Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

so i posted in this thread way back when it started (like 2 months ago) and i figured i'd post some of my results in here to help with motivation.

started out 6'3. 155 lbs (scrawny)

-I changed my diet around (from junk food & fast food to all home cooked food, mostly sandwiches & chicken with rice & vegetables or pasta)

-Never went to a gym one time this summer (cant afford a gym membership)

-Didnt do any cardio (unless 50 jumping jacks & 1 minute bear crawls before workouts counts)

-Worked out 5 times a week.

Started out with 10 of each position push ups (increased eventually to 25 of each), 25 leg raises, 40 crunches, 20 push ups, bicycle thingies (for about 30seconds)

-So i gained about 15 lbs of lean muscle over these 2.5 months. might be 20, i don't have a scale. chest is defined, got that V cut thing on the abs, 6pack is almost there i gotta burn some fat.

Yesterday i copped some 20 lb dumbbells, and school starts in 2 days so free gym membership
time to get brolic. stay motivated guys. hope i helped
Originally Posted by cor23ey

No one cares. And even if someone swole laughs a little to themselves, they are way more focused on their own workout.

only thing i'd laugh at is dudes making way too much noise, trying to lift way too much with terrible form, etc., not a skinny dude trying to get bigger. iwas skinny when i started.....don't feel self-conscious, and if you have questions feel free to ask someone.
Is there a good alternative to a bench press? I used to go with friends and have a spotter but now I go alone and really worried that I might gas out and getinto some real trouble? I can only bench max with a 45 on each side and only able to do 2 sets with 10 reps each, but get real tired going into the 3rd..
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i've got a question, how many reps a set should i be doing for weight curls if i want to double the weight i lift right now by the end of the year

I usually start out with fairly high reps, 10-15, and as time goes on i work down to sets of 5-6 until i max.
Anyone here complete the 300 workout? School starts this next week and after I get into the swing of things i'm gonna give it a shot
I dont eat before bed unless I workout/train a few hours before bedtime. I stay away from carbs in particular ('cept during late night train/weightsession).

I ate a %!#! load at a party on Saturday night, must of been around 3-4kcal damn, im feeling the effects of it this week I think. I nearly threw up I ate somuch. I guess I learnt my lesson, i'd rather eat less of the bad food.. sheesh..

It'll prob set me back another week grr..
Like stated no one really cares, regardless of how brolic or lanky you are. A few guys that see me on the regular just walk over and give me pound or dab andkeep it moving.

Off topic, man I must've ate undercooked meat or something and carry a worm inside now 'cause I'm still losing weight even though I'm eatingthe same amount.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by beezylocks

Is eating 1 or 2 meals a day bad, while tryna get cut and losing weight? I'm nvr all that hungry, and alot of times I eat and then sleep, or eat the. Lay down is that bad? I've heard that makes u gAin weight I can't have that, I'm 510 170 I was 5'10 155 in January, smh but I kno some is muscle but most is fat. In my stomach.
Eating 1 or 2 meals a day CAN work. Look up Eat Stop Eat and the Warrior Diet. Both are effective means of cutting fat.

I just did some research on these 2 diets, and I still do not see how they can possibly be effective. It just doesnt make sense to me.
They are based on the basis of detoxifying and giving rest to the digestive system. The body does not need sugars in the dietary form to function throughout low intensity activity, like throughout the day. If you don't eat throughout the day, the body will just use body fat for fuel. The argument about starvation mode isn't worth much in this aspect because that doesn't happen after just 12-24 hours of fasting.

If you look at Brad Pilon, the author of Eat Stop Eat, he's built pretty well and he fasts. So it's not counterproductive. It's like carb cycling, except you cycle calories. If you have a problem with this then you must have a problem with carb cycling as well.
I honestly believe that fasting is a great practice to do atleast once a week to give your body a rest from digestion.

You can't just hold research as the law because I've never seen a bad testimonial about the Warrior Diet. It just works, and that's the amazing thing. It goes against the modern rules of nutrition, but it works and consistently gives results to all kinds of people. You should take a look at the testimonials and success stories of the Warrior Diet and you may understand it a bit more.

I believe that there is a time for different foods in the day. You wouldn't want to eat raisins right before bed, you wouldn't be able to sleep. They give quick energy to the body, so you're wasting it and it'll become body fat. If you want sugars, pre and post workout is a great time, but other than that, there is no need for them after that.

On a side note, I love the mental clarity that I get when I fast. It's amazing how much work I can get done with no food undergoing digestion.

