STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

The ahole circle jerk doesn't bother me, but there's something to be said about humility, especially when you're nowhere close to where you want to be.
Didn't translate well coming from a reformed beta that's all
dat der ether

edit: but anyways, im thinkin about cuttin arm days out altogether and making it a plyo/posterior chain day

im noticing although i get an insane pump (rock hard, im talkin harder than my d after a 2 month dry spell) i get the same pump on my back/chest days for my biceps and triceps and theyre not even the primary target (of course i get da chest and back pumps)

so what say you bros? shall i cut it out?
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fellas, listen

as long as im in here, you're all just battling for second place anyways HEYO!

big C in the house!

*starts barking like DMX*
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*dead* at the DMX bark.

Weekend work out day. Means heavy DL and front squats. Time for those calluses and shin scars/scrapes.

Thanks for posting the KStar link Deez. Will be watching. Really like the Supple Leopard book.

Rest day today for me but I should be eating solid. Gonna cook up a nice six egg, sweet potato, onion, and feral hog bacon breakfast once this episode of SoA finishes. Got a steak sitting in the fridge too. Probably throw in some mobility work.

Anyone deal with Achilles issues? I sprained by right ankle pretty badly last spring and have been wearing ankle braces when playing sports. I've had a few occurrences of pain in the Achilles (hard to spring off of my toes/ball of my foot while sprinting, that type of thing). I'm wondering if it may be connected to wearing the braces or is related to the original ankle injury.

On the Lucky front, I got to the point where I would just ignore everything he posted, but the fact that he took to Instagram after getting banned to try and spark a Free Lucky campaign complete with the slurs and "fade on sight" is pretty pathetic. It reeks of insecurity and sensitivity. Impossible for me to respect someone who reacts like that.
Thanks for posting the KStar link Deez. Will be watching. Really like the Supple Leopard book.

Rest day today for me but I should be eating solid. Gonna cook up a nice six egg, sweet potato, onion, and feral hog bacon breakfast once this episode of SoA finishes. Got a steak sitting in the fridge too. Probably throw in some mobility work.

Anyone deal with Achilles issues? I sprained by right ankle pretty badly last spring and have been wearing ankle braces when playing sports. I've had a few occurrences of pain in the Achilles (hard to spring off of my toes/ball of my foot while sprinting, that type of thing). I'm wondering if it may be connected to wearing the braces or is related to the original ankle injury.

On the Lucky front, I got to the point where I would just ignore everything he posted, but the fact that he took to Instagram after getting banned to try and spark a Free Lucky campaign complete with the slurs and "fade on sight" is pretty pathetic. It reeks of insecurity and sensitivity. Impossible for me to respect someone who reacts like that.
hahaha. Fade on sight. What a dumb thing to say.
is the supple leopard book really that informative? i came across it on amazon a while ago and just couldnt pull the trigger seeing as it was $30
is the supple leopard book really that informative? i came across it on amazon a while ago and just couldnt pull the trigger seeing as it was $30

Yea I don't get it neither when you can google/ YouTube most things anyway. Just seems like a way to capitalize.

I've found it fully worth the $30. True you can find most of the information online but that can be said for pretty much any book these days. He clearly knows what he's talking about and presents his ideas in an understandable and informative way. He diagnoses movement faults in a logical way and offers solutions to those issues.
Thanks for posting the KStar link Deez. Will be watching. Really like the Supple Leopard book.

Rest day today for me but I should be eating solid. Gonna cook up a nice six egg, sweet potato, onion, and feral hog bacon breakfast once this episode of SoA finishes. Got a steak sitting in the fridge too. Probably throw in some mobility work.

Anyone deal with Achilles issues? I sprained by right ankle pretty badly last spring and have been wearing ankle braces when playing sports. I've had a few occurrences of pain in the Achilles (hard to spring off of my toes/ball of my foot while sprinting, that type of thing). I'm wondering if it may be connected to wearing the braces or is related to the original ankle injury.

On the Lucky front, I got to the point where I would just ignore everything he posted, but the fact that he took to Instagram after getting banned to try and spark a Free Lucky campaign complete with the slurs and "fade on sight" is pretty pathetic. It reeks of insecurity and sensitivity. Impossible for me to respect someone who reacts like that.

Slowly get away from the ankle braces, will help strengthen your ankle. Also do some plantar flexion, doriflexion, eversion and inversion of your ankle to help with the Achilles.

Where specifically does it hurt?

(I'm a certified athletic trainer so I may be able to help, just my $0.02)

Anyways, leg day today, hopefully the gym isn't packed so i can hog the squat rack
Slowly get away from the ankle braces, will help strengthen your ankle. Also do some plantar flexion, doriflexion, eversion and inversion of your ankle to help with the Achilles.

Where specifically does it hurt?

(I'm a certified athletic trainer so I may be able to help, just my $0.02)

Anyways, leg day today, hopefully the gym isn't packed so i can hog the squat rack
Thanks man.

Ya I plan on moving away from ankle braces once my rugby season finishes. It hurts around where the heel and achilles connect and then also on the inside of the foot/ankle right below the knob of the foot.

I started forming callouses on my hands :smh: #nobueno WILL be purchasing some gloves, I don't give a damn what ya'll say/think. It's not cool for a lady to have rough *** hands.

** aiight Robin :lol:
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