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Bars are ok but man do they come with a lotta fat. Also, the body isn't designed to take in all that protien and stuff at once. I'd try spacing some of it out and drinking plenty of water while you are eating them, otherwise you're just wasting it really.
Just a quick question about cold weather running.

Whenever is cold outside, the cold air literally hurts my lungs.

I still finish my run, but I'm worried about long term damage. Is there anyway to combat this?
LOL i had the cinnomon roll and chocolate brownie, they werent even sweet. just had a nasty weird taste to them. i could careless about the no sugar or low carb to be honest.
If you like them thats fine but they arent worth the price tag at all

I get em $1.50 ea / $18 a box OTD so I think i'm okay :smile:

I split em in half and use a small tupperware kids bowl, zap em for 20 secs. Flattens out like a sort of pizookie and toss a serving or two or slow churned 90 cal Dreyers on top :wow: :wow:

I thiiiiiiiiiink i'm at/ or on the brink of my cut taking me from looking like i'm losing weight to looking sickly (with no shirt on). I look rather flat to be honest, I feel one way one morning, and another the next while standing in front of the mirror :-\

I just want to get rid of this damn lower belly fat! My belly doesn't look a mess like folks who get crazy surgery to lose weight (thank goodness), but the belly button doesn't have that button like appearance anymore, hasn't for quite a long time since losing weight.
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Cliff builders bar mint choc and cliff bar choc chip I probably wouldn't be alive with out them those and beef jerky Are great when looking for a healthy snack
cross fit is unhealthy
Why is this the case?

i'd say it's unhealthy because it focuses so much on time. when you're focused on getting as many reps as you can in x-amount of time, you tend to lose form. if you lose form, you eff up your body.

kipping pull-ups are also a joke. my crossfit friends on FB post up pics of their ripped up hands like it's a trophy.
cross fit is unhealthy
Why is this the case?

i'd say it's unhealthy because it focuses so much on time. when you're focused on getting as many reps as you can in x-amount of time, you tend to lose form. if you lose form, you eff up your body.

kipping pull-ups are also a joke. my crossfit friends on FB post up pics of their ripped up hands like it's a trophy.

I can see how someone could say this...

I've seen some HORRIBLE cross fit videos of people using terrible form.

I'm not so concerned on getting things done in the set time. I try and do the max I can properly. I don't care much for being 1st/2nd on the board, I can be 15th and be happy. I'm only competing with myself. Yesterday I was the last person to finish, I don't feel bad about it though...rather do what I can properly, than do something in record time and hurt my body. Some of the other guys can do the workouts we do properly without losing form, I'm not there yet...
I realized...whenever I bulk, I get crazy depressed. Idk just happens. But when I cut, it's like a total 180.

Anybody else like that?
Just a quick question about cold weather running.
Whenever is cold outside, the cold air literally hurts my lungs.
I still finish my run, but I'm worried about long term damage. Is there anyway to combat this?

1. Face mask
2. I hear breathing from your nose helps

I used to smoke a lot so it's a problem for me too
I'm open to hear how it's untrue.....
To my understanding power bars are not designed with every body type and weight in mind, meaning it might be good for some people, while too much for others.
if you've been told that the body can only utilize 30g of protein at a time, it's not true. look up "protein myths". same as the whole malarkey of eating multiple small meals to speed up the metabolism.
if you've been told that the body can only utilize 30g of protein at a time, it's not true. look up "protein myths". same as the whole malarkey of eating multiple small meals to speed up the metabolism.

Didn't say that, it's all the other things in the bar that aren't good for you, sodium, sugar, carbs, calories, ect... Real quick too, everybody's body reacts to certain things differently so people can actually OD on protien, not that it's harmful, it'll just put them on the toilet. Eating bars that throw in everything in them can also drain some people's body due to the hard digestion process causing them to feel dizzy or tired. I have my masters kinesiology and health studies with a minor in nutrition so I'm well aware of what is myth and whats truth. Some myths are more or less an exaggeration of the truth.

One more point to throw in too, these Internet sites are usually paid for by supplement companies or indorse them so every review, or tip that you read may not be true. Not a shot at you, just general information.
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you have a masters degree and you spelled the word "INDORSE"?!?

jk man. sorry, i misunderstood when you said protein and stuff. maybe i jumped the gun. anyway, i agree that most of those bars are not as healthy as most people think. i use quest bars to fit a quick snack into my macros and pretty much avoid most other ones. supp companies def use a lot of bs to sell their stuff.
As for your body only being able to utilize 30g of protein at a time, I never thought that was true. I did, however, stop double scooping my protein because I'd rather drink 2 single servings.

The reason I thought it wasn't true was that would mean you would have to eat a lot of small meals or you'd be "wasting" the protein in your food. Also, stuff like IF would be a lot harder to do since you'd pretty much have to eat every hour, on the hour.
IF is working pretty good for me so far. dropping 2# each week and not losing any strength. love eating some gigantic meals. just had a crapload of lean beef brisket, some okinawan sweet potato mash and a salad.
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