STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Fuuuu......let myself go today since the Giants won the World Series.

Back on the grind tomorrow. :D
Bulk session over. Just ate whatever i wanted all week. Oreos, pizza, wings, etc.

Cutting session in session starting tomorrow...Now i can feel actually good about myself again and get out this depressed phase I get into whenever I bulk.
Fuuuu......let myself go today since the Giants won the World Series.
Back on the grind tomorrow. :D

**** happens... like the Giants winning...again :lol: :smh: :smh:

As long as you get back on it, you're good.

Went hard on the KBBQ again, seems to be a 6-week occurance, but i'm good.

Like you, back on it tomorrow :smokin
Tried these samples of ABB Pure Shot my bro got at Olympia... me no like.

I felt too jittery, maybe it was the fact I had a bottle (2 servings) before, and another during, or the fact I do IF. I just felt terrible.

I think i'll stay away from PWO's
yea I lift heavy around this time a year every year and gain muscle and start getting bigger and then once I get into my intense running training at practice I slowly start slimming back down the effects of running track :smh::smh::smh:

today's gonna be a good day in the weight room though I got

bench 5x5 (HVY)
Arnold press 3x10
plate raises 3x10
lawn mowers 3x10
leg press 5x5 (HVY)
calf raises 3x20
decline bench 5x5 (HVY)

this is after I do my 45 minute run today..... I'm in my distance training part of my track workouts.
can anyone give me some tips on bench pressing? I SUCK at it lol....

I can barely bench 2 25's (like 3 sets of 9-10 reps), but it always feels weird/wrong, and I always feel like my form is wrong. suggestions lol?
i tried doing a ton of pushups thinking it would help, but it didn't, i think it made me worse actually
This is how I was taught:

I place my hands just a tad bit further than shoulder lenght apart. 

Straight wrists. 4 counts down, 2 counts up.

Take the bar from chest (at the down position) to eyes (at the up position).
Did Pure Cardio (Insanity video) this AM.

Trying to eat right throughout the day

Chest in the Gym this PM

I hate trying to lean out....

Can't wait to see results.
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where can i find THOROUGH info regarding a diet plan for gaining mass consistently??

My schedule is just so compact that I never have time to eat how i really want to...

I'm 6'2 about 175 right now trying to get up to 190 maybe.

Obviously chicken, potatoes, fish, eggs, veggies are in the mix, but anything else for bulk??
Don't you feel drained from hittin 2 workouts in a day?

The weight lifting I do in the gym isn't nearly as intense and "structured" as the insanity workouts.

I take weight lifting a lot slower

I think if I did cardio at the gym and Insanity at home I would get drained though.
where can i find THOROUGH info regarding a diet plan for gaining mass consistently??

My schedule is just so compact that I never have time to eat how i really want to...
I'm 6'2 about 175 right now trying to get up to 190 maybe.

Obviously chicken, potatoes, fish, eggs, veggies are in the mix, but anything else for bulk??

my nutrionist told me that if you wanna get up to a certain weight you need to take in that much protein a day so you say you wanna get up to 190 then you need to take in 190 grams of protein a day. ive never tried it due to me running but im sure it works
This is how I was taught:

I place my hands just a tad bit further than shoulder lenght apart. 

Straight wrists. 4 counts down, 2 counts up.

Take the bar from chest (at the down position) to eyes (at the up position).
So the bar isn't going down/up perfectly straight? Like, going up the bar would also be moving back (towards your head, away from your feet)?
can anyone give me some tips on bench pressing? I SUCK at it lol....

I can barely bench 2 25's (like 3 sets of 9-10 reps), but it always feels weird/wrong, and I always feel like my form is wrong. suggestions lol?
i tried doing a ton of pushups thinking it would help, but it didn't, i think it made me worse actually
This is how I was taught:

I place my hands just a tad bit further than shoulder lenght apart. 

Straight wrists. 4 counts down, 2 counts up.

Take the bar from chest (at the down position) to eyes (at the up position).
Not sure what is exactly behind this.... but on shoulder press and bench press I have my feet out apart as far as possible and are firmly planted in the ground.

Welp, after a week of my pops in the hospital, going back and forth to Houston for my uncle's funeral in my pop's place, and a 5 day alcoholic binge, I'm ready to get back to the gym 
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can anyone give me some tips on bench pressing? I SUCK at it lol....

I can barely bench 2 25's (like 3 sets of 9-10 reps), but it always feels weird/wrong, and I always feel like my form is wrong. suggestions lol?
i tried doing a ton of pushups thinking it would help, but it didn't, i think it made me worse actually
This is how I was taught:

I place my hands just a tad bit further than shoulder lenght apart. 

Straight wrists. 4 counts down, 2 counts up.

Take the bar from chest (at the down position) to eyes (at the up position).
Form plays a MAJOR part of pressing exercises.  Check out this link.  It was a great help to me.
Fellas, thoughts on intra workout? I use to take scivation xtend.

Been feeling blah lately and am thinking of taking an intra for a month's worth of workouts; just to have something tasty to sip on during workouts

I wanted to specifically ask about Gapsarit Nutrition's Aminolast. Thanks
meh about BCAAs to be honest. i dont think they do much if at all. you wont feel anything, thats for sure

I have Aminolast and the watermelon is delicious. Dont like the lemonade or w/e it is.
meh about BCAAs to be honest. i dont think they do much if at all. you wont feel anything, thats for sure
I have Aminolast and the watermelon is delicious. Dont like the lemonade or w/e it is.

i agree w u in terms of the full capacity of bcaa's.

i just need a placebo lol. and idk why but the extra flavor is enough of a push.

i know u get hooked up by BB sometimes.

Can you hook me up w some aminolast.

Will rep!
I've been telling cats, the best cardio while cutting is doing the Pylo. cardio circuit Insanity vid. That's the only one I've been doing for a year for my cardio session and its MONEY.
I've been telling cats, the best cardio while cutting is doing the Pylo. cardio circuit Insanity vid. That's the only one I've been doing for a year for my cardio session and its MONEY.

It is dope but IMO nothing beats sprinting 2/3 times a week and lifting for cutting.
Insanity put the fitness bug in me though
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