Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I shouldnt use supplements?? I'm 19 and been on Protein for almost a year..thats bad?
what kind of protien/supplement do you use? for your age of 19 your not that bad, but usually male growth ends around the age of 23 or earlier, so maybe you've reached that certain age where your not gonna grow anymore or maybe not idk and you don't know.

I would say that for anyone under 20 just get their nutrition from live sources, but healthy live sources. My problem with people under 20 taking supplements is that your not just getting protien from the powder your getting glutamine and other anabolic stuff that your body doesn't need at that time. If you really want to take a supplement I would go for a pure whey product since it gets digested by the body right away.

But I haven't scoped out the products on the market for a long time so idk if they would have a product with just whey protein and not contain stuff like glutamine and creatine and that kinda stuff made for adults.

100%On Whey Isolate
wow dude please don't listen to this guy. creatine , protein (what do you think is in food besides carbs and fats ?
), etc. are all perfectly safe.

glutamine too, although it's pretty worthless from a muscle-building POV

supreme ape- pics and/or lifting stats asap. also, where did you place at mr. olympia this year?
Hey, So fasting is done and I am back to working out as of today. I am going to DIE in the gym tonight. Anyways how is this for a meal plan in general. I willbe doing P90X.
Meal Plan

Breakfast 1: -
3 Eggs
1 Cup of Milk

Snack 1: Between Class
- Protein Shake

Lunch 2: After 2nd class
Turkey Sandwich
2 Eggs
1 Chicken Breast W/Vegetables

Snack: 2 hours after 2nd class

Dinner 3: After workout
2 chicken breasts W/ vegetables
Glass of Milk
Protein Shake

Before Bed:
- Cottage Cheese
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

GrimlocK wrote:

Cronicmolemolereturns wrote:

I shouldnt use supplements?? I'm 19 and been on Protein for almost a year..thats bad?
what kind of protien/supplement do you use? for your age of 19 your not that bad, but usually male growth ends around the age of 23 or earlier,
so maybe you've reached that certain age where your not gonna grow anymore or maybe not idk and you don't know.

I would say that for anyone under 20 just get their nutrition from live sources, but healthy live sources. My problem with people under 20 taking supplements
is that your not just getting protien from the powder your getting glutamine and other anabolic stuff that your body doesn't need at that time. If you
really want to take a supplement I would go for a pure whey product since it gets digested by the body right away.

But I haven't scoped out the products on the market for a long time so idk if they would have a product with just whey protein and not contain stuff like
glutamine and creatine and that kinda stuff made for adults.

100%On Whey Isolate

wow dude please don't listen to this guy. creatine , protein (what do you think is in food besides carbs and fats ?
), etc. are all perfectly safe.

glutamine too, although it's pretty worthless from a muscle-building POV

supreme ape- pics and/or lifting stats asap. also, where did you place at mr. olympia this year?

Personally, I wouldn't listen to a single person in this thread. 99% of the information posted is wrong, and everyone should just feel out their own bodiesand do what works for them. You and I could eat the same food, follow the same routine, use the same supplements, and the results would be completelydifferent. A lot of people neglect to realize that GENETICS are the most important thing when it comes to body recomposition. All these people saying theywanna look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club (which is wack as hell to me... who wants to look like a gust of wind could blow them away????) will probably spendtheir whole lives striving for that physique only to be sorely disappointed when they realize they don't have a hope in hell of achieving that.
99% of info posted here is wrong? No true. What it is true is that what works for one person might not work for another. That doesn't make the info herefalse.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

99% of info posted here is wrong? No true. What it is true is that what works for one person might not work for another. That doesn't make the info here false.
Im not going to agree with the 99%, thats just an exaggeration but it certainly is more than what people think it is.

Remember that in the end everyone is basically wired the same way so to think that one way will work for someone and the exact opposite way will work for adifferent person is wrong. There are slight variations on basic principles that work for different people, but essentially what works for one person must workfor everyone else.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

99% of info posted here is wrong? No true. What it is true is that what works for one person might not work for another. That doesn't make the info here false.
Im not going to agree with the 99%, thats just an exaggeration but it certainly is more than what people think it is.

Remember that in the end everyone is basically wired the same way so to think that one way will work for someone and the exact opposite way will work for a different person is wrong. There are slight variations on basic principles that work for different people, but essentially what works for one person must work for everyone else.
I pretty much agree with Durden on this. I will say that I've adapted my workout routine quite a bit from some suggestions given here. But Ididn't just follow anything posted down to the T. I analyze and modify to fit my training accordingly. I take this thread for what it's worth...a bigdiscussion. There's no one size fits all workout plan.

