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Reps, reps, reps for calves. I do no less than 10 per set.

On my heavy leg says, I hit around 150 reps for calves, sets of 15-20. On days like today where I shoot for more reps on calves, I go for 300 or so reps... Sets of 25.
Thanks man. I've been doing the calf raises on leg press. Will incorporate more heavy weight ..

Isn't always about heavy weight. Some weeks, I do 450 on this plate loaded Calf Raise machine. Other days, I'll do 180.

Have to switch it up. High reps, moderate weight. Moderate reps, high weight.
who here has their calves as the body part that develops the easiest? i swear i only do 3 sets of calve exercises a week and they are :pimp:
I have great calves even when I only did 3x10. I just want em bigger now since I have great genetics with that body part.

Going to pre-exhaust my legs next Sunday, and Squat light for high reps. I won't go over 225 for weight.
A probable is a lot of people don't do calf raises properly. Don't bounce the weight. You should stretch the calf down as far as possible people and really flex at the top.

I see so many people at the gym bouncing heavy weight that isn't doing a damn thing for their calves.
A probable is a lot of people don't do calf raises properly. Don't bounce the weight. You should stretch the calf down as far as possible people and really flex at the top.

I see so many people at the gym bouncing heavy weight that isn't doing a damn thing for their calves.

That goes for just about every exercise.

I love the people that bounce and bridge on bench press lol.
I feel like if you were overweight for any period of time then cut, you still have big calves 

See soooo many people at the gym with chicken legs 

Worked up to a 250 paused bench today, felt good even though its weak weight. Still trying to add to it each week.
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I work calves twice a week, no real results in the several years I've been lifting. I'm gonna do some research and see what the problem is
I feel like if you were overweight for any period of time then cut, you still have big calves :lol:

See soooo many people at the gym with chicken legs 

Worked up to a 250 paused bench today, felt good even though its weak weight. Still trying to add to it each week.

I love me some pause reps.

Good stuff
A probable is a lot of people don't do calf raises properly. Don't bounce the weight. You should stretch the calf down as far as possible people and really flex at the top.

I see so many people at the gym bouncing heavy weight that isn't doing a damn thing for their calves.

I disagree. Even if technique, moving that weight does something. It may not be the most optimal way for gains... But the movement not doing anything at all? I can't agree.
I disagree. Even if technique, moving that weight does something. It may not be the most optimal way for gains... But the movement not doing anything at all? I can't agree.

Maybe I shouldn't have said "nothing", but if you aren't doing the most optimal thing then why do it?
Your recruiting other muscle groups to compensate for the lack of strength in the targeted muscle.
I disagree. Even if technique, moving that weight does something. It may not be the most optimal way for gains... But the movement not doing anything at all? I can't agree.

Maybe I shouldn't have said "nothing", but if you aren't doing the most optimal thing then why do it?

Ignorance. I used to bounce the weight on Calf Raises... My calves did grow. I focused on technique, and my calves grew even more.
When I do calf raises I do dropsets on the seated. High volume works great for me.

If you go slow on calf raises it works better than bouncing, from my experience. Nice and slow. Gives me that crazy pump and soreness the next morning.

Cellucor Molten Chocolate taste amazing. Its one of those flavors that I don't feel like throwing it up after drinking it. Quality chocolate.
Maybe I shouldn't have said "nothing", but if you aren't doing the most optimal thing then why do it?

Ignorance. I used to bounce the weight on Calf Raises... My calves did grow. I focused on technique, and my calves grew even more.

I think you guys are more or less arguing the same thing. Focusing on form is a more effective way of promoting calf growth when doing calf raises than not focusing on form. I don't see there being a rational reason to bounce the weight rather than just focusing on form.
It's a waste of effort/resources.
Same, old ladies love my calves. It's one of those odd places older ladies will compliment me on like having broad shoulders.
I think broad shoulders is a pretty standard, normal thing to be complimented on, though. Calves is kind of random though.
True, it's just younger ladies go ooh arms and chest (and i'm sure abs if I had them) where as older ladies do the more standard route.
meh....bouncing calf raises makes you more explosive than slow and steady, if you're lifting for athletic purposes anyway
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