Super Bowl XLII: YOU GOTTA bELIeve!!!!!!!! Greatest Super Bowl in History?!?!?

IMO it was just amazing to see this Patriots offense, statistically the greatest offense in NFL HISTORY, get shut down and see Brady knocked on his back andkilled ALL GAME LONG.

The Pats played great defense as well, so I don't think the offenses were just horrible, it was simply a great defensive battle until the 4th when Eli madesome clutch plays.

...and considering the circumstances, the 18-0 record going for perfection, the Giants 12 point under-dogs and simply dominating this game.....the countrywanting the Pats to lose, etc, it was a classic game in that aspect alone.

A lot of people except for like 4 people in this thread are saying this was one of the greatest games in recent memory, but your entitled to your own opinion.
Man...I got mad PM's already, your more than welcome to.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

IMO it was just amazing to see this Patriots offense, statistically the greatest offense in NFL HISTORY, get shut down and see Brady knocked on his back and killed ALL GAME LONG.

The Pats played great defense as well, so I don't think the offenses were just horrible, it was simply a great defensive battle until the 4th when Eli made some clutch plays.

...and considering the circumstances, the 18-0 record going for perfection, the Giants 12 point under-dogs and simply dominating this game.....the country wanting the Pats to lose, etc, it was a classic game in that aspect alone.

A lot of people except for like 4 people in this thread are saying this was one of the greatest games in recent memory, but your entitled to your own opinion.

How is it one of the greatest games in recent memory when it isn't even one of the top two SBs of the decade?

If you all had stepped away from the media for the two weeks prior, you'd have the same view I do on the game. The Pats were once dominant this season. That was a long time ago. They did their 16-0 thing. They barely got by the Jags and Chargers who hadtheir top three players injured. They were vulnerable, and the Giants took advantage.

I don't see where you get off saying the Giants dominated the game either. They didn't. They won by three points at the very end of the game. Theiroffense looked like $!@% for more than three quarters. They did play good defense though.

Congrats. You won the Super Bowl. But to say this is one of the greatest games in recent memory is a huge stretch to me.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

I swear, maybe I'm getting older, but some of you need to calm down.

The game was a dud for more than three quarters. Both teams were unimpressive. Some of it was a result of good defense, but a lot was the result of piss poor execution on offense. Neither team looked Super Bowl caliber until midway through the fourth.

Best Super Bowl I've ever seen was the Panthers and Patriots. That was a classic. Rams/Titans was great. Rams/Patriots was great. Eagles/Patriots was better than this. This was no better than fourth best this decade. Big upset? You can call it that. But anybody who put money on the Patriots covering was an idiot. I'll always go with the hot team. The Giants were hot. The Pats were luke warm.

Dude, the Patriots/Panthers? Although it was good you can't say this year was a dud until the 4th quarter and not say that that game was the bestyou've ever seen because that game was ALSO a dud until the 4th quarter. Rams/Titans was the same way. Eagles/Patriots didn't have the same dramabecause Philly fell behind and were down 10 with 3:00 minutes left. This year, Pats biggest lead was 4, Giants was 3. Close throughout, it wasn't assloppy as you think. Maybe you just don't like defensive grind it out football.
Pats gameplan was garbage.

The plan should have been to get the Ball too moss, not do stupid dumpoffs to welker and faulk all game.

That offense was unprepared last night.

It was hilarious all the dudes at school sayin Welker>Moss last nite.

i'm just saying he needs to learn to go over the middle if he wants really wants to help his team.
False sir. He had DB's burnt and on skates all game and if Brady would have had protection it would have been curtains. Not to mention mostof his catches were over the middle. I sometimes wonder if people like you even watched the game

yall salty that Moss> your favorite reciever
Originally Posted by lowslows

Pats gameplan was garbage.

The plan should have been to get the Ball too moss, not do stupid dumpoffs to welker and faulk all game.

That offense was unprepared last night.

It was hilarious all the dudes at school sayin Welker>Moss last nite.

This type of response is why you aren't and never will be a head coach, offensive coordinator, towel boy, waterboy, or parking lot staff for any NFLteam in your lifetime. smh
IMO, it's not that much of a huge stretch, I've watched every single super bowl since XXIX, and I can say this definitely racks at the top...becausethe hype surrounding the Patriots this year was huge....everybody was saying "greatest team of all time etc." and even if they did win, I stillwouldn't have considered them "the greatest team of all time."....why ? because towards the end of the season they started to fall off and it wasonly a matter of sacks and knock downs until Brady's "band wagon" went off course and into a straight nose dive.
This type of response is why you aren't and never will be a head coach, offensive coordinator, towel boy, waterboy, or parking lot staff for any NFL team in your lifetime. smh
and you will? ****...that gameplan was garbage.

Its like Moss was totally ignored the whole playoffs. and it aint cause of no coverage either, he been facin that his whole career.

When their O started to click on that last drive it was because MOSS was gettin the damn ball
actually it's the other way around....

Moss got the ball because the offense started to hit their "rhythm"
you provin my point....its no surprise that their offense came into sync when he was gettin the ball.

which is why he should have gotten it more..
If pressure is in your face you can't step into your throws, stupid. And the gameplan looked exactly the same way yesterday as it has the entire season,you're just salty because for once it didn't work. The Pats did their patented trips WR quick throw WR screen to Welker and have the other 2 blockwhile he picks up yards. They did that the entire season, hell they even got it off the first few times. Then the Giants scouted it and stopped it from thereon out. The Pats even did their dump off to Faulk on 3rd down like they always do. Again, it worked on numerous occassions. Your saltiness comes from defeat,not gameplanning. You honestly expected the Pats to change what was working for 18 games in a row? I think you need to ****. I'm trying to save you theembarrassment, but I guess you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
im tryin to make a customized Giants sweatshirt on and it wont let me do it. anyone try to do this?
Originally Posted by holdupstop23

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07


great photo. I feel bad for Seau but thats an amazing picture.

Yeah, I feel bad for him too. Hes a great player that won't win a superbowl. One of the very few reasons to cheer for the patriots.
Anyone feel like making a gif with the peyton manning celebration? (up in the press box)
Here's some image stills i cooked up.



That jr seau pic needs a fail right on top!
Originally Posted by lowslows

you provin my point....its no surprise that their offense came into sync when he was gettin the ball.

which is why he should have gotten it more..

Question? How do you propose the Patriots get the ball to Randy Moss more when Tom Brady couldnt get past 3 steps 90% of time?

And second question? How do you stop pressure if your guys up front are just getting man handled? Screens, draws, and short quick throws wouldnt happen to bethe answer now would they? How funny these happen to be the routes that Randy Moss doesnt run.

The Patriots did what they were suppose to do in the situation they were in simple Football 101. How to stop the pass rush screens and draws and quick throws.It just didnt work. The Giants defensive line simply outplayed the Pats offense this game. PERIOD. Getting consistent pressure with your front four is one ofthe hardest things to do but when you do it you can control the offense.
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