STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Not sure if srs...

He basically ate junk food, anybody trying to bulk DO NOT DO THIS, YOU WANT TO BULK UP AS MUCH MUSCLE POSSIBLE AND AS LESS FAT POSSIBLE.

And did this guy just snort creatine? By his logic if he really wanted to get it in his blood stream he could have put it in his eye or butt. Either way, its unhealthy and just taking things to an extreme. PLEASE PLEASE don't do anything this guy did. Look at his dumbell press, they were dangerous. Don't EVER try that, he easily could have torn a muscle, and his spotter was like 130 LOL.
I like these guys, great youtube videos for beginners as well:

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He basically ate junk food, anybody trying to bulk DO NOT DO THIS, YOU WANT TO BULK UP AS MUCH MUSCLE POSSIBLE AND AS LESS FAT POSSIBLE.

And did this guy just snort creatine? By his logic if he really wanted to get it in his blood stream he could have put it in his eye or butt. Either way, its unhealthy and just taking things to an extreme. PLEASE PLEASE don't do anything this guy did. Look at his dumbell press, they were dangerous. Don't EVER try that, he easily could have torn a muscle, and his spotter was like 130 LOL.
QFT. I was like damn did this ninja really just snort creatine IN THE GYM?? 

Everything he was doing is horrible for you, he must have great genes/metabolism to not be weighing about 300lbs after eating all that ****. That diet had at least 200g of fat I bet 
.....not to mention full of sodium.

Its actually not even impressive because he's not even big and he's eating that many calories. 

Lift with your brain not your ego.
QFT. I was like damn did this ninja really just snort creatine IN THE GYM?? 

Everything he was doing is horrible for you, he must have great genes/metabolism to not be weighing about 300lbs after eating all that ****. That diet had at least 200g of fat I bet 
.....not to mention full of sodium.

Its actually not even impressive because he's not even big and he's eating that many calories. 

Lift with your brain not your ego.
Was gonna say "ninja" , but I figured it was racist. He probably started at like 130 and "bulked" to at least 175. However, his manner of doing it is scary and unhealthy in the long run
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dude just shouts cornball or try too hard.

cats finna be the next zyzz, cant even be themselves.

definitely the type of dudes who most people associate gym rats with.
Was gonna say "ninja" , but I figured it was racist. He probably started at like 130 and "bulked" to at least 175. However, his manner of doing it is scary and unhealthy in the long run
Nah anybody can be a ninja, I think he did half that **** just cause he was on camera and is looking for some attention.

He looks like he's about 5'10 and 185 but with that type of extreme dirty bulk he should get to 200+ in no time with a good amount of fat.

I would call him a meathead not a gym rat, I still think its all for show though and doesn't eat like that everyday.
I need to find a hookup for a GREAT deal on a 24hr fitness pass. Used a free guest pass... It blew me away compared to my la fitness... But then again so did their fees ! So expensive!
Another day today...

Warm Up:

-6x Lengths of the gym
-6x gasser (sprint intervals of of the gym)
-20x Air squats
-5x 5 pushup & hold for 20 seconds
-5x Sprint on the spot + burpee

Strength (20min- my program doesn't have much for the day, so I did some extra sets)

-3x 5 Bench Press (did another short set at heavier weight)
-3x 5 Overhead Squats (did another set)

Circuit:5 Rounds 7 Reps (Time Limit 20m)

-Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Push Press
-Back Squat
-Gasser (1 set of 4 short bursts, not 7)
-Push Ups

A couple of the fellas finished all 5 rounds in 20min. I was early into my fourth. Some of these guys are beasts :x
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Was so happy my gym was open today...was getting cabin fever and anxiety.

Up to 255 on Squats. 3 sets x 5 reps.

I usually don't pay attention to what other people do in the gym but what's the point of attempting to squat heavy weights and only going down 2-3 inches? Seems like an ego boost but you're only cheating yourself.
^Nice job on the squats, I've seen this guy in my gym load the bench bar with 315. And his reps only went a few inches down :smh:.

That asian guy bulking up his food bill must be insane. I couldn't even eat like that if I wanted to lol
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QFT. I was like damn did this ninja really just snort creatine IN THE GYM?? :rofl:

Everything he was doing is horrible for you, he must have great genes/metabolism to not be weighing about 300lbs after eating all that ****. That diet had at least 200g of fat I bet :x .....not to mention full of sodium.

Its actually not even impressive because he's not even big and he's eating that many calories. 

Lift with your brain not your ego.

:smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin
why cant i gain any mass on my arms? feelsbadman

gained some good weight during my bulk and chest has gotten bigger which is good but arm have not gotten bigger mass wise :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
I can see how someone could say this...
I've seen some HORRIBLE cross fit videos of people using terrible form.
I'm not so concerned on getting things done in the set time. I try and do the max I can properly. I don't care much for being 1st/2nd on the board, I can be 15th and be happy. I'm only competing with myself. Yesterday I was the last person to finish, I don't feel bad about it though...rather do what I can properly, than do something in record time and hurt my body. Some of the other guys can do the workouts we do properly without losing form, I'm not there yet...
I can see your point. Cross-fit really improves your explosiveness and endurance IMO. I do two cross-fit workouts on Sat to ensure I did my cardio and to build endurance. I do major body parts Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri. I think Cross-fit is a great workout. Also, tell your friend to use hand wraps, kipping pull ups will get your shoulders and back more ripped than imagined. Form can be broken, but can be fixed within days.
Last night I went in and did my chest routine, crazy how packed 24hr Fitness was on a Monday night, I went int around 10:30PM, worked out for an hour. Last week I went in on a Friday night, about the same time, absolutely dead, they didnt even have the A/C on :rofl:
I got no mass on my arms or chest. I've been throwing in sets of curls in between exercises on arms days. Same thing with flys on chest day. Nothing. All the mass I'm gaining is going to my back and shoulders
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