@ these people that keep quitting

has anyone on here ever gotten A A A ... my best was A A B
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

@ these people that keep quitting

has anyone on here ever gotten A A A ... my best was A A B
i have, but the guy didn't know what he was doing, i think he picked gouken just cuz he's never seen him before. i only perfected 1 round,but still came out of it with an AAA, my first and only hahaa

co-sign on the quitting nonsense, so irritating
aubstuh86 wrote:
abel is crazyyyyy.. he's effective in the right hands.

i told yall man Abel is that dude. Its just that majority of his moves require perfect timing to execute.

I mastered the uppercut into the ultra combo like in this vid.

I gotta master the grappling move when he pulls you out the air though. Its pretty effective against dudes who jump around the whole match.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Check this out, I got this post from another forum.

So I'm sitting at home drinking some Coors (piss beer so what) and my girlfriend gets mad at me for who knows what, I wasn't paying attention to her. I was in the middle of a match and I told her to go away. She told me I'd probably die over SF before her. I agreed. lol She grabbed my PS3 and slammed it into the ground. Most the pieces snapped off and it rattles from the cracks. It works like a champ still. XD



Yo I hate people who throw in the middle of battle man like you think they going to do a combo and you're blocking and they come up to you and grab youthat crap is mad cheesy.

I seen some dude get punched in the face back in the days at one of the arcades in Times Square for doing that.
lma0 @ getting punched ... i've come to accept every part of the game ... everyone is doing what they can to get wins ... but if u pick akuma and onlythrow air fireballs and that orange fireball then i'll consider that cheesing ... i was up to 1799 bp yesterday then got murked by some kid using rosecammy and vega ... i hate those kids who know how to use everyone ..... and are nice w/ everyone
I need some schoolin...thought I was good till I hopped on Live and got done up every match
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How the hell do you Ex focus cancel with Zangief??
SCHOOL me on this................

what the H is the point of canceling a move? i just dont get it....maybe thats why im not very good lol

It saves your $$# thats the point of it lol. I rarely use it though. But for instance if u are doing a shoryuken and your opponent blocks it u can cancel the move to be safe from ownage with u touch the ground
yo can u go more into depth? dav0?? we gon have to get a match in so i can see this i hate getting blocked.
Oh yeah my gamertag is: Never Had Much

I'm alright I was really good in Capcom vs SNK 2, and to me the mechanics of that game is better than SF4

Like I said I'm alright, but not nice and when SF4 gets me tight I go back to playing Halo 3
just finally got the game. you guys werent lyin about seth. i hate playing this dude if i aint ken,ryu,sakura,or gief.
Wow, I've played nothing but Sagats the past few days. They all do the uppercut cancel into the kick juggle into ultra. HOW FUN
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

if u could airblock in this game it would be alot more fun.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. That's why I say the overall mechanics of Capcom VS SNK 2 is light years ahead of SF4. Maybe they'll change thingswith patches or something, but this game with certain characters is very unbalanced.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How the hell do you Ex focus cancel with Zangief??
SCHOOL me on this................

what the H is the point of canceling a move? i just dont get it....maybe thats why im not very good lol

It saves your $$# thats the point of it lol. I rarely use it though. But for instance if u are doing a shoryuken and your opponent blocks it u can cancel the move to be safe from ownage with u touch the ground
yo can u go more into depth? dav0?? we gon have to get a match in so i can see this i hate getting blocked.
Okay, the focus attack can be used to adsorb attacks correct. But u can use it to cancel attacks as well or cancel movement after certain attacks.But u need 2 sections of the super bar in order to use a focus cancel.

For instance a hadouken. if someone jumps over your hadouken then u are going to be defenseless for a minute.

Immediately after u do a hadouken perform a focus cancel and u will be able to save yourself. But the trick to focus canceling is to dash forward or backward.When u glow yellow quickly dash so instead of doing a focus attack that will most likely be blocked u can dash.

The way i am explaining it now is for using the focus attack defensively, it can be used offensively but i cant really explain using it that way because ihavent mastered it yet. cRazy dav0 sould be able to explain it since he said he uses it alot.
Originally Posted by Jerry Everyday

Wow, I've played nothing but Sagats the past few days. They all do the uppercut cancel into the kick juggle into ultra. HOW FUN

yep ... that is a standard combo ... if u use sagat and can't do that ... u better be nice at everything else ... i've whiffed so many times in matchesdoing it ... timing is pretty strict ...
yo ddot ... i'm going to be on in a few minutes ... let me know if u wanna c the cancels ...
for all u cancel experts or people using sagat ... try this ... i can get it out in practice mode of course but not a match
anyways ... low fireball, ex cancel, uppercut, ex cancel, fwd roundhouse, ultra
of course ur super bar needs to b full
yo can u put ur own music to play during the game .... i want to add street fighter 2 turbo music to the game ... b/c the game music is terrible / annoying
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