Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

@ asymmetrical abs

I never knew it was genetics

what about that dude that was posted a few pages back that had lil body fat yet only had like half of the 6 pack showing?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

I def believe genetics play a major role for us all though. MAJOR.
Genetics are HUGE.

Ligament attachment.
Change that to tendon attachment, and then you'd still be only be partially correct. Ligaments attach bone to bone, then tendons attachmuscles to bone. Ligaments help to provide stability to joints and while tendons support joints, one of their main functions is to assist muscles duringcontraction. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I think that you are speaking of the length of a muscle belly, which dictates the SHAPE, but not the size of amuscle. Even the muscle with a short belly can grow large, but may appear smaller than a muscle that have a larger, but fuller looking shape. For example, takea look at Mike Tysons calves, then take a look at someone like Serena Williams calves. Serena's may look bigger than Mike's, but Tysons are actuallybigger.
Originally Posted by Dark Chocolate

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

I def believe genetics play a major role for us all though. MAJOR.
Genetics are HUGE.

Ligament attachment.
Change that to tendon attachment, and then you'd still be only be partially correct. Ligaments attach bone to bone, then tendons attach muscles to bone. Ligaments help to provide stability to joints and while tendons support joints, one of their main functions is to assist muscles during contraction. Correct me if I am wrong here, but I think that you are speaking of the length of a muscle belly, which dictates the SHAPE, but not the size of a muscle. Even the muscle with a short belly can grow large, but may appear smaller than a muscle that have a larger, but fuller looking shape. For example, take a look at Mike Tysons calves, then take a look at someone like Serena Williams calves. Serena's may look bigger than Mike's, but Tysons are actually bigger.

Yeah yeah yeah Tendon attachment... I mistyped.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

do y'all eat boiled eggs or like rocky breakfast of champtions status?

I would go through the thread but I gotta study like hell right now.
Not in today's age. You risk getting foodborne diseases like Salmonella now. You're probably OK if you're not part of the immunocompromised folks, but still. I do eat 3 egg whites after I get back from the gym though. They taste great with a bit of salt and pepper.
QFT JOE, you know who that is right?? Anyone who has taken Controlled Labs products or at least browsed there website should know.
yeah... dude has one of those insane builds that makes you feel like you have no definition whatsoever
must be great for CL to sponsor him

i can lift more than him though according to his bodyspace

p.s. dude weighs in the mid-180s......insane. 5'10"
Damn, I'm feeling hella bad now. I've been going back to Starbucks on the regular again due to group meetings. I do order a small skinny vanilla latterthough.
(Suppose to be the lowest cal drink they have at around 120 cals a pop). Tastes good too. About to go again for the 2nd time in a few mins.
Originally Posted by Durden7


yup....which is why im happy i have symmetrical abs, etc.
because there's nothing you can do to change that if you don't
Yeah man, that would be the WORST to have asymmetrical abdominals. I can handle long biceps, small calves, thin neck, unbroad shoulders, etc but if I had abnormal abs id be pissed.

Like GSP?

Yea man......, its gettin cold in new england though I need the mass right now to keep warm an look huge in fitted thermals. Ill go for that look come springagain lol.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

Is there any site that will help me with a workout plan to get back into shape for basketball season ?

I've been slacking all summer
Aside from hiring a basketball trainer, YouTube and your local bookstore will be your best friend. Athletes aren't body builders so they don't train the traditional way.
check out there's lots of good information for sportstraining/development. a lot of basketball players are relatively weak compared to other sports, even though more strength (and by definition, more mass) wouldhelp almost any baller.

also, to add in the discussion disagreement, it's like the perfect storm of mixed information in thisthread. there's the bodybuilding info, the general health info, weight loss info (aka "i wanna see my abs"), athletic info, and nutritional infoall coming together in a big cluster#@$. 99% of the stuff said in here isn't wrong, but even if a decent amount is true, it definitely isn't gospel. things tend to be oversimplified or overemphasized here. bottom line, each person will react slightly differently to even the best researched and testedroutine/regimen. genetics plays a large role, but gene expression (epigenetics) also plays a very important role; genes can be effectively turned on and offbased on several factors.

i'd say nutrition has the most half-truths out of anything recommended in this thread. seriously, how are you gonna argue that humans shouldn't drinkmilk because it was "made" for baby cows? were vegetables "made" to be human food? if brussell sprouts are so healthy and good for you,why do they taste so damn bad? it shouldn't be that black and white. there are a few things that can generally be accepted i believe.
- plant food sources are good for you, as long as it's not poisonous.
- food processing generally is bad for nutrition. major food corporations pretty much try to stuff the cheapest food by products they can down our throats forthe biggest possible profit.
- humans are omnivores for a reason. animal food sources have a lot of good things going for them, but since most meat/dairy industries have been overlyindustrialized, it's almost not worth it. truly organic animal food sources are good sources of nutrition, but are expensive and not widely available
- supplementation shouldn't be meant as a replacement for nutrition, but it's not a bad thing, considering how poor the modern western diet it
- nutritional research as it is right now isn't the end-all-be-all nutritional law. a lot of is funded or influenced by major food corporations. considersaturated fats and cholesterol. there are whole cultures that eat primarily animal food sources and thrived off of them.
- your mileage may vary
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

Is there any site that will help me with a workout plan to get back into shape for basketball season ?

