SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Tiger Hattori (head of American talent), Gedo (booker), and some other Japanese guy (probably someone important) at NXT tonight... At the same exact time their HW champ is wrestling for another promotion in the same city... The same promotion that announced last night even more joint shows and more talent trading... Wrestling is weird right now...

how the **** was it? and someone post the link to the survey before I start handing out slaps
Kinda ****** up how they used that little girl's love for Bayley to make a point in the video package and everything but couldn't fly her up there to see her hero win
Tiger Hattori (head of American talent), Gedo (booker), and some other Japanese guy (probably someone important) at NXT tonight... At the same exact time their HW champ is wrestling for another promotion in the same city... The same promotion that announced last night even more joint shows and more talent trading... Wrestling is weird right now...


President of NJPW
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And Takeover was cool. Apollo is athletic af man. Why didn't he do the standing SSP part of his finisher though?

Bliss' butt is hypnotizing. Damn you Murphy

I like the Vaudevillians but HATE their theme. Their previous one was better..sounded more like an entrance theme.

Breeze/Liger was cool, but Breeze should've got the win. Dude has a worse PPV record than Ziggler :lol:

Sasha/Bayley was fantastic and the end was great. Bayley's butt also hypnotizing. :evil:

KO/Finn Fergal Balor was only aight to me besides a few nasty spots. Balor needs to switch up the 'demon' look..the current one is kinda played now.

Who's facing Finn next? Joe? :nerd:
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- I have no idea why there was so much love for Vaudevillains in Brooklyn -- maybe they just got tired of Blake/Murph
- Crowd was awesome -- chanting for the main screen to come on during the ladder match / Full Sail sucks

The Vaudevillians are over in Brooklyn because they look like they rode their fixies through Williamsburg while sipping caramel macchiatos to get to the Barclays.
Word is KANA is signed to WWE and that's why they spelled her name KANNA last night.  Sorta like a Taz/Tazz deal.
  • [thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502Ive never see Barclays center so packed outside before. Coming from the 2 train path, i could literally hear "WHOOOOOOOOOOO"s echoing into the station from outside. My friends and I tried to go to buffalo wild wings for some food/drinks and it was a **** show at 530-6. Couldnt walk anywhere in there. All the marks making chants to everything. Ex: *New Day Clap* "EAT. THE WINGS" 
    [/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502As soon as we walked in, we saw Noelle Foley chilling right in front of the big merchandise stand. She's just as
     in person. She was saying hi to fans etc. When we were about to say whatup, my ticket wouldnt scan. First on my iphone....then again when I went to print them. They tried to tell me the ticket I had was paid with cash...when I had bought them off ticketmaster smh. I had to prove to them I bought them and they reset the ticket or something so I could get in. She was gone by the time i got through smh. I missed seeing @Dat Dude Chris  too bc of it[/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502Dark Matches: Enzo and Cass got a huge pop. Even without them doing their mic stitck. I dunno how son can work in AJ 11s. Most uncomfortable AJ imo. Eva Marie....omg 
    . I felt so bad for that girl. BK really tried to boo her out the city. It wasnt even bc they booked her as a heel. Mogs just hate her 
    . SOOOOO MUCHHH HEAT. That match was so dreadful that it was
    . That diva fatal 4 way was a complete botch. The replay in the arena clear as day showed Becky kicking out after the 2 count but the ref angled himself so I guess he didnt see or hear her kick out. Son looked so lost and it looked like he called VKM/HHH at the ring announce table to figure out what to do. I can go into more detail about what I saw if you want.[/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502I dont know if yall could tell from the stream but the refs would directing traffic crazy. Hiding under the cameras, telling ppl when to taunt and gesture etc. Just seemed more blatant at this show than any other ive been to[/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502Mixed reaction when they showed the Taker/Brock montage. Slight edge toward booing Undertaker imo. Booooooos all around for the Tough Enough finalist. Sara 
    [/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502Wont talk much about the match work and who won to avoid spoilers. NEW DAY IS 100% OVER IN NYC. They were treating the New Day Clap like it was 'What?' or 'Yes!' chants. New Day Rocks chants and every variation of the chant possible. I predict Vince is going to bury them hard tonight. :frown:[/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502The crowd was insaneeeeeeeeeeeee for the SASHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.                    DELLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO x bailey match. INSANE. My group was booing the **** outta Ms Potato Head the whole match. The soccer moms and 9 year old marks were about to throw hands at us. Easily best womens match Ive seen this year. And Id put it in my top 10 MOY. Maybe even 5. Sasha just HAS it man. Kinda glad they at least acknowledge it as a co-main event bc honestly, I could have left after that match and been completely fine.[/thread][thread="634213"]Summerslam Week 8 22 Nxt Takeover Balor Vs Owens Ladder Match Ss Ppv Pred Contest/2010#post_24011502KO x Fergal was good too[/thread]
  • I dont know if yall could see on the network but after they introduced Baylor, the fans maybe 10 rows behind the announce table tried to throw streamers into the ring. I say 'tried' bc none of the streamers made it to the ring 
    . Security pulled them and teh arena went nuts. LET THEM STAY! chants. They got escorted out then like 2 mins later they came back in and got like the third biggest pop of the night 
  • Lastly, after the show, we went to the Cheap Heat meet and greet. Rosenberg loved the bo$$ x potato match and our wwe merch. He was real chill and we just talked about what we'd think would happen tomorrow. We told him we needed more Rosenberg on cheap heat. 

  • Some merch i scooped lol

  • I really wanted the MITB suitcase. Even at $70....but I cant rock with it while shameous has it smh

    Yea thats def alot of words lol my b
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Last night was GREAT. Ive never seen that many ppl in my life by one arean lol
Everyone else has basically said everything bout seeing the show so yall already know what that was like.

Crowd around me was funny especially some drunk dude rooting for Baron Corbin the whole time during his match :lol:
His vocal chords were DONE
Here are a couple pics tho
View media item 1684088

View media item 1684090

View media item 1684093Merch i bought

ihust1e ihust1e next time im down there we def gotta hangout beforehand. Our transportation issues def messed us up before i said eff it n drove lol. Imma hit you up later to see if you wanna watch SS on the party chat again
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