STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Friday off this week, got in an awesome back session with my buddy at my other gym. All the weighted pull-up talk reminded me to bring my belt...stopped at 70, going to work to get back to 90 and surpass it.
Only meal prep for three days, anything more and you'll hate it.

If you prep on Sunday, and try to prep for M-F, your food will taste like crap on T/F. :smh:

That's my personal opinion.
Good thread. Time for me to actually start going to the gym consistently, and sticking with a good meal plan
Only meal prep for three days, anything more and you'll hate it.

If you prep on Sunday, and try to prep for M-F, your food will taste like crap on T/F. :smh:

That's my personal opinion.

was thinking the same. thanks for the confirmation. will do until wed....or least will pack for mon for sure :lol:
Thanksgiving will be the equivalent of 4 cheat days for me.

By the way, this Monday (11/11) McDonalds has buy 1 big mac or qtr pounder and get the second for 1 cent.

Use your cheat days wisely bros.
lmao @ #FreeLucky

cant front, dude is like a catch 22

for the fat dudes in here, hes their hero

for dudes who are already somewhat athletic/in shape/yoked, speakin for myself of course, he aint really help me nun

all that said, i would say hes a bigger contributor than danger to the thread
Had a great chest day today..

Hit 365lb on a pause rep (worked up).

Hit 325lb pause rep on incline (worked up)

Hit 315lb for three on decline (worked up)

Hit 200lb weighted dips for 4 (worked up)

Finished with diamond push-ups on 12 inch box 10 sets of 15.

Getting much stronger on this cut lol.

I'm a firm believer In heavy weights while cutting down.

Feels good my dudes.

Keep on keeping on.
lmao @ #FreeLucky

cant front, dude is like a catch 22

for the fat dudes in here, hes their hero

for dudes who are already somewhat athletic/in shape/yoked, speakin for myself of course, he aint really help me nun

all that said, i would say hes a bigger contributor than danger to the thread
Thank you for this wonderful post mr humblebraggington 

I agree with your last statement.
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Lucky is an inspiration to dudes trying to change their lives...

But he doesn't provide much relevant content. He's either posting selfies, talking about who is/isn't natty, or talking about some type of cheat meal he had.
Lucky is an inspiration to dudes trying to change their lives...

But he doesn't provide much relevant content. He's either posting selfies, talking about who is/isn't natty, or talking about some type of cheat meal he had.

he provides nothing, all he does is repeat stuff he sees on forums and thinks hes right about everything he repeats from there

and no hes not right a lot of times which is why hes always in arguments with people in here, just because you read it online doesnt make it correct.

so yea
Not that serious fake zyzz.

kinda is, like i said he was cool at first then he started acting like he was a beast and better than everyone here and a know it all. hes the main reason i stopped coming in here as much, half the stuff he believe in was wrong and flat out dumb and when someone tried to correct him and tell him something different he would get mad an attack people.
I dont get why you have such hatred towards the guy when he doesn't seem to do anything but contribute to the thread.
You dont find his posts a contribution, but hes constantly answering questions and people are constantly asking him questions... Thats a contribution to some people.

Like why would anyone be so mad at him for posting his thoughts just like everyone else is?
I havent always agreed with everything he's said but he keeps it 100 and has the results to prove he puts in work in the gym.

Isnt that what this thread is about?

Not taking sides but i just dont get why its that serious.
Its a fitness thread, we're all talking fitness.
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because he attacks innocent people and talks ridiculous trash to people who go against what he believes?

is that cool? nah..

hes never said or done anything to me but i dont find it cool when people act like that towards other NTers for no reason.

thats just me
Can't he just make a new name. Ain't that big a deal. Get off his sack. Prolly a cool dude but who really cares. Go on for advice from a meat head
Not that serious fake zyzz.
For real please tell me what good he provided to anyone (the real zyzz)

Some of y'all take the internet so serious 
I think he got banned for saying "master race". It's one thing if you call yourself alpha. Hell, part of the whole aesthetic culture is being a faux douche. It's just a joke. Not to be taken seriously. But the term "master race" has some serious historic connotations with Hitler/Nazis. They throw it around regularly on Misc. But this is NT. That's the only thing I can recall that crossed the line. All that "I'm right / you're wrong" arguing won't get anyone banned.
You can't automatically associate "master race" with nazis/ayrian.

I personally believe that the saiyans are the master race.

Specifically Majin Vegeta.

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