Stupid Conspiracy Theorists...Gov't involved in 9/11...Get Real !!!

Ok, here's some reasons as to think that the government did have a say in the "terrorist" attacks...


Reason #1. Hitler burned down his own house to enter a war. He then passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which is eerily similar to the Patriot Act of today...Which also was passed after a homeland attack... And also led to a war. I'm not going to explain the laws, Google can do that for you.

Some discrepancies about the attacks...

Reason #2. The way the towers collapsed looked similar to a controlled demolition.
See this vid...

Also, the towers were built with this in mind, being able to withstand a plane crash due to the size and nature of the tower.

Reason #3. Where did the plane go from the pentagon. Don't give me that @$@$%+*% that it vaporized

Reason #4. It's the government. Anything is possible. Just don't take their word 100%. Make your own damn decisions. Also RIP to those who died in thistragedy
Originally Posted by devildog1776

If any one knows about the war in Iraq it would be me... I was there in 04 when it was just popping off and not one day did we have ANY intelligence on WMD or Al Queda operatives... It was always random "terrorist" or what I like to call them freedom fighters ..... We never got close to finding anything that made Iraq a threat to the world... yhat place was so behind in the times it would've been impoosible to have WMD... they barely had decent electricity in their homes....come on.

I was in NY on 9/11 actually on CHAMBERS St.... which is 5 blocks from WTC..... there were explosions at that area . My best friend worked on the 3rd floor at the time... and he told me as soon as he got home that day that he heard BOMBS GOING OFF...

there was alot of things to be gained from 9/11... examples you can look up if you like
- heroin import has risen over 500% since the invasion of afghan
- US bases are being planned for construction in Baghdad
- US embassy in Iraq
- Oil profiteers have made the most money in history 123 BILLION LAST YR ALONE LOLOLOLOLOL
- Contractors from both SECURITY AND CONSTRUCTION have made BILLIONS since March 2003( date of invasion) ie HALIBURTON, KGB , BLACKWATER
- Cheneys HALIBURTON ties are non--debatable

the proof is in the pudding ....
yeah thats enough evidence for me...

add to the fact that shorts on the stock market were purchased at record numbers the thursday before 9/11

for the non-investors, you make money when the shorted stock goes down... certain companies shorted at record numbers were AMERICAN AIRLINES, JP Morgan, etc

how would people become in the know about 9/11 to strategically short stocks the thursday before the attacks?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Did you guys know that Bush's brother was the head of security for the WTC.
I'm not saying.....but I'm just saying

and i think it was wawaweewa who came through one day with all those charts showing all the movement on wall street prior to or after the attack.
A lot of pockets got lined because of 9/11, I'll tell you tht.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

So the audio interview was forged by the CIA ?

Yes, the companies get money to help drill the oil, because Iraq CHOSE them.... they would not be able to get the oil otherwise. The oil is still theirs to sell and they keep the profits.

About the bin laden thing, yeah, they are waiting for solid links between him and the attacks before they list it. It does not mean he is innocent. He has a video tape of him admitting responsibility to the attack. Obviously, the CIA faked it too. I am wondering, he releases tapes about every 6 months for the past few years... if the tape was really fake why didn't he call the CIA out on it ? Why has he and others kept taking responsibility for it ? What about the proven links between him and Atta and other hijackers ?

Hazel- so what exactly are you saying about al-Qaeda ? The fact is it exists, it has thousands of members who identify with it THEMSELVES, it has carried out hundreds of attacks worldwide before, during and after 9/11 and has thousands more who identify with it.
I have not heard the audio myself...Let us say it is authentic, then what guarantees it was not done after his capture and having endured torture, since Fouda admits to lying about when it was recorded?

Of course the Iraqi government would have a hand in profit.Who is denying that?But, are you denying that these Anglo-American/European oil conglomerates and countries would get profits out of this too? I am not getting at what you are saying.

You just proved my point...There is no hard evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11 attacks and that is why he has not been formally charged or indicted for his alleged role in the attacks. Who says the tapes are authentic? Here is a thought, if all these video tapes and audios are all authentic as you claim they are, then why can't they use all this to formally charge him? Isn't that enough evidence then?

Didn't Atta's dad claim he spoke to him after September 11th? What proven links has there been? Didn't some of the supposed hijackers turn out to be alive?

