Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by wj4

Just thought of guys ever seen a fat or out of shape vegan or vegetarian?

Not even gonna front but yeah. I've seen some chunky indians that are vegetarians. Since I'm half Indian though, a lot of dishes contain ghee or butterwhich generally is the reason you would see a fat indian lol.
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by wj4

Just thought of guys ever seen a fat or out of shape vegan or vegetarian?

Not even gonna front but yeah. I've seen some chunky indians that are vegetarians. Since I'm half Indian though, a lot of dishes contain ghee or butter which generally is the reason you would see a fat indian lol.
one of my favorite cuisines, Indian
so for the past 3 months i've been going at it pretty hard. before i was pretty inconsistent with my training, so i teamed up with my cousin and somefriends so i can build some muscle mass. I've had tremendous gains to my physique and strength, but i'm started to feel my gains to plateau. as of latei don't get that tightening of the muscles or the fatigue and soreness from the tear I was able to put on my body. I get a good 8 hours of sleep everynight and my diet is pretty decent, i have a 5 day split: legs.back.chest.shoulders.arms, resting every wednesday and saturday for the most part with core workspontaneously throughout the week. Once I head down for school I'll probably end up doing a 3/4 day split. I know I've gotten stronger because today Iwent a bit heavier, maxxed on bench at about 240 (previously 225 a month and a half ago) and able to flat press 95 lb dumbbells about 5x (previously stuck at80 3 weeks ago). My legs haven't plateaued but it's my upper body that's slowing down. I'm about 5'5 138 and trying to get to 145 maybe150, i want to of course gain some mass but i also want to broaden my upperbody from my lats to my shoulders. what can i do to kind of get out of this rut,especially when it comes to my upperbody?
wj4, wanna convert?
I've been vegetarian most of my life and I've never been obese. I never cared about what I ate until last year. LatelyI've been vegan-+**, avoiding dairy. I've been mostly successful, but sometimes I'll mess up sometimes because they're hidden a good deal ofIndian dishes. It's worth a shot IMO. Joe, look up Mike Mahler, he's a vegan trainer and athlete. He's pretty big and a vegan.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

wj4, wanna convert?
I've been vegetarian most of my life and I've never been obese. I never cared about what I ate until last year. Lately I've been vegan-+**, avoiding dairy. I've been mostly successful, but sometimes I'll mess up sometimes because they're hidden a good deal of Indian dishes. It's worth a shot IMO. Joe, look up Mike Mahler, he's a vegan trainer and athlete. He's pretty big and a vegan.
Nah, man. I was just curious. I had veggie soft tacos for dinner that's why.
The thought of eating meat honestly disgust me i can be in the middle of eating a delicious steak, but once i think of what im actually consuming
.. i wouldn't mind being a vegetarian, because i love veggies, fruits etc..but that shh has to get old quick.

I ran 4 miles last night around the neighborhood. probably gonna hit the elliptical tonite cause my shins are on fire still..

Question for those.. Most effective way to lose manboobs?? I've notice my stomach gone way down, but i still got 2 "bee stings" up top no h o mo
Its like i gain muscle but the fat is still there.

I heard dumbbell flies are the best work out and i have done those, but what else is out there? is the pectoral Machine, and cable flies more effective??Should I be doing all those on one day?
So I see this thread everyday or so and have been putting on the pounds the last few years and want to get back in shape.

I am 34, about 5'8", and right now probably weigh about 195 lbs. I have to wear a size 38 pants, which I've never done before in my life.

So I want to get back down to about 160. I've never worked out a day in my life and have NO idea how to eat "properly".

Can anyone help? Do I just join a gym and start going? Do I need a trainer? Very lost but want to get in gear.
^^^ I was thinking the same thing

That would be the easiest way Hov, but if you wanna have a go at it your self, you're in the right place
HOVkid, start out slow with bodyweight exercises and some low to medium intensity cardio like walking or running. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. I'llbe back with more later...
Getting your diet straight will motivate you to workout more.
Post your schedule and diet and dudes in here will def help you out.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Getting your diet straight will motivate you to workout more.
Post your schedule and diet and dudes in here will def help you out.

Thanks to all for being willing to give some guidance.

My schedule is rough. I leave for work at 7:15 am and usually get home around 8:00pm. I'm pretty free on the weekends. I was thinking about joining aplace that is open late so I could go when I get home from work but have to see if a place like that even exists.

My diet is horrible. Basically, I just eat whatever. Not ridiculous amounts of food, but I don't watch it at all.

Breakfast: Usually a toasted bagel with butter.

Lunch: Usually sushi. Been trying to do some salads but it gets old.

Dinner: Here is where I eat the most...usually italian or steak. After dinner is when I'm the worst. At like 10pm I'll be snacking on candy andpretzels or whatever else I find in the house.

Honestly, its a miracle I'm not 500lbs but I'm not looking or feeling good.
Also, I'd be willing to pay a trainer but I'd need to find one willing to work on my schedule.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Getting your diet straight will motivate you to workout more.
Post your schedule and diet and dudes in here will def help you out.

Thanks to all for being willing to give some guidance.

My schedule is rough. I leave for work at 7:15 am and usually get home around 8:00pm. I'm pretty free on the weekends. I was thinking about joining a place that is open late so I could go when I get home from work but have to see if a place like that even exists.

