Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

so I saw some new video infomercial last night for something called "Insanity"

I think its supposed to be like a new p90x, anyone else know whats up with it?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by dollabill87

Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
No such thing as cheap eating healthy. It's going to be costly. There's a reason why fast food places can do $1're eating processed lard.
Right I guess I should have said affordable or cost effective perhaps. Appreciate any advice.
Originally Posted by dollabill87

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by dollabill87

Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
No such thing as cheap eating healthy. It's going to be costly. There's a reason why fast food places can do $1're eating processed lard.
Right I guess I should have said affordable or cost effective perhaps. Appreciate any advice.
Just go to a local market like Ralph's or Albertson's and sign up for the reward program and get the card to save money.

I recently cut back on red meat so now I only consume turkey, chicken breast, fish (trying to only eat red meat only if I know the cow's been grass feduntil processing). Those are the more expensive meats out there..$7-10 per package compared to 1/3 the price for common beef.

Other stuff I get include wheat anything....bread, bagel, tortillas, etc. You don't wanna get white rice or bread or anything like that because it'suseless flour that have the nutrients burned off already.

Fruits are always good...I stock up on bananas and watermelon at all times. I also go for organic peanut butter to make pb sandwiches for snack.

Also you shouldn't think of it as a 'diet plan', it's a new lifestyle. The moment you go back to eating like how you used to, you're goingto gain all that weight back.

I can't even see myself eating fast food, cake, ice cream, etc. on the regular basis anymore.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by dollabill87

Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
No such thing as cheap eating healthy. It's going to be costly. There's a reason why fast food places can do $1're eating processed lard.
I disagree. While my parents were away for vacation I was only spending like $30 a week on groceries.

My list for 1 month was...

-Chicken breasts
-egg whites (got them on sale for $1 a carton)
-olive oil
-green apples
-mint green tea
-lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers

I dont think that healthy eating is that expensive. People may think its expensive because they spend a lot of money on protein, other supplements andvitamins. The problem with healthy eating is that it is time consuming, its impossible to always prepare and eat healthy meals when you're out all day andthe biggest problem...the food does not taste as good as "non-healthy" food.

Question to you guys...are there any non-whey protein shakes that you guys recommend? I'm thinking of buying some soy or egg or some other non-whey sourceof protein to drink after lifting weights. I completely stopped drinking whey because I'm 98% sure that it gives me acne. I know that non-whey proteinsupplements are not as good as whey itself but does anything come close to it?
Just from the WDYW posts you could tell battleground was serious with his workout, training.
Originally Posted by wj4

I can't even see myself eating fast food, cake, ice cream, etc. on the regular basis anymore.
i can't either...whenever im on my cheat day, or cheat meal, i feel like throwing up

its like my stomach isn't used to it anymore
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by dollabill87

Hey guy's great thread! After some tips/ advice. I'm either doing a hour and a half gym workout (45 min cardio, 45 min weights).
or an hour half of basketball six nights a week. I'm happy with how my body is toning and losing weight, but am looking
for some advice on a cheap diet plan available easily from the grocery store . Mainly just for an easily prepared lunch
and dinner that doesn't need to much prep time.I don't want to pack on to much muscle going more for the slim toned look.
Thanks in advance guys.
No such thing as cheap eating healthy. It's going to be costly. There's a reason why fast food places can do $1're eating processed lard.
I disagree. While my parents were away for vacation I was only spending like $30 a week on groceries.

My list for 1 month was...

-Chicken breasts
-egg whites (got them on sale for $1 a carton)
-olive oil
-green apples
-mint green tea
-lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers

I dont think that healthy eating is that expensive. People may think its expensive because they spend a lot of money on protein, other supplements and vitamins. The problem with healthy eating is that it is time consuming, its impossible to always prepare and eat healthy meals when you're out all day and the biggest problem...the food does not taste as good as "non-healthy" food.

