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I read this on boxden a little big ago. Was wondering what some of you bodybuilding dudes thought about it. Especially the "foundation" logic.
I agree with everything said pretty much. Phil started taking gear wayyyyyy too early in his career. If he would have built a solid "foundation" naturally and reached his genetic limit and THEN added gear, he would be better off for the long run. He wont get any bigger and be able retain it for the Olympia. I think it was in his vid where Flex or somebody was giving him a hard time at the Olympia a few years ago for coming in at like 242 LOL I think it was the same one where he was eating cheeseburgers before he went on stage 
  At the same time I dont see him coming in 2nd next year.
I read this on boxden a little big ago. Was wondering what some of you bodybuilding dudes thought about it. Especially the "foundation" logic.

Kai gonna get #3 next year if Dennis Wolfe keeps improving

Ramy will never go anywhere. He has no foundation, like Heath.

Heath can't get any bigger and leaner at the same time neither can Ramy. They both started their careers on drugs and not building a foundation like a Ronnie Coleman. They can't get bigger without sacrificing conditioning and they can't get leaner without sacrificing size cause their musculature isn't mature.

Heath will keep winning for a bit though. His muscles are very round, comes in with great conditioning and has politics on his side aswell. Where as Kai has size and conditioning to match Heath, his physique is pretty !!ing blocky and looks bad. He just doesn't have the genetics (nor politics) on his side. Kai is always gonna be the people's champ though and will be successful even after he retires.

Shawn Rhoden IMO is the only one who can beat Phil one day. HE came in 4th this year
Time out, so Kai matches Heath's conditioning, size, and has great muscles, but doesn't have the genetics??

Tf u mean?
Probably my 3rd time posting this in a lifting thread but ima finally join a gym next week :lol: prob do the golds gym that's close by me. I'm tired of being an outta shape even tho I don't look it. I feel it
I agree with everything said pretty much. Phil started taking gear wayyyyyy too early in his career. If he would have built a solid "foundation" naturally and reached his genetic limit and THEN added gear, he would be better off for the long run. He wont get any bigger and be able retain it for the Olympia. I think it was in his vid where Flex or somebody was giving him a hard time at the Olympia a few years ago for coming in at like 242 LOL I think it was the same one where he was eating cheeseburgers before he went on stage :lol:   At the same time I dont see him coming in 2nd next year.

Same here, Rhoden is an absolute beast, Wolf looked amazing, ran into him on our way to dinner and congratulated him on his placing
Rami disappointed with his placing, but he'll rise a few positions

Flex Lewis looked better than PH IMHO

Next year... oooooooooh boy am I ready!
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Whether you’re a CrossFit junkie or not, you’ve probably seen the headlines claiming the fitness craze is to blame for extreme numbers of rhabdomyolysis cases. The condition is brought on by extreme exercise that causes muscle breakdown that can lead to kidney damage. But before you cancel your CrossFit membership, keep in mind that the condition is incredibly rare, and Rhabdo (as it’s nicknamed) isn’t exclusive to CrossFit by any stretch of the imagination. Football players can get it, runners can get it—it’s less about what you’re doing and more about how you’re doing it. Or, rather, how hard you're doing it. Find out about one woman's experience with rhabdomyolysis.

Overtraining—or improperly training—will get you in trouble no matter what your fitness pursuit. Although it is true that CrossFit instructors sometimes nurture the sort of “push to your limit—and then push further” mentality that’s more likely to lead to injury, if you adhere to a smart strength-training plan—and focus on quality over quantity—there’s no reason you can’t stay Rhabdo- and injury-free. Here, five signs your workout is too intense:

You Have to “Cheat”
Pushing yourself is good—it’s what makes you fitter. Pushing past your limits however, is just, well, not smart. And there’s a very fine line between the two, says Mike Boyle, owner of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning in Woburn, Massachusetts, and a strength and conditioning coach. The simplest way to stay on the right side of the line is to stop when you reach “technical failure.” That means you can bang our as many burpees as your heart desires—until you can no longer do the textbook version of that burpee. “Whatever exercise you’re doing should have a prescribed technique,” says Boyle. “Don’t compromise your technique to get in an extra rep or hit a prescribed number of reps you were given by a coach—that’s when you amp up injury risk.”

You Have Sore Joints
Soreness can be a good thing—it’s a sign you’re building muscle, getting stronger, and improving as an athlete. But soreness that disrupts normal functioning like being able to go to the restroom—or soreness in your joints (knees, elbows, wrists)—is a totally different beast. “If you can’t straighten your arms the next day, that’s a problem,” says Boyle. So if you worked your biceps, for example, you can expect they’ll be a bit achy the next day—but your elbows shouldn’t be sore. That’s a sign that you were doing the move wrong—or that you did too many reps or lifted too much weight, says Boyle.

You Gain Weight—Fast
We’re not talking about your waistline here. Increasing the weight you lift in the gym will help you bust through plateaus—but you shouldn’t go up by more than 2.5 to 5 pounds (for women) each week, says Boyle. Just like runners shouldn’t increase their mileage by more than 10 percent each week, upping your weights by more than 5 pounds can sideline you in the gym. You have to give your muscles time to adapt to the extra lbs, says Boyle.

