
I hit the challenge mode up and learned some of dudes combos. I can input my ultra and super moves into some of my combos with ease now.

Dudes underestimate how much damage Abel's ultra can do, dont let the combo he does at the beginning fool you, that drop at the end is the killer. I bethinking that folks are gonna end up having some health left, then i see that background change, K.O

But some folks still can put that work on me. I went up against a M.Bison and Chun Li that straight demolished me. They were only doing the same cheap #*% lowpunch and kick combos the entire match though.
damn i just got on.. played 5 different kens in a row and a damn cheap zangief.. i tired of playing kens so everytime they pic him i just sign out right beforethe could win...haha i know i know.. thats a %**+! move but damn its annoying
Originally Posted by Dakingii

I went up against a M.Bison and Chun Li that straight demolished me. They were only doing the same cheap +#$ low punch and kick combos the entire match though.

That's how I feel about every Street Fighter match I ever lost. The opponent used some cheap tactic.

My comments on this game:

The first couple of days I had it I felt that it was good, but nothing extraordinary and not much different than the previous Street Fighters but the moreI'm playing, the more awesome and addicting it is.

Blanka is awesome, but why does it look different in the actual gameplay from the Vs screen? On the Vs screen it looks funny and cool, I wish it looked likethat in the gameplay.

The new characters are cool. El Fuerte is garbage. I mean, he's probably not garbage, but he's really hard to play with. His role in the game must belike Dhalsim's in the original SF2. If you don't know how to play with him, you'll get demolished, but those who can master him can probably makehim the hardest character to beat.
I need people who can take a lose in stride to play, hate crybabies and disconnecters who are afraid to lose BP PSN : Skeptical1
I don't see how one can incorporate Guile's moves or anyone with a hold at the beginning of their ultra or supers, let alone special moves like hisSonic Boom, don't you have to hold for 2 seconds to release the move for it to work? I don't see how he can do it in the middle of a combo clearly lessthan 2 seconds between moves.

hold the back button while mashing kick punch buttons, it's only seconds but you better have good timing and speed otherwies it will just look sloopy
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I don't see how one can incorporate Guile's moves or anyone with a hold at the beginning of their ultra or supers, let alone special moves like his Sonic Boom, don't you have to hold for 2 seconds to release the move for it to work? I don't see how he can do it in the middle of a combo clearly less than 2 seconds between moves.

You have to hold the button while doing other moves. For instance, if u start a combo with punches in kicks and u are incorporating the sonic boominto the combo., hold back while u are puncking and kicking then release. I figured out how to do it while i was playing with El Fuerte on challenge mode.
Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How the hell do you Ex focus cancel with Zangief??
SCHOOL me on this................

what the H is the point of canceling a move? i just dont get it....maybe thats why im not very good lol
Fam is STUCK on this game.
GT: Cejae Graphics
Just shoot him a PM with "Niketalk" or "NT" or something. He's 100% up 2 play whenever
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

Originally Posted by Tony Goalie

How the hell do you Ex focus cancel with Zangief??
SCHOOL me on this................

what the H is the point of canceling a move? i just dont get it....maybe thats why im not very good lol

It saves your $$# thats the point of it lol. I rarely use it though. But for instance if u are doing a shoryuken and your opponent blocks it u can cancel themove to be safe from ownage with u touch the ground
Originally Posted by cleansneaksonly21

^^^ cool.........other examples.... thanks
Like dude just said u can cancel moves mid combo and execute more moves.

Im going to use Ken as an example again. Perform a heavy shoryuken, after the 2 initial hits, focus cancel, dash forward, perform the shoryuken again. Itspretty hard to execute and requires perfect timing.

If u need extra examples i suggest you try challenge mode, thats how i learned to use it.

U are better off using the super bar for super moves or EX attacks though imo
i am very hesitant when it comes to focus attacks throws andthese fancy ex cancel dash moves

i dont have confidence in my abilities to do those yet so I use my old fashion classic techniques

but i am no noob thats for sure
i can do some sick combos w/ the cancels ... canceling > ex moves ... if u can connect that is !!!

some of yall put up names but are yall on psn or xbox

mongooseny23 - gt- xbox ... add me i'll be on for a few hrs
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Who is Dro Montana? me and him went at it (nh)

EDIT : Xbow GT -- Sk8bord J-- get at me if u dare

Thats me.. Good matches. You should avoid being cornered though, that's how I was getting those 10 hit ex combos. I'm getting better with Ryu.. Ijacked the gamertag from clever NT names thread

I will rematch you dav0, my connection was lagging out cuz my main pc connected to the router had a ton of spyware i had to get rid of
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Who is Dro Montana? me and him went at it (nh)

EDIT : Xbow GT -- Sk8bord J-- get at me if u dare

Thats me.. Good matches. You should avoid being cornered though, that's how I was getting those 10 hit ex combos. I'm getting better with Ryu.. I jacked the gamertag from clever NT names thread

I will rematch you dav0, my connection was lagging out cuz my main pc connected to the router had a ton of spyware i had to get rid of
Yea i kno
i tend to overthink sometimes
even my girl was saying get out of the corner
no doubt ... i'll be on tomorrow various time throughout the day then i'm taking a 3 month break ... and by then i'll be trash ...
Originally Posted by Dakingii

But some folks still can put that work on me. I went up against a M.Bison and Chun Li that straight demolished me. They were only doing the same cheap #*% low punch and kick combos the entire match though.

you talking about how people spam the cr.lp or that's what's so hard for me when i use abel. since his start up time for some of his normalstake forever he comes off as really slow, so a lot of people i play start to get super aggressive. i do like his foward mk dash as a closer, i usually pull ittwice, catch them blocking for a third and then throw them..and his rekka combo (change of direction) can get countered mid combo with a shoryuken, i'vepulled that many times against abels, online and cpu controlled. he's my sub for now, but i only use him in unranked matches on when i'm playing peopleat home. hahah

i hate sagat tho, unless they player is a super scrub, i ALWAYS lose
i'm like 2-6 all time against sagat users, usually goingto the 3rd and final round. i'm not mad tho haha, anything a player does to win is fine by me, it's up to me to figure out how to beat them
Blanka users suck. Roll, jump, low kick, roll, jump, low kick, electrify, roll. same !@#!@.

@$@# blanka. (yes I'm mad)
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