Question to you guys...are there any non-whey protein shakes that you guys recommend? I'm thinking of buying some soy or egg or some other non-whey source of protein to drink after lifting weights. I completely stopped drinking whey because I'm 98% sure that it gives me acne. I know that non-whey protein supplements are not as good as whey itself but does anything come close to it?
$30 lasted you a whole week? A package of salmon or chicken breast fillet at Ralph's run $8-10 each. I would eat a full package of each in aday and a half-2 days. Spend another $5 for wheat pasta, another $5 for wheat bread to eat with the salmon or chicken, and I've already hit the $30mark...and those will last me 4 days if I'm lucky. And I'm not even a big dude who's bulking up. I'm just eating around 2,500 cals a day.

Eating healthy is definitely expensive, especially if you go the organic route a la Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. $30 will get you a grip from the dollarmenus from various fast food places.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by wj4

I can't even see myself eating fast food, cake, ice cream, etc. on the regular basis anymore.
i can't either...whenever im on my cheat day, or cheat meal, i feel like throwing up

its like my stomach isn't used to it anymore
It's also the guilt knowing that there's trans fat and saturated fat in that garbage.
My cheat meal is usually a piece of tri tipwith black beans at my fav steak house. I don't think I've eat at a fast food place in nearly a year.

My friends think I'm a freak, but I got so accustomed to it, I don't really care anymore. The 'gross' foods I eat (according to them) arepretty yummy to me.
Hell yes!

Yeah after choosing the right foods for 2-3 months, fast food is still good, but I just can't it on a regular basis. I had french fries awhile ago and Ifelt like puking after a handful. My cheat meal usually is a chicken breast burger with heaps of beans/sauce and a side of fries, then maybe a bowl of icecream and chocolate. I make sure im under my caloric intake or just over in order to accomodate it, I practically throw out my macros for that meal and justaim for my maintenance.

Tomorrow i'll be eating out for a friends 21st, can't wait. My metabolism needs a jolt, after eating the same foods for awhile, its always nice to mixthings up.

The Marquez Mayweather fight is coming up... can't wait for that either - lots of motivation for me, especially the weigh in's and such - all thatswagger

Has anyone done KETO? I had a rest day yesterday, pretty much had no carbs just fats and proteins. Man I was feeling foggy as @%$*, walked around the house Iwas hittin the sides of walls and ***%. Walked down the stairs id hit the corner of the stairs. Damn.. I don't know how Ketonians do it. I've done morereading/research and just decided to consume carbs when I need 'em and thats mostly pre-post workout. And its good to up your fats on low-carb days too, itreally helps.

Big weekend coming up fellas for me.. hope you's are all eating strong and lifting hard. Theres nothing like envisioning yourself with the perfect body andfeeling good about doing it!
Originally Posted by I3

Has anyone done KETO? I had a rest day yesterday, pretty much had no carbs just fats and proteins. Man I was feeling foggy as @%$*, walked around the house I was hittin the sides of walls and ***%. Walked down the stairs id hit the corner of the stairs. Damn.. I don't know how Ketonians do it. I've done more reading/research and just decided to consume carbs when I need 'em and thats mostly pre-post workout. And its good to up your fats on low-carb days too, it really helps.

Big weekend coming up fellas for me.. hope you's are all eating strong and lifting hard. Theres nothing like envisioning yourself with the perfect body and feeling good about doing it!

can you drop some knowledge on KETO? ive read some stuff about it, but the info kept changing so just stopped reading different peoples answers
how long did you do it? any results?
^^ after strict dieting for 4-6 weeks, a burger or soda , preety much anything greasy would give me the runs and would make me sick.

feel you.

my coworker told me of this gym that he goes too, I accompanied him
Instructor gave me free 3 class trail and been hooked since then.
Love the Cardio & cross training I get because I simply hate running.

