Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

does anyone have any tips regarding stick use ... this is my 3rd day using it ... my observations so far

i hold the stick open handed ... i find myself doing the moves better if i let go of the stick after each move ...
2 hit combos are extremely easy now (like normal into specials) except for jump kick, trip ... there is a huge lag for me for some reason between moves
canceling is impossible, on the dpad i would use my thumb to press both buttons @ the same time, but the stick is much harder, and then dashing afterwards is difficult also

i am much better on the 2nd player side ... its going to be a pain to get down the 1st player side
i see potential but its going to take forever literally ... i hate the fightpad though even though i'm much better w/ it ... going back and forth between the 2 is not a good look and it takes me a while to get going

any tips from stick users ... esp. shoto players
u just gotta practice, I start out as a complete noob in the arcades years ago but as I practice i start to know where the buttons are and how tolink combos. Xmen vs street fighter, I started with easy mode
. But asI learn I can say I am fairly decent.
You just need to have confidence. Get a good sense where the buttons are and adjust to the stick and you should be good

@ all the sagat hate
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

@Sagat's Tiger Shot recovery.

Its ridiculous, especially when you're fighting someone who does it non stop and plays keep-away.
I hate people who play keep away the entire game. From now on im just going to disconnect from every match in which my opponent retreats to the back of the screen for the entire match.

I aint got time for that bs anymore

My problem isn't with the zoning one game because with certain charaters you have have a proper zoninng game my problem is the recovery i cant even FADCthrough one because i know the next one is going directly to my face so i just have to firce punch and firce kick over the tiger shots and pray it connects oreven ex hand from the sweet spot.

But with that said there's not really a legit strategy to go up against Sagat and there rally isn't alot room for mistake because he can just step backand TS u to death or even FADC Ultra your %@#.

So when going up agaisnt Sagat say your prayers and hope for the best for Zangief atleast.

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

does anyone have any tips regarding stick use ... this is my 3rd day using it ... my observations so far

i hold the stick open handed ... i find myself doing the moves better if i let go of the stick after each move ...
2 hit combos are extremely easy now (like normal into specials) except for jump kick, trip ... there is a huge lag for me for some reason between moves
canceling is impossible, on the dpad i would use my thumb to press both buttons @ the same time, but the stick is much harder, and then dashing afterwards is difficult also

i am much better on the 2nd player side ... its going to be a pain to get down the 1st player side
i see potential but its going to take forever literally ... i hate the fightpad though even though i'm much better w/ it ... going back and forth between the 2 is not a good look and it takes me a while to get going

any tips from stick users ... esp. shoto players
i had the hrap3. i suggest holding/gripping the stick in between your ring and index finger, that's how i played on my hrap3 and it workedfor me. open handed is a nono, especially for japanese sticks like the TE/hrap3 stick, you'll find yourself losing control.

anyway, u should spend at least an every day solely in training mode for at least a month working on your executions/combos in all types of pressuresituations. once u get that padded down, its like 2nd nature. almost like driving stick shift. i can see you giving up and selling the stick in a monththough
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

does anyone have any tips regarding stick use ... this is my 3rd day using it ... my observations so far

i hold the stick open handed ... i find myself doing the moves better if i let go of the stick after each move ...
2 hit combos are extremely easy now (like normal into specials) except for jump kick, trip ... there is a huge lag for me for some reason between moves
canceling is impossible, on the dpad i would use my thumb to press both buttons @ the same time, but the stick is much harder, and then dashing afterwards is difficult also

i am much better on the 2nd player side ... its going to be a pain to get down the 1st player side
i see potential but its going to take forever literally ... i hate the fightpad though even though i'm much better w/ it ... going back and forth between the 2 is not a good look and it takes me a while to get going

any tips from stick users ... esp. shoto players
i had the hrap3. i suggest holding/gripping the stick in between your ring and index finger, that's how i played on my hrap3 and it worked for me. open handed is a nono, especially for japanese sticks like the TE/hrap3 stick, you'll find yourself losing control.

anyway, u should spend at least an every day solely in training mode for at least a month working on your executions/combos in all types of pressure situations. once u get that padded down, its like 2nd nature. almost like driving stick shift. i can see you giving up and selling the stick in a month though

... c'mon no way. I've retired the fightpad... i'll play on it occasionally if a friend comes by but no more fightpad... btw ... i drive astick shift
My Gouken is coming along pretty nicely
I'm trying to main him but some of his matchups are just
Is there anyone else trying to main him? Howhave ya'll been coping without a wakeup move? And what are you doing to people who like to walk up on you and throw you because of it.

