Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by cor23ey

Anyone have tips/advice for running in the cold?

Wanted to start riding the bike this morning and it was freezing!
I love running in the cold. The first mile is always a pain, but after I get warmed up...I'm good to go. Just make sure you have properattire. I wear a compression shirt to keep me warm and just throw a hoody over that. I wear compression pants too, with shorts over it. Running insweatpants makes me feel too bulky. I also wear gloves and a scarf.

wanksta-I'm the complete opposite, man.
I rationalize my meals so that I get hungry again in several hours. When I have my 'real meal' ofthe week, usually on Sunday at noon, I would get so full that I would feel bloated until 6PM or so. A feeling that I'm no longer accustomed to.
I fell off hard. Job moved into a new building across campus and I have been involved with the move, haven't had time to run. I know, no excuses. I'mgetting back on it this week. Need to sign back in to too.
Earlier in the summer I copped some pants that are my size, 30x30. But they were too small so they didn't fit like my other joints. I don't wearpants in the summer so my goal was to have them tailored when Fall arrives. I tried on the pants just now and 3 out of 5 fit. I only gotta tailor 2 joints veryslightly to let the waist out.
Originally Posted by Al Audi


best creatine i ever used

reason being..............strength on this stuff was top notch. i wouldnt lie to NT fam when it comes to supps.

for some reason though..........i never bought it again. maybe i will this winter.

i use all american efx kre alkalyn right now


also those who take mono look into CREAPURE

I've used Krealkalyn for a long time and always liked it. Whether or not it absorbs better than creatine monohydrate I'm not sure, but I don't getany water retention or bloating like I might sometimes get with other creatine supps. I was looking into trying con-cret in the near future, so thanks for thereference.

Just tried Dark Rage and Dark Matter for the first time as part of a marketing survey. I forgot how strong and intense pre-workout supplements affect youbecause it's been a while since I've messed with NO Xplode or Superpump250, but you know how you're supposed to take NO Xplode or Superpump insmaller doses the first few times until your body (and your digestive system) gets used to it? Yeah, completely forgot about that and dumped the whole packetof Dark Rage into the shaker cup and drank it down. 3/4 into my workout I'm running into the bathroom to truly discover why they call it "DarkRage".
Just gotta take half the dose next time.

Dark Matter was actually pretty good. Great at giving you the right insulin spike and helped me feel recovered, even though I still felt naseous from theother stuff. Tastes pretty good, but it's kinda thick. I'd compare it to drinking raspberry jello.
I used to be skinny until this summer and I got realll lazy and ate out more than I should..some of my jeans are feeling tight and it's really bugging meout that I let myself get this way...I plan on hitting the gym again real soon, but I always wanted to try out running, mind that i was never a good runner inthe first place. Should I spend about 30 mins after each workout on the elliptical machine for about a week or two then start jogging at a track? my goal is tofit into those jeans again!!! and maybe grab those abs...ive been dreaming of for years. dont wanna bulk up or anything, but i wanna get cut
What exactly does creatine do, and how would the results differ between a man doing the same workout same days same weight same height one using creatine onenot using creatine.
Originally Posted by cor23ey

Anyone have tips/advice for running in the cold?

Wanted to start riding the bike this morning and it was freezing!
i run in a turtleneck sweater if it's like 20-30 degrees
if its warmer i just run i a plain old track jacket. i'd rather run in the cold vs in the hot sun
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

What exactly does creatine do, and how would the results differ between a man doing the same workout same days same weight same height one using creatine one not using creatine.

Creatine directs water into your muscles, which is why they appear bigger. Also, it is supposed to help by allowing you to sustain work loads for longer byallowing for more mobilization of ATP for energy.
it's hard trying to put on muscle when you're beyond broke. i'm officially under 150lbs... down from almost 160 about 3 months ago. i'm outof whey, been out of veggies, and haven't lifted in 2 weeks. even the gas to drive out and play bball hurts.

once i get some steady income, i swear i'll be up at 165 quick. it's hard to be motivated when you're hungry
Does anyone here know if soy milk has estrogen in it? I've been told it inceases estrogen and lowers testosterone but I've also been told thatthat's a lie. Anyone know???
Originally Posted by MBlackmon

Does anyone here know if soy milk has estrogen in it? I've been told it inceases estrogen and lowers testosterone but I've also been told that that's a lie. Anyone know???
According to men's health magazine, soybeans in themselves contain what are called 'phytoestrogens', which are chemicals that mimicthe behavior of estrogen hormomes.
here's the article
Originally Posted by Al Audi


i get what youre saying

kre alk you dont cycle and no side effects

myself and many others as joe has state like kre alk....the price is not an issue kre alk is not even expenisve like that

are you familiar with the word creatinine?
Yeh I'm familiar with creatinine ( a derivative of the creatine breakdown process?).