Def recommend it for all my nt'ers
i got 2 months till my 21st birthday....wanna get back on the grind...i've lost my motivation to stick "strictly" on my diet and exerciseregimen...

diet through a normal day consists of 4 wheat bread slices, boiled chicken breast, 1 1/2 piece of provolone, and banana....fat free milk,....special K cereal

i want to add fiber for dinner and replace something...anyone got advice...i want to add spinach and brocolli somewhere...

exercise goals

cardio 4-5 X a week @ 30 minutes

maybe throw in ball for an hour if i'm in the mood

lift 3-4 X a's/tris, shoulders, back, chest

Any Advice to adjust my plan....Trying to drop weight btw...

my cardio is the most important to me
my lifts are a lot of reps w/medium weight
After eating healthy\being on a diet for 10 almost 11 months its pretty easy to ignore\avoid the junk food.. and I work in the dang fast food industry. Theonly time it gets annoying or hard is when I go out with my friends to places like ihop, applebees, or w\e. Its late at night and you can smell their food andjust watch them while they eat their food and they offer me food a lot of times but I always refuse... because that's the food that got me to where I was10\11 months ago.. obese. What sucks even more is what if I go on a date what am I gonna eat? FML.
Imma have a cheat day on halloween tho.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

My goal: Lean-out, drop the extra pounds I gained overseas (I did build a bit of a stomach and love handles) while maintaining muscle strength

My workout rationale: I gain weight easily and also bulk-up easily, so cardio everyday for me is a necessity to stay lean, even if it's just jumping rope after a lift. I don't want to bulk-up and I do so easily, so sticking to low-weight high-rep has been good for me. It's often noted that anything more than 20 minutes of cardio is a fat-burning zone, which is why I choose to do between 40-60 minutes everyday. Also, some random days I'll strictly do cardio: 80 minutes + jump rope or 65-70 minutes + jump rope. Other than that it's been pretty standard with my lifting, just a lot of reps and mixing up specific exercises to keep my muscles from getting complacent.
maybe it's me, but it seems like you're doing a whole lot just to get back to your original weight/strength. i understand you tend togain weight easily, but you won't bulk up if your energy (calorie) intake can't support it. once you figure out the average amount of calories youneed to maintain (or in your case lose) weight, you can stay eating that much and not worry too much about getting all that cardio in. plus, high weight/lowrep lifts (1-5 reps) doesn't promote size, but contributes to strength. in other words, you don't have to stick to high rep lifts.

also, the "fat-burning zone" burns fat, but overall, high intensity exercises burn more fat overall, take less time, and have more health benefits. just because you're not burning much fat at a high heart rate doesn't mean your bodyfat will not be affected. fat is converted into sugar and viceversa to maintain and replenish energy stores.
carlos tevez, look into hemp protein. I remember some bodybuilder saying how after taking hemp protein, he didn't deteriorate as much as with whey afternot working out for 3 months. Plus, it's raw and has EFA's as well.
wj4, it's really not that expensive to eat healthy. I get lentils, beans and peas for $2 a lb. or under and they last for a week. But vegetables likeportabello mushrooms, avocados and bell peppers aren't the cheapest.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by I3

Has anyone done KETO? I had a rest day yesterday, pretty much had no carbs just fats and proteins. Man I was feeling foggy as @%$*, walked around the house I was hittin the sides of walls and ***%. Walked down the stairs id hit the corner of the stairs. Damn.. I don't know how Ketonians do it. I've done more reading/research and just decided to consume carbs when I need 'em and thats mostly pre-post workout. And its good to up your fats on low-carb days too, it really helps.

Big weekend coming up fellas for me.. hope you's are all eating strong and lifting hard. Theres nothing like envisioning yourself with the perfect body and feeling good about doing it!

can you drop some knowledge on KETO? ive read some stuff about it, but the info kept changing so just stopped reading different peoples answers
how long did you do it? any results?

I don't know too much about it, i've read bits of bits etc. But as far as I know its extremely low carb (trace carbs only) 5.5 days a week, followedup by 1.5 days of carb consuming. The primary goal is to use fat as the energy source. Im pretty sure if you eat some sort of carb you get kicked out of the'ketosis' state and have to start again. Apparently the results are pretty good and might be suited for those obese? Im not too sure, but its said tohelp fight against epilipsy.