Van- ay man, don't say that about Pitt.
It's funny because body builders hate it when noobs post a 'how do I get a David Beckham' or'how do I get a Brad Pitt' figure because to them (the bb's)...these guys are damn near anorexic.
11-12% you can see a lil definition def not ripped. 9-10% you can def have a 6 pack. 6-8% is def ripped....that's the 8 pack. I had that once took a picfor memory then had the biggest cheat meal of my life. Lol, no but for real to maintain 6-8% takes sooooooo much dedication. My god, at my leanest I really hadto turn the other cheek when I seen good food around me.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Durden7

Chicagos Finest 23 wrote:

99% of info posted here is wrong? No true. What it is true is that what works for one person might not work for another. That doesn't make the info here
Im not going to agree with the 99%, thats just an exaggeration but it certainly is more than what people think it is.

Remember that in the end everyone is basically wired the same way so to think that one way will work for someone and the exact opposite way will work for a
different person is wrong. There are slight variations on basic principles that work for different people, but essentially what works for one person must work
for everyone else.
I pretty much agree with Durden on this. I will say that I've adapted my workout routine quite a bit from some suggestions given here. But I didn't just follow anything posted down to the T. I analyze and modify to fit my training accordingly. I take this thread for what it's worth...a big discussion. There's no one size fits all workout plan.

Van- ay man, don't say that about Pitt.
It's funny because body builders hate it when noobs post a 'how do I get a David Beckham' or 'how do I get a Brad Pitt' figure because to them (the bb's)...these guys are damn near anorexic.

I'm just bitter that I suffer from a case of flabby love-handles, narrow shoulders, huge chest... basically the complete opposite of these guys haha.
do y'all eat boiled eggs or like rocky breakfast of champtions status?

I would go through the thread but I gotta study like hell right now.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

do y'all eat boiled eggs or like rocky breakfast of champtions status?

I would go through the thread but I gotta study like hell right now.
i eat 100% liquid egg whites everyday

im serious. super wal mart got em for cheap.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

do y'all eat boiled eggs or like rocky breakfast of champtions status?

I would go through the thread but I gotta study like hell right now.
i eat 100% liquid egg whites everyday

im serious. super wal mart got em for cheap.
sounds disgusting
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I def believe genetics play a major role for us all though. MAJOR.
Genetics are HUGE.

Ligament attachment is an aspect that very few people are even aware about mainly because its impossible to notice.
for sure. i'll be getting on this.

had a crazy weekend cause of nocturnal but I was able to run 2+ miles, bench, chin ups, and run around the y's pool for like 45 minutes.

argh we got popeye's in the kitchen....................

makin' it so hard
egg whites are great, not disgusting at all.

i dunno about genetics dad is very skinny, his side of the family tends to be tall and skinny, my mom's is stockier and shorter but iturned out a lot more like my dad in terms of can tell even now, i have kinda skinny wrists, etc.

yet i've had no problem putting on weight, and i've seen a lot of progress pics of people going from like 120 lbs to 190, etc.

not saying they don't play a part..they definitely do in terms of things like muscle shape, etc....but i feel like people dwell too much on their"genetic potential," "genetics don't let me get to ____" etc.

i don't think very many people even come close to approaching the limits their genetics impose upon them, it's more of an excuse imo than anythingelse.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

egg whites are great, not disgusting at all.

i dunno about genetics dad is very skinny, his side of the family tends to be tall and skinny, my mom's is stockier and shorter but i turned out a lot more like my dad in terms of can tell even now, i have kinda skinny wrists, etc.

yet i've had no problem putting on weight, and i've seen a lot of progress pics of people going from like 120 lbs to 190, etc.

not saying they don't play a part..they definitely do in terms of things like muscle shape, etc....but i feel like people dwell too much on their "genetic potential," "genetics don't let me get to ____" etc.

i don't think very many people even come close to approaching the limits their genetics impose upon them, it's more of an excuse imo than anything else.

i KINDA agree

def not an excuse though


knowledge is def power.
true true

btw if the senate hearings on ph/ds's go as expected, they will all be banned/pulled off shelves......hearing is tomorrow. if anyone's planning onrunning a legal cycle, buy now. i don't advise it, but just a heads up.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

true true

btw if the senate hearings on ph/ds's go as expected, they will all be banned/pulled off shelves......hearing is tomorrow. if anyone's planning on running a legal cycle, buy now. i don't advise it, but just a heads up.
this is gonna hurt so many feelins

for real though.......i never sold drugs
but now seems like such agood time to make a lil side money

trust.......they will still be out there.
yeah no doubt......i was gonna say you could just cop some bottles and flip em for $100 each

i know plenty of people who are doing this/stocking up in case they ever want to take em

not saying they don't play a part..they definitely do in terms of things like muscle shape, etc....but i feel like people dwell too much on their "genetic potential," "genetics don't let me get to ____" etc.

This is absolutley the biggest part of genetics.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yup....which is why im happy i have symmetrical abs, etc.
because there's nothing you can do to change that if you don't
Yeah man, that would be the WORST to have asymmetrical abdominals. I can handle long biceps, small calves, thin neck, unbroad shoulders, etc butif I had abnormal abs id be pissed.
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