Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by quik1987

^Naw I read he was down to like 3%
There's no way he went that low, man. I'd say at the lowest 5-6% (natural fat) because I don't think he was juicing. I read in MensHealth that had him on the cover, and he said he was always an active guy and been doing Krav Maga for a while now.

If I had to take a stab in the dark, I'd say he's around 6-7%. His obliques are way too defined for 10%.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Plateauing is not really an issue for me, I'm not really trying to gain in size very much, just trying to get really lean and improve vascularity. I'm pretty much the size I want to be, maybe I can be a little slimmer. I'm about 5'11 170. I want to be maybe 160 looking like this. I'm pretty sure it's already been posted.


So right now I'm mostly doing heavy weight/low rep (about 3 sets of
with lots of cardio. Intervals 3 times a week (15min), and normal cardio (30min) the days inbetween.

As for dieting. Try to eat mostly lean meat, fruits and veggies. High fibre carbs when I do have them, mostly before 7pm. 1 cheat day and day away from the gym a week.
how long would it take to get like this from lets say 230 lbs?
Weighed myself yesterday, I was 213. So that's about 57 pounds lost in 4 months.

Aiming for 185-190 by Xmas. I can't remember the last time I was below 200. Prolly middle school

Monday Night- depends how dedicated you are, diet, workouts, etc. Dudes on the BBforum be having crazy transformations. But to get like that pic I think youwould have to successfully loose a lot of weight (drop body fat %) then hit the gym harder to start toning your muscles
Man I always tell people if your having trouble getting motivated, start with your diet. People on the BB forum say diet is 75-85% of weight loss. So fromhaving a solid calorie deficit alone you gonna start loosing weight. Once you start loosing weight your gonna get more motivated to hit the gym and get asteady routine going.
Thats what happened to me at least.
l3: you'll still gain strength by doing lower weights and higher reps. higher weight will also build your strength, but you'll also gain size...atleast from what I've read...somebody correct me if I'm wrong. In my experimenting, my diet also played a huge part in bulking up: doubling up on meatwith everything definitely helped me gain size when I was doing that a few years back.
Also guys, I know a lot of you are trying to get in shape, but some of you are trying to lose weight/get ripped, and I can attest that diet plays a HUGE role.I've worked out once this week yet ate healthily, and I look/feel as if I worked out every day. I know it's been said, but cleaning up your diet candefinitely speed up your results when combined with a workout, and also cut down on excess calories if you're just trying to lose weight.
man no *+%$ but this is my inspiration right here. Every time I see these pics I really hit the abs hard. I dont care who you are this guy has some sick abs,you gotta respect the work he put in.
Nah that guys abs are weird.. he has like 2 defined ones thats it. And you guys are aiming for that dude in Never Back down? I feel good about myself right now
naw this guy keeps a persnal blogs he willing to help anybody who messages him, seems like a pretty good dude and always stresses he stays away from all of course lots of ppl lie but if you read his blogs and articles you get some since of him being honest.
Originally Posted by quik1987

wj4 - good to know thanks.

I looked up the workout and this is what I found. Could be fake though.

Im putting what weight he used on here as a guide but I suggest you start out with whatever wait you can do with reps between 20 and 30 times. ALL EXERCISES IN EVERY STEP ARE DONE WITH 20 - 30 REPS

Monday - chest

3 - 25 push ups
3 - nautilus press (45, 55, 65 lbs)
3 - nautilus incline press (55, 65, 70 lbs)
3 - pec deck machine (40, 45, 50 lbs)

Tuesday - back

3 - 5 pull ups
3 - seated rows (75, 80, 85 lbs)
3 - lat pull down (85, 90, 95 lbs)
3 - t bar rows (50, 55, 60 lbs)

Wednesday - Shoulders

3 - Arnold press 35,35,35
3 - laterals 15,15,15
3 - front raises 10,10,10

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps

3 - nautilus curl machine 20,25,30
3 - ez curls cable 30,35,40
3 - hammer curls 15,20,25
3 - push downs 50,55,60


Treadmill 45 minutes 65-75% MHR

Saturday and Sunday off

Remember reps range from 20 - 30 on all excercises.
No offense but this workout does not look very good. First of all, there aren't enough free weight exercises. Secondly, its almost impossibleto do some of these exercises 20-30 times. For example, no way in he.ll can most people do 20-30 arnold presses in a row...and then do it 2 more times. Andwhere is the leg workout? They have a day dedicated to bis and tris but no day dedicated to legs?