I do have a problem with carb cycling actually. Of course youve never seen a bad testimonial about the Warrior Diet. Ive never seen a bad testimonial aboutany product. Thats why its a testimonial.

I dont see a problem with eating raisins right before you go to sleep. It only becomes body fat if the body can not use it. If its able to be used by theblood then it will be put to good use no matter when its consumed.

Maybe it works, but to me I just dont see how its possible and I would be concerned about the long term health effects of it.
I shouldn't have used the word testimonials. I've never seen a bad review about it is more like it. I don't even think that any professionalathlete or famous person follows it.
It definitely works, and the only thing I can say is that if you really want to know, you'd have to try it out.

The long term health of any diet is unknown, whether it be the Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Keto diet, 6 meals a day diet, etc. Up until the end of the 20thcentury, when bodybuilding blew up, nobody ate 6 meals a day. If you look at the Jamaicans, they're lean as rocks and they only eat twice a day; breakfastand dinner. Nobody has done any research on the effects of 6 meals a day, so how do we know that it's not just as bad as 1 meal a day? The only person thatI know of who has done long term fasting, is the author of the Warrior Diet, and he's lean as hell. He's well over 50, but he still maintains 7% bodyfat and is strong for his age. Compare that to any Golden Era bodybuilder and you'll see that he's in much better shape, because the Warrior Diet iseasier to live with. Everybody gets tired of counting calories and macro/micronutrients at some time and the Warrior Diet is an escape from it.

According to what you said, anyone can eat anything at any time, as long as the body can use it. After a long day of fasting, the body is going to be depleted.The body would need nutrients and energy, which is why there's the big meal at night.

But it depends on your goals. I agree, the Warrior Diet is terrible - for bodybuilders. For the general public who wants to stay fit, it's ideal.
Dang, temptation almost got to me. Went to Costco and was craving the nonfat yogurt. I didn't get it because I only had $1 in cash, was short 50 cents orso.
Originally Posted by wj4

Dang, temptation almost got to me. Went to Costco and was craving the nonfat yogurt. I didn't get it because I only had $1 in cash, was short 50 cents or so.

You saying that non-fat yogurt is considered cheating?
People need to loosen up when it comes to their diets. On Sunday, I ate a poutine + hotdog + coke for breakfast, white rice + stew + coke for lunch, chocolateLucky Charms for a late afternoon snack, and pizza + coke for dinner. Big deal.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

People need to loosen up when it comes to their diets. On Sunday, I ate a poutine + hotdog + coke for breakfast, white rice + stew + coke for lunch, chocolate Lucky Charms for a late afternoon snack, and pizza + coke for dinner. Big deal.

Originally Posted by Vancity74

People need to loosen up when it comes to their diets. On Sunday, I ate a poutine + hotdog + coke for breakfast, white rice + stew + coke for lunch, chocolate Lucky Charms for a late afternoon snack, and pizza + coke for dinner. Big deal.

Im seeing a disturbing trend with that as well as the cut/bulk terms. (weve already gone over this so I wont get into it again
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by wj4

Dang, temptation almost got to me. Went to Costco and was craving the nonfat yogurt. I didn't get it because I only had $1 in cash, was short 50 cents or so.

You saying that non-fat yogurt is considered cheating?
It's pretty much ice cream.
I looked up the calorie content online and if you consume the whole thing, it's not that bad at all fora desert at 300 cals a serving (or so it says online). Even if I wanted to, I really can't see myself eating a real desert, ie ice cream at Coldstoneanymore. I try to have one or two max of cheat eats per week. Usually just when I go out with my mom for lunch on the weekend. I came home to eat pasta withsalmon and a cup of yogurt from Trader Joe's so my stomach was satisfied either way.
I just think a lot of people don't realize that the overall net effect of eating something unhealthy is almost next to nothing.

My diet on Sunday was a huge anomaly for me. I was hungover as hell and eating healthy was the last thing on my mind. I didn't feel great on Monday, butit's not like I suddenly packed on 10 pounds over night. The coke thing was also OD, I will admit, but it was the only thing I could find to drink witheach meal. I try and stay away from HFCS...

As long as you're eating FAIRLY well throughout the week, who cares if you eat a couple of cookies at night? I don't think anyone here is competing,and I also don't think anyone here realizes what a PITA it is to maintain a body fat percentage of under 8% (I've never been there, but most of thepeople that I know who are say it's almost not even worth the effort).

