STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

lol you dont? what else is there to do at the club besides dance with the beautiful women? you arent one of those guys too cool for school are you? don't be that guy
^ lol that's trill

so I see today why guys, well at least why i hope my favorites guys don't come out and admit to juicing. IT just changes everything and tarnishes the mystique. Like Rob riches, he was one of my favorite guys to watch on YT and use as motivation, but I can't **** with him at all anymore once he failed that drug test. Like he has one of my favorite physiques, but the fact that it's not natural and I am, I can't relate to him anymore. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. Sometimes ignorance IS bliss. It's the hope, even if it's false, that acts as fuel. Like, if I just do one more rep, have just a little bit more protein, add one more know. The pool of natural bb's is getting smaller and smaller. It's just hard to relate to someone with obvious hormone advantages. It's easier when you have an idea, but there's reasonable doubt.
Did this dude just call a concert indirect cardio?

I'm about to interval train at the next Kenny Chesney shindig.

uuuhhhh do you know what cardio is/means? Like the actual word? Exercise doesn't just happen in the gym in sets/reps , you know....

Freeze, did you take your heart rate monitor like I told you? :lol:
i dont even know, i thought it was 50 lean and 50 fat which i think would be disgusting

but i guess its probably 50 beef 50 bacon. sounds interesting and kinda disgusting since i dont care for bacon.
sounds like kobe beef doe
sounds like kobe beef doe
awwww yeahhhh!!!! had some real kobe beef in japan.

ate some raw....

......and then had a meal with my pieces rare.

easily the butteriest tasting steak i've ever had :nthat:
:lol: i usually order my steaks medium and even at a good steakhouse, that bloody taste can be a little much for me.
the way the marbling is though, it really tastes more like soft butter :nthat:
i hope you guys aren't the type to burn all your meats :smh: i even order my burgers medium if it's from a good spot.
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Yeah i've learned over the years not to go below medium at certain steakhouses. Well done is for the best at certain spots like longhorn.
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yall still incorporate pushups into chest or tri/bi day? havent done em in months, should i considering theyre a major core exercise?
stay away from CnC? everyone loves it :lol:

its not your normal CnC but its not bad, its good but i dont care for it.

might hop on the deal and get Cinnamon but dont feel like spending money :lol:
why should i stay away from that stuff

I love Cookies and Cream like the next one, but I'll do CnC for the bars and stick with straight vanilla for the powder. It allows you to add whatever you want to it.
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