I tried the no carb thing, or little to no-carb, just to experiment and %*+% its not worth it. You feel foggy and lethargic, I felt real foggy it was hard tosleep even when I was tired. I woke up the next morning pretty senseless and my workouts really suffered. IMO just stick to carbs when needed and you'lldrop weight easy - its all about knowing your body and how it reacts to certain foods. Get your set amount of protein, then fats and then use the rest forcarbs. That is a good start.

Anyways.. . here is some stuff I found off BB:
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: True Fat Loss

In recent media, low carbohydrate diets have been THE fad for almost everybody in America wanting to lose weight. From your secretaries, elementary school teachers, and desk clerks, to bodybuilders, models, actresses, and athletes.

However, there is a huge difference between those who follow an Atkins plan and those who follow a cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD). Atkins is a low carb plan for those who are quite sedentary, walk maybe 3 times a week at the most, and just follow normal everyday activities. So forget Atkins here. The CKD is for those whoâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s main concern is true fat loss and muscle preservationâ€"muscle for sports and high intensity activities.

My opinion for those who practice Atkins is that while they do lose fat, there is much water loss and most importantly muscle loss. Something we athletes do not want. A CKD is a true fat loss diet that works undeniably, if followed properly and strictly. Yes, low carb diets can be hell at first, but after two to three weeks, there have been anecdotal reports from many dieters that the cravings for carbohydrates decrease. This route to fat burning is unlike any traditional diet all the low-fat diet authors and FDA people have been advocating in history.

I got turned onto this diet a few years back when I got tired of cutting fat and still not being able to lose those last percentage points of bodyfat without losing hard earned muscle. I would start a low-fat diet, and be a either a social misfit (not going out with my friends to party or not going out to eat). Or in the worse case, feel so deprived of delicious junk foods I missed and bail out on the diet all together. One advantage to this diet is that there is no true restrictions on food. One may eat anything labeled a "food"! Well, almost. Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ll explain later.

How the diet works.

The science behind the CKD is simple. Carbohydrates in the diet cause an insulin (a "storage" hormone) output in the pancreas. It is used to store glycogen, amino acids into muscles, while causing excess calories to be stored as fat. So common sense asks me, "How can one try to break down fat, when your body is in a storage-type mode?" Difficult to do, indeed. That is why it makes perfect sense for step one to be cutting carbs.

The next thing that happens in your body is the rise in catecholamines (a "fat mobilizing" hormone), cortisol (a "breakdown" hormone), and growth hormone. Now your body realizes thereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s no more carbs to burn for energy, so it must find another energy source: fat.

This usually happens during a metabolic condition called "ketosis." This is when your liver is out of glycogen and starts to produce ketones (by-products of fatty acids). You can check your status of whether or not you are in ketosis with urinalysis strips you can pick up at any local drug store called "Ketostix." Just urinate and see if it turns color. If so, you have ketones in the urine.

When the body is fed fat and protein, it will use dietary fat along with bodyfat for energy with protein going towards repair.

As a side note, there is another reason why this diet makes the most sense to use while keeping muscle. When one follows a high carbohydrate, low-fat, reduced-calorie diet, thereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s a point when some bodyfat is burned, but when the body is still in a carbohydrate burning metabolism while trying to lose "weight," it will strip down precious body protein to convert to glucose for energy.

On the other hand, during fat metabolism, protein cannot be converted into free-fatty acids for energy. Although there is no scientific research done on this, there have been reports from followers that there truly is a "protein-sparing" effect. It makes sense doesnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t it? Where else would the body look for fat energy when all dietary fat is burned? Bodyfat.

Diet Requirements Mon. to Fri.

The phrase "working smarter, not harder" applies here more than any diet one has tried. One must fully understand what they must do in order to optimize their goal. To set a CKD up, one cannot just expect to cut all carbs in the diet, train hard, and lose fat! Although some have come up with variations to this plan, the one stated in this article, I have found, has worked for myself (it got me to 6% BF), and other clients Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve trained to the leanest, hardest theyâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ve ever been.