You Train Every Day
When it comes to strength training, you shouldn’t hit the weights more than three to four times a week. Although it’s fine to do some light cardio or yoga on the other days, your body needs time to recover from strength training, says Boyle. And doing it more than four days a week is a surefire way to end up with an injury.

You Push Past Pain
If something hurts, stop, says Boyle. “It seems like an oversimplification, but ask yourself: ‘Does it hurt?’ If the answer is yes, stop,” says Boyle. In other words, while a little soreness is fine, if you can’t get up and down stairs or lift your groceries the next day, you should scale back your routine.

second time I've seen Crossfit mentioned in a negative light and I know we got some ppl in here that actually do it-- is there any truth to the headlines in your personal experiences? :nerd:
Same here, Rhoden is an absolute beast, Wolf looked amazing, ran into him on our way to dinner and congratulated him on his placing
Rami disappointed with his placing, but he'll rise a few positions

Flex Lewis looked better than PH IMHO

Next year... oooooooooh boy am I ready!

I like Rhoden and Lionel Beyeke because they remind me of old school physiques



heads up have Creature Creatine on BOGO Free. I got some plain mono right now, kind of tempted to cop the Creature just for the heck of it but I wont be done with me creatine till some time next year so I`ll hold off lol
I agree with everything said pretty much. Phil started taking gear wayyyyyy too early in his career. If he would have built a solid "foundation" naturally and reached his genetic limit and THEN added gear, he would be better off for the long run. He wont get any bigger and be able retain it for the Olympia. I think it was in his vid where Flex or somebody was giving him a hard time at the Olympia a few years ago for coming in at like 242 LOL I think it was the same one where he was eating cheeseburgers before he went on stage :lol:   At the same time I dont see him coming in 2nd next year.

You guys have alot to learn about anabolics
do isolate protein powders usually have creatine?

doc said i have extremely high levels of "CK". asked her what that means and she told me creatine.

pretty sure my powder has creatine but im lookin for some without it. been gettin this heat sensation in my lower left leg and i think its linked to my creatine intake...

im still workin out and i still wanna get my protein shakes in after workin out.

thinkin im gonna go the isolate route...
First time trying c4 , good uplifting focus nice energy , not to over powering like bsn , hit a sold 455 on DL felt good that and a lil boswellia , legs feeling PIFF
heads up have Creature Creatine on BOGO Free. I got some plain mono right now, kind of tempted to cop the Creature just for the heck of it but I wont be done with me creatine till some time next year so I`ll hold off lol

I don't know if this is just me. I've tried the MP Creatine. It instantly upsets my stomach and I have to use the bathroom quick. Should I try a different creatine ?


You guys have alot to learn about anabolics
You think he can get bigger and still get lean without losing any of it? I dont have **** to learn about anabolics cause I will never use them. Not trying to start crying randomly cause my hormones are all ****** up like a female 

Enlighten me though Id like to hear your side
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You think he can get bigger and still get lean without losing any of it? I dont have **** to learn about anabolics cause I will never use them. Not trying to start crying randomly cause my hormones are all ****** up like a female :lol:

Enlighten me though Id like to hear your side
What does Phil staying lean while keeping his lines have to do with when he started juicing? srs?
I don't know if this is just me. I've tried the MP Creatine. It instantly upsets my stomach and I have to use the bathroom quick. Should I try a different creatine ?

Try krealkyn or how ever you spell it. I hear its for people who can't stomach regular creatine because they did some stuff with the PH balance, it cost more money though
Crushed my legs yesterday and then went to target to buy some Peanut Butter and left with PB and all 5 boxes of the Monster Cereal
(Count Chocula, Boo Berry, Franken Berry, Frute Brute, Fruity Yummy Mummy)
Felt bad about it for a minute but the way I bust it at the gym I felt I had earned it lol.
What does Phil staying lean while keeping his lines have to do with when he started juicing? srs?
I hink he is close to his max size while still being able to cut to show ready and keep it. I was agreeing with the article stating guys like RC had built a foundation before they used drugs. Phil maxed his out early compared to other guys that juiced later on.
What does Phil staying lean while keeping his lines have to do with when he started juicing? srs?

I hink he is close to his max size while still being able to cut to show ready and keep it. I was agreeing with the article stating guys like RC had built a foundation before they used drugs. Phil maxed his out early compared to other guys that juiced later on.

How do you know he did that though? How do guys know when he started juicing and more so, in relation to when other guys started juicing?
Any of you guys buy raw sweet potatoes and microwave them? I do fries already but those don't reheat good. If seem people say microwave a sweet potato and put PB on it. Thoughts?
How do you know he did that though? How do guys know when he started juicing and more so, in relation to when other guys started juicing?
Your right we dont know exactly when he started but for guys like RC or Jay they had been lifting for many years, just look up pics of them when they were young, compared to Phil. He was out of College when he started BBing and then started using. Thats just how it looks to me, but in reality I dont know 100% 

All my argument has been about was Phil didnt see what he could do naturally because he didnt lift long enough before he started using.
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