My diet is horrible. Basically, I just eat whatever. Not ridiculous amounts of food, but I don't watch it at all.

Breakfast: Usually a toasted bagel with butter.

Lunch: Usually sushi. Been trying to do some salads but it gets old.

Dinner: Here is where I eat the most...usually italian or steak. After dinner is when I'm the worst. At like 10pm I'll be snacking on candy and pretzels or whatever else I find in the house.

Honestly, its a miracle I'm not 500lbs but I'm not looking or feeling good.

wow i could never work HovKid hrs or the hours he did in his old job/position from what i recall 80hrs?. props to him

hard work pays off but sheesssssssh

your lifestyle..........its very possible but you really gotta be on your A game..........hell id pack up all my food for the day on a schedule like that. dietis key.

the city has to have gyms open all night id assume? what time do you go to sleep btw? what kind of fitness goal are you looking for? id prolly do like a 3-4day split kinda routine if i were you.

i gotta run but i know there will be plenty more info/help when i get back.

we all still on for pics at end of month?

edit: joe cam RIP when you do those 100hr ibanking hrs my man
I honestly think that you should start with bodyweight moves like squats, push ups, pull ups, calf raises, sit ups, and crunches while reassessing your diet. You should be able to handle your body in a few movements before you add resistance. Look up plyo moves such as jump squats, burpees, etc for added intensity and variety. You can build a very strong base off of the variations of bodyweight movements.
HOVkid, I honestly don't see a point in lifting weights just yet. You should be able to handle yourbody pretty well before you consider adding resistance to it. Bodyweight squats, push ups, pull ups, chin ups, sit ups, calf raises, crunches, etc. willdefinitely help.

Audi, I don't see why you'd put a beginner on a split, especially when they're not really trying to 'bodybuild' per se. I think thatit'd be better to build a stronger base, no? Just curious to see your reasoning, no attack.

But, like Audi said, diet is crucial. Just focus on eating clean foods. I like what Lou Schuler said, If you can't picture 3 stages or less of a food'sprocessing, don't eat it.
Here's a list of clean foods that you can and should eat:
Fruits: Apples, Berries, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lemon, Lime, Mango, Melon, Nectarine, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Plum, Pomegranate
Grains and Psuedograins: Amaranth, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Brown Rice, Wild Rice, Barley
Seeds: Pumpkin, Hemp, Sunflower, Flax, Sesame
Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans, Hazelnuts, Walnuts
Oils: Hemp, Flax, Pumpkinseed, Extra Virgin Olive
Legumes: Any Lentil, Pea, or Bean
Vegetables: Asparagus, Avocado, Beets, Bell Peppers, Collard Greens, Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Green Peas, Onions, Romaine Lettuce, Squash,Swiss Chard, Tomato, Yams, Zucchini
Superfoods: Chlorella, Spirulina
Condiments: Apple Cider Vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar, Garlic, Ginger, Nutritional Yeast, Stevia
Anyone ever heard of the Bar-Barians? They do some pretty amazing things with mostly bodyweight training. It's extremely challenging, but functional aswell. I'm thinking about taking up a training style like this over weights. It seems a lot more fun and convenient.

Join a gym and hire a trainer, but do some research. If you're in NY and you join a NYSC, try going to the one on Wall Street and ask them if Tony Charlesor Primo still work there. Not guys I'm in touch with anymore, but I knew them a few years ago and they're both excellent trainers. If you plan onjoining another gym, do some research first, maybe ask some people you know or check out and see if you can find a good recomendation for a trainer,because they'll start you down the right path and make sure you follow a structured routine. It may not be something you need to do every week for a longtime, but meeting up with someone for like 5-10 sessions would at least get you on the right track.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Anyone ever heard of the Bar-Barians? They do some pretty amazing things with mostly bodyweight training. It's extremely challenging, but functional as well. I'm thinking about taking up a training style like this over weights. It seems a lot more fun and convenient.
Major upper body strength
.� This dude must be a formergymnast.
I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. It's just that he trains this way, like a gymnast. The Bar-Barians is a group of people who master theirbodyweight and workout at parks and playgrounds around the world. Their reqs are really tough for anyone:

40 dips
20 pull ups
50 push ups
5 muscle ups

All in under 6 minutes.

Most people can't even do that many pull ups in a row anyway. I know that I can't. I'm working towards it.
I like what they're doing though, showing an inexpensive, convenient way to stay in great shape while gaining strength.
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

The thought of eating meat honestly disgust me i can be in the middle of eating a delicious steak, but once i think of what im actually consuming
.. i wouldn't mind being a vegetarian, because i love veggies, fruits etc.. but that shh has to get old quick.
I don't know, I guess it's because I've been vegetarian for most of my life, that I don't know what I'm 'missing' fromeating meat. I've never felt restricted to what I can eat and I eat a lot of variety. I mean, a lot people have the misconception that vegetarians eat fakemeats like tofu or seitan on a regular basis. You can treat yourself to it once in a while, but it shouldn't be a staple of your diet. I eat such a varietyof food that I never feel limited. Different foreign fruits and such help add a little surprise to your diet. For me, I don't like to cook for long periodsof time, so I'll just steam some beans and mixed vegetables with spices added in and that's a quick meal.
if im tying to slim down, does it make sense for me to drink protien shakes? if so how many grams of protein should i aim for?
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