I'm not arguing against taking other forms of creatine but those who are new to the topic should know that they all do the same thing. Some just claim todo it more efficiently. Those claims are anecdotal at best.
It doesn't really matter either way because they all accomplish the same goal. WHen it comes tot his it's just preference and what one is willing tospend.

A ton also depends on how the individual absorbs and digests creatine. Some do it better than others. Those who don't process the extra creatine well willprob. have problems with all forms.
Originally Posted by MBlackmon

Does anyone here know if soy milk has estrogen in it? I've been told it inceases estrogen and lowers testosterone but I've also been told that that's a lie. Anyone know???
It wont kill you tho or turn you into a woman
Thanks wj4 & wraith...

I done with bulking up. I just wanted to see how far I can push myself.

I didn't even want to get as big as I did. I just loved the feeling of lifting with no-xplode haha! I was also taking cell mass and op nutrition wheyprotein.

Now I really want to step up the cardio. I'm going to jog/bike 2 times a day, in the morning/evening, 5-6 days a week.

I'd rather be slim/toned. I'm 5' 11" and around 200 and want to get back to 160-170.
Originally Posted by MBlackmon

Does anyone here know if soy milk has estrogen in it? I've been told it inceases estrogen and lowers testosterone but I've also been told that that's a lie. Anyone know???
I've never really consistently drank any liquid aside from water. Soy has been over marketed and a great money maker, so they blew theestrogen thing out of propertion. I don't deal with soy, not because of the estrogen, but because it is a common allergen to people. Honestly, ifyou're so worried about soy milk, switch to almond milk, a much better alternative. You can even make your own to cut costs. Plus, it's lower incalories and better than plain water. If I ever used any liquid other than water or juice, it'd probably be only to go with oatmeal and even then,that's rare.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by beezylocks

Is eating 1 or 2 meals a day bad, while tryna get cut and losing weight? I'm nvr all that hungry, and alot of times I eat and then sleep, or eat the. Lay down is that bad? I've heard that makes u gAin weight I can't have that, I'm 510 170 I was 5'10 155 in January, smh but I kno some is muscle but most is fat. In my stomach.
Eating 1 or 2 meals a day CAN work. Look up Eat Stop Eat and the Warrior Diet. Both are effective means of cutting fat.
anyone else look into these plans to see if they really work?
I'd love to do this since i hate eating5-6 meals a day...its too much
I've done both of them and they're very effective. Eat Stop Eat is much more flexible, but requires more will power. The Warrior Diet isgreat as well. I love the mental clarity I get when I do it. Plus, it's all you can eat at night. It's just that if you want to drop body fat, then youshould do high fat, and that's hard for most.
Yo cor23ey post pics+%$* I'm just tryin to see how someone else my size is progressing. I'm 6'0" and a little under 200 now.
Originally Posted by cor23ey

Thanks wj4 & wraith...

I done with bulking up. I just wanted to see how far I can push myself.

I didn't even want to get as big as I did. I just loved the feeling of lifting with no-xplode haha! I was also taking cell mass and op nutrition whey protein.

Now I really want to step up the cardio. I'm going to jog/bike 2 times a day, in the morning/evening, 5-6 days a week.

I'd rather be slim/toned. I'm 5' 11" and around 200 and want to get back to 160-170.
That's about what I'm tryna get back down to.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by MBlackmon

Does anyone here know if soy milk has estrogen in it? I've been told it inceases estrogen and lowers testosterone but I've also been told that that's a lie. Anyone know???
I've never really consistently drank any liquid aside from water. Soy has been over marketed and a great money maker, so they blew the estrogen thing out of propertion. I don't deal with soy, not because of the estrogen, but because it is a common allergen to people. Honestly, if you're so worried about soy milk, switch to almond milk, a much better alternative. You can even make your own to cut costs. Plus, it's lower in calories and better than plain water. If I ever used any liquid other than water or juice, it'd probably be only to go with oatmeal and even then, that's rare.


After I got off of using regular 1% milk I switched to rice milk and it was okay but then I gave almond milk a try and i've stuck by it for 3 months now. Plus almond milk as a little more nutrition in it than rice milk. Soy milk is healthy for you but it's more for women imo, I read somewhere that soy makesyour muscles sag or something along those lines, and also with the whole estrogen thing turned me off from ever using it.
I've googled it, and i've gotten some mixed reviews so i'll ask here

is eating a lot of fruit at night (around 9) really bad for you?
i just had a big, big bowl of watermelon after my kickboxing class
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