First, to set up the diet, write down your lean mass weight. Not your total weight, dough boy. If you weigh 200, but have 20% bodyfat, your lean mass weight would be around 160 pounds. Multiply this by one, getting your grams of protein requirements for a day. Make sure you eat at least one gram of protein/pound of lean mass! This is important in recovery from workouts and enough nitrogen retention to keep muscle. Next, multiply by four, to get your protein calories. Here, it is 640.

The rest of your caloric requirements for the day should be fat. Here is the catch: you must eat fat to burn fat. Thereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s no way around it. There are many advantages to dietary fat on this diet: Feeling of fullness since fat digestion is slow (less hunger), tastes great, and lowers blood glucose levels (lowering insulin and allow all the fat burning hormones to do their job).

So how much fat? I always recommend starting out with a 500 calorie deficit from your maintenance calories. If you donâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t know, it is usually 15 times body weight (full body weight here) depending on an individuals metabolic rate. So here, the example would need 3000 calories a day to maintain weight, and 2500 calories to begin fat loss.

2500 minus 640 (protein calories) is 1860 which works out to be around 206 fat grams a day. Now as you go deeper into the diet, and find the need to restrict calories more, you must cut fat calories, not protein.

The Weekend Carb Load

Since muscle glycogen is the main source of energy for anaerobic exercise such as weight training, we cannot simply deplete all stores while working out and not fill them back up. If that does happen, be rest-assured that the body WILL use protein for fuel then. But this wonâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t happen on the CKD.

Your one and a half days of "freedom" allow you to do two things: First, reward your carb cravings from the previous days, allowing you to enjoy pleasures like pizza, pasta, breads, etc. Second, eating these things are physiologically rewarding as insulin levels run high, storing amino acids and carbs, as glycogen, into the depleted muscle allowing you to be able to workout again the following week.

Your "carb-up" should begin Friday night and last until around midnight Saturday. Now the next important issue to address is how many carbs. Some lucky individuals find that they eat whatever they want for the 24-30 hour time interval and receive perfect glycogen compensation, while others rely on a better statistical number.

What has been recommended by other authors of the CKD is 10-12 grams of carbs per kilogram of lean mass. Again, time to do math. Our example had 160 pounds of lean mass, so divide that by the conversion factor of 2.2, and we get roughly 73 kg.

100 Grams of easily digested liquid carbs along with around half as many grams of carbs in protein (here 50) as a whey shake or something of that nature should be taken right after the last workout (which I will address in the workout section of the article) when insulin sensitivity will be at its greatest.

A few hours later this individual will start to spread the remaining 630 grams of carbs, along with the important number of 160 grams of protein (remember, keep this constant) during the remainder of the compensation period.

So what about dietary fat? I know youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]re reminding yourself, "Didnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t this guy mention pizza?" Yes, I did. And hereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s why. During the first 24-30 hours of carbing up, the body will use all dietary carbohydrates to refill glycogen, protein for rebuilding, and get this: fat for energy. Still?

Just like the previous five and a half days. Makes sense. When all the carbohydrates are being used for more important functions (muscle), what else is there to be used? However, you canâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t just eat all the fat you want. Keep grams of fat intake below your body weight in kilograms. Again, here our example will keep is fat below 73 during the carb-fest.

By anecdotal reports, this should keep fat regain minimal to nil. Keeping fat intake extremely low has even caused some extra fat burning during the carb up!

As stated before, some dietary fat should be eaten to slow digestion and keep sugar levels stable. Whether it be saturated, unsaturated, or essential fats, is the dieterâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s decision. All have nine calories per gram. (Note: there is a claim that essential fatty acids such as flax seed oil increase insulin sensitivity within the muscle cells, in turn, increasing glycogen intake.)

