STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

graduated from Navy OCS last week. Lost 20 lbs. Feels like I'm back to square one. I took a week off to chill with the fam and now its back to the weights.
Guys I strained my neck pretty bad after a shoulder workout Tuesday.
I didn't even know that I did until I woke up the next morning with the most painful, stiff neck.

No Gym the last 3 days and it hasn't gotten better. I've taken pain killers, done the icy hot patch, Tylenol, gotten a massage.

Woke up this morning still in pain. ******g sucks because I wasn't even lifting heavy, I dropped my weights in all workouts to do slow proper form and stretch/contract. I still somehow messed up probably on the overhead press.

Any tips on how to recover? Anyone done the same? I miss the gym man, but i can barely move it i aint gonna go and snap my neck.
I got a wedding to attend tomorrow and I'm afraid I'm about to show up walking like Frankenstein. :smh:

Sorry for whining guys, I've stayed out of here since it happen. DIdnt wanna bother anyone but I thought it'd be gone by now...

Um, only logical thing to do is see the doctor right???
I usually do


Thought u did



Damb leg day on Wednesday n soreness comes in today. Sheesh

I might go later n do abs n hit other muscles I feel I might've slacked on during the week.

Anyone ever try the green tea extract from


Heard its great when cutting. Might look into it come April.
Have you tried front squats? I found front squats to be more forgiving on form depending on which grip you use.

I have in the past, but I still felt awkward. Thing is, I have hammertoes that began about a year ago, when I was 4 months into hitting the elliptical daily for an hour +. I walk funny, feel clumsy and can't walk in a straight stride for too long. It sounds worse than it actually is ( IMO ), but it hasn't gone away. I went to a podiatrist to get checked out when I was diagnosed, and invested in some expensive *** insoles with a raised arch and added padding. :smh:
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Guys I strained my neck pretty bad after a shoulder workout Tuesday.
I didn't even know that I did until I woke up the next morning with the most painful, stiff neck.

No Gym the last 3 days and it hasn't gotten better. I've taken pain killers, done the icy hot patch, Tylenol, gotten a massage.

Woke up this morning still in pain. ******g sucks because I wasn't even lifting heavy, I dropped my weights in all workouts to do slow proper form and stretch/contract. I still somehow messed up probably on the overhead press.

Any tips on how to recover? Anyone done the same? I miss the gym man, but i can barely move it i aint gonna go and snap my neck.
I got a wedding to attend tomorrow and I'm afraid I'm about to show up walking like Frankenstein. :smh:

Sorry for whining guys, I've stayed out of here since it happen. DIdnt wanna bother anyone but I thought it'd be gone by now...

Um, only logical thing to do is see the doctor right???

Wish I could afford to bro.
Noobie question here. I'm 6'5, 195...pretty lean (got a small gut though). I'm looking to get bigger and defined. What's the best bulking powder out there for someone like me? Or am I better off just lifting heavy and eating right?

Bumping this. Any help please? Also what can I take to gain more muscle endurance so I can work out longer? Thanks in advance
Just picked up some Trutein...great tasting product I would recommend

Keep forgetting to mention this.

Second week taking Trutein, picked up CPB, Cinnabun and ChocoBanana due to reviews and it being very low carb. I've opened up the first two... absolute best tasting powder i've had. I take it with water, and it is amazing, WOW

Ive had quite a few CPB's and had Myo's cinnabun, Trutein's trumps all of them. I'm satisfied
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Have you tried front squats? I found front squats to be more forgiving on form depending on which grip you use.

The only good form on front squats is with the clean grip. If your wrists, elbows, or shoulders don't accomodate it, you should fix the issue and use lifting straps in the mean time. The mixed grip isn't very stable and can be quite bad if something goes wrong. With the clean grip, you can simply dump the bar if anything happens.

The good thing about front squats is that you can't really mess up the form and actually do the movement. Unlike back squats, which can become pseudo-good morning type movements with bad form, front squats require proper form to be done(for the most part).
when im trynna do 20 reps on standing calves raises, on reps 16-20 ... i always feel like i gotta take a dump! thang hurts!!! lol
Noobie question here. I'm 6'5, 195...pretty lean (got a small gut though). I'm looking to get bigger and defined. What's the best bulking powder out there for someone like me? Or am I better off just lifting heavy and eating right?
Bumping this. Any help please? Also what can I take to gain more muscle endurance so I can work out longer? Thanks in advance
You answered your own question pretty much.

Focus on compound lifts, eat right (lean protein, good fats, complex carbs, lots of greens, nuts/seeds, etc.), and as stated above, add more cardio in.  "Muscle endurance" will come as you train more consistently.  If you want to increase stamina, add more cardio in as stated above.
i witnessed rape today at gnc this poor newb walked in asked for protein the lady sold him a $30, 1.5 lb bag of gnc wheybolic "b/c its the best protein they sell" then she talked him into a "vita pak" program and then sold him some "ravage preworkout" "b/c its da cleanest energy" poor guy walked out of there 150$ shorter and 3 products that are terrible and over priced (wheybolic is good protein just way over priced) and got him to buy a gold card
i witnessed rape today at gnc this poor newb walked in asked for protein the lady sold him a $30, 1.5 lb bag of gnc wheybolic "b/c its the best protein they sell" then she talked him into a "vita pak" program and then sold him some "ravage preworkout" "b/c its da cleanest energy" poor guy walked out of there 150$ shorter and 3 products that are terrible and over priced (wheybolic is good protein just way over priced) and got him to buy a gold card

She did her job.

He didn't do his, as a consumer, by researching.
GNC hates me.  I come in there to buy what I want to buy, nothing more, nothing less.  They're only a last resort anyways.  They try and sell me something extra, I ask them is there any specific reason beyond profit margins that they always direct customers to their products? *crickets*
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