I've been slacking all summer
Aside from hiring a basketball trainer, YouTube and your local bookstore will be your best friend. Athletes aren't body builders so they don't train the traditional way.
check out there's lots of good information for sports training/development. a lot of basketball players are relatively weak compared to other sports, even though more strength (and by definition, more mass) would help almost any baller.

also, to add in the discussion disagreement, it's like the perfect storm of mixed information in this thread. there's the bodybuilding info, the general health info, weight loss info (aka "i wanna see my abs"), athletic info, and nutritional info all coming together in a big cluster#@$. 99% of the stuff said in here isn't wrong, but even if a decent amount is true, it definitely isn't gospel. things tend to be oversimplified or overemphasized here. bottom line, each person will react slightly differently to even the best researched and tested routine/regimen. genetics plays a large role, but gene expression (epigenetics) also plays a very important role; genes can be effectively turned on and off based on several factors.

i'd say nutrition has the most half-truths out of anything recommended in this thread. seriously, how are you gonna argue that humans shouldn't drink milk because it was "made" for baby cows? were vegetables "made" to be human food? if brussell sprouts are so healthy and good for you, why do they taste so damn bad? it shouldn't be that black and white. there are a few things that can generally be accepted i believe.
- plant food sources are good for you, as long as it's not poisonous.
- food processing generally is bad for nutrition. major food corporations pretty much try to stuff the cheapest food by products they can down our throats for the biggest possible profit.
- humans are omnivores for a reason. animal food sources have a lot of good things going for them, but since most meat/dairy industries have been overly industrialized, it's almost not worth it. truly organic animal food sources are good sources of nutrition, but are expensive and not widely available
- supplementation shouldn't be meant as a replacement for nutrition, but it's not a bad thing, considering how poor the modern western diet it
- nutritional research as it is right now isn't the end-all-be-all nutritional law. a lot of is funded or influenced by major food corporations. consider saturated fats and cholesterol. there are whole cultures that eat primarily animal food sources and thrived off of them.
- your mileage may vary

Agree with your point about nutritional law. The same goes for supplementation. Go as far as whole foods will take you, then try to add whatever you aremissing that may enhance your recovery. Recovery is key for any fitness goals, whether it be for sports like hoop, football, track and field, baseball, andthen even exhibition sports like bodybuilding competitions.The quicker you recover, the more frequently you can train, then yeilding faster results.

It's as simple as that, then also explains the rampant use of drugs in sports.
Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

Can anyone recommend me some protein shakes that build muscle?
Should I take it before or after a workout?
And a broken record is being played once again. All protein shakes are aimed to build muscle, that's their selling point. Why else wouldanyone take it?

A lot of people view when to take it differently. I personally take it an hour before and right after the work out. Some only do the former or the latter. And some think protein shakes are a waste of money.
Feels good to help others in the gym. I was lifting and an older guy came up to me asking for pointers.
For the guys nervous about asking for help, don't be afraid. I promise 9/10 people won't mind helping you.
Just took this pic on my Macbook.
StaXX wrote:
Feels good to help others in the gym. I was lifting and an older guy came up to me asking for pointers.
For the guys nervous about asking for help, don't be afraid. I promise 9/10 people won't mind helping you.

QFT.. I just started the gym last week..Today was chest and this big guy stopped his workout to spot me..Later i dropped the cable pull down andhe helped me with it too
StaXX wrote:
Feels good to help others in the gym. I was lifting and an older guy came up to me asking for pointers.

You're cool.

I always want to approach a few guys and ask about form, tips, etc. But my gym is full of douches, so I'll stick to the youtube videos.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

StaXX wrote:

Feels good to help others in the gym. I was lifting and an older guy came up to me asking for pointers.
You're cool.

I always want to approach a few guys and ask about form, tips, etc. But my gym is full of douches, so I'll stick to the youtube videos.

eh dont judge a book by its cover tho

hard not to look like a douche at the gym if youre decently big, wearing a sleeveless shirt of any kind, bumping music, etc.

doesnt mean anything, youd be surprised. dont hesitate to ask questions.
Would still like to know what some of you are taking as a liver support supp.. I can only hope some of you are taking someting care of your liver after takingdifferent shakes/pills.
StaXX wrote:
Feels good to help others in the gym. I was lifting and an older guy came up to me asking for pointers.
For the guys nervous about asking for help, don't be afraid. I promise 9/10 people won't mind helping you.
Just took this pic on my Macbook.

If you have time, what's your eating/work out routine?
I feel my abs when I make a muscle, but cant just get the fat off

Have to step my cardio game up...
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Would still like to know what some of you are taking as a liver support supp.. I can only hope some of you are taking someting care of your liver after taking different shakes/pills.
you can find a ton online......usually related to ph/ps/oral steroid use though.

nothing i take or have taken would require one of those supps.
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