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man, i have beeng f'ing up my diet as off late. i told my self i was gonna go on a nice lean bulk
but it didnt work out. i been on that chris jones tip, eat everything on sight to get big lol.
but starting today im back on track and ima keep making this gains :smokin .
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i wouldnt say terrible but they werent anything special.

i keep forgetting to buy the pumpkin pie ones or w/e some of you talked about before. i need to make a mental note :lol:
I found them at Target in my area, plenty of boxes on the shelf. I grabbed a box of Pumpkin Pie and a box of Red Velvet....
I'll never understand why discussions about where to get the latest Poptart flavor are so popular in a fitness thread of all places.

That's what happens when you have people around who don't even lift.
So I'm ready to start but it seems like my calories are too much.

I'm at 2600 calories


does that look right or should I make some adjustments? I'd like my calories lower but this is the only way I can get my fats up it seem..

I'm 6'1, 188

20% BF
How did you come up with those numbers?

If you feel your calories aren't where you want them, why can't you just set them where you want and adjust your macros to fit?
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So I'm ready to start but it seems like my calories are too much.

I'm at 2600 calories


does that look right or should I make some adjustments? I'd like my calories lower but this is the only way I can get my fats up it seem..

I'm 6'1, 188

20% BF
I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight in addition to body fat, you should lower yourself to around 2000 calories until you hit your goal weight/bf and stick to something closer to 65/30. But yea do some pushups bruh, 188 is a pretty low weight at 6'1 to have 20% bf . Hit the gym, drink plenty of water and make sure you get enough potassium
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I keep hearing people talking about ON Mocha Cappuccino flavor saying it's good. Just ordered 2 tubs for $82. Is it just me, or is ON hard to find for 40-45 per tub on eBay now?
Never liked popped tarts myself. It was always one of those foods that looked good in the commercials but disappointing IRL. To each his own though.

Copped some Dockers and a couple shirts yesterday. Going to play some ball a little later.
I've hated every ON flavor except for Rich Double Chocolate. That's the only one I buy now.
I've been using Double Rich Chocolate for so long now. I'm just tired of it, and I'm not one who usually cares too much for flavor in protein.
I'm assuming you're trying to lose weight in addition to body fat, you should lower yourself to around 2000 calories until you hit your goal weight/bf and stick to something closer to 65/30. But yea do some pushups bruh, 188 is a pretty low weight at 6'1 to have 20% bf . Hit the gym, drink plenty of water and make sure you get enough potassium
Flyboi, personally I would not drop my calories that low. Im guessing your skinny fat from those stats, I would just lift heavy and eat and let the results come. Pushups? What kind of advice is that lol

If you have no muscle under the fat then theres no reason to cut, unless your like 30% Bf or something. You'll shock your body enough and could do a body recomp if you just eat like 200 calories above maintenance.

At that height you can add a lot of mass to it, just stick to the compound movements and make progress each week.
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Man I love squats. Nothing like putting some weight on your back and making it your *****.

I am determined to hit 500 one day.

Personally 10x10s should be done at a weight were you struggle with it. 135 seems too light, I would try to get my strength up then go for crazy methods like GVT.
Yeah, I love leg day now.  I've put forth a concerted effort to improve my lower body flexibility and hip mobility which is really helping my squat.  The rumble roller has been a godsend.  Just copped a lacrosse ball yesterday.
thing is, i been demolishing crap food but working out 6 days/week and doing some jump rope, planks or crunches in-sets and i'm still pretty much maintaining my weight. i'd probably have abs popping if it weren't for all the stuff i been eating at work: pizza, fast food w/ fast food dessert, cookies, cupcakes, cake, poptarts, potato salad, chips - on some no holds barred action. even worse, my body is sore from the punishing workouts
at least my dinners are on point.
have actually gained about a pound but my pants still fit the same *shrugs*
gotta start meal prepping to take to work like bwood and the other fit guys. and limit my snacks to almonds and maybe even some of those ghastly rice craps that freeze likes. can't see me doing a good job of it with the holidays coming up though.
I think that's how it is for a lot of us in the working world. I eat super clean at home and only stock my fridge/pantry with good foods, but there's always free food at work and when I get bored I eat.
The office life struggle.
Only meal prep for three days, anything more and you'll hate it.

If you prep on Sunday, and try to prep for M-F, your food will taste like crap on T/F.

That's my personal opinion.
Yeah, I try and prep half the week as well, but I'll make the protein on Sunday.  Grill, bake, etc.  If you get bored with grilled chicken, you can always slice up the leftovers and do something like a stir fry with veggies.  Ditto for steak.  I think where some struggle is that they have this idea that you have to go super bland in order to eat clean.  If you don't like the food, you're not going to look forward to eating it.
the day i get sensitive over the internet, please shoot me.
Yep.  I pretty much ignore the useless stuff or whatever does not pertain to me.  Too much keyboard cappin' goes on.
Son, what is going on in here?????
Stubborn calves are so hard to build. Finally getting some results. My upper body, thighs are good but my ankles are skinny. I've put a lot of emphasis on my calves during training.Help me out fellas.
Reps, reps, reps for calves. I do no less than 10 per set.

On my heavy leg says, I hit around 150 reps for calves, sets of 15-20. On days like today where I shoot for more reps on calves, I go for 300 or so reps... Sets of 25.
Reps, reps, reps for calves. I do no less than 10 per set.

On my heavy leg says, I hit around 150 reps for calves, sets of 15-20. On days like today where I shoot for more reps on calves, I go for 300 or so reps... Sets of 25.
Thanks man. I've been doing the calf raises on leg press. Will incorporate more heavy weight ..
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