All these terrorist cells that are present now, in a way it does not mean they are all linked with the original "Al-Qaeda". It is whether they were propped up to become part of this phatom enemy or they are actual Arab terrorist militant groups that identify with the "Al-Qaeda" cause. Infact, most of these militant terrorist groups are locally based, not international, and are fighting against U.S. troops and the occupation of their countries. Most of the "terrorist" groups, fredom fighters, militants (whatever you want to call them) in Iraq are linked to Saddam's Baath party and operate under former military advisors of the former regime, or whether they are Shiite linked militia to Al Sadr and other hard liners against the U.S. occupation. As for Afghanistan, it is local tribesmen or people against the U.S./NATO occupation and who are linked to the Taliban.

Fouda is a journalist. He got special access after months of trying, they transported him alone to KSM's apartment blindfolded and with two bodyguardsbefore the interview was conducted. You can't just assume "oh well, he was probably tortured" - No evidence at all, and the claim isn't evenplausible. KSM admitted, simple as that.

The interview was dropped before his capture by U.S forces, just for the record.

About the oil, well obviously. That is the definition of a contract. Iraq lacks the ability to do it on their own right now. Would you rather have them justkeep the oil in the ground ? The companies were awarded the contracts because they provided the best service for the cheapest price, they just so happened tobe western countries. Again, chosen by ELECTED Iraqi officials, who will use the profits to rebuild Iraq.

You again ignored my point that if the tape was fake as you claim, why isn't anyone saying this except the conspiracy theorists ? Why hasn't Osama orany other al-Qaeda official said it was fake ? No, they keep taking responsibility. al-Qaeda says they did it. The U.S says al-Qaeda did it. Only people whodisagree are the conspiracy nuts.

Atta's father is delusional. Atta is dead. There is video footage of him boarding the plane, recordings of his voice, detailed accounts of his time inAmerica and Germany etc etc. All the hijackers are dead. There was a myth that a few were alive but that was later proven wrong and BBC apologized forpublishing that article. It was a case of mistaken identity.

And obviously not all militants are al-Qaeda. The VAST majority in Iraq are, and the same was true in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda carried out the biggest mostspectacular attacks in Iraq, terrorized Iraqi cities, spread the most propoganda videos, intimidated and dominated other groups etc etc. To the point of theIraqi's themselves fighting against them (Sons of Iraq).

Most are NOT former baathists or shiites.. that's ducktales. The heart of the Sunni insurgency is al-Qaeda in Iraq, which has now branched into theMujahideen al-Shura Council (military wing of the Islamic State of Iraq) - you can look this up. The Shiite squads are mostly controlled by Iran and have donelittle if any attacks on U.S forces, instead they are busy killing other Sunni Iraqi's. As you already know, Saddam was hated by the Islamic extremists, sono way in hell are al-Qaeda in Iraq fighting for him. Go listen to interviews of members and leaders, or read their releases....

Still waiting on answers to why if al-Qaeda is a U.S "tool" that it then teaches anyone how to go out and kill Americans. Any ideas ?
For all the lames posting youtube videos and other myths that have been disproven years ago, do yourself a favor and look at this website

Lock the thread up.

I guarantee you that every stupid myth posted here such as the stocks one is in there and disproven. How people still buy this is beyond me.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

For all the lames posting youtube videos and other myths that have been disproven years ago, do yourself a favor and look at this website

Lock the thread up.

I guarantee you that every stupid myth posted here such as the stocks one is in there and disproven. How people still buy this is beyond me.
I remember watching it live the day it happened. You can't just post a lame link that includes someone's opinion. If you don't want tobe involved in this discussion, don't click the thread then?
Yes, some lame kid made a video filled with his dumb guesses and some ******ed theories which have all been disproven and somehow convinced millions of sheepthat the U.S government is responsible for 9/11.


The link has no opinion, its fact. Go look at the section for the stock myth. I could care less if you watched it live. Read the section, then come back andpost.
"I just want you to answer one question for me: IF the government was involved in 9/11, in anyway, shape or form, would they tell us or release information to us regarding it?"

