SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Solid match, but like several have said, it didn't really have an emotional buildup, so you don't really care about it as much...
I'm giving the edge to the women's match for MOTN, but Prince/Stein was the definite runner up..And tonight's show is gonna be much better than SS..
Keep thinking you won any sort of beef in this thread, rookie.

You will be humble pied
A year ago i was a rookie. Since then i've won a title, almost won the damn rumble, ethered you and a few others and didn't make questionable comments about getting aroused when Dog Ziggler is on screen. I think i'm on the right track. The same cannot be said for you bruh.
This was the best NXT show of the year bye far..It's a shame that Vince is still in charge of the main roster cause we're all gonna be let down by tomorrow's show..
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