In Case You Missed It

So hereâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s how it breaks down during the week: Sunday through Friday afternoon , you will follow the low carb diet outlined above. Eat fat and protein all day everyday except on workout days because after workouts, you will need to consume strictly just proteinâ€"no fat or carbs.

Some have found to enjoy a protein shake afterwards because they are easily digested. Do whatever works for you. But fat is not logical since you want the protein to fuel the healing process as quickly as possible and fat will only slow it down.

Friday afternoon, around two hours before your last workout of the week, eat two to three pieces of fruit. This will get your body/liver ready to start the carb loading and give you some energy for that final, dreadful workout (trust me, during the first few weeks, you will not want to do that final workout, but you must). Then from Friday night until Saturday at midnight or until bed, eat those carbs!
Originally Posted by nealraj006

wj4, it's really not that expensive to eat healthy. I get lentils, beans and peas for $2 a lb. or under and they last for a week. But vegetables like portabello mushrooms, avocados and bell peppers aren't the cheapest.
You don't eat meats though. That's the expensive part. It is definitely cheaper than dining out daily where I used to spend $5-15 on 1meal. But for a struggling college student....
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by nealraj006

wj4, it's really not that expensive to eat healthy. I get lentils, beans and peas for $2 a lb. or under and they last for a week. But vegetables like portabello mushrooms, avocados and bell peppers aren't the cheapest.
You don't eat meats though. That's the expensive part. It is definitely cheaper than dining out daily where I used to spend $5-15 on 1 meal. But for a struggling college student....

Drop the meat then
on a serious note,if you want a good, cheap source of protein look into incorporating legumes into your diet
For anyone trying to eat healthy, if you remember these three things they can make ANY food taste better: Hot Sauce, Peanut Butter, and Salsa

Started Animal Cuts yesterday, ima let yall know what I think about it after 3 weeks. So far Iv lost 54 pounds since May with no supps. Im at 216 now.
Been back in the gym this week…went 4 times out of 5 days
Diet consist of: Breakfast Fruit, Coffee, Croissant
Lunch: Japanese Food Bento Box (Salad, teriyaki chicken, chicken karage and rice)
Dinner: Sandwich
Gym Exercise: 45-1 hour cardio, 1 hour circuit training (2 chest, 2 legs, 2 shoulders, 2 backs)
Goal: To be 140lbs and to be around 10-11% body fat by christmas
Current Status: 5'8 160lbs
Question: Should I start using fat burner like Lipo6? I heard good reviews about the product and they use less caffeine.
Is it possible to attain my goal with that deadline (4 months)
Can someone help me switch up my diet to something better?
Can someone help me or point me to the right direction to other circuit training exercise? I don't want my body to get used to doing the same exercise.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by nealraj006

wj4, it's really not that expensive to eat healthy. I get lentils, beans and peas for $2 a lb. or under and they last for a week. But vegetables like portabello mushrooms, avocados and bell peppers aren't the cheapest.
You don't eat meats though. That's the expensive part. It is definitely cheaper than dining out daily where I used to spend $5-15 on 1 meal. But for a struggling college student....

Drop the meat then
on a serious note,if you want a good, cheap source of protein look into incorporating legumes into your diet
No way, man. My ex gf tried to get me to be a vegetarian before and failed. I can not live like that.
I'm just saying it isn'tthe cheapest route. Luckily that's not a problem with me.

I'm almost done reading the Tony Gonzalez book and it's really on point. He stated that he went all veggie for a while, but he was lifting a lot lessand feeling less energized. So he went back to eating white meat and red meat on occasions. Every time I read it, it reminds me of the other side of thespectrum...candy man Lamar.
there are quite a few vegan athletes that don't suffer because of their diet. They actually do better because of their diet. just throwing this out there:
The people that don't succeed on a veg*an probably don't eat the right foods. There are so many different veg*an junk foods out there that are sounhealthy, but people still eat them. Even processed foods like tofu become staples in their diets when they shouldn't eat it on a regular basis atleast.
You know what they say, you shouldn't knock it until you try it.

About keto diets,check this out:
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