Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

To me its just funny how they always mess with supplement industry but what about cigs, alcohol an all the crap in todays food and medicines. Prescriptionsscrew more folks than good.
yeah its a joke.....if ph's were a billion-dollar + industry with lobbyists and such it would be a whole different's absurd that they too, instead of the actual manufacturers of the supps.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

To me its just funny how they always mess with supplement industry but what about cigs, alcohol an all the crap in todays food and medicines. Prescriptions screw more folks than good.
that's where all the money's at
I also think what's funny is that WASN'T really selling steroids, but I could buy Clen, Tren, Winstrol... basically any steroid I wanted onlinewithin a couple of minutes.

The FDA has its priorities backwards, and JOE CAMEL nailed it as to why.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work is simply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.

Durden already said he HATES supplements (period) so there is no point..............

im sorry but there is a lot of BS in the industry but there are MANY effective supplements.............

He's right, that is how I feel.

Youre saying theres effective fat-burners? (I mean if youve got some legit information/research/results, Im very willing to have an open mind about it)
most fatburners are BS

but there are many effective ones

not worth the side effects though

i dont mess with em.
L2L you never hit me with that info about what's wrong with Apidexin. It's a little late for me but people still ask about it and i'dlike to know i'm not recommending them death.

Originally Posted by Al Audi

edit: ANYBODY in this thread got tats?

i def want some full sleeves i always tell people i know but they tell me dont do it.
I'm boutta get the exact tat my little brother had. I'm gonna be a damn asian stereotype.


I'm about 50lbs heavier than he was though.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

wj4 - i didn't really check the cholesterol for the muscle milk i shouldve of...i was wondering though you think itll be counter productive taking fat burner and drinking protein shakes though? like muscle mass etc

Fat Burners dont work.

i mean.....they don't do a TON (the legal ones, since ephedra is banned), and you can reach your goals without them.....but to say they don't work is simply untrue.

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Are military presses behind your neck a bad idea? I need some definite input on this.
not if you're using weight you can handle, no. i do these all the time, as well as regular and db military press.

Durden already said he HATES supplements (period) so there is no point..............

im sorry but there is a lot of BS in the industry but there are MANY effective supplements.............

He's right, that is how I feel.

Youre saying theres effective fat-burners? (I mean if youve got some legit information/research/results, Im very willing to have an open mind about it)
most fatburners are BS

but there are many effective ones

not worth the side effects though

i dont mess with em.
L2L you never hit me with that info about what's wrong with Apidexin. It's a little late for me but people still ask about it and i'd like to know i'm not recommending them death.
wow that was ages ago an i thought we did


this is the problem i have with its also in A LOT of fat burners
Originally Posted by Al Audi

wow that was ages ago an i thought we did


this is the problem i have with its also in A LOT of fat burners
K that was a little too crazy for me. Break it down for my simple

I see people talking about it, but didn't find anything in the first post about raising LDL?

And it inhibits testosterone production?

Doesn't seem like too big of a problem to me, unless you're planning on taking this stuff for a long time.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Plateauing is not really an issue for me, I'm not really trying to gain in size very much, just trying to get really lean and improve vascularity. I'm pretty much the size I want to be, maybe I can be a little slimmer. I'm about 5'11 170. I want to be maybe 160 looking like this. I'm pretty sure it's already been posted.


So right now I'm mostly doing heavy weight/low rep (about 3 sets of
with lots of cardio. Intervals 3 times a week (15min), and normal cardio (30min) the days inbetween.

As for dieting. Try to eat mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. High fibre carbs when I do have them, mostly before 7pm. 1 cheat day and day away from the gym a week.

if i'm 6'2 and want this body type (meaning lean muscle not OD brolic) what do you think the ideal weight would be to aim for? right now im about 188.
lol I didn't say that workout was good, it's just what I found. I also found the lack of legs work interesting.

Camel, I'd stay away from full sleeve tats. You worked so hard for your muscle definition, tattoos would ruin it.

Plus later on in life when you gain size or shrink, they'll get distorted.
akody that would be a good weight, when im real lean, i dunno what you consider OD brolic. but im around 189 to low 90s. ive been at a good 8-9% bodyfat atthat range im only an inch shorter than you

there are better physiques than the 'brad pitt in fight club'

nothing wrong with that being your goal, but just know that there is a whole lot between that and 'too bulky'
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


there are better physiques than the 'brad pitt in fight club'

nothing wrong with that being your goal, but just know that there is a whole lot between that and 'too bulky'
agree 100%

brad piff in fight club is just a famous physique so its commonly used for dudes tryna get in shape i think.

i mean for real the avg surfer in cali look better than brad in that movie
^ Agreed, but at the end of the day I wanna look good in clothes, and look like a normal dude on the street until I go to a beach or a girl take off my shirt.
i would say i look like a normal dude in clothes though.....hell i look like a normal dude without clothes imo, just one who's in shape.

but t the end of the day do it for yourself and that means make yourself look exactly how you want to look......if that is what you want then absolutely go forit, and keep nt updated on your progress.
Lol I look very normal in clothes, I mean ppl can tell I work out but I'm far from an IFBB nor do I want to look like that. Even that Adrian Peterson pic Iposted while back I'm 100% sure he looks normal in clothes an dude is way bigger than me. If you seen me in reg clothes unless its like a very fitted T inspring/summer I look like anybody. Depends what you wear, not looking normal is when you're the pros size. Reggie Bush looks normal in clothes and most Proathletes n he is jacked correct? You can tell he has size but shirt off is diff. Like joe cam said I agree.
Put this into perspective..........what size do you dudes wear in wife beaters? im a M(edium) an that fits me just how a beater should. L is baggy on me.

i usually wear hanes beaters
damn PASS you must look like my boy who was same height as me in HS..............HE was on the cross country team though. I was 170lbs when i graduated HSthats like normal looking for a dude our height.......155 is real slim, your metabolism fast as hell huh or you dont eat?

yea lurk its a combo of both. But I stacked up on food and got some whey as the only supp Im using right now so Im ready to hit the gym

all I need is some workout
I'm rolling right now at Al's picture because of what Joe said about the hamburger making him feeling bad for 2 months.

Some of these dudes at the gym are straight up weird, man. I was on the elliptical this morning and this cat brought his girlfriend with him. She got on theelip next to mine and the homie was doing something in the free weight room. I was on the elip for 30 mins and I swear every 5 mins, the dude comes by her elipand kiss her. Dude probably got a full cardio workout from walking back and forth. The free weight room is probably 50-70 ft away from the elip.

I'm going to try out yoga next week. Just cop a mat today.
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