Obviously not. The whole point is the very idea that the government is involved is beyond ******ed and not a single person has been able to answer a few very simple questions....
kayway- "If you have CONCRETE and MATERIAL evidence to back that viewpoint, then I'll take your "theory" into consideration." exactly. Where is yours ?
Okay my man so explain to me what you're looking for? You obviously have to dig a little in order to find this information right? Go backthroughout this post and you tell me none of the information is concrete and/or material, or better yet, at least plausible. And mean it when you say it.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

For all the lames posting youtube videos and other myths that have been disproven years ago, do yourself a favor and look at this website

Lock the thread up.

I guarantee you that every stupid myth posted here such as the stocks one is in there and disproven. How people still buy this is beyond me.

that site didnt even prove most of the stuff. they came up with there own explanations half of the time... NO REAL EVEDENCE JUST MORE THEORYS
Seriously, we need a separate forum for threads like this, so the non-******s can easily avoid them.
And still no one has been able to answer a few of my simple questions....

162 + posts, and not a single person has made any decent response to it. Talk about fail.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Seriously, we need a separate forum for threads like this, so the non-******s can easily avoid them.
Maybe don't click next time? I know it's hard to avoid them...
Originally Posted by Kayway8

"I just want you to answer one question for me: IF the government was involved in 9/11, in anyway, shape or form, would they tell us or release information to us regarding it?"

Obviously not. The whole point is the very idea that the government is involved is beyond ******ed and not a single person has been able to answer a few very simple questions....
kayway- "If you have CONCRETE and MATERIAL evidence to back that viewpoint, then I'll take your "theory" into consideration." exactly. Where is yours ?
Okay my man so explain to me what you're looking for? You obviously have to dig a little in order to find this information right? Go back throughout this post and you tell me none of the information is concrete and/or material, or better yet, at least plausible. And mean it when you say it.


To say your govt knew nothing about this tells me our system fails at protecting the American people
I was but one otherwise reasonable minded person made a long reply so I felt like replying.

I just got tired of seeing youtube videos and ******ed theories posted in between the only somewhat intelligent discussion that was going on, so I posted thatlink.

Sorry that I had to dead your thread with it, don't worry, most of the sheep here will still believe it was planned by the U.S no matter what.

@ dude who used the hitler example as "proof" of that the U.S did 9/11... these are the kind of people I am dealing with
You're not deading anything...just showing your close-mindedness by asking people to answer questions that have already been answered a dozen times...andthen posting other people theories..who are no more in the know than us...and acting like you closed the case.
I posted no theories. The link tears every myth to shreds using just facts. Take your L and move on.

You were unable to even answer a few of my basic questions which have nothing to do with the little pieces of "evidence" you lames cling to.

Where were my questions answered "dozens" of times ? No one has even come anywhere close.
Sorry that I had to dead your thread with it, don't worry, most of the sheep here will still believe it was planned by the U.S no matter what.

I don't see how it's brainless to believe the government was in on it.

I don't know what to believe.

But what makes me think the most is the fact that the Bush Administration had the report, and failed to acknowledge the threat.

People can look at say "Bush is a complete moron. Bush is an idiot." Most NTers, hell most people, do that. Why? Because the media has shaped thisimage of Bush as a stupid southerner.

But the facts are that Bush and his administration are all very affluent educated people. Dude is a YALE graduate.

MidEastBeast. Ask yourself this: How realistic is it to believe that the Bush Administration had a report of a veryrealistic threat from known American-trained fighters, and did not do anything to respond to it in any way?

It's just food for thought really. Like I said, I personally don't know what to believe.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Sorry that I had to dead your thread with it, don't worry, most of the sheep here will still believe it was planned by the U.S no matter what.
I don't see how it's brainless to believe the government was in on it.

I don't know what to believe.

But what makes me think the most is the fact that the Bush Administration had the report, and failed to acknowledge the threat.

People can look at say "Bush is a complete moron. Bush is an idiot." Most NTers, hell most people, do that. Why? Because the media has shaped this image of Bush as a stupid southerner.

But the facts are that Bush and his administration are all very affluent educated people. Dude is a YALE graduate.

MidEastBeast. Ask yourself this: How realistic is it to believe that the Bush Administration had a report of a very realistic threat from known American-trained fighters, and did not do anything to respond to it in any way?

It's just food for thought really. Like I said, I personally don't know what to believe.