Also, that pic of that actor you guys keep on quoting...he doesnt look 3-6%. He's more like 8%.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by quik1987

wj4 - good to know thanks.

I looked up the workout and this is what I found. Could be fake though.

Im putting what weight he used on here as a guide but I suggest you start out with whatever wait you can do with reps between 20 and 30 times. ALL EXERCISES IN

Monday - chest

3 - 25 push ups

3 - nautilus press (45, 55, 65 lbs)

3 - nautilus incline press (55, 65, 70 lbs)

3 - pec deck machine (40, 45, 50 lbs)

Tuesday - back

3 - 5 pull ups

3 - seated rows (75, 80, 85 lbs)

3 - lat pull down (85, 90, 95 lbs)

3 - t bar rows (50, 55, 60 lbs)

Wednesday - Shoulders

3 - Arnold press 35,35,35

3 - laterals 15,15,15

3 - front raises 10,10,10

Thursday - Biceps & Triceps

3 - nautilus curl machine 20,25,30

3 - ez curls cable 30,35,40

3 - hammer curls 15,20,25

3 - push downs 50,55,60


Treadmill 45 minutes 65-75% MHR

Saturday and Sunday off

Remember reps range from 20 - 30 on all excercises.
No offense but this workout does not look very good. First of all, there aren't enough free weight exercises. Secondly, its almost impossible to do some of these exercises 20-30 times. For example, no way in he.ll can most people do 20-30 arnold presses in a row...and then do it 2 more times. And where is the leg workout? They have a day dedicated to bis and tris but no day dedicated to legs?

Also, that pic of that actor you guys keep on quoting...he doesnt look 3-6%. He's more like 8%.

To be honest, I stopped reading after I saw the word Nautilus. Any program that uses machines over free-weights is garbage IMO.

And 30 reps? ******ed.
Anyone try German volume training (ie High volume training)? I did two workouts (Chest day and Arms/shoulders day) and it was difficult to say the least. Youhave to use about 60% of your 1 RM (if you're starting out) and everyone starts staring. I'm gonna put more weight on and rest less next time and seeif that brings some results.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Weighed myself yesterday, I was 213. So that's about 57 pounds lost in 4 months.

Aiming for 185-190 by Xmas. I can't remember the last time I was below 200. Prolly middle school

Monday Night- depends how dedicated you are, diet, workouts, etc. Dudes on the BBforum be having crazy transformations. But to get like that pic I think you would have to successfully loose a lot of weight (drop body fat %) then hit the gym harder to start toning your muscles
Nice, son.. Weighed in today at 210lbs that's down from around 235 back in Mid-end July.. i told myself when i got to 200lbs I would sign upfor personal training, but i went ahead and did that too today. 15 sessions over the next 3-4 months hopefully once a week..

I'm 5'9, and 165-170 is my goal.. Damn it's going to feel weird being small.
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

man no *+%$ but this is my inspiration right here. Every time I see these pics I really hit the abs hard. I dont care who you are this guy has some sick abs, you gotta respect the work he put in.


damnit everytime im bulkin i miss my abs, then when i get lean i miss my strength

i took this pic like 10 mins ago, i benched 285 on incline today though, but i wont lie i dont count carbs for #%#$!!!!

i eat all damn day, prob more carbs than protein, yea easy. carbs keep me full an energized. i needa get back to a good balance an get those cuts again

i weigh 200


edit: ANYBODY in this thread got tats?

i def want some full sleeves i always tell people i know but they tell me dont do it.
I'm getting a half sleeve on my upper left arm pretty soon.. I guess i could wait until i drop a few more pounds..
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

I'm getting a half sleeve on my upper left arm pretty soon.. I guess i could wait until i drop a few more pounds..


yea half sleeve is more pratical too, yea im worried about tats also because i heard they distort when your body changes. an i dunno........think maybe ishould wait where i wanna be.
Word Monday, both arms? Ya might have to lead me in a good direction for ink in NY in the future.
Yea I feel like that too, yet I see many dudes with 1 sleeve. But if you have one sleeve with a good amount of ink on the other arm that aint too bad. warehouses got raided, lotta ph/ds got pulled off their shelves......stock up now if you're into that sort of thing

Originally Posted by Al Audi

i took this pic like 10 mins ago, i benched 285 on incline today though

do work

as for the tats.......i dunno i like the idea of sleeves and other stuff and at the same time i like the look of my body the way it is without any tats atall......
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