Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

True about nuts though, great snack an will fill you up/satisfy you for the time being. I always keep a stash of mixed nuts. Lol no mo
Yea peanuts and almonds are alright, but i'm looking for a snack bar that offers a bit more nutrition than what almonds can provide. Not really looking tosatisfy my appetite or get some energy say from almonds which you guys have been pointing to be just a good all around health bar on the go. I just read somegood things about this Kashi chewy thing so i'll probably get some of that.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Yea peanuts and almonds are alright, but i'm looking for a snack bar that offers a bit more nutrition than what almonds can provide. Not really looking to satisfy my appetite or get some energy say from almonds which you guys have been pointing to be just a good all around health bar on the go. I just read some good things about this Kashi chewy thing so i'll probably get some of that.

Polyunsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated Fats.
calorie dense
Various vitamins and minerals.

No matter how "organic" a bar is, they are still highly processed.
Stick with nuts.
You dudes take any vitamins at all? Anything besides muscle stimulants I guess would be how to put it.
I take a multi-vitamin daily - and a vitamin D because my Dr said most multi dont have enough vitamin-D. Also I have vitamin C chewables and I eat one a day (Ilike them cuz they taste like candy lol) . My dad gets those zipfiz things from costco and is always bugging me to drink them

I try to eat enough fruits and veggies to get them naturally but its tough
during dl's today my left knee "popped"

sounded like a knuckle cracking. no pain. but knees making noise + heavy weight means i wanna make sure it's ok.......anyone?

Anyone been watching thr Marquez Mayweather 24/7? Lots of motivation right there. The training they do is insane.

Has anyone done that type of training? I want to join my local boxing club and do a little bit of it during the summer, see how much I can push myself. Iwouldn't want to box though, i'd get mauled haha.

Hows everyones personal progress doing? All i've seen is steroid talk lol
no progress to speak of.....ive been struggling to get the proper amount of clean cals every day. too much drinking and partying not enough eating right. stillbeen lifting hard as hell though as always.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

you can get vitamin D from the sun

I cant really go in the sun though its not good for my skin.

I developed vitilago a few years ago so I stay out of the sun now, it makes it less noticable.....especially cuz its over 100 otuside here the sun gets reallyintense in the desert
Damn Joe,

I presume you've been dieting for awhile? I hate those sort of situations.. 21st's, parties etc.. come along and you just cant stay sober, all thosegirls haha, the cakes, hmmmm. It is the goodlife
i quit the cut since it would be impossible to do that while in school

so im clean bulking now.....getting the right amount of food, right amount of meals, right macros, etc. is so hard right now.

i keep the drinking down, 2x a week max, but that plus everything else is taking a toll on my progress fo sho

at least im having fun need to work so hard in the gym if youre not gonna enjoy the results

wj4- aor ortho core !!!!
Originally Posted by wj4

You dudes take any vitamins at all? Anything besides muscle stimulants I guess would be how to put it.
Im gonna order a bottle of the ones that Joe recommended a few pages back from, they get great reviews and my bottle of 'one adays' is almost empty.
Also gonna order a thing of 'Animal Cuts' and see how that goes.
I appear to be making progress, this new workout has me sore everyday it seems. I'm getting ready to head to the gym now "Pull Day".

Camel, your knee popped and you didn't feel any pain
Hey, seems to be many knowledgeable guys in here and was wondering if you guys could help out a little. I've been out of the gym for like..6 months or moreand even when I was, I was just lifting weights and thinking back, I coulda done things better. I want to get back in the gym for some time now, and the realmain reason is that when I tried on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in awhile, they were actually tight and I had to struggle a bit to button them in! Thereal question that's been bugging me for a bit is how do I really start going back to the gym? I have no real knowledge of what to eat or do. Prettyignorant at this sorta thing. Any help will be appreciated
I honestly think that you should start with bodyweight moves like squats, push ups, pull ups, calf raises, sit ups, and crunches while reassessing your diet.You should be able to handle your body in a few movements before you add resistance. Look up plyo moves such as jump squats, burpees, etc for added intensityand variety. You can build a very strong base off of the variations of bodyweight movements.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

I honestly think that you should start with bodyweight moves like squats, push ups, pull ups, calf raises, sit ups, and crunches while reassessing your diet. You should be able to handle your body in a few movements before you add resistance. Look up plyo moves such as jump squats, burpees, etc for added intensity and variety. You can build a very strong base off of the variations of bodyweight movements.
You gotta be in a decent fit condition to do plyometrics, I will say that. I work with a 1 minute split. I go in and do the best I can in aminute and I rest for a minute. Jumping lunges and jumps across the step box got me tiring a lot.

Even doing lunges with small dumb bells in my hands had me dying after a round or two.
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by nealraj006

I honestly think that you should start with bodyweight moves like squats, push ups, pull ups, calf raises, sit ups, and crunches while reassessing your diet. You should be able to handle your body in a few movements before you add resistance. Look up plyo moves such as jump squats, burpees, etc for added intensity and variety. You can build a very strong base off of the variations of bodyweight movements.
You gotta be in a decent fit condition to do plyometrics, I will say that. I work with a 1 minute split. I go in and do the best I can in a minute and I rest for a minute. Jumping lunges and jumps across the step box got me tiring a lot.

Even doing lunges with small dumb bells in my hands had me dying after a round or two.

true, i wouldnt just hop into this if you been out the fitness game for a while.

yea wj4, come to think it doesnt even have to be ironman, i just need a pos with a start/stop

an what kind of vitamins are you looking for? or do you just want a multi vitamin?
^I'm just looking for vitamin overall. The thought came to my mind when i saw a commercial that advertised gummy vitamins for grown ups.