Ripped, right? Amazing physique, right? He routinely eats 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds with supersized fries. Heck, I've seen him sit down and eatsome late night poutine and hotdogs on more than one occasion.

Originally Posted by Vancity74


Ripped, right? Amazing physique, right? He routinely eats 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds with supersized fries. Heck, I've seen him sit down and eat some late night poutine and hotdogs on more than one occasion.

and michael phelps ate what, 12,000 cals a day when training? a lot of it coming from not-so-healthy simple carbs like pasta, etc.?

st. pierre is gonna be burning hella calories.....doesn't matter if they come from mcdonald's or organic broccoli. doesn't mean a healthy dietisn't important. just sayin.
Van-I pretty much agree with you. As long as the good outweighs the bad, it's all good (no pun intended). It's just like fatty folks who go hard at thegym once or twice or eat healthy for a week...not really going to do a change because it's so short term.

The thing is that I got so accustomed to eating like this, it became 'regular' eating habits for me. I no longer enjoy things like chocolate chipcookies, bbq wings with ranch sauce, chili cheese fries, etc. (Just naming things I loved to eat).
Originally Posted by wj4

Van-I pretty much agree with you. As long as the good outweighs the bad, it's all good (no pun intended). It's just like fatty folks who go hard at the gym once or twice or eat healthy for a week...not really going to do a change because it's so short term.

The thing is that I got so accustomed to eating like this, it became 'regular' eating habits for me. I no longer enjoy things like chocolate chip cookies, bbq wings with ranch sauce, chili cheese fries, etc. (Just naming things I loved to eat).

I'm in the same boat, trust me. I hate cookies and sweets, I don't eat chips (or if I do, it's rare), I avoid HFCS... but I still have my vices.Every Sunday, I always get some macaroni salad from the store for lunch and dinner is a huge bowl of caesar salad with a steak and mashed potatoes orsomething. But I keep it fairly clean Monday - Friday so I don't really mind...
im pretty much at the point were my body is not really improving i guess its time to switch up routines?
wj4 wrote:
Van-I pretty much agree with you. As long as the good outweighs the bad, it's all good (no pun intended). It's just like fatty folks who go hard at the gym once or twice or eat healthy for a week...not really going to do a change because it's so short term.

The thing is that I got so accustomed to eating like this, it became 'regular' eating habits for me. I no longer enjoy things like chocolate chip cookies, bbq wings with ranch sauce, chili cheese fries, etc. (Just naming things I loved to eat).
...but you compared Yogurt to these items? That doesnt make sense to me.

and I also don't think anyone here realizes what a PITA it is to maintain a body fat percentage of under 8% (I've never been there, but most of the people that I know who are say it's almost not even worth the effort).

Yeah, anytime I hear someone say they want to be around 8% bodyfat I shake my head. It's TOUGH to get it that low, and if its not for a competition thenit's really not worth it. It's a hassle on your body, brain, self-image and if the person is trying to look good for the opposite sex then itcertainly isnt worth it.
I think weight training and weight loss is common sense.

The people that do worse are the people that are the ones constantly researching/analyzing but not doing...

It starts in the mind. You have to have self-discipline.

Workout hard and get muscle. Do cardio a lot and lose weight. Don't eat crappy food. It's pretty simple.

Once you reach a point where you are close to your goal, THEN you can do further research to bring you all the way to your goal.

But don't use research/analyzing as a excuse for not already getting results.
Originally Posted by sloanboy

im pretty much at the point were my body is not really improving i guess its time to switch up routines?

this thread has been really helpful. last time i posted about running 3 miles a day, 5 days a week and not losing any weight.... and then someone explainedhigh intensity interval training to me. i incorporated HIIT only once a week in my routine and in 3 weeks ive felt and seen results. four months ago i was 205lbs (i'm 5'6"). my goal is 185 (high school weight). this morning i weighed myself and i'm at 189. switching up routine is CRUCIAL. so far nostretch marks and no saggy skin, so slowly but surely is my technique.
...but you compared Yogurt to these items? That doesnt make sense to me.
Huh? I was naming stuff I used to really liked to eat when I was fat, to make it correlate more to what Van posted. The Costco yogurt is prettymuch soft serve ice cream, I still like that.
I stopped drinking alcohol completely when I picked up this new lifestyle and never looked back.

BTW to you guys who think that 8% is not worth it...what are you dudes at? 9-10%? I'm sure most, if not all of you, have some ab definition of some sortand the rule of thumb, if I recall correctly, is that to get definition you gotta be below 10%?
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