They were not U.S trained, I already adressed that pages ago. Secondly, Bush got a very general memo that al-Qaeda wants to attack the U.S..... duh. How was hesupposed to stop this attack using just that general information ? Bush =/= superman.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

@ dude who used the hitler example as "proof" of that the U.S did 9/11... these are the kind of people I am dealing with

Uh, have you ever researched the deal with Hilter burning his own home down? Or did you just read it and say that Hitler and 9/11 would have nothing incommon...?

If you want another gold nugget... Prescott Bush, GWB's grandfather worked at a bank that helped fund Hilter's rise to power which eventually led tothe start WWII...
A legit link, and not some fugazi homemade website...
FOX News

And a couple of links describing the Enabling Act of 1933 and Patriot Act
^ I already know all about what you are posting, probably a lot more than you. Just because hitler did something 60 years ago does not mean that 9/11 wascarried out by the U.S government.

Linking bush to hitler does nothing to help your argument.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Sorry that I had to dead your thread with it, don't worry, most of the sheep here will still believe it was planned by the U.S no matter what.
I don't see how it's brainless to believe the government was in on it.

I don't know what to believe.

But what makes me think the most is the fact that the Bush Administration had the report, and failed to acknowledge the threat.

People can look at say "Bush is a complete moron. Bush is an idiot." Most NTers, hell most people, do that. Why? Because the media has shaped this image of Bush as a stupid southerner.

But the facts are that Bush and his administration are all very affluent educated people. Dude is a YALE graduate.

MidEastBeast. Ask yourself this: How realistic is it to believe that the Bush Administration had a report of a very realistic threat from known American-trained fighters, and did not do anything to respond to it in any way?

It's just food for thought really. Like I said, I personally don't know what to believe.

They were not U.S trained, I already adressed that pages ago. Secondly, Bush got a very general memo that al-Qaeda wants to attack the U.S..... duh. How was he supposed to stop this attack using just that general information ? Bush =/= superman.

You're a simple minded type dude, huh?

You do know that we have the most complex and advanced intelligence network in the world's history right?....Who the hell is blaming Bush for not gatheringand verifying intel personally?
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Sorry that I had to dead your thread with it, don't worry, most of the sheep here will still believe it was planned by the U.S no matter what.
I don't see how it's brainless to believe the government was in on it.

I don't know what to believe.

But what makes me think the most is the fact that the Bush Administration had the report, and failed to acknowledge the threat.

People can look at say "Bush is a complete moron. Bush is an idiot." Most NTers, hell most people, do that. Why? Because the media has shaped this image of Bush as a stupid southerner.

But the facts are that Bush and his administration are all very affluent educated people. Dude is a YALE graduate.

MidEastBeast. Ask yourself this: How realistic is it to believe that the Bush Administration had a report of a very realistic threat from known American-trained fighters, and did not do anything to respond to it in any way?

It's just food for thought really. Like I said, I personally don't know what to believe.

They were not U.S trained, I already adressed that pages ago. Secondly, Bush got a very general memo that al-Qaeda wants to attack the U.S..... duh. How was he supposed to stop this attack using just that general information ? Bush =/= superman.
Can you repost the thing proving the Taliban wasn't trained or funded by America?

No one is saying Bush is superman, but he isn't incompetent. And the reports were definitely not general my friend.

CNN Report:
http://[h1]Report cites warnings before 9/11[/h1]

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had several warnings thatterrorists might attack the United States on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressionalcommittees said in a report released Wednesday.

In 1998, U.S. intelligence had information that a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden airplane into the World Trade Center,according to a joint inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees.

However, the Federal Aviation Administration found the plot "highly unlikely given the state of that foreign country's aviation program," andbelieved a flight originating outside the United States would be detected before it reached its target inside the country, the report said.

"The FBI's New York office took no action on the information," it said.

Another alert came just a month before the attacks, the report said, when the CIA sent a message to the FAA warning of a possible hijacking "or an actof sabotage against a commercial airliner." The information was linked to a group of Pakistanis based in South America.

That warning did not mention using an airliner as a weapon and, the report said, "there was apparently little, if any, effort by intelligence communityanalysts to produce any strategic assessments of terrorists using aircraft as weapons."

Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the goal of Wednesday's hearing was "not to point a finger or pin blame"but to correct "systemic problems (that) might have prevented our government from detecting and disrupting al Qaeda's plot."

