SUMMERSLAM WEEK: 8/23 Balor & Bailey Win @ Takeover, BROCK V TAKER TONIGHT. Pred Contest

Mick Foley's rant.

Noelle must be a thot.

Serious question. Why are non-black dudes so comfortable talking about other dude's meats? I am listening to this Shop N Talk podcast and they spent a large part of this podcast talking about SHeldon Benjamin's meat. Like wtf man. But I guess it is as simple as "they are comfortable with their sexuality" huh...............smh

Serious question. Why are non-black dudes so comfortable talking about other dude's meats? I am listening to this Shop N Talk podcast and they spent a large part of this podcast talking about SHeldon Benjamin's meat. Like wtf man. But I guess it is as simple as "they are comfortable with their sexuality" huh...............smh

My black friends are way more comfortable talking about other dudes meats than my white friends.

Majority of my black friends have freestyle rap battles and they always turn into gay rhymes.

My mexican friends are the straightest.
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So NXT is repackaging Emma. Cool. Emma is a good talent. Hopefully she isn't used as a joke like she was before

Cool video

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Eric Young & Chris Melendez have had about 6 matches, and they've all ended like this
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Serious question. Why are non-black dudes so comfortable talking about other dude's meats? I am listening to this Shop N Talk podcast and they spent a large part of this podcast talking about SHeldon Benjamin's meat. Like wtf man. But I guess it is as simple as "they are comfortable with their sexuality" huh...............smh

You ever get drunk with white people DeepSea...
MLW Radio: Bauer & Pollock - August 26, 2015

Bauer & Pollock - August 26, 2015
Aug 26, 2015

John Pollock and Court Bauer are back with a new show, chatting numerous topics going on: SummerSlam weekend in Brooklyn and the success of the shows at Barclays Center, 2016's WWE Hall of Fame options for Texas, Sinclair vs. DISH Network and how this affects Ring of Honor, the cable industry and issues it is going through, Global Force Wrestling, Lucha Underground’s future and thoughts on Ultima Lucha and more!

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