SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Man, that was such an awesome moment. People that don't really follow NXT don't comprehend how major that was for her. I'm happy for her, and Sasha is by far the best Woman Wrestler on the roster. I initially had a dislike for her but she has won me over. She is seriously great.
Word is HHH and Steph both cried after the Saxton/Banks match.
You are one mean man. :smh:...:lol:
Dude is all in the cheeks. Can't even blame him though. If she's that close i'm probably doing the same thing. :evil:
- According to several sources in WWE, the original plan for WWE’s “Divas Revolution” called for Charlotte to win the title from Nikki Bella almost immediately upon arrival, and for Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch to dominate the incumbents. But John Cena, acting on behalf of girlfriend Nikki Bella, went to Vince McMahon and had that squashed.

The result is the booking we are seeing now in the Divas Revolution on WWE TV, with Divas old and new trading wins, just like the men.

He's a ******* herb I can't wait till he retires. Dude is everything wrong with the business.
Bu bu bu but 4w said women's matches = automatic bathroom breaks
Because that is how WWE has trained their fans to react to female performers. He isn't wrong by that statement at all
Kinda funny how Chris Hero was rumored to be let go cause of his weight/lack of gym time, and now they got Owens, Corbin, Dempsey, and Joe getting a decent amount of shine in NXT..

Hero wouldn't work out. Triple H is fine with fat, he's not fine with no work ethic and at least trying to get in shape. Especially since Hero has been in shape before circa 2010.

Shout out to Blake and Murphy having the Iron Man gear and for me finally being woken up to Ms. Bliss's phenomenal assets. Hopefully they'll get booked on the main roster better than The Ascension did.
Didn't know corbin was an nil offensive lineman. Explains why he has that cm punk looking body.
Kinda funny how Chris Hero was rumored to be let go cause of his weight/lack of gym time, and now they got Owens, Corbin, Dempsey, and Joe getting a decent amount of shine in NXT..

Hero wouldn't work out. Triple H is fine with fat, he's not fine with no work ethic and at least trying to get in shape. Especially since Hero has been in shape before circa 2010.

Shout out to Blake and Murphy having the Iron Man gear and for me finally being woken up to Ms. Bliss's phenomenal assets. Hopefully they'll get booked on the main roster better than The Ascension did.

There was no booking that could of saved The Ascension
@4wrestling   I come in peace.

But are you doing this on purpose with the "spoilers." You would know, if you came into the thread regularly, that many folks would be missing NXT live and would be watching it TODAY. Why put the results in the title?

No, forget the grace period. WHAT IS THE POINT of even putting ANY results of anything in the wrestling thread title? We KNOW it is the wrestling thread, putting results won't make people find it easier.

Simple. Just put WRESTLING and the damn date.
Hero wouldn't work out. Triple H is fine with fat, he's not fine with no work ethic and at least trying to get in shape. Especially since Hero has been in shape before circa 2010.

Shout out to Blake and Murphy having the Iron Man gear and for me finally being woken up to Ms. Bliss's phenomenal assets. Hopefully they'll get booked on the main roster better than The Ascension did.

Weird how Hero is portrayed as being a lazy bum and Cesaro is a workhorse in peak physical condition
@4wrestling   I come in peace.

But are you doing this on purpose with the "spoilers." You would know, if you came into the thread regularly, that many folks would be missing NXT live and would be watching it TODAY. Why put the results in the title?

No, forget the grace period. WHAT IS THE POINT of even putting ANY results of anything in the wrestling thread title? We KNOW it is the wrestling thread, putting results won't make people find it easier.

Simple. Just put WRESTLING and the damn date.
Shut up, dude.  This wasn't some obscure show that no one got to see live.  The thread jumped 700 posts last night.

When the Patroits won the Superbowl, people didn't wait a week before writing about it.

If you haven't seen the show, stay out of the thread.
Kinda funny how Chris Hero was rumored to be let go cause of his weight/lack of gym time, and now they got Owens, Corbin, Dempsey, and Joe getting a decent amount of shine in NXT..

Hero wouldn't work out. Triple H is fine with fat, he's not fine with no work ethic and at least trying to get in shape. Especially since Hero has been in shape before circa 2010.

Shout out to Blake and Murphy having the Iron Man gear and for me finally being woken up to Ms. Bliss's phenomenal assets. Hopefully they'll get booked on the main roster better than The Ascension did.

There was no booking that could of saved The Ascension
They were doomed with that legion of doom knockoff attire and he fact they looked like molestors.
Shut up, dude.  This wasn't some obscure show that no one got to see live.  The thread jumped 700 posts last night.

When the Patroits won the Superbowl, people didn't wait a week before writing about it.

If you haven't seen the show, stay out of the thread.
You are showing your lack of comprehension skills.

Someone can stay out of the thread and SEE THE GOT DAMN TITLE OF THE THREAD with the Results.
Yeah like I had a baseball draft day of 31 and planned to watch the show when I got home. I stayed out of the thread but went to check out the general forum and right there in plain sight was the main event spoiled.
When the Patroits won the Superbowl, people didn't wait a week before writing about it.
And this is a HORRIBLE comparison. I am not telling anyone to not WRITE about it. I am simply telling you to stop putting spoilers in the title of the thread.

ANswer this, what the **** is the point of doing that?

You are either doing it on purpose to piss folks off because this isn't the first time this has been brought up


You simply don't understand.

You pick which one it is
Yeah like I had a baseball draft day of 31 and planned to watch the show when I got home. I stayed out of the thread but went to check out the general forum and right there in plain sight was the main event spoiled.
Simple concept that only one person seems to not understand.

STAY OUT OF THE THREAD if you haven't watched the show 
When the Patroits won the Superbowl, people didn't wait a week before writing about it.
And this is a HORRIBLE comparison. I am not telling anyone to not WRITE about it. I am simply telling you to stop putting spoilers in the title of the thread.

ANswer this, what the **** is the point of doing that?

You are either doing it on purpose to piss folks off because this isn't the first time this has been brought up


You simply don't understand.

You pick which one it is
You are obviously the target of tabloid blogs with their click bait articles.


I can start making the thread titles like that if it suits you better.
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