Yeah man, that's what I wanted...a regular watch with a start/stop button. I had originally went to Target to check out what they had. Their cheapestjoints were around $25 or so. I decided to spring up a bit more and get the Ironman at Costco because at least it came with a chest strap to monitor my heartrate, if I ever wanna use it.
Any of you guys ever try mhp dark rage? I tried white flood, felt a little pump for 10 min then nothing. Looking for something a little more intense
I bought this book to read. Not really looking to get brolic like that, but just curious on what he eats and the drills he run.

OT: On the way home, I drove by a high school. The kids were running around the campus and man...most of them were quite over weight. It's a catch 22because school foods are some nasty stuff too.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

about 2-3 years back I asked my dude panarican to help me out cause dude went from 1000 pounds to 200 in like 6 months
of course I'm exaggerating but my dude made an impressive lifestyle is what he sent...hope its cool pana

Day 1: Chest, Biceps, Abs

Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each exercise listed in the order that is listed. You basically want to do one exercise for chest, followed by one exercise for biceps, followed by one exercise for abs one after the other. In other words, you don't rest between the chest set, the bicep set, and the abs set, but rather after you've completely one of each bodypart consecutively. First I'll list the exercises you're doing for each bodypart and then map out the order that you'll do them in.


Incline Dumbbell, Barbell, or Machine press ~~> 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Flat Dumbbell, Barbell, or Machine press ~~> 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Cable crossovers or Dumbbell Flyes (see pics) ~~> 2 sets of 15-20 reps


Standing bicep curls with a straight-bar, curl-bar or with dumbbells ~~> 3 sets of 12

Concentration curls (see pics) ~~> 3 sets of 15 reps

Standing Hammer Curls (same as regular dumbbell curls, but keep your palms facing inward for the entire range of motion. Basically act like you're lifting a can of soda or beer up to take a sip, but don't sip the dumbbell.) ~~> 2 sets of 10-12 reps


Crunches (see pics) ~~> 3 sets of 15-20 reps

Dumbbell raises (stand with a 15 or 20 lb dumbbell in one hand or something of that weight, and slowly lower the weight along the outside of your leg, like you're sliding your keys in your pocket. Keep the arm fully extended and relaxed for the entire movement, and don't pull up with your shoulder, but rather contract your abs and around your ribcage on the opposite side of where you're holding the dumbbell as you raise up)~~> 2 sets of 15 reps.

Do one straight set of Incline presses, Standing bicep curls, and crunches back-to-back and then rest for about 2 minutes. Repeat this set, and if possible, increase the weight slightly for the Incline presses and for the bicep curls. Rest again for about 2 minutes and repeat the 3 exercises consecutively, again increasing the weight slightly. Make sure you don't increase the weight so much that you can't do at least 10 reps of the exercise. If you can do well over 15 reps of the incline presses or the curls, you should increase the weight until you feel yourself losing strength around the 12[sup]th[/sup] to the 15[sup]th[/sup] rep.

Do one straight set of flat bench presses, concentration curls, and crunches. Rest for 2 minutes and do another straight set. Rest again and repeat. Follow the same guidelines as listed directly above.

Do one straight set of Standing hammer curls, followed by the cable-crossovers or dumbbell flyes, and then followed by the dumbbell raises. Rest a little less than 2 minutes and do another straight set of the same 3 exercises.

Dumbbell Flyes:


Concentration Curls:

Crunches (you don't have to have your feet up, but it might help:

Day 2: Legs, shoulders

You don't be doing any consecutive sets here, just one set at a time and about 1-2 minutes rest in between each. I'll just list the sets and reps for each muscle-group. If you're legs are your strongpoint, i.e. they're already big, and fairly muscular whether you work them out or not, then do shoulders first. If you have a stronger, more-developed upper-body, do legs first. Basically, you want to work your less-developed body-part first, so you have more energy to give to those muscles.


Seated leg-extensions (see pics) 2 warm-up sets of 20 reps with a fairly light weight) followed by 3 full sets of about 12-15 reps.

Squats or Front-Squats ~~> 1 warm-up set followed by 5 sets of 10-12 reps.

Leg Curls~~> 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Standing calve-raises ~~> 4 sets of 12

Seated calf-raises, or one-leg calve raises with a dumbbell in one hand ~~> 3 sets of 10-12 reps.


Seated dumbbell, barbell, or machine shoulder presses ~~> warm up with one set of 15-20 reps and then do 3 sets of about 10 reps.

Upright rows (see pics) ~~> 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Dumbbell lateral raises ~~> 3 sets of 12 reps

Dumbbell or barbell shrugs ~~> 3 sets of 10

Leg extensions:

Upright Rows:

Day 3: Back, abs

Lat pulldowns wide-grip ~~> 4 sets of 10-12

T-bar rows, or one-arm dumbbell rows ~~> 4 sets of 10-12

Close grip lat pulldowns ~~> 3 sets of 8-10

Crunches: 4 sets of 15-20

Lying leg raises: 2 sets of 10 counts: Lay on your back and keep your feet together. Without bending your knees, lift your legs about 1 foot off the ground and hold them up for about 10 seconds, then lower them to about 6 inches from the ground and hold for another 10 seconds, then lower to about 2-3 inches from the ground and hold for 10 seconds. Rest about 30 seconds before you get up, or you may get an abdominal cramp. Rest another 2 minutes, and repeat.

Cardio: Start with about 20-30 minutes on the treadmill 2 or 3 days a week. Make one day the same as the back/abs workout, and the other day or two on off days from the weightlifting cycle.

I like this workout, but where are the Triceps exercises?
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