget ur sn's for AIM: or hit me up at luvmysketchbook. im on east, so feel free to add me yall.

still need a good amount of yall to add me. or accept my invite.
^ You whooped everyone.

I'm gonna be ready the next time we go.

I'm still trying to get used to the game.
Why can't I get a game. I get to point with the sandbag and I just get disconnected all the damn time...

You guys are lucky I can't get online.
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