STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Last night I went in and did my chest routine, crazy how packed 24hr Fitness was on a Monday night, I went int around 10:30PM, worked out for an hour. Last week I went in on a Friday night, about the same time, absolutely dead, they didnt even have the A/C on
 How's that ankle feeling my dude?
why cant i gain any mass on my arms? feelsbadman
gained some good weight during my bulk and chest has gotten bigger which is good but arm have not gotten bigger mass wise :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Do you have a day dedicated to just arms?
Did Plyometrics Cardio Circuit on Insanity this AM

Back day in the gym this PM

This grilled chicken salad is :x

but this simply orange high pulp is :smokin
why cant i gain any mass on my arms? feelsbadman
gained some good weight during my bulk and chest has gotten bigger which is good but arm have not gotten bigger mass wise :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Do you have a day dedicated to just arms?

i did but im switching back to to bi/back

my arms look good just the whole point of me bulking was to get a ton of mass added to my arms and chest and everything else look good. but looks like i gotta just continue eating and lifting and maybe it will eventually get there.
Wish my gym was open, hurricane don't give a **** about a young ***** goals :smh:
Tomorrow though :smokin
Last night I went in and did my chest routine, crazy how packed 24hr Fitness was on a Monday night, I went int around 10:30PM, worked out for an hour. Last week I went in on a Friday night, about the same time, absolutely dead, they didnt even have the A/C on :rofl:
 How's that ankle feeling my dude?
Still sore.

Im icing it a few times a day, taking Ibuprofen and Tramadol too. I really need to get some cardio in :smh:
i did but im switching back to to bi/back
my arms look good just the whole point of me bulking was to get a ton of mass added to my arms and chest and everything else look good. but looks like i gotta just continue eating and lifting and maybe it will eventually get there.
 I feel like some people just have certain body parts that are stubborn to grow. My biceps and chest are so damn hard for me to grow
yea, back and biceps are my weaker parts.

i excel more in chest and tri exercises.

Zyzz why not incorporate some FST-7 principles into some of your exercises?
I'm just getting back in the habit of working out. I dropped 15lbs earlier this year and I've just been maintaining my weight now. (I'm 6'4 265 right now.. :x :smh: )

Starting C25k program b/c I'm going to run in some events next year with some co-workers. As far as weight lifting I've started this routine back up.

Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Bench Press 4 8, 8, 6, 6
Incline Bench Press 4 8, 8, 6, 6
Cable Crossovers 4 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Close Grip Bench Press 3 8
Lying Tricep Extension 3 8
Rope Pulldowns 3 8

Exercise Sets Reps
Exercise Sets Reps
Wide Grip Pull Up 4 8 (slow)
Close Grip Pull Down 4 8, 8, 6, 6
Cable Row 4 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Curl 3 8, 8, 6
Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl 3 8
Dumbbell Preacher Curl 3 8

Exercise Sets Reps
Squat 4 8
Stiff Legged Deadlift 3 8
Leg Curl 3 8, 8, 6
Leg Extension 3 8, 8, 6
Standing Calf Raise 4 15, 12, 10, 8
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press 4 8, 8, 6, 6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 8
Bent Over Rev Fly 3 8

As far as supplements only taking a pre-workout, multivitamin and whey protein. I've cut out all fast food/fried food and no sodas as well. Also planning on doing some Insanity workouts for cardio if I get bored with jogging. Any advice on my current workout? I mainly want to cut another 15-20 and work on getting my cardio back up.
Any suggestions on shaping up your lower chest? I've done, decline bench press, dumbbell presses, dumbbell flies mixed with my inclines for a whole year to avoid too much flat bench. I'm currently pressing 185# on the decline bench, pressing 80# dumbbells, and 35# flies. My chest still got a somewhat 'U' instead of a square lower chest.
i did but im switching back to to bi/back
my arms look good just the whole point of me bulking was to get a ton of mass added to my arms and chest and everything else look good. but looks like i gotta just continue eating and lifting and maybe it will eventually get there.
Try doing the same exercises but with a reverse grip. Also I just started doing light weights and more reps for my arm day since its a smaller muscle group.

Ive been trying to get a better "peak" on mine and its coming in but very slowly 
i did but im switching back to to bi/back

my arms look good just the whole point of me bulking was to get a ton of mass added to my arms and chest and everything else look good. but looks like i gotta just continue eating and lifting and maybe it will eventually get there.
 I feel like some people just have certain body parts that are stubborn to grow. My biceps and chest are so damn hard for me to grow

i used to have rather big arms years ago then i had stopped working out and remained pretty big then before i got in weightlifting heavily i cut before building muscle so my arms ended up getting smaller from my cut.

sucks at this point but ill get somewhere eventually.
Do decline presses on a resistance ball? I do flat flies on a resistance ball, that's about it...for stretching purposes. Any workout suggestions?
LOL NO. but perhaps adding other chest exercises can open u up a bit more. switch it up u know what i mean
Any suggestions on shaping up your lower chest? I've done, decline bench press, dumbbell presses, dumbbell flies mixed with my inclines for a whole year to avoid too much flat bench. I'm currently pressing 185# on the decline bench, pressing 80# dumbbells, and 35# flies. My chest still got a somewhat 'U' instead of a square lower chest.
Weighted dips work very well for the lower chest if you're positioned at that right angle and lean forward
Hurricane Sandy has had my gym closed past two days so far. Doing some push-ups and whatnot in the house, it just isn't the same.
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Pure cardio insanity workout this AM

Shoulder day in the gym this PM.... Least favorite day. :x

Doing my best to eat decently.

Love this thread, it's very motivating :smokin
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