Nothing found is a "smoking gun," Graham said. "But collectively I think there was enough there that we should have done a better job ofseeing what was coming and hopefully, with luck, stopping it."

Graham told CNN "It wouldn't have taken a lot of luck. It would have taken someone who could have asked and gotten answers to the right follow-upquestions and then put it together."

The report, which looked at more than a dozen federal intelligence agencies, suggests the United States had more information that might have helped toprevent the terror attacks than the government has previously said.

As early as 1994 the government received information that international terrorists "had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means ofcarrying out terrorist attacks," the report says.

In July 2001, the report says, a briefing prepared for senior government officials warned of "a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/orIsraeli interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties ... (it) will occur with little or nowarning."

The joint committee's report discusses information federal intelligence agencies gathered about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.

It said that in 1998, officials received reports concerning a "bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and Washington, areas." Officialsreceived reports that al Qaeda was trying to establish an operative cell in the United States and that bin Laden was attempting to recruit a group of five toseven young men from the United States to travel to the Middle East for training in conjunction with his plans to strike U.S. domestic targets.

The intelligence reports "generally did not contain specific information as to where, when, and how a terrorist attack might occur," the committeesaid, and they represented only "a small percentage of the threat information that the Intelligence Community obtained during this period, most of whichpointed to the possibility of attacks against U.S. interests overseas."

Nonetheless, the report said, "the totality of the information in this body of reporting clearly reiterated a consistent and critically importanttheme: Osama bin Laden's intent to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States."

In fact in December 1998, the report says, the director of central intelligence, George Tenet, told his deputies, "We must now enter a new phase in oureffort against bin Laden. ... We are at war."

"Relatively few of the FBI agents interviewed by the joint inquiry staff seem to have been aware of Tenet's declaration," the report said.

The report says that in July and August 2001, intelligence reporting "began to decrease" -- even though the al Qaeda threat was growing.

On September 10, 2001, some 35 to 40 personnel were assigned to a unit created by the director of central intelligence with the specific task of trackingbin Laden. Fewer than 20 people were part of a similar unit at the FBI. The report raises "questions about the adequacy of these resources with respect tothe magnitude of the threat."

The report also suggests intelligence officials did not focus enough attention on a critical al Qaeda operative, unnamed in the report, whom officials hadknown about since 1995 "but did not recognize his growing importance" to the organization or to Osama bin Laden.

The report says the director of central intelligence has refused to declassify two pieces of information: precisely what the White House knew andinformation about a key al Qaeda operative involved in the attacks.

Government sources told CNN that operative is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, whom they describe as one of the masterminds of the September 11 attacks. He wasindicted by the United States for plotting to bomb U.S. airliners in 1995. Officials believe he also plotted to have airplanes hijacked and flown into U.S.buildings.

Listed as one of the government's 22 most wanted terrorists, Mohammed is in hiding. U.S. officials believe he was in Pakistan when last heard from.

Stephen Push, who lost his wife in the World Trade Center, told lawmakers at the hearing, "Our loved ones paid the ultimate price for the worstAmerican intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor."

Push said the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy must be thoroughly restructured. "If it isn't," he said, "the next attack may involve weaponsof mass destruction -- and the death toll may be in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands."

The report was in 1998, way before the Bush presidency. Secondly, there are thousands of reports released covering all kinds of scenarios.

Does nothing to show me that the U.S either let 9/11 happen or planned it themselves.
Originally Posted by Kayway8

They were not U.S trained, I already adressed that pages ago. Secondly, Bush got a very general memo that al-Qaeda wants to attack the U.S..... duh. How was he supposed to stop this attack using just that general information ? Bush =/= superman.
I feel really uncomfortable if people like you are running our intelligence system. And stop saying your questions haven't been answered. They been answered over and over again so again, you're bringing NOTHING new to the table.

My man right here wants a written statement by Bush stating what happened in order to believe the government was involved. Think about that for a minute. That doesn't say much about you.

For every "conspiracy theorist" in this world, there are hundreds and thousands of people like YOU who accept things they way they are. But I can't hate on people like you because y'all keep the world spinning and are the reason that events like this can continue getting swept under the rug.

Quote where my questions were "answered" or stop posting.
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