And what's the deal with people boosting their BP? Like is that for real? How are they doing it? That's really sad that dudes want props that bad lol.I fought some kid with like 6000 BP and straight mopped the floor with him. Probably cheated to get his BP

One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hatemessage so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.
One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hate message so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.
this is 100000% true
damn why does the arcade stick have to be so expensive? all i need it for is street fighter. i main balrog and linking his headbutt into his ultra is a painwith the analog controller.

on another note whats good with the matchmaking? im constantly being setup with dudes that have low bp. i lose a chunk and gain very little. i swear iveprobably won 26 in a row.
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hate message so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.
this is 100000% true

I got one guy who got mad because I wouldn't let him hit me. He turned his mic on and proceeded to say effing f ag after every time I hit him.

This was psn I let him win after stomping him for 12 games and he just straight left.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

My Gouken is coming along pretty nicely
I'm trying to main him but some of his matchups are just
Is there anyone else trying to main him? How have ya'll been coping without a wakeup move? And what are you doing to people who like to walk up on you and throw you because of it.

And what's the deal with people boosting their BP? Like is that for real? How are they doing it? That's really sad that dudes want props that bad lol. I fought some kid with like 6000 BP and straight mopped the floor with him. Probably cheated to get his BP

One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hate message so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.
he doesn't have a wake up move? honestly, i use his hi counter as his wake up if somebody jumps at me, and his low one if they're walkingat me, EX SRK move is good for getting away as well as his aerial jump move as well
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

does anyone have any tips regarding stick use ... this is my 3rd day using it ... my observations so far

i hold the stick open handed ... i find myself doing the moves better if i let go of the stick after each move ...
2 hit combos are extremely easy now (like normal into specials) except for jump kick, trip ... there is a huge lag for me for some reason between moves
canceling is impossible, on the dpad i would use my thumb to press both buttons @ the same time, but the stick is much harder, and then dashing afterwards is difficult also

i am much better on the 2nd player side ... its going to be a pain to get down the 1st player side
i see potential but its going to take forever literally ... i hate the fightpad though even though i'm much better w/ it ... going back and forth between the 2 is not a good look and it takes me a while to get going
^that's the way I hold my stick in those videos. And I too pull off all my FADC cancels into supers from the 2nd player spot. its much easierfor me. Although I do suggest going into training mode as much as you can so you can pull this off as if it were 2nd nature to you. But who am I telling...Ilost horribly to you.

RavageBX wrote:
My Gouken is coming along pretty nicely
I'm trying to main him but some of hismatchups are just
Is there anyone else trying to main him? How have ya'll been coping without a wakeup move? And what are you doing to people who like to walk up onyou and throw you because of it.

And what's the deal with people boosting their BP? Like is that for real? How are they doing it? That's really sad that dudes want props that bad lol.I fought some kid with like 6000 BP and straight mopped the floor with him. Probably cheated to get his BP

One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hatemessage so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.

I was considering maining gouken, but I just can't do it. Missing his spinning kick is TOO punishable, and his his shoryuken is like a balrog charge but ithink it takes too long to come out unless you combo into it. Only thing I can think of his wakeup is prolly a wakeup super/ultra.
Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by RavageBX

My Gouken is coming along pretty nicely
I'm trying to main him but some of his matchups are just
Is there anyone else trying to main him? How have ya'll been coping without a wakeup move? And what are you doing to people who like to walk up on you and throw you because of it.

And what's the deal with people boosting their BP? Like is that for real? How are they doing it? That's really sad that dudes want props that bad lol. I fought some kid with like 6000 BP and straight mopped the floor with him. Probably cheated to get his BP

One thing I can say for certain is that the community on PS3 is so much friendlier that 360. I've played hundreds of matches and only gotten one hate message so far, while at the same time I've gotten about a dozen gg type messages.
he doesn't have a wake up move? honestly, i use his hi counter as his wake up if somebody jumps at me, and his low one if they're walking at me, EX SRK move is good for getting away as well as his aerial jump move as well
Hi/Lo counter is only stopping someone who's trying to poke you. It's not stopping a FA and it damn sure ain't stopping a throw. GoodAbels can usually command throw me to oblivion, and it sucks
TheeQuickness wrote:I was considering maining gouken, but I just can't do it. Missing his spinning kick is TOO punishable, and his his shoryuken is like a balrog charge but i think it takes too long to come out unless you combo into it. Only thing I can think of his wakeup is prolly a wakeup super/ultra.

I had some of the same initial concerns with Gouken's spin kick. So I stopped doing it. I know its tempting as hell to throw it out naked andhope to anti-air or hit flush but it's just not worth the trouble of missing. Aside from EX SRK combo followups (it's just too pretty to resist
)and maybe if I'm feeling frisky on a stun, I never throw it out naked. If someone jumps to me typically I go for the counter. His SRK is good if you cananticipate the fireball. Gotta watch out for dudes with lightning fast fireballs and recovery...e.g. Guile (his slow fireball can get you too), Sagat, etc.Sometimes I get hit with two Tiger Shots before I can get the damn srk motion out
As for a wakeup super/ultra, the ultra is a step too slow most of thetime and the super is an option but it's rare to have a super sitting on deck b/c Goukens ex srk and hadouken are so useful.
not gonna play ranked matches for another 3 months until all the scrubs move away from this game. player matches >>>>> *
Originally Posted by RavageBX

TheeQuickness wrote:I was considering maining gouken, but I just can't do it. Missing his spinning kick is TOO punishable, and his his shoryuken is like a balrog charge but i think it takes too long to come out unless you combo into it. Only thing I can think of his wakeup is prolly a wakeup super/ultra.
I had some of the same initial concerns with Gouken's spin kick. So I stopped doing it. I know its tempting as hell to throw it out naked and hope to anti-air or hit flush but it's just not worth the trouble of missing. Aside from EX SRK combo followups (it's just too pretty to resist
) and maybe if I'm feeling frisky on a stun, I never throw it out naked. If someone jumps to me typically I go for the counter. His SRK is good if you can anticipate the fireball. Gotta watch out for dudes with lightning fast fireballs and recovery...e.g. Guile (his slow fireball can get you too), Sagat, etc. Sometimes I get hit with two Tiger Shots before I can get the damn srk motion out
As for a wakeup super/ultra, the ultra is a step too slow most of the time and the super is an option but it's rare to have a super sitting on deck b/c Goukens ex srk and hadouken are so useful.

True. Gouken is a cool player to use, I just think you are going to have to put in ALOT more work to win versus a sagat who can put in 1/2 thework and still able to win games (Sagat's boring to play though).

and Ravage..

try to learn to do this...

Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Originally Posted by RavageBX

TheeQuickness wrote:I was considering maining gouken, but I just can't do it. Missing his spinning kick is TOO punishable, and his his shoryuken is like a balrog charge but i think it takes too long to come out unless you combo into it. Only thing I can think of his wakeup is prolly a wakeup super/ultra.
I had some of the same initial concerns with Gouken's spin kick. So I stopped doing it. I know its tempting as hell to throw it out naked and hope to anti-air or hit flush but it's just not worth the trouble of missing. Aside from EX SRK combo followups (it's just too pretty to resist
) and maybe if I'm feeling frisky on a stun, I never throw it out naked. If someone jumps to me typically I go for the counter. His SRK is good if you can anticipate the fireball. Gotta watch out for dudes with lightning fast fireballs and recovery...e.g. Guile (his slow fireball can get you too), Sagat, etc. Sometimes I get hit with two Tiger Shots before I can get the damn srk motion out
As for a wakeup super/ultra, the ultra is a step too slow most of the time and the super is an option but it's rare to have a super sitting on deck b/c Goukens ex srk and hadouken are so useful.
True. Gouken is a cool player to use, I just think you are going to have to put in ALOT more work to win versus a sagat who can put in 1/2 the work and still able to win games (Sagat's boring to play though).

and Ravage..

try to learn to do this...



Originally Posted by TheeQuickness

Originally Posted by RavageBX

TheeQuickness wrote:I was considering maining gouken, but I just can't do it. Missing his spinning kick is TOO punishable, and his his shoryuken is like a balrog charge but i think it takes too long to come out unless you combo into it. Only thing I can think of his wakeup is prolly a wakeup super/ultra.
I had some of the same initial concerns with Gouken's spin kick. So I stopped doing it. I know its tempting as hell to throw it out naked and hope to anti-air or hit flush but it's just not worth the trouble of missing. Aside from EX SRK combo followups (it's just too pretty to resist
) and maybe if I'm feeling frisky on a stun, I never throw it out naked. If someone jumps to me typically I go for the counter. His SRK is good if you can anticipate the fireball. Gotta watch out for dudes with lightning fast fireballs and recovery...e.g. Guile (his slow fireball can get you too), Sagat, etc. Sometimes I get hit with two Tiger Shots before I can get the damn srk motion out
As for a wakeup super/ultra, the ultra is a step too slow most of the time and the super is an option but it's rare to have a super sitting on deck b/c Goukens ex srk and hadouken are so useful.
True. Gouken is a cool player to use, I just think you are going to have to put in ALOT more work to win versus a sagat who can put in 1/2 the work and still able to win games (Sagat's boring to play though).

and Ravage..

try to learn to do this...


man his timing cancel moves is so bad imo, good luck with it lol
how is the competition in player matches?

I only play rank because I assume there will be better competition but it is inconsistent as hell.
that combo gouken combo is BS and wont work in a live match. it takes 2 bars to do a FADC combo and he did it three times.. there's only 4 bars.
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

that combo gouken combo is BS and wont work in a live match. it takes 2 bars to do a FADC combo and he did it three times.. there's only 4 bars.
Hmm that's what I was thinking. Anyways simplicity seems to be best with Gouken. FADCing with him doesn't pay off as much as it does withother characters.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

how is the competition in player matches?

I only play rank because I assume there will be better competition but it is inconsistent as hell.
The player matches are better as far as competition goes.

Rav you should work on Gouken's